Retarded object adaptive system |
IPC classes for russian patent Retarded object adaptive system (RU 2482533):
At least one dynamic pressure signal is measured by means of at least one pressure sensor in or on the turbine compressor, as well as one or more operating parameters of the turbine are measured by means of one or more other sensors under normal operating conditions of the turbine, and/or dynamic pressure signal, as well as one or more other operating parameters, which have been measured under normal operating conditions of the turbine, are read out; at that, dynamic pressure signal is subject to frequency analysis, by means of which one or more parameters of frequency spectrum of pressure signal are determined. Based on one or more measured operating parameters and one or more parameters of frequency spectrum of pressure signal, one or more neutron networks are trained, which have one or more measured operating parameters and one or more parameters of frequency spectrum of pressure signal as input values, and have at least one diagnostics parameter as the output value, which represents the measure of probability for availability of normal operating conditions of the turbine depending on input values.
Speed of a dynamic object at specific sections of a trajectory via simultaneous adjustment of signals of programmed action in each control channel is set as high as possible, while increasing it until, in the currently most loaded control channel(s) of the dynamic object, the value(s) of the input signal, which is directly proportional to the speed of the dynamic object on the trajectory, moves the corresponding actuating element(s) of the most loaded control channel(s) into a saturation zone and a zone of nonlinearity of characteristics thereof, and while reducing that speed directly proportional to the value of the input signal, whose modulus is greater than a certain maximum allowable value thereof.
Proposed method consists in the fact that the time-dependant signal that characterises the ignition current of igniter (14) is compared to upper limit value and lower limit value, and at the same time, the characteristic signal is compared to average value of the specified current, relative to which the ignition current shall randomly oscillate at igniter (14) in operation.
Disclosed is a combined robust control system for non-stationary dynamic objects, having a coefficient unit, first, second and third adder units, a parallel compensator filter, first and second multipliers, a delay unit, a control object whose outputs are connected to corresponding inputs of the coefficient unit; inputs of the adder unit are connected to corresponding outputs of the coefficient unit; the output of the adder unit is connected to the input of the parallel compensator filter, the output of which is connected to both inputs of the first multiplier and the second input of the second multiplier, wherein the output of the first multiplier is connected to the first input of the second adder unit and the first input of the third adder unit; the output of the second adder unit is connected to the second input of the third adder unit and the input of the delay unit, the output of which is connected to the second input of the second adder unit; the first input of the second multiplier is connected to the output of the third adder unit; the output of the second multiplier is connected to the input of the control object.
System, having a status observer, a coefficient unit, a first adder unit, a first multiplier, a second adder unit, a delay unit, series-connected second multiplier and adjustment unit, additionally includes an integrator and a third adder unit.
System includes a control object, a setter, three integrators, four adders, one coefficient unit, two multipliers and one nonlinear element.
Invention may be used both for automation of equipment commissioning process and in a functional mode in devices for control of electric generators in order to get the required value of output parameters, in particular, to control generator excitation in order to weaken hazardous effect of overloads or transition processes, for instance, in case of spontaneous connection, removal or variation of a load. The automatic voltage controller of the synchronous generator comprises a voltage metre, the first summator, a PID controller, the second summator, an amplifier, a generator of initiating pulses, a set point generator, an analog to digital converter, a signal energy calculator, a delay unit, a control parameters calculator, an averaging unit. The control parameters calculator is arranged in the form of a processor device operating in accordance with the logic of ultra-fast annealing.
In a software programmable positional electric drive there is a filter of a position control circuit arranged in the form of an aperiodic block, a corrector of a position control circuit, arranged in the form of a positional-proportionate-differential block, a corrector of a rotation frequency control circuit arranged in the form of a positional-proportionate-differential block.
