Method for prediction of risk of thrombocytopenia development accompanying clinical course of chronic lymphatic leukaemia |
IPC classes for russian patent Method for prediction of risk of thrombocytopenia development accompanying clinical course of chronic lymphatic leukaemia (RU 2508543):
To determine a risk of cell malignancy, a biopsy material taken from an individual is used to prepare a cell smear or a cell suspension in the hypoxic environment. The material is exposed to a pathogenic agent specified in UV light. The recurrent UV light exposure is followed by spectrofluorometry of the sample, and if the dark environment is characterised by an increase of NAD(P)H fluorescence intensity, the cells are diagnosed as malignant.
There are studied mother's anamnestic data and child's clinical examination, specifically to determine the presence of genetic thrombophilia in the mother, the presence of foetal delayed growth (FDG) in the child, umbilical blood standard base deficient (BEecf) and standard bicarbonate (HCO3-), partial oxygen tension (pO2), as well as relative peripheral blood neutrophils and lymphocytes on the first days of child's life to calculate thereafter a prognostic index (PI) by formula. If PI is more than 0, no risk of the instragastic haemorrhage is stated, while PI less than 0 enables predicting a high risk of the given pathology in the children in the early neonatal period.
Method of treating unresectable primary lung cancer / 2506974
Invention refers to medicine, oncology, therapy of patients suffering lung cancer and having contraindications to the surgical management. There are prescribed autohemochemotherapy (AHCT) that is administering chemopreparations incubated with autoblood, and radiation therapy (RT). Pre-therapeutic blood prolactin and progesterone are measured, and before the beginning of the AHCT, the patient starts taking bromocriptine 2.5 mg once a day with food; besides, oxyprogesterone capronate 1 ml is administered intramuscularly twice a week every 3 days. That is followed by the AHCT course consisting of 1-3 administrations of autoblood CP, and if observing a complete tumour resorption, the surgical management to the extent of pneumoectomy is supposed to follow, while a partial resorption observed two weeks after the last auroblood CP administered, implies the RT: at first 2 Gy twice a day every 4-5 hours starting from 5 days a week to achieve a basic dose of 28 Gy. That is followed by a 2-week pause, then 4 Gy daily, 3 radiation fractions a week, 6 fractions in total, up to a total radiation dose of 52 Gy for the whole RT course. Throughout the treatment, the patient keeps taking bromocriptine and oxyprogesterone capronate with controlling the blood prolactin and progesterone values: as compared to the pre-therapeutic values, prolactin is expected to fall to the end of the treatments, while progesterone - to rise.
Method of predicting efficiency of pre-operation radiotherapy of squamous cell carcinomas of head and neck / 2506902
Invention relates to field of medicine, namely to oncology. In order to predict efficiency of pre-operation radiotherapy of squamous carcinpmas of head and neck immune-enzyme analysis of TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 in blood serum is carried out. Level of MMP-2 and dimensions of primary tumour are additionally determined in accordance with international classification TNM. Discriminant functions Y1 and Y2, and efficiency of pre-operation radiotherapy is predicted on the basis of their comparison.
Method of differential diagnostics of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of iii degree and pre-invasive cervical cancer, associated with human papilloma virus / 2506892
Invention relates to field of medicine, namely to diagnostics of malignant neoplasms by immunologic methods. Laboratory analysis is carried out. In course of laboratory analysis the following immunologic parameters are determined: content of CD10×109/l, CD20×109Al, CD25×l09/l lymphocytes of peripheral blood, functional reserve of cervical mucus neutrophils, level of blood IL-10, and levels of blood IFN-γ and TNF-α of cervical mucus. On the basis of obtained data calculated is parameter, the value of which is used to diagnose carcinoma in situ or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of III degree.
