Method of controlling process of thermal destruction of petroleum residues in pipe furnace |
IPC classes for russian patent Method of controlling process of thermal destruction of petroleum residues in pipe furnace (RU 2318858):
The invention is pertaining to the devices for purification of the gas flow from the solid and liquid particles and may be used in the different branches of industry and at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex at operation of the pneumatic actuators, pneumatic installations, and also in need of usage in the production processes of the air and other gases. The separator is supplied with the automatic control system connected to the electrical slide valves connected with the inlet fitting pipe, the purified gas outlet fitting pipe and the fitting pipe for withdrawal of the separated particles. The separator also is supplied with the sensors of the temperature, humidity and pressure disposed on the inlet and outlet fitting pipes, the sensor of the level of the separated particles allocated in the lower part of the storage bin, the sensor of the gas flow speed connected to the gas flow speed controller. The sensors and the rotary valve drive are connected to the automatic control system. The technical result of the invention is automation of purification of the polluted gas flow from the solid and liquid particles at the heightened purification efficiency.
The invention is pertaining to the field of nonferrous metallurgy and may be used to control the inertia processes, the outlet parameter of which is nonlinearly, predominantly extremely, linked with the inlet parameters. The method to control the process of decomposition of the aluminate solution in production of the alum earth exercised in the battery of the sequentially connected apparatuses- decomposers supplied with the devices of cooling of the source aluminate solution and the decomposing pulp, the devices of separation of the decomposing pulp at the battery outlet into the large-sized production fraction and small-sized fraction in compliance with the dimension of the solid particles in the pulp, with feeding of the source aluminate solution into the head decomposer, and the small-sized fraction and the part pf the large-sized fraction - in the capacity of the streams of the seed - in the decomposers of the head part of the battery provides for measurements of the consumption of the aluminate solution inlet stream, measurement of the consumption of the seed stream, the temperature of the aluminate solution and the pulp, contents of the aluminum oxide and the caustic alkali in the aluminate solution, contents of the particles of the preset class in the commercial hydroxide, stabilization of consumption of the seeds streams, the temperature of the aluminate solution and the decomposing pulp and alterations on each step of the control of the preset stabilizing values. The preset for stabilization at each step of the control values of the consumption of the seed streams and the temperature of the inlet aluminate solution and the decomposing pulp are determined by means of the approximated mathematical model consisting of in series connected the linear dynamic link, which inlets are the measured values of all indicated parameters, and the linear static link determining the predictable value of the speed of fluctuation of the contents of the particles of the preset size in the commercial hydroxide, average and centered the measured values of all parameters, depending on which and on the predictable value of the speed of fluctuation of the contents of the particles of the preset size determine and set the given for stabilization on that step of control the values of the parameters. The invention allows to maintain the quality of the ready product - the contents of the preset fraction of aluminum hydroxide.
Continuous action butter machine includes seasoning reservoirs, churning machine with mixer and normalizing component batching pump. At outlet of continuous action butter machine, value of expected butter moisture deviation is determined from a formula. Churning machine mixer rotation frequency is controlled together with feeding of normalizing component depending on deviation of moisture from given value with consideration of value of expected component.
The invention is pertaining to the field of the control over the reactor of the semi- continuous operation (RSCO) at the variable consumption of the liquid batched component. The device contains the service tank for the liquid batched component, the reactor supplied with the stirrer, the coiled pipe and the jacket, the heat converter located in the reactor, the level sensor mounted in the service tank, the electro-pneumatic digital transducers intended for control over the pneumatic drives of the cut-off and discharge valves, the static power supply. The device is additionally supplied with the static three-channel power source, the pressure and consumption sensors arranged on the pressure branch pipe of the batcher and the electro-conductivity in the reactor, the meters of the frequency and voltage of the power delivered to the engines of the batcher and the stirrer, and also the power consumed by the consumption indicator, the microprocessor controller intended for implementation of the functions of the cascade system of the temperature stabilization of the reaction mass in the reactor and the program-pulse-revercive system making regulation of the rate of rotation of the engine of the stirrer, and also forming the control actions delivered to the electro-pneumatic transducers and through the static three-channel power supply - to the engines of the batcher, the stirrer and the consumption meter. The technical result of the invention is reduction of the batching duration, the increased production of the target product, improvement of the product quality ratings.