Adaptive control system includes a comparison circuit (the first input whereof is connected to the adaptive control system input, the output connected to the control object input via a regulator and a summator (serially connected)), a frequency phase automatic tuning unit (the output whereof is connected to the harmonic generator input as well as (via the computer unit) to the regulator second input, the harmonic generator output connected to the first inputs of the first and the second Fourier filters the first and the second outputs whereof are connected to the corresponding inputs of the amplitude frequency response computer), the starting frequency computation unit (the first input whereof is connected to the (via the fifth key) to the regulation object output, the output (via the third key) connected to the second input of the harmonic generator the first input whereof is joined with the computer unit second input while the output (via the first key) is connected to the summator second input), a step generator (the output whereof is connected to the second input of the starting frequency computation unit as well as (via the fourth key) to the summator third input), the first selective filter (the input whereof is connected to the summator output while the output is connected to the first Fourier filer second input), the second selective filter (the input whereof is connected to the regulation object output while the output is connected to the second Fourier filer second input, the regulation object output connected (via the second key) to the comparison circuit second input.
Invention can be used in tracking systems for objects whose parameters are unknown constants or slowly time-varying quantities. It is assumed that the control object has delay whose values are known. The system comprises a control object, four coefficient units, six adders, six multipliers, four integrators, three delay units and a stimulus unit.
FIELD: information technology. SUBSTANCE: retarded object adaptive system, including series-arranged in a closed loop a first subtractor and a second subtractor, a controller and a control object, as well as series-arranged between the output of the controller and the inverting input of the second subtractor a simulator of mathematical description of the control object and a third subtractor, wherein the simulator of mathematical description of the control object contains series-arranged simulator of mathematical description of the minimum-phase part of the control object and simulator of mathematical description of the delay element of the control object, wherein the output of the control object is the output of the system and is connected to the inverting input of the first subtractor, the non-inverting input of which is the input of the system, and the non-inverting input of the third subtractor is connected to the output of the simulator of mathematical description of the minimum-phase part of the control object, which contains an identification unit, wherein the controller contains series-arranged simulator of the desirable mathematical description of an open loop and simulator of mathematical description of the reverse structure of the minimum-phase part of the control object, wherein one input of the identification unit is connected to the output of the control object, and the second input is connected to the output of the simulator of mathematical description of the control object, and its first output is connected to the input of the simulator of mathematical description of the delay element of the control object and the second output is connected to the simulator of mathematical description of the reverse structure of the minimum-phase part of the control object. EFFECT: high accuracy and high speed of operation of the system. 3 cl, 5 dwg
The invention relates to electronic engineering and automation and can be used in digital and analog automatic control systems, regulation and stabilization of various quantities (temperature, pressure, capacity, speed, etc) with feedback used in various industries and in research for the management of non-stationary objects, i.e. objects that change over time, the parameters of its mathematical description. Precision control of non-stationary dynamic objects is important in many branches of industry, technology and science. These problems are solved with the help of adaptive systems, which are corresponding changes of the controller parameters to ensure a consistent properties of the system as a whole, in spite of the change object properties. For example, if the amplification factor of the object is reduced, the controller gain must be increased, and Vice versa. The difficulty lies in determining changes in the parameters of dynamic objects. In the literature, these systems are also called self-tuning systems (SNA). Known self-adjusting system on the dynamic characteristics of the object shown in figure 1, contains: 1 - object, 2 - myCitadel, 3 - knob 4 - simulator the desired matematiche is anyone descriptions (ISMO) open loop, 5 - simulator converts the mathematical description (IMO) object, 6 - analyzer internal conditions (signals), 7 - calculator, 8 - corrective and computing device [Cpplib. theory of automatic control. The tutorial. Kharkov: publishing house of the Humanitarian center. 