Method of early diagnostics of mammary gland disease in cows / 2506891
Invention relates to field of veterinary. In order to carry out early diagnostics of mammary gland disease in cows, electric conductivity of milk is determined for each quarter of udder in each milking. Electric conductivity of milk is preliminarily determined for a healthy cow, which underwent clinical examination, during three days in morning and evening milking for each quarter of udder. Absolute average electric conductivity of milk for each quarter of udder for three days is calculated. Further, index of average electric conductivity of milk is determined in each milking for each quarter of udder, and if index of average electric conductivity of milk in at least one quarter of udder deviates from absolute average electric conductivity of respective quarter of udder towards increase by 10-15% and more, subclinical form of mastitis is diagnosed.
Invention relates to field of medicine. In order to diagnose syndrome of insulin resistance patient's saliva is analysed. A drop of 0.9% sodium chloride solution is added to a drop of patient's saliva. Obtained preparation is kept for 24 hours in horizontal position at room temperature, 50-70% humidity, far from direct sun rays and heating devices, and analysed under microscope. If rounded, of irregular shape crystals are present in the field of view at the background of clear rhombus-like centres of crystallisation with diverging rays, presence of insulin resistance is determined, if separate rounded of irregular shape crystals are present at the entire field of view, conclusion about absence of insulin resistance is made.
Present invention refers to medicine, namely to dentistry, and describes a method for prediction of the child's adaptation to a surgical intervention for cleft lip and palate. The method involves the oral saliva sampling daily for 3-4 preoperative days; the saliva sample is dried for 1-2 hours at room temperature; that is followed by a microscopic examination of a central zone of the prepared fraction with uniform herringbone crystals with opposite directed frosting primary branches taken as a norm, and if observing the same, a favourable ground for the surgery is predicted. Irregular shaped crystals with a multiple branch herringbone and a random overall pattern and density, the child's state is considered to be unfavourable for the surgical intervention.
Method for microfilaria recovery from animal and human blood / 2506588
Invention refers to parasitology. For the purpose of microfilaria recovery and detection, microscopic preparations are taken by placing a blood sample into a test tube with the anticoagulant K3 EDTA; plasma is separated from formed elements by deposition for 20-24 hours at temperature 4-15°C without centrifugation. A deposits on its plasma border surface forms a funnel at the bottom of which microfilaria are concentrated; liquid plasma 15-20 mcl is sampled from the bottom, mixed with 1% Lugol's solution; smears are prepared that is followed by microxcopic examination and helminth collection.
Method of determining individual risk of acute pancreatitis development after endoscopic transpapillary intervention / 2506037
Invention relates to field of medicine, in particular to endosurgery. To determine individual risk of acute pancreatitis development after endoscopic transpapillary intervention, analysis of demographic data and biochemical blood test is carried out. In the course of pre-operation examination index of risk of acute pancreatitis development (IRPD) is determined by formula: IRPD=(A1×2/An+Bt/100)×(40/C1)×D×E, where: A1 stands for values of patient's blood amylase; An stands for normal maximal values of blood amylase; ; B1 stands for value of patient's blood bilirubin; C1 stands for patient's age; D stands for patient's sex: D=2, if patient is female and D=1, if patient is male; E stands for character of the main disease: E=1 in patients with tumours of hepatopancreatobiliary zone; E=2 for patients with choledocholithiasis, E=3 in patients with virsungolithiasis, with stenosis of major duodenal papilla, as well as in patients with combination of choledocholithiasis and stenosis of major duodenal papilla. If IRPD <0.5, risk of acute pancreatitis development is lower than 2%; if IRPD =0.5-0.99 risk of development constitutes 2-10%; if IRPD=1-1.99, risk of development is 11-20%; if IRPD=2-3.99 - 21-30%; if IRPD=4-5 - 31-40%; if IRPD>5 - more than 40%.
FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: method for the prediction of a risk of the thrombocytopenia development accompanying the clinical course of chronic lymphatic leukaemia involves the DNA recovery from peripheral venous blood, the analysis of interleukin 1A - 889C/T gene and interleukin 1 receptor antagonist VNTR polymorphisms. EFFECT: high risk of the thrombocytopenia development accompanying the clinical course of chronic lymphatic leukaemia is predicted if an allele has been detected. 1 tbl, 4 dwg
The invention relates to the field of medical diagnostics, can be used to predict the risk of thrombocytopenia in the course of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a benign tumor, its substrate consists predominantly of morphologically Mature lymphocytes. The disease manifests lymphocytic leukocytosis, diffuse lymphocytic proliferation in the bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen and liver [1]. The course of chronic lymphocytic leukemia is characterized by the development of various complications [2]. The most frequent complications are cytopenic syndromes, such as anemia and thrombocytopenia. Cytopenic complications in CLL is more often caused by immune system disorders in which the immune system attacks and destroys its own red blood cells. The relationship between duration of life of patients and cytopenic complications obvious. When thrombocytopenia (13-15% of cases) occur bleeding or hemorrhage in the brain that become the cause of death of patients [3]. As evidenced by the results of several studies, a significant role in the development of cytopenic complications of chronic lymphocytic leukemia played by genetic factors. Among the candidate genes, regulatory, mainly about Essy nonspecific defense, cell proliferation, hematopoiesis and apoptosis are essential genes for interleukins, in particular interleukin 1A and receptor antagonist interleukin 1 [4]. Interleukin 1A or IL-1A cytokine with a wide range of biological and physiological effects. This cytokine polifunzionale and performs at least 50 different functions, targets which are cells of almost all tissues and organs. IL-1A consists of 271 amino acid residue with a molecular mass of 17 kDa. The gene encoding IL-1A, mapped on the long arm of chromosome 2, in the promoter whose parts are in the position -889 is a single nucleotide substitution (-889C/T) [5]. Receptor antagonist interleukin 1 or IL-1Ra was first isolated from the culture medium stimulated monocytes and had the ability to inhibit the action of IL-1 on lymphocytes and fibroblasts by blocking the binding of IL-1 with cellular receptors. The gene encoding IL-1Ra, mapped on the long arm of chromosome 2 in the region q14. In the gene for IL-1Ra known minisatellite polymorphism is variability in the number 86-membered tandem repeats, VNTR in the 2nd intron, which implies the existence of five alleles, each of which corresponds to a certain number of repetitions. The most common allele of IL-1Ra∗1, containing 4 repeat in 71% of the population, and allele IL-1Ra∗2, containing 286-membered repeat 23% of the community is. The remaining alleles occur in less than 5% of cases [6]. A known method for diagnosis and prognosis of cancer, based on the study of somatic mutations in the gene multifunctional tumor suppressor (MTS) in the case of human neoplasms. U.S. patent No. 2164419, 27.03.2001. "MTS gene, Mutations of this gene and methods of diagnosis zlokachestvennykh of tumors using gene sequence MTS" (Myriad Genetics, Inc. (US), etc). The invention relates to mutations of the gene MTS in the germ line and the use of these mutations for the diagnosis of predisposition to these cancers, like melanoma, ocular melanoma, leukemia, astrocytoma, glioblastoma, lymphoma, glioma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, multiple myeloma, sarcoma, myosarcoma, loungeorama, caluclation carcinoma, chronic limfoidnye lymphocytic leukemia, and tumors of the pancreas, ovaries, uterus, testes, kidneys, stomach, colon and rectum. The invention also relates