Method involves regulating rotational frequency of churn mixer and feeding normalizing component depending on butter moisture content deviation from predetermined value; changing cream churning temperature depending on changing of butter moisture content deviation from predetermined value. When butter moisture content is below predetermined value, cream temperature is changed by value equivalent to normalizing component dosing value. When butter moisture content is above predetermined value, cream temperature is changed by value equivalent to butter moisture content deviation from predetermined value. Method allows butter yield to be increased to more than 180 kg per working shift.
Method includes heating of placed mixture, measurement of temperature of mixture, limiting of temperature of surface layer of mixture, exposure of concrete till achievement of required hardness, measurement of temperature of outer air and wind speed. Then, temperature-time schedule of thermal processing of concrete is formed and required minimal electric power for realization of thermal processing process is determined in accordance to generated temperature-time graph. Energy provision of construction area is realized in accordance to preliminarily set conditions of consumption of electric power and realization of temperature-time schedule of thermal processing of concrete.
Invention relates to production of cyclohexanol or cyclohexanone via hydrogenation of phenol or benzene with hydrogen in presence of catalyst and diluent followed by hydration in case of using benzene as starting material. Process is characterized by that hydrogen and benzene or hydrogen and phenol preheated in heat exchanger, provided with condensate intake control circuit, and circulation gas are supplied to vaporizer and preheater, provided with heating steam consumption control circuits, through supply lines provided with shutoff valves. Phenol or benzene and circulation gas, as well as heating steam and condensate consumptions are specified and adjusted. Preheated mix is then fed into separator to separate gas from liquid phase, which is removed, while remaining gas mixture is sent to hydrogenation reactors comprising temperature control zones and heat-extracting tube-type condensers and provided with phenol or benzene, hydrogen and condensate control circuits, temperature sensors connected to controllers to adjust consumptions of phenol or benzene, hydrogen and condensate, and wherein diluent volume level compared to that of catalyst is controlled and hydration temperature is measured. Resulting product enters cooler and then separation column provided with cyclohexanol or cyclohexanone recovery level control and adjusting, wherefrom it is directed to gas circulation line comprising cooler, separator, and compressor equipped with pipelines with circulation gas consumption control circuits.
Device contains controlled object itself with heat-exchanging devices in form of serially connected coat and coil, mixer with motor, unloading valve, devices for measuring temperature of reaction mass, flow of dosed component, rotation speed of mixer motor, adaptive block for reaction mass temperature controller, with adaptive compensators of perturbations, adjusting valve in the line for feeding dosed component into reactor, controllable mixer drive, consisting of motor and static block for controlling its speed. Branch pipe for feeding dosed component from repository vessel is connected serially through controlling valve and flow meter to force branch pipe, lowered below the mirror of reaction mass, directly into mixer operation zone. Output from flow meter of dosed component through integrator is connected to block for controlling rotation speed of mixer motor. Device additionally contains microprocessor controller, frequency meter for measuring rotation speed of mixer, electro-pneumatic analog transformer, positioned near the drive of controlling valve, adaptive controllers and compensators for considering oscillations of reaction mass temperature and flow of dosed component.
The invention is pertaining to the field of food-processing industry for purification of the liquid mediums from the suspended particles, greases and other impurities. The device includes the inlet of the subjected to purification liquid(1), the inlet of the gas (2), the flotator (5) with the chute for the froth removal (6), the hazemeter (10) and the withdrawal of the purified liquid, the set of the bubblers (7), the compression pump (4), the deaerator (8), the gas flow regulator (14) and the control unit (11), which by the signal of the hazemeter selects the corresponding bubbler, at operation of which the turbidity of the purified liquid is minimal. The outlet of the gas flow rate sensor (13) is connected to the regulator inlet, and the outlet of the compression pump is connected through the unit of control valves (12) to the unit of the bubblers. The invention ensures the increased efficiency of the liquid mediums purification by flotation and the functional reliability of the device.