2007. Str, RES]. This system works as follows. The main control loop is formed by the object 1, vycitalem 2 and controller 3. The starting value of the parameters of the mathematical description (MO) of the object is approximately known. It describes the transfer function of WOand is used to determine initial settings of the controller 3. The controller consists of two cascaded blocks, the first of which, the block 4 has a transfer function of WWcorresponding to the desired MO open loop, and the second block 5 has a transfer function of WKreverse relative to a known starting MO object, there is provided an approximate equality A series connection of elements in the circuit is equivalent to the transfer function of the whole circuit WEequal to the product of the transfer functions of the elements in this circuit. Therefore, the transfer function of the circuit is equal to Due to the relation (1 achieved an approximate equality of the equivalent transfer function of the whole circuit W Eits desired value WW: Thus, in the initial state, the controller is configured to the initial parameters of the object and the system has the desired properties, so it is stable and performs its functions successfully. During operation of the system it is acted by external unknown factors F that make the object 1 to slowly modify your MO. Corrective and computing unit 8 analyzes the input and the output signal of the object on the basis of which calculates new values of the transfer function of the object, and it calculates the values of the inverse transfer function of the object and controls the second block 5 so that its transfer function has remained equal to the inverse transfer function of the object. The correcting device 8 consists of a series analyzer internal conditions (signals) and evaluator. In this system, the task analyzer external conditions (signals) 6 is to calculate the current dynamic characteristics of the object 1, changing under the influence of the unknown and unpredictable external influences F, analyzer 6 defines the parameters of the inverse structure of the MOD and enters them into the computer 7. One disadvantage of this device is the lack of detail of the description of the principle on istia this analyzer 6, therefore, to apply this structural scheme of the device requires additional detail of the structure of the analyzer 6. Another disadvantage of this device is the inability of the item 5 in case of delay elements in the composition of the transfer function of the object WO. The delay element generates at its output a signal only after some time after its appearance at the input of this element. The inverse function with respect to the delay element physically impossible to implement, because such an element would have to anticipate and to generate at its output the input signal before it appeared on its input. Closest to the claimed system is a system whose schema is shown in Fig.2, where 1 is a control object, 2 - the first myCitadel, 3 - controller 9 - second myCitadel, 10 - third myCitadel, 11 - link delay in the project management 12 - minimum phase part of the object management 13 - block simulation mathematical description of the minimum-phase part of the object 14 - block simulation mathematical description of the link delay of the object 15 is a block simulating the full mathematical description of the object [Alexander N.M., S.V. Egorov, Kuzin R.E. Adaptive system of automatic control is complex technological objects. Under the General editorship Nmetaxotos. - M.: Energy. 1973. 272 p. 15, 1-5]. This system is adopted for the prototype of the invention. The input of the system is the positive input of the first myCitadel, the system output is the output of the control object. This system works as follows. Initial settings MO object 1 are known. If the object has a link in the lag, the object can be conventionally represented as a series connection of link delay 11 and the rest of the MOD 12, called minimum-phase. The controller 3 is configured on a virtual object consisting only of the element 12 and the circuit adaptation is designed to compensate for the harmful effects of link 11. With this purpose, the contour adaptation has a block simulating the full MO object 15, consisting of a series of block 13 and block 14. If MO unit 13 fully complies with part MO real object 12, the output of this block 13 is formed such signal, which would be formed at the output of the object in case of lack of link delay 11, since the block 13 receives the same signal as the input object 1. This signal passes through myCitadel 10, generates a negative feedback signal applied to the input of the regulator while the response of the output Y on the current change in the input signal to output the and of the regulator, not yet come due to the influence of link delay 11. After a time equal to the time delay link delay 11, the output Y of a real object will be generated signal, which is the response of an object to changes of the input control signal input to the object from the output of the regulator 3. Simultaneously, the output of block 15 will receive the same signal as the delay element 14 coincides with the delay element 11, and in the end, the transfer function of series-connected elements 11 and 12 coincides with the transfer function of the cascaded elements 13 and 14. That is, the transfer function of the object 1 coincides with the transfer function of block 15. To the inverting input of vicites 10 receives a signal from the output unit 15, and to the inverting input of vicites 2 will receive the same signal from the output of the object 1. The output signal from myCitadel 10 will be transferred to the controller through myCitadel 9, coming to its inverting input. Therefore, the output signal from the block 15, having a double-inversion, is fed to the input of the regulator without inversion. And the output signal of a real object will have only one inversion and will arrive at the controller input inversion. Thus, these signals will be of opposite signs and cancel each other. In the end, abrupt changes at the input of the regulator will not occur and the system will continue to work is the substance of the case, as if in MO real object was no link delay. But as any real object always do external forcing F, which in figure 2 are not shown, but shown in Fig.1, the output