to the treatment of those human neoplasms, in which the mutation occurred in the gene MTS, including gene therapy, replacing protein therapy and the use of mimetics. The technical result of the invention is the expansion of the means of diagnosis and therapy of tumors. The disadvantage of the method lies in the complexity analysis, its duration and to whom egovina. A prototype of the selected RF patent №2248574 at the request of the Russian Federation No. 2003123171/15, 22.07.2003 "a Method for predicting the development and course of chronic lymphocytic leukemia" (Bakirov A.B. (RU), Bakirov B.A. (EN), where a method for forecasting the development and course of chronic lymphocytic leukemia by typing polymorphism DNA of lymphocytes isolated from the blood of the patient, TNF-alfa and TNF-beta, including the fence peripheral venous blood from the cells which secrete DNA by polymerase chain reaction of DNA synthesis, performed genotyping of the polymorphism in the promoter regions of TNF-αandβand in the detection of genotype LT∗22, characterized by the presence of mutations of the gene TNF-βin the homozygous state, identify individuals predisposed to the development of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and when determining the combinations of genotypes of TNF∗22/LT∗22 and TNF∗12/LT∗11 in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia predict aggressive disease course. The disadvantage of the prototype is that it does not enable to predict the propensity of a patient to thrombocytopenia. The goal of this research is to expand the Arsenal of diagnostic methods, namely a method of predicting the risk of thrombocytopenia in the course of chronic lymphocytic leukemia according to genetic polymorphisms-889C/T gene interleukin 1A and VNTR antagonist of the receptor for interleukin 1. The technical result of the use of the invention is the obtaining of the criteria for the assessment of the risk of thrombocytopenia in the course of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. In accordance with the assigned task has been developed a method for predicting the risk of thrombocytopenia in the course of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, including: - isolation of DNA from peripheral venous blood; analysis of polymorphisms-889C/T gene interleukin 1A and VNTR receptor antagonist interleukin 1; - prediction of the development of thrombocytopenia in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in case of detection of allele-T IL-1A and/or allele of IL-1Ra∗1. Novelty and inventive step lies in the fact that the prior art is not known to be able to predict the development of thrombocytopenia in the course of chronic lymphocytic leukemia by the presence of allele-889T gene interleukin 1A (polymorphism-889C/T IL-1A) and/or allele of IL-1Ra∗1 gene receptor antagonist interleukin 1 (VNTR polymorphism of IL-1Ra). The method is as follows: DNA extracted from peripheral venous blood samples of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in 2 stages. At the first stage to 4 ml of blood add 25 ml of lyse buffer containing 320 mm sucrose, 1% Triton X-100, 5 mm MgCl2, 10 mm Tris-HCl (pH=7,6). The resulting mixture was stirred and centrifuged at 4°C, 4000 rpm for 20 minutes. After centrifuge is of the supernatant liquid is poured, to the precipitate add 4 ml of a solution containing 25 mm EDTA (pH=8,0) and 75 mm NaCl, resuspension. Then add 0.4 ml of 10% SDS, 35 ál of proteinase K (10 mg/ml) and incubate the sample at 37°C for 16 hours. In the second stage of the lysate obtained consistently carried out the DNA extraction with equal volumes of phenol, phenol-chloroform (1:1) and chloroform by centrifugation at 4000 rpm for 10 minutes. After each centrifugation produce the selection of the aqueous phase. DNA is precipitated from the solution with two volumes of chilled 96% ethanol. Formed DNA is dissolved in twice distilled, deionized water and stored at -20°C. The selected DNA is then subjected to polymerase chain reaction using standard oligonucleotide primers (table 1).
