Computer-based automotive control system |
IPC classes for russian patent Computer-based automotive control system (RU 2515028):
Anti-icing reagent and method for use thereof / 2500708
Reagent contains zeolite and a mixture of chemical reagents. The mixture contains calcium chloride, formats, carbamide and/or potassium chloride and sodium chloride. The modified zeolite contains 0.5-1.5 mm and 2.5-5.0 mm fractions. The reagent is deposited on a road surface in amount of 30-150 g/m2.
Pavement of airfield runways is laid in the upper tier with rectangular boards and comprises an inner storm water sewage network, which communicates with the working surface of the pavement via a grid of vertical drainage holes. The pavement is laid with single-layer arrangement of rectangular cellular boards with continuous channels inside them, where contours of surfaces are formed by a channelled bottom part with elements inclined relative to the working surface, flat side walls, which are vertical or truncated towards outer sides, and a ceiling of an arc section with parallel elements relative to the working surface of the board. The pavement is mounted in the cross section of the runway from different boards with serially increasing depth of channel installation from the axis of the runway to the sewage headers near its sides with formation of serially falling steps in direction of drain in joints between these profiles of channels in adjacent boards. The method for heating of walls of vertical drain holes of the pavement and signalling accent lighting of the runway surface through them consists in the fact that all cavities of the channel-drain system of the pavement from the sewage headers near the runway side to vertical drain holes are used for periodical pumping of air from heaters, and also for installation of glass fibre light guides from sources of light outside the limits of the runway to the ends of the glass fibres fixed inside the specified vertical holes in the pavement boards.
Airfield landing strip comprising a natural soil base, a base from cement concrete, a reinforced concrete surface with upper and lower reinforcement, additionally comprises expansion strips at each side, the base of which is made of polymer concrete with thickness of not more than the thickness of the layer of the natural soil base compacted under the existing part of the landing strip. On the polymer concrete surface there is a layer of cement concrete with thickness of not more than the thickness of the cement concrete base of the existing part of the landing strip, at the same time the upper reinforcement of the reinforced concrete surface of the expansion strip is connected with the upper reinforcement of the reinforced concrete surface of the existing part of the landing strip, the lower reinforcement of the reinforced concrete surface of the expansion strip is connected with the longitudinal reinforcement rods of piles, installed vertically in the area of the expansion strip and at the angle of not less than the angle of natural slope of soil of the natural base near the edge of the existing part of the landing strip in direction of its axis.
In the method to reconstruct takeoff and landing strips of aerodrome, arranged in parallel, or practically in parallel, ends of two takeoff and landing strips are arranged so that they are on the straight line, passing perpendicularly, or practically perpendicularly, to axes of these takeoff and landing strips, and the passenger platform is at the same time arranged between two takeoff and landing strips at the side of ends connected with the straight line. Besides, the connecting steering path, which ensures motion of aircrafts from the platform to the takeoff and landing strip, is laid along the straight line that connects the ends of the takeoff and landing strips, at the same time the takeoff and landing strips are arranged as specialised - one operates for takeoff, the other - for landing of aircrafts.
Technical solution is related to the field of construction, namely to reconstruction of takeoff and landing strips (TLS) of existing aerodromes for increase of their throughput capacity with observance of traffic safety. It is achieved by the fact that in method of reconstruction of takeoff and landing strips (TLS), crossing at the sharp angle, in aerodrome preferably located in piedmont area, which consists in extension of takeoff and landing strips, which is executed for the first TLS, arranged along existing first platform and having larger length, - on its short section, located behind the point of crossing of longitudinal axes of takeoff and landing strips with transfer of airplane start holding zone along it beyond the limits of runway strip of the second shorter TLS, extension of which is done by smaller length compared to extension of the first TLS, besides such extension is arranged on its section of larger length on the side opposite to airplane start holding zone created on it outside of runway strip of the first TLS, which is joined by means of steering rod to zone of start holding of the first TLS. AT the same time, when crossing longitudinal axes of specified TLS at the sharp angle, equal to 36°, the first TLS with length of 2890 m is extended at short section by 510 m to 3400 m, and the second TLS with length of 2230 m - is extended at section of larger length by 150 m, and additionally by 80 m from the side of start holding zone of airplanes on it to length of 2430 m, at the same time along runway strip of the first TLS from the side, which is opposite to the first platform, the second platform is erected, and the first TLS is connected by speed steering roads to main steering road, arranged along the second platform outside the runway strip of the first TLS, and additionally by speed steering roads to the first platform.