Device can be used for inspection and control and levels of physical factors of industrial area. Device has control unit, signal converters, temperature detector, noise detector and illumination detector, illumination and noise signal converters for any detector, maximal and minimal temperature presetting devices. Device also has ultimate level noise level set-point device, ultimate limiting illumination level set-point device, comparator for any measured parameters ultimate values set-point device (as temperature, noise and illumination level), logic gates for any factor to be controlled, permanent memory unit, temperature, noise and illumination values counters and oscillator.
Method comprises measuring gas flow rate by means of a gas flow meter that has heat pickup of flow rate and measuring-computing unit. The correction coefficient is determined by averaging the error coefficient of the pickup with a weight determined by the profile of the flow rate. The measured signal of the flow rate pickup is converted into corrected value with the use of the correction coefficient.
The mode is in pressing with the finger of the arm on the contact surface, in heating the contact surface, in selection of air sample closely to the contact surface and in analysis of the air sample. At that before or in time of pressing with the finger of the arm on the contact surface they measure the temperature of the contact surface or calculate it on the basis of the measured values of the environmental air, of the time of heating of the contact surface or calculate it on the basis of measured values of the temperature of the environmental air, of the time of heating and of cooling in the previous cycle of inspection. At that the switching on of the heater of the contact surface is executed on a time interval whose duration depends from the temperature of the contact surface, at that the contact surface is an element of a pressing button control mechanism providing starting of heating of the contact surface.
Standard sample composition for checking determination of organochlorine compounds in petroleum / 2313787
Invention aims at being used as metrological provision for methods of performing measurements when determining organochlorine compounds in petroleum. Composition represents a mixture containing of petroleum oil with boiling temperature not below 250°C (50-80%), paraffins (10-40%) and monoaromatic hydrocarbons (5-20%) both with boiling temperature not higher than 220°C, and an organochlorine compound with boiling temperature not higher than 100°C (1·10-2-6·10-2%). Use of such a standard sample will improve quality of analysis, because of allowing checking all sampling stages, including fractionation distillation to isolate ligroin as well as stage wherein organochlorine compounds are converted into chloride ion form for subsequent determination of chloride ions using known procedures.
Composition of the standard samples for control and determination of the share of the chloroorganic compounds in the petroleum / 2311636
The invention is pertaining to the analytical chemistry and may be used in the capacity of the means of metrological support of the procedures of execution of the measurements at determination of the share of the chloroorganic compounds in the petroleum. The standard sample for control of determination of the share of the chloroorganic compounds in the petroleum represents the mixture containing the paraffin hydrocarbon of the normal structure with the boiling temperature above 150°С and the chloroorganic compound being the chlorine derivative of the paraffins with the boiling temperature of 40-204°С or the chlorine derivative of the aromatic hydrocarbons with the boiling temperature of 150-204°С. At that the concentration of the chloroorganic compound makes 2·10-5 -2·10-2 %. The technical result of the invention is usage of the standard sample for control over determination of the share of the chloroorganic compounds in petroleum, the possibility to carry out the analysis by two methods: the microcoulometric titration and also the potentiometric titration not requiring usage of the expensive equipment, which will allow to exercise not only control of the lapses of the procedures of performance of the measurements, but also the metrology certification of the procedures of performance of the measurements, and the check of the measuring devices.
Method comprises sampling, oxidizing the unstable hydrocarbons in the sample, and determining the induction period from the formula presented.
Method comprises preliminary conditioning of rubber specimens in paraffin hydrocarbon with 12-16 atoms of carbon in the atmosphere of neutral gas and in the fuel to be tested at a temperature of 130-150°C for 3-5 hours.
Method comprises investigating threshold capabilities of the multi-layer polymeric material and determining maximum permeability of oil product and time period required for reaching the maximum permeability.