signal from the real object will be different from the output unit 15. This difference will not be compensated by feedback from block 15, so it will be part of the feedback signal coming to the input of the regulator, and the control circuit will suppress the results of this impact as in all systems with negative feedback. Let the response of the object on the input signal u(t) = y(t), the response of the block 15, respectively, is equal to yM(t). Both of these response contain the delay on the value of τ. Therefore, if the signal u(t) occurred at time t0then the output signal will appear only at the moment of time t1=τ+t0and till this time the controller does not receive a feedback signal from a real object. Response block 15 is formed with two series-connected blocks 13 and 14, the second of which only 14 introduces a delay on the value of τ, and the first element 13 corresponds to only part of the MO of the object 12, is free from this lag. Therefore, the output signal of the mind0(t) output only element 13 does not contain this lag, that is, this signal appears in the PTO is t time t 0and ahead of time signals yM(t) and y(t) by an amount τ. To the input of the regulator enters the following algebraic sum of signals: On the interval from 0 to t0due to the lag of yM(t)=0, y(t)=0, so This means that the time interval circuit with feedback contains only the controller and part of the MO 13, it contains no link delay. Therefore, the sustainability of such a circuit can be easily achieved. After a time-delay link delay to the input of the regulator receives all three of the signal represented in equation (4), which can be represented as follows: If the MOD block 15 was exactly the MO of a real object, then the sum in square brackets would be strictly equal to zero and the feedback circuit would operate exactly the same as before the arrival of the delayed signal, i.e. the ratio (5). But on the real object are uncontrolled disturbances. Therefore, the output signal of a real object is always different from the output signal of the block 15 to the value Thus, the controller receives a signal that resembles the following: In this sum the rst term is formed more quickly, it answers the AET for the properties of the circuit at high frequencies. Therefore, it ensures the stability of the feedback loop. The second term includes a control object, it provides the sensitivity of the feedback loop to the real changes of the real object. In General, these two components make up the signal, which would be formed if the MOD object was no link delay. Thus, in the system a suppression of the harmful effects of link delay, which is included in the MOD object, preserving the properties of the system with negative feedback, which consists in the suppression of the external influences F. In addition, in the block diagram of this device there is a link from the actual object 12 to the block 13 shown in dotted lines. It is assumed that changes in the activity of MO 12 real object 1 somehow affect the block 13. However, in the description of this system is not described any device, flow diagram or algorithm by which these changes could be determined and entered in block 13. A significant drawback of the described system is the impossibility of its implementation due to the lack of description of the structure and working principle of connection between the elements 12 and 13. Therefore, the system does not have sufficient adaptive properties, and it can lose its positive qualities until p is Teri sustainability, if the accumulated changes of the parameters of the real MO object would violate the conditions of stability of the closed dynamic systems. Thus, this system is not adaptive and does not reach the solution of the tasks, if at least one parameter of the object varies significantly over time under the action of the influences of external conditions. Another drawback of this system is that it is specifically designed for an object with delay, and if the delay in the object is absent or negligible, the elements 11 and 14 are identical simple repeater signals, therefore, to the input of vicites will receive identical signals, and its output will be their difference, i.e. the zero signal, resulting for such objects adaptive feedback element 15 is missing, and the whole system turns into the well-known feedback system containing only the object 1, myCitadel 2 and knob 3. The invention solves the problem of providing effective adaptation of the control object by improving the accuracy and performance of the system adaptation, and also allows you to improve its dynamic properties. The problem is solved in that the proposed adaptive system for an object with delay, including consistently located the closed loop of the first myCitadel and second myCitadel, the controller and the control object, and sequentially located between the controller output and inverting input of the second vicites simulator mathematical description (IMO) of the control object and the third myCitadel, and IMO object contains consistently located the IMO minimum-phase part of the object and IMO the link delay of the object, while the output of the control object is the system output and is connected to the inverting input of the first myCitadel, non-inverting input which is the input of the system, and the non-inverting input of the third vicites connected to the output of the IMO minimum-phase part of the object, which also contains the block identification, the controller contains consistently located simulator desired mathematical description (ISMO) open loop and simulator reverse patterns of mathematical descriptions (ISMA) is minimum-phase part of the object, and one input of the identification block is connected to the output of the control object, and the second - with the release of the IMO object, and its first