Invention is related to the field of construction, in particular to construction of aerodromes in complex geotechnical and severe climate conditions. Aerodrome pavement is made of plates with size of 7x20 m, longitudinal through deformation seam has the shape of equilateral hexagon sides. Plates are reinforced with two welded meshes. Owing to the shape of longitudinal through seam, retaining force of neighboring plates is increased. It makes it possible to increase permissible value of soil base heaving to 40 mm and, accordingly, to increase thickness of irreplaceable heaving soil base at least twice, to reduce thickness of artificial base made of non-heaving material. Application of geotextile of "Dornit" type as anti-silting layer reduces labour intensiveness of its arrangement and improves operation of soil base after is has thawed. Direct support of single-layer hard pavement on artificial base increases flexural rigidity in winter period and reduces uneven deformations of frosty heaving. Negative effect of frost-shattered cracks on longitudinal and transverse joints is avoided. Period is increased between major overhauls of landing strips in aerodromes located in complex geotechnical and severe climate conditions.
Invention is related to the field of construction, in particular to construction of aerodromes in complex geotechnical and severe climate conditions. Aerodrome pavement is made of plates with size of 7x20 m, longitudinal through deformation seam has the shape of equilateral hexagon sides. Plates are reinforced with two welded meshes. Owing to the shape of longitudinal through seam, retaining force of neighboring plates is increased. It makes it possible to increase permissible value of soil base heaving to 40 mm and, accordingly, to increase thickness of irreplaceable heaving soil base at least twice, to reduce thickness of artificial base made of non-heaving material. Application of geotextile of "Dornit" type as anti-silting layer reduces labour intensiveness of its arrangement and improves operation of soil base after is has thawed. Direct support of single-layer hard pavement on artificial base increases flexural rigidity in winter period and reduces uneven deformations of frosty heaving. Negative effect of frost-shattered cracks on longitudinal and transverse joints is avoided. Period is increased between major overhauls of landing strips in aerodromes located in complex geotechnical and severe climate conditions.
Technical solution is related to the field of construction, namely to reconstruction of takeoff and landing strips (TLS) of existing aerodromes for increase of their throughput capacity with observance of traffic safety. It is achieved by the fact that in method of reconstruction of takeoff and landing strips (TLS), crossing at the sharp angle, in aerodrome preferably located in piedmont area, which consists in extension of takeoff and landing strips, which is executed for the first TLS, arranged along existing first platform and having larger length, - on its short section, located behind the point of crossing of longitudinal axes of takeoff and landing strips with transfer of airplane start holding zone along it beyond the limits of runway strip of the second shorter TLS, extension of which is done by smaller length compared to extension of the first TLS, besides such extension is arranged on its section of larger length on the side opposite to airplane start holding zone created on it outside of runway strip of the first TLS, which is joined by means of steering rod to zone of start holding of the first TLS. AT the same time, when crossing longitudinal axes of specified TLS at the sharp angle, equal to 36°, the first TLS with length of 2890 m is extended at short section by 510 m to 3400 m, and the second TLS with length of 2230 m - is extended at section of larger length by 150 m, and additionally by 80 m from the side of start holding zone of airplanes on it to length of 2430 m, at the same time along runway strip of the first TLS from the side, which is opposite to the first platform, the second platform is erected, and the first TLS is connected by speed steering roads to main steering road, arranged along the second platform outside the runway strip of the first TLS, and additionally by speed steering roads to the first platform.
In the method to reconstruct takeoff and landing strips of aerodrome, arranged in parallel, or practically in parallel, ends of two takeoff and landing strips are arranged so that they are on the straight line, passing perpendicularly, or practically perpendicularly, to axes of these takeoff and landing strips, and the passenger platform is at the same time arranged between two takeoff and landing strips at the side of ends connected with the straight line. Besides, the connecting steering path, which ensures motion of aircrafts from the platform to the takeoff and landing strip, is laid along the straight line that connects the ends of the takeoff and landing strips, at the same time the takeoff and landing strips are arranged as specialised - one operates for takeoff, the other - for landing of aircrafts.