Method for determining optimal composition of stable type coal charge for coking comprises steps of receiving reference charge; calculating and determining optimal composition of charge; preparing charge with optimal content of its components for further coking while performing all investigation processes in industrial coke ovens; taking as reference charge several types of charge with different composition; preliminarily selecting large number of reference basic types and admissible relations of components for each type of charge; according to data of passive or active experiments plotting inlet-outlet model of fluctuations of coking process for each type of charge; adjusting relay- exponential predicting device; effectively measuring coal masses present in silos and towers of coal-tar chemical production; measuring current properties of coal charge components for coking, current parameters of coking mode, type and content of charge of previous day, selected for usage type and components of charge for future operation period of coke batteries. If both types of charge are matched, according to history data for selected type of charge, finding sampled variations of percentage content of each component of charge; ranging found row of variations; in said ranged row selecting stable components of charge with less value of variations among non-stable components with high value of variations in order to provide realization of relation 2 ≥ nc/ni≤ 1 where nc - number of stable components; ni - number of non-stable components that is to be no less than 2; setting mass values of stable components of charge according to levels of previous operation period of coke ovens; predicting coke quality by means of relay-exponential predicting device; finding deviation of predicted value of coke quality factor from predetermined one; in inlet-outlet mathematical model of coking process with use of regular or irregular searching procedures, optimizing relations of non-stable components in order to provide equality of both values (predicted and predetermined ones); combining found relations of non-stable components with predetermined relations of stable components in order to provide optimal composition of charge.
Method comprises steps of mixing sample of analyzed fuel composition with distillate component till viscosity (2.0 ± 0.1)mm2/s at 100°C; dividing prepared mixture by two parts; heating them till temperature (100-110)°C; then cooling first part till 20°C; soaking at such temperature for 24 h and subjecting it to centrifuge processing at temperature (30±2)°C for 60 min; determining value of separated deposit; cooling second part till temperature (60±2)°C; subjecting it to centrifuge processing at such temperature for 45 min; determining value of deposit and calculating factor of fuel stability.
Method comprises measuring density of gasoline, dielectric permeability of gasoline at the first frequency, measuring absorbing of acoustical energy in gasoline, measuring specific conductivity of gasoline and dielectric permeability at the second frequency, determining the ratio of the values of dielectric permeability for two different frequencies, temperature correcting of the parameters measured, and calculating the octane number with the use of a calibration model.
Invention relates to apparatuses for isolation of hydrocarbon fractions of liquid fuel and coke from straight-run goudron and acid sludges, aged mazuts, oil slimes, and can be used to utilize indicated wastes. Reactor for isolation of hydrocarbon fractions of liquid fuel and coke from subquality coking products and petroleum processing wastes comprises upright cylindrical body 1 with plane bottom 2 provided with external heater 3 having central opening 21 with connecting pipe 22; feedstock receiver 5 secured to drive shaft 4; perforated sparkling tube 6 rigidly connected to feedstock receiver 5; and knife 7 mounted on shaft 4 before sparkling tube in the direction of rotation of shaft 4 and in parallel to bottom 2 and tube 5. Perforations of sparkling tube 6 are made in the form of through grooves 11 along cylindrical surface of tube 6 and are positioned over plane gutter 12. Sparkling tube 6 bears rod 13 for longitudinal displacement. Rod 13 supports scrappers 16. Body 1 accommodates direct (9) and back (10) pushers of rod 13. Feedstock receiver 5 and sparkling tube 6 are provided with screens 24 and 25. Cutting edge of knife 7 is made in the form of equal-sided corner prominences. Hub 19 with radial inclined blades 20 is attached to lower part of shaft 4 and connecting pipe 22 is provided with radial counterblades.