The invention is characterized in the following figures: Figure 1. Electrophoretic separation of the products of the restriction gene -889 C/T IL-1A, where the numbers 2, 3, 4 homozygotes - T; figures 5, 6, 10 - heterozygote-SS, figures 1, 7-9, 11-14 heterozygotes-ST. Figure 2. Electrophoretic separation of the amplification products VNTR polymorphism of IL-1Ra, where the numbers 1, 2, 10-13 heterozygotes 2R/4R; figures 3-7, 9, 14 homozygotes 4R/4R, figure 8 - heterozygote 2R/5R. Fig. Allele frequency-T IL-1A among CLL patients depending on the presence of thrombocytopenia at the time of the survey and in the control group, %. Figure 4. Allele frequency of IL-1Ra∗1 among CLL patients depending on the presence of thrombocytopenia at the time of the survey and in the control group, %. The study of the polymorphic locus of interleukin 1A (-C/T IL-1A) was carried out as follows. The reaction was performed in a 12.5 µl total volume with the art, containing 33.5 mm Tris-HCl (pH 8,8), 1.25 mm MgCl2, 0.5 μg of genomic DNA, 5 PM of each primer, 100 μm dATP, dGTP, dCTP, dTTP, and 1 unit of active Taq polymerase. After denaturation (3 min at 95°C) was performed with 35 cycles of amplification under the scheme: denaturation 1 min at 95°C; annealing of primers for 1 min at 55°C; elongation -1 min at 72°C. Then the sample was kept 5 min at 72°C and cooled. After RFLP analysis of the products of the enzyme were analyzed by 3%agarose gel, bromide stained by ethidium, within 1 hour 30 minutes at 80V. As an electrophoretic buffer used 1×TAE (Tris-acetate buffer). Then the samples identified in the transmitted UV light. Fragments of length 99 base pairs (BP) corresponded to the allele-S gene T/IL-1A, 83 and 16 BP - allele-T, fragments of length 99, 83 and 16 BP was observed in heterozygotes-ST (figure 1). In the analysis of VNTR polymorphism of IL-1Ra reaction was performed in a 12.5 μl total volume of the mixture containing 33.5 mm Tris-HCl (pH 8,8), 1.25 mm MgCl2, 0.5 μg of genomic DNA, 5 PM of each primer, 100 μm dATP, dGTP, dCTP, dTTP, and 1 unit of active Taq polymerase. After denaturation (4 min at 95°C) was performed with 32 cycles of amplification under the scheme: denaturation - 40 sec at 94°C; annealing of primers to 40 sec at 60°C; elongation - 1 min at 72°C. Then the sample was kept 5 min at 72°C and cooled. Amplification products were analyzed in 2%agarose gel, stained bromide is m ethidium, for 30 minutes at 160V. As an electrophoretic buffer used 1×TAE (Tris-acetate buffer). Then the samples identified in the transmitted UV light. As a result of amplification of the identified DNA fragments by length 240-595 P.N., 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 copies of tandem repeats. These alleles were designated as 2R, 3R, 4R, 5R and 6R and met alleles of IL-1Ra 2, 3, 1, 4, and 5, respectively (figure 2). Formation of database and statistical calculations were performed using the STATISTICA 6.0". Association of alleles and genotypes of the studied DNA markers with the development of thrombocytopenia in the course of chronic lymphocytic leukemia was evaluated using analysis of contingency tables 2×2 with the calculation of χ2 with the amendment of the Yates continuity and odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) [7]. The possibility of using the proposed method for assessing the risk of thrombocytopenia in the course of chronic lymphocytic leukemia confirms the analysis of observations 206 patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and 307 human population control. Patients were included in the appropriate group of patients only after diagnosis of the disease, confirmed using clinical and laboratory and instrumental methods of examination. The studied group included individuals of Russian nationality whom the Xia natives of Central Chernozem region of Russia and do not have a relationship with each other. It is established that patients with significant thrombocytopenia at the time of the survey have a maximum concentration of molecular genetic marker T IL-1A (36,54%) (figure 3), which is statistically significantly higher than the rate in the control group (22,77%, χ2=4.26 deaths, p=0.03, OR=1,95, 95% CI of 1.03-3,67). Similar orientation data were obtained during the study of the distribution of allele IL-1Ra∗1 patients developed thrombocytopenia at the time of the survey (84,62%) compared with control (70,31%, χ2=4,11, p=0.04, OR=2,32, 95% CI of 1.02-5,46) (figure 4). Thus, the obtained data suggest that allele-T gene IL-1A, allele IL-1Ra∗1 gene receptor antagonist interleukin 1 are risk factors for the development of thrombocytopenia in the course of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (OR=1,95 and OR=2,32, respectively). 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