Airfield landing strip comprising a natural soil base, a base from cement concrete, a reinforced concrete surface with upper and lower reinforcement, additionally comprises expansion strips at each side, the base of which is made of polymer concrete with thickness of not more than the thickness of the layer of the natural soil base compacted under the existing part of the landing strip. On the polymer concrete surface there is a layer of cement concrete with thickness of not more than the thickness of the cement concrete base of the existing part of the landing strip, at the same time the upper reinforcement of the reinforced concrete surface of the expansion strip is connected with the upper reinforcement of the reinforced concrete surface of the existing part of the landing strip, the lower reinforcement of the reinforced concrete surface of the expansion strip is connected with the longitudinal reinforcement rods of piles, installed vertically in the area of the expansion strip and at the angle of not less than the angle of natural slope of soil of the natural base near the edge of the existing part of the landing strip in direction of its axis.
Pavement of airfield runways is laid in the upper tier with rectangular boards and comprises an inner storm water sewage network, which communicates with the working surface of the pavement via a grid of vertical drainage holes. The pavement is laid with single-layer arrangement of rectangular cellular boards with continuous channels inside them, where contours of surfaces are formed by a channelled bottom part with elements inclined relative to the working surface, flat side walls, which are vertical or truncated towards outer sides, and a ceiling of an arc section with parallel elements relative to the working surface of the board. The pavement is mounted in the cross section of the runway from different boards with serially increasing depth of channel installation from the axis of the runway to the sewage headers near its sides with formation of serially falling steps in direction of drain in joints between these profiles of channels in adjacent boards. The method for heating of walls of vertical drain holes of the pavement and signalling accent lighting of the runway surface through them consists in the fact that all cavities of the channel-drain system of the pavement from the sewage headers near the runway side to vertical drain holes are used for periodical pumping of air from heaters, and also for installation of glass fibre light guides from sources of light outside the limits of the runway to the ends of the glass fibres fixed inside the specified vertical holes in the pavement boards.
Anti-icing reagent and method for use thereof / 2500708
Reagent contains zeolite and a mixture of chemical reagents. The mixture contains calcium chloride, formats, carbamide and/or potassium chloride and sodium chloride. The modified zeolite contains 0.5-1.5 mm and 2.5-5.0 mm fractions. The reagent is deposited on a road surface in amount of 30-150 g/m2.
Invention relates to machine building. Proposed system comprises data recorder and reproducer built around magnetic carriers, tape recorder, computer, LC display, loud speaker and microwave transmitter. Magnetic data carrier is composed by road coat with ferromagnetic material. Playback head and feedback are mounted at carrier perpendicular to road coat to register magnetic field variations at carrier motion over specially configured road sections with magnetic carrier. Magnetic field variations converted by electromagnetic field are fed to microprocessor. Carrier moving over road coat with ferromagnetic filler reads data written at said section, processes it and sends to carrier actuators, identification code electronic transducer (vin), warning devices, monitor and loud speaker and to onboard computer. Data received in motion limits carrier speed to preset algorithms to inhibit motion to oncoming traffic lane and to stop the carrier at crossings and to identify the carrier.