FIELD: petroleum processing. SUBSTANCE: method according to invention determines pressure gradients at exit and entrance in each section of the furnace and real gradient is compared to projected gradient, after which, depending on disagreement value, this value is diminished via variation of fuel consumption in corresponding furnace burner. Projected gradient is calculated using formula: ΔPi=k(L1+b)n, wherein ΔPi is pressure gradient in i-th section of coil, %; k, b, n are coefficients depending on conversion value, nature of raw material, and projected quality of final thermal destruction products; and L1 reduced length of coil from its beginning to i-th measurement point, %. EFFECT: decreased coking of furnace coil and increased operation cycle of plant, which incorporates the furnace. 3 cl, 3 tbl
The invention relates to the field of oil refining, in particular to a method of regulation of the process of thermal decomposition of petroleum residues in the multi-section tubular furnace. A known method of regulating the heating process and the cracking temperature of the product at the exit of the furnace coil (Smidovich EV Technology of oil and gas processing, part 2-I, M, Chemistry, 1968, p.86-95). The disadvantage of this method is the lack of control and regulation of the heat supply by the length of the coil (in sections), which causes the danger of coking of the furnace coil and reducing turnaround installation. The closest to the technical nature of the claimed object is a method of regulation of the process of obtaining coke in the reactor delayed coking unit, including the measurement of the gradient between the two parameters at the inlet and outlet of each section of the furnace, comparing the actual gradient with the given and depending on the magnitude of the error decreases this value by changing the fuel to the burners of the relevant section of the furnace (A.S. No. 1778134, on. 30.11.92, BI No. 44). The invention aims to increase productivity by improving the quality of regulation and exclusion of recirculate. However, in the known method is not taken into account the following factors affecting zakocs ivanie coil furnace, such as: - recirculate is not only cooled but also the stabilizer that improves aggregate stability of the loading coil of the furnace, and to exclude him from the process impractical; - limit values are exceeded the conversion of the feedstock in a single pass coil furnace 1.5-3.8 times; is not measured at the time of the product through coil sections of the furnace and, consequently, the conversion of raw materials as in sections and throughout the furnace; when the coking internal heat transfer surfaces of the chimney, despite the availability of the automation system, raises the temperature of the pipe wall, which is accompanied by a spontaneous increase in the rate of coking process this section. These weaknesses increase the risk of coking coil and shorten the duration of a continuous run of installation. The technical result, which is aimed invention is to reduce coking of the furnace coil by improving the quality of regulation of the process of thermal decomposition of oil residue in the furnace coil when receiving products of the required quality. This technical result is achieved in that in the method of regulation of the process of thermal decomposition of petroleum residues in the coil of the furnace, including the measurement of the gradient between the two parametreina the inlet and outlet of each section of the furnace, comparing the actual gradient with the given and depending on the magnitude of the error decreases this value by changing the fuel to the burners of the corresponding section, according to the invention as a gradient between the two parameters using the pressure gradient, and set the pressure gradient for each section of the coil is calculated by the formula ΔPi=k·(Li+b)nwhere ΔPi- pressure gradient at the i-th section of the coil, % of total pressure gradient across the coil of the furnace; k, b, n are coefficients that depend on the magnitude of the conversion, the nature of the raw materials and the specified quality of the products of thermal decomposition; Li- the length of the coil from its beginning to the i-th measuring points, % of total length of the coil. It is advisable to measure the pressure gradient to use devmanager and system for measuring pressure gradient continuously feeding liquid separation-recirculate. The gradient of pressure between inlet and outlet of each coil section of the furnace as measured indicator allows to control and regulate the process of thermal decomposition of petroleum residues in sections in accordance with the estimated profile of the pressure gradient along the length of the coil when receiving products of the required quality and thereby reduce the danger of coking is majevica oven. The method of regulating thermal decomposition of oil residue in the furnace is as follows. After start-up and warm-up of the technical system at the starting gas in the multicell furnace instead of starting product is served raw material composition (a mixture of tar with thinners, turbulization) under pressure furnace pump, which takes place pipe camera convection and enters the pipe chamber radiation, where it is heated by radiation of the flame of the burning fuel mixture (fuel, air, steam)coming out of the burners located in the furnace. As you progress through the coil of the furnace temperature rises to the temperature of decomposition of the raw material (420-430°C)the volume of the vapor phase increases, increasing the flow rate increases the difference (gradient) of the pressure in this area (section) of the pipe, the flow structure inside the tube also changes and transitions from homogeneous (liquid) environment to a two-phase (gas - liquid). When the temperature level flow 460-500°With the feedstock decomposes (Criciuma) more intensively with the formation of low molecular weight components (gas, gasoline, light and heavy gas oils), volume flow (fraction of