output connected to the input of the IMO level lag of the object and the second with ISMO minimum-phase part of the model object. The identification block may contain United bidirectional links correlator and block the optimal settings, and the inputs of the correlator are the inputs of the block and is entifically, and outputs of the block optimal settings are its outputs. The identification block may contain at least one additional IMO object that is located between the controller output and the input of the correlator and its control inputs connected to the unit optimal settings. Diagram of the proposed adaptive system is shown in Fig.3. It contains: 1 is a control object, 2 - the first myCitadel, 3 - controller 9 - second myCitadel, 10 - third myCitadel, 13 - simulator mathematical description of the minimum-phase part of the object 14 - simulator mathematical description of the link delay of the object 15 - simulator mathematical description of the object 16 - simulator desired mathematical description open loop, 17 - simulator reverse patterns of mathematical description of the minimum-phase part of the model object 18 - unit identification. The input of the system is the positive input of the first vicites 2. The system output is the output of the control object 1. As unit identification may be used by the microcontroller or part with the appropriate program, equipped with ADC on each input. All elements of the system, in addition to the control object can be implemented on the same or on a different microcontroller equipped with ADC at each entrance, the Roma inputs elements 13, 14 and 17, connected with the identity, which can be digital - in this case, the ADC does not require. Thus, all devices except the control object can be implemented separately in the form of a digital device, or jointly in the form of elements of the overall program management object. This system works as follows. In the initial state the mathematical description of the control object 1, approximately known and the knob 3 is satisfactory configured that provides acceptable quality control. Although the mathematical description of the object 15 can be conditionally divided into two series-connected element 13 and the simulator mathematical description of the minimum-phase part of the object, 14 - simulator mathematical description of the link delay of the object 14, a physical model of such a partition does not have, and to measure only the output of the object 1, and the impact may be submitted only to the input of the object 1. On the simulator the mathematical description of the object 15 receives the same signals as the control object 1, so the output signals of block 15 must coincide with the output signals of the object 1. Due to the action of the external conditions of the object 1 with time gradually changes, what causes differences of the signals at the output of the object 1 from the signal output unit 15. The unit ID is 18 carries out the analysis of the compliance of the output signals of the unit 15 to output signals of a real object 1. If the detected deviations of compliance, in block 15 are made clarifying changes. To this end, the input unit 15 receives control signals from block identification. Therefore, due to the constant specifying the validity of the identification block MO unit 15 matches the MO of the object 1 including accrued changes. Due to the fact that MO unit 15 corresponds MO real object 1, the signal output unit 15 corresponds to the signal at the output of the object 1. The signal at the output of the element 13 corresponds to the signal that would be generated by the object in the absence of the inertial element. Therefore, feedback, lockable through the elements 13 and 10, does not contain a link delay. Such feedback can easily provide high accuracy and good performance and good stability margin. After any change in the circuit will generate a signal that is completely passed through the object 1, and generates a delayed response at its output, the same response will be generated and the output of block 14. The response of a real object will affect the regulator with a negative sign, since it will pass through one myCitadel 2, and the response unit 15 will cover the remains of the response that was previously generated at the output of block 13, as will be inverting input of vicites 10, at the summing input of which submits the I this signal from the output of block 13. Thus, proactive response unit 13 is valid only for the time until it formed a response from the output of a real object. As a consequence of adaptive path, formed by the block identification, MO object corresponds to the real object, so the circuit works effectively lead. In other words, in the case of full compliance with the MIS unit 15 MO real object 1, the system behaves the same as the prototype. In the case of slow changes one or more parameters of the object the action of the identification block provides the definition of new values for these parameters, for example, by the method of tracking. Therefore, the block 15 is completely relevant to the real control object 1. To this end, the identification block analyzes at least the output signals of the object and the model, and compares them according to the comparison result to compute the new improved values of MO and sends these values to the block 15 and block 17. The identification block may be arranged according to the scheme shown in Fig.4. This diagram 1 is a control object, 2 - the first myCitadel, 3 - controller 9 - second myCitadel, 10 - third myCitadel, 13 - simulator mathematical description of the minimum-phase part of the object 14 - simulator mathematical description of the link delay of the object 15 - simulant matematicheski is the first description of the control object, 16 - simulator desired mathematical