Pulsed inertial motor |
IPC classes for russian patent Pulsed inertial motor (RU 2285997):
All magnetoelectric machines are characterized in absence of field coils and excitation loss is impossible in them. That is why they are much more economically efficient then electromagnetic machines, other conditions being equal. Proposed machine has its fixed part incorporating frame, removable sections constituting cylindrical part of frame designed for locating, fixing, and locking machine coils. Sections are screwed to frame to enhance stiffness of the latter. Coils are locked by means of holders and attached to removable section wall. Movable part of machine is rotor built of two plate-shaped disks provided with annular groove whose shape follows that of magnets installed therein. Rotor strength is enhanced by rigidly fixing its disks to cylindrical support passed near annular groove and to central bushing mounted on shaft through splined joint. Type of fixation may be different depending on mass and shape of magnets.
The invention relates to the field of electrical engineering, in particular to the design of magneto-electric machines, DC
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The invention relates to rotating electrical machines and can be used in brushless DC motors with permanent magnets on the rotor
The invention relates to the electrical industry, in particular for electric motors
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The invention relates to the field of electrical engineering and the performance of electrical machines DC with excitation from permanent magnets
The invention relates to electrical engineering, namely motors, drives, accessories of mobile objects, mainly trucks and tractors, and can be used in the design and production of these motors
The invention relates to electric machines, mainly pole and decationizing machines of low power
All magnetoelectric machines are characterized in absence of field coils and excitation loss is impossible in them. That is why they are much more economically efficient then electromagnetic machines, other conditions being equal. Proposed machine has its fixed part incorporating frame, removable sections constituting cylindrical part of frame designed for locating, fixing, and locking machine coils. Sections are screwed to frame to enhance stiffness of the latter. Coils are locked by means of holders and attached to removable section wall. Movable part of machine is rotor built of two plate-shaped disks provided with annular groove whose shape follows that of magnets installed therein. Rotor strength is enhanced by rigidly fixing its disks to cylindrical support passed near annular groove and to central bushing mounted on shaft through splined joint. Type of fixation may be different depending on mass and shape of magnets.
Proposed motor has stator with magnetic core carrying even number of permanent magnets equally spaced apart. Rotor carries even number of electromagnets disposed in pairs opposite one another. Distribution commutator is mounted on stator frame and has conducting segments disposed over circumference and connected in alternating polarity manner to dc power supply; they are separated by insulating gaps. Current collectors contact commutator segments and each of them is connected to like-polarity leads of coils of respective electromagnets, each having two coils wound in series opposition. Coils of adjacent electromagnets are connected in series and coil leads of opposing electromagnets are interconnected and not connected to current collectors. Number n of stator permanent magnets and number m of rotor ones are chosen to meet equation n = 10 + 4k, where k = 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., m = 4 + 2L, where 0 ≤ L ≤ k.
Proposed motor has stator 1 and disk-type rotor 2. The latter is provided with commutator sleeve 11 specifically disposed on its supporting bush 12 and used to mount rotor 2 on shaft 10 of stator 1. Disposed on commutator sleeve 11 are commutator segments 13 that mount insulating disk 9 of rotor 2 carrying windings 14. Working surface of each commutator bar 13 engageable with brushes 7 is disposed on one end of fixation area 15 of rotor disk 9; mounted on other end of this area are radially bent-out leads 16 of commutator bars 13 electrically connected to leads 17, 18 of rotor winding 14. Radially bent-out leads 16 of commutator bars 13 are disposed in area of cylindrical axial depression 19 of rotor disk 9 communicating with through holes 20 of rotor disk 9 in direction radial to geometric axis of commutator sleeve 11. Rotor windings 14 are placed in holes 2 of disk 9. At least one lead 17 of each winding 14 is passed through slit 24 from through hole 20 of disk 9 to axial depression 19 of rotor disk 9. One of leads 18 of each rotor winding 14 may be also disposed on coil surface of winding 14 and enter axial depression 19 of rotor disk 9.