FIELD: physics, control. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to machine building. Proposed system comprises data recorder and reproducer built around magnetic carriers, tape recorder, computer, LC display, loud speaker and microwave transmitter. Magnetic data carrier is composed by road coat with ferromagnetic material. Playback head and feedback are mounted at carrier perpendicular to road coat to register magnetic field variations at carrier motion over specially configured road sections with magnetic carrier. Magnetic field variations converted by electromagnetic field are fed to microprocessor. Carrier moving over road coat with ferromagnetic filler reads data written at said section, processes it and sends to carrier actuators, identification code electronic transducer (vin), warning devices, monitor and loud speaker and to onboard computer. Data received in motion limits carrier speed to preset algorithms to inhibit motion to oncoming traffic lane and to stop the carrier at crossings and to identify the carrier. EFFECT: higher traffic safety. 1 dwg
Automated control system on the vehicle relates to the field of electronic engineering. Analogues of the automated control system on a vehicle - EN 2041104. The application of the automated control system on a vehicle is able to achieve the following objectives: to inform truck drivers about road conditions and traffic relief; duplicate traffic signs and road markings; automatically realize the speed of vehicles; to restrict travel into oncoming traffic; to prohibit the intersections and railway crossings on prohibiting the traffic lights; to inform the police about the technical condition of the vehicle and registration information; to organize traffic in automatic mode. Automated control system is not exposed to weather influences and enables drivers to receive information about road markings when contaminated (icy, snowy) of the road surface, when visibility is reduced to inform about the existing restrictions and warnings on this stretch of road, forced to limit the speed of the vehicle, making it impossible to travel into oncoming traffic. Structurally, the device consists of elements: road p. the pilot with magnetic storage media (1), the magnetic head (2), the amplifier of electric signals (3), the microprocessor (4), the electronic command device (6), monitor (5), the sensor identification data (VIN) (10), loudspeaker (8), ultrashortwave transmitter (7), the magnetic coil feedback (9), on-Board computer of the vehicle (11). The magnetic head receives electromagnetic waves and transmits them to the amplifier of electric signals. Urgently signal is transmitted to the microprocessor, processed and depending on the algorithm operating program Manager directs an electrical signal to the electronic command device, on-Board computer of the vehicle and the monitor. Electronic command device switches the received signal and sends it depending on the switching conditions on VHF transmitter, loudspeaker, sensor identification data. The sensor sends identification data encoded digital signal on the magnetic coil feedback and VHF transmitter. Magnetic head, an amplifier of electric signals, the magnetic coil feedback are mounted on the housing at the bottom center of the vehicle, perpendicular to the direction of movement. The maximum distance from the road surface to the surface of the magnetic head and the magnetic coil sostav the et 40 centimeters. The processor, the electronic command device, VHF transmitter, sensor personal identification data is carried out in one unit, which is installed in the engine compartment of the vehicle. Monitor and loudspeaker mounted on the dashboard. Magnetic head, an amplifier of electric signals, the magnetic coil feedback are installed parallel to each other, from the front side to them is set the amplifier of electric signals, and closed protective plastic case. Block electromagnetic heads, magnetic coil and amplifier of electric signals is connected with the processor electric four-wire shielded cable. The microprocessor, the electronic command device, the sensor identification data, VHF transmitter implemented on a single printed circuit Board and mounted in the same control unit. Monitor and loudspeaker are connected to the control unit shielded cable consisting of four wires. The onboard computer of the vehicle is connected with a control unit shielded cable consisting of six wires. Device for the automated control system on a vehicle is installed on the vehicle, block the magnetic head, the electromagnetic coil feedback, Wuxi is ITIL electrical signals are installed on the bottom of the vehicle. The microprocessor, the electronic command device, the sensor identification data, VHF transmitter installed in the engine compartment of the vehicle. Monitor, loudspeaker installed in the cab on the dashboard. When turning on the ignition system of the vehicle the unit is direct current voltage of 12 volts input to the amplifier of electric signals, a microprocessor, an electronic command device, monitor, VHF transmitter, sensor identification data. In the static state, the device passively on the monitor screen is not displayed information, the speaker is not producing sound team. In the dynamic condition during movement of the vehicle on the road section, the road surface is made of ferromagnetic material (iron oxide) or incorporated other sources of the magnetic field sensed by the magnetic fluctuations of the magnetic head increases their amplifier of electric signals and sends to the microprocessor, where Seagal is converted and processed. Depending on the algorithm of the computer program by transmitting signals to the electronic command device include various peripheral devices management and alerts. The automated system on the vehicle, on the emitting device recording and playback of information on magnetic media, tape recorder, computer, LCD monitor, audio speaker, ultrashortwave transmitter, characterized in that the magnetic media is paving the highway with a ferromagnetic material, the head playback and feedback are installed on the car perpendicular to the road surface and record the change in the magnetic field at the time of movement of vehicles specially equipped for the road with magnetic media, oscillating magnetic field, the converted electromagnetic head, come to the microprocessor, a vehicle moving on a road surface with a ferromagnetic filler, reads recorded on this stretch of the road information, processes it and sends it to the execution units of the vehicle, electronic sensor identification code (vin), devices, alerts, monitor and sound dynamics, but also to the onboard computer of the vehicle, the information obtained during movement of the vehicle according to established algorithms of the program, automatically limits the speed of movement, making it impossible to travel into oncoming traffic, forcibly stops the vehicle at intersections and railway station, the author moves on prohibiting signals and identifies the vehicle.
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