description open loop, 17 - simulator mathematical description of the inverse structure of the object 18 is a block identification 19 - correlator, 20 is a block optimal settings. The identification block 18 operates as follows. The output signal simulator mathematical description of the control object 15 is fed to the correlator 19, to the second input of which receives the output signal of the control object 1. Block optimal settings 20 enters slow small deviation in the parameters MO and determines reaches if the value of the correlation function generated at the output of the correlator 19, its highest values during normal (average) value of the studied parameter MO, or it increases with increase or decrease of this parameter. In the first case, the parameter MO remains unchanged, in the second case, this parameter is increased or decreased by a small amount in that direction, which corresponds to increasing values of the correlation function. Thus, the analyzed parameter MO is changed as long as the value of the correlation function will be a maximum, and this occurs when the equality of the parameter MO to the corresponding parameter of the object. Thus, specification of the desired parameter MO is carried out using a block identify the purpose of 18. This device can be enhanced further if you enter into it, at least one additional tunable IMO, the output of which is connected only with the correlator. In this case, the block 15 is not required to submit a deviation that allows you to more accurately comply MO 15 real object 1 not only on average, but during each moment of time. The scheme of the corresponding device shown in figure 5. In this picture: 1 is a control object, 2 - the first myCitadel, 3 - controller 9 - second myCitadel, 10 - third myCitadel, 13 - simulator mathematical description of the minimum-phase part of the object 14 - simulator mathematical description of the link delay of the object 15 - simulator mathematical description of the object 16 - simulator desired mathematical description open loop, 17 - simulator mathematical description of the inverse structure of the minimum-phase part of the model object 18 is a block identification 19 - correlator, 20 is a block settings 21 - driven simulator mathematical description of the object within an identification block. Unlike the original system, in this system on the block 15, which is involved in the formation of the feedback signal is not supplied from the block of the optimal configuration commands, under the influence of which studies the target parameters of MO in this unit would carry a small deviation. Therefore, the unit 15 receives commands on a smooth change of parameters to achieve a better match with the real object 1. Functions rapidly tunable MO, the deviation of the parameters which are required to configure on the most complete line of its real object by searching for a maximum correlation output signals, performs - driven simulator mathematical description of the object within the block identification. This allows you to more accurately formulate the feedback signals using the block 15. In the search deviation, under the action block settings do not affect the system, so the system operates more successfully. This allows to improve the accuracy and performance of the system. Thus, the proposed adaptation system provides an efficient adaptation of the control object, by improving the accuracy and performance of the system, and improving its dynamic properties. 1. Adaptive system for an object with delay, including sequentially arranged in the closed loop of the first myCitadel and second myCitadel, the regulator and the control object, and sequentially located between the controller output and inverting input of the second vicites simulator mathematical description of the object of control is possible and the third myCitadel, moreover, the simulator mathematical description of the control object contains consistently located simulator mathematical description of the minimum-phase part of the control object and the simulator mathematical description of the link delay of the control object, and the output of the control object is the system output and is connected to the inverting input of the first myCitadel, non-inverting input which is the input of the system, and the non-inverting input of the third vicites connected with the output of the simulator mathematical description of the minimum-phase part of the control object, characterized in that it contains the block identification, the controller contains consistently located simulator desired mathematical description open loop and simulator mathematical description of the inverse structure of the minimum-phase part of the object control, and one input of the identification block is connected to the output of the control object, and the second with the output of the simulator mathematical description of the control object, and its first output connected to the input of the simulator mathematical description of the link delay of the control object, and the second with the simulator mathematical description of the inverse structure of the minimum-phase part of the model of the control object. 2. The system according to claim 1, characterized in that the block identification, and contains the United bidirectional links correlator and block settings moreover, the inputs of the correlator are the inputs of the identification block, and outputs block optimal settings are its outputs. 3. The system according to claim 2, characterized in that the identification block contains at least one additional driven simulator mathematical description of the object located between the controller output and the input of the correlator and its control inputs connected to the unit optimal settings.
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