the distillate) is increasing exponentially, increasing the flow rate increases the pressure drop n the current segment of the pipe. In this regard, the magnitude of the pressure difference (gradient) characterizes the performance of the processes of raw material inside the pipe, which is the result of heat to the flow on this section of the coil of the furnace. Actually measured value of the pressure gradient in the control system is compared with a given (estimated), and depending on the magnitude of the error, this value is reduced by changing the fuel to the burners of the relevant section of the coil. The control system must be implemented in hardware, such as programmable logic controllers. The coking of the i-th section of the coil of the furnace accompanied by an increase in the pressure gradient in this section, which causes a corresponding reduction in fuel supply to burners of this section and, therefore, prevents further coking of this section. The last circumstance contributes to lowering the temperature of the flow and, consequently, the conversion in this area that the proposed method did not increase the fuel supply to the burners of the i-th section of the coil. This reduces the danger of coking of the furnace coil and increasing the duration of the continuous run of the installation. The specified pressure gradient of each section of the furnace coil is calculated by the above formula is against the odds which set of pre-calculated experimentally. These coefficients depend on the nature of raw materials, given the conversion of raw materials and quality of products of thermal decomposition, as well as from the material design of the coil of the furnace. The absolute value of the differential pressure sections (MPa) is determined by multiplying the relative (%) pressure drop in the total pressure drop across the coil (MPa), which, in turn, completely correct as a General pressure gradient on the coil current installation. The following are specific examples of implementation of the proposed method. Raw tar with a density of 960 kg/m3, cocking behavior 10%, the nominal viscosity at 80° The raw material is subjected to high temperature heating and cracking in laboratory flow-through installation, which includes: raw material tank, tank pad, gas oil, pump, furnace with coil for high temperature heating of the raw material, the valve-pressure regulator, reactor delayed coking unit with electric heating, refrigerating condenser, distillate receiver, gas watch, electrical equipment, control and measuring devices, in particular, at the inlet and outlet of the coil of the furnace and the reactor pressure gages are installed. For option at the stage visbreaking cracking temperature in the furnace stood the sludge 480-490° With the pressure of 2 MPa. The reactor of the scheme off. Conversion of the raw material (decomposition) is determined by the sum of the output gas and gasoline as a percentage of raw materials. For option delayed coking temperature in the furnace was 480-490°C, a pressure of 2 MPa in the reactor temperature 420-450°C, a pressure of 0.3 MPa. According to the results of experiments data were obtained: ITC distillate, gas composition, material balance, conversion, quality, balance +180° (boiler fuel), the quality of coke (volatile substances)for which calculations were carried out industrial furnaces processes visbreaking and delayed coking units at various (specified) conversion of the feedstock in the furnace, with a recirculation ratio of 1.2 (Kp=1,2) upon receipt of the products of the specified quality. In table. 1, 2, 3 shows the experimental and calculated data. From table. 1 (examples 1, 2, 3) shows that to improve the quality of balance (+180° (C) visbreaking by reducing the viscosity of From table. 1 (examples 4, 5, 6) also shows that to improve the quality of coke by reducing the content of volatile substances from 9-10 7-8%, it is necessary to increase the conversion of raw materials into the furnace coil from 6 to 10% (gas + gasoline), while the pressure gradient coil in the furnace will increase by 1.35 times. From table. 3 (columns 5, 6; examples 4, 5, 6) shows that in this case, when the application of the proposed method continuous run of a coil of the furnace is increased by 15-25% (relative) compared to the prototype (column 4).
Discrepancies between the data presented in table 1 and calculated by the proposed formula with coefficients from table 2, do not exceed 5% (Rel.).
Thus, the proposed method of control of the process allows to minimize coking furnace coil in the processes of thermal decomposition of petroleum residues in obtaining products of the required quality and to increase the duration of continuous mileage furnace at 7-27% (relative) when visbreaking and 15-25% (relative) during coking. 1. The method of regulation of the process of thermal decomposition of petroleum residues in the coil is ECI, including the measurement of the gradient between the two parameters at the inlet and outlet of each section of the furnace, comparing the actual gradient with the given and, depending on the magnitude of the error, reducing this value by changing the fuel to the burners of the corresponding section, characterized in that as the gradient between the two parameters using the gradient of pressure and the predetermined pressure gradient for each section of the furnace coil is calculated by the formula ΔPi=k·(Li+b)n, where ΔPithe pressure gradient at the i-th section of the coil, %; k, b, n are coefficients that depend on the magnitude of the conversion, the nature of the raw materials and the specified quality of the end product destruction; Li- the length of the coil from its beginning to the i-th measuring points, %. 2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that for measuring the actual pressure gradient use devmanager. 3. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the measuring system pressure continuously serves release liquid-recirculate.
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