In known stator of constant current electric machine with constant magnets, containing closed magneto-conductive yoke, polar constant magnets, mounted with alternating polarity on the stator axis, and polar tips, made of magneto-soft material and positioned on constant magnets on the side of air gap, in accordance to invention, symmetrically between neighboring poles (in inter-polar space) sectors made of non-magnetic materials are mounted, on sectors on the side of air gap, inter-polar flat constant magnets are positioned, having tangential magnetization, oriented with polarity of the same name to nearby polar tips and divided by nonmagnetic gap with polar magnets and polar tips, length-wise magnets are made within limits of stator poles along the axis of machine and oriented in parallel to polar magnets and tips. Inter-polar magnets are held on sectors with possible movement in radial direction.
Invention claims new design of collector multi-pole constant current electric motor, which uses constant magnets in stator, which require no electric power, having minimal number of brushes as opposed to multi-brush analog, namely two brushes for any even number of stator poles. In accordance to the invention, in electric motor, containing stator, and also rotor with open or closed winding, having contacts connected to collector and brushes, the stator is made multi-pole and uses constant magnets, and collector represents two contact systems on non current-conductive base, mutually isolated and enclosed in each other in such a way, that during rotation of rotor from contact to collector contact direction of current in rotor winding changes to reverse by means of two brushes, which may touch any pair of collector contacts of various aforementioned systems, where the start of rotor winding is connected to one system of collector contacts, end of rotor winding is connected to another system of collector contacts, and a "false" contact is present between each pair of contacts of aforementioned systems, which is not connected to rotor winding to prevent shorting of two contacts of different polarity by one brush, while stator does not require power. A working experimental model exists, which fits well with balance wheel rotation theory. Rotor diameter 20 cm. Rotor weight 3,5 kg, and it is mainly positioned around its outside circle. Rotor rotation speed 3 revolutions per second. Power consumption of 50 Wt. Voltage, fed into winding, of 12 volts. Current intensity of 4 amperes.
Invention is related to the field of electric engineering and concerns peculiar features of DC electric motors embodiment, in particular - gearless collector electric motors of low voltage, and may be used in different fields of engineering, for instance, as motor-wheels in such transport means as electrically-driven scooters, motorcycles, electric automobiles, etc. Substance of invention consists in the fact that induction electric motor made in accordance with the present invention, contains rim, in which teeth are installed with the same pitch, which are made of soft magnetic material, round frame that carries even number of horseshoe shaped (U-shaped) electromagnets that are installed in pairs opposite to each other, and have two coils with serial opposite direction of winding, facility for supply of electric pulses of the dame polarity to electromagnets. At that number of teeth on the rim equal to n corresponds to the following ratio: n = 10 + 4k, where k - integer number that takes such values as 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.
Invention relates to electrical engineering, particularly to electrical industry objects, as well as specific design features of electric motors. A direct current motor is proposed, in which the stator and the rotor are multipolar. The rotor is made from permanent magnets using two of their sides. The permanent magnets are attached to an electrically insulating base, and the stator consists of two parts placed on both sides of the rotor. Windings of two parts of the stator are wavelike, and the number of electromagnets they form for each part of the stator equals the number of permanent magnets of the rotor. Windings of the parts of the stator are connected for simultaneous effect on all rotor poles with provision for its unidirectional rotation.
Invention is related to the field of electric engineering and concerns particular features of structural design of the first in the world module-disk universal electric machine, which has multiple multi-turn windings of even or odd number of rows passing through homogeneous magnetic field of one or many magnetic systems of stator, without any variations of voltage and current, where amplitude of DC signal does not vary its characteristics in time. Invention is intended for application as slow-speed generator of DC or AC, superhigh-speed electric machine of DC, AC motor or large-scale linear motor of DC and AC. Substance of invention consists in the fact that module-disk universal electric machine comprises left and right base of body, where even or odd number of stator excitation magnetic systems rows are located in uniform gaps and interacting between each other by opposite poles. Magnetic systems of stator excitation may be made of permanent magnets, electromagnets and their combination. Inside module there is a movable rigidity with even or uneven number of cylindrical dielectric rotors, detachable shaft and facility of shaft fixation. Each cylindrical rotor comprises multiple multiturn windings, which via split joint are electrically connected with contact plates, and current-collecting ring of quick-detachable composite collector. Multiple multiturn windings of even or odd number of rows may have parallel, serial or mixed connection of conductors. Working part of multiple multiturn windings of each row should correspond to height of each magnet of southern and magnet of northern pole. Each cylindrical rotor is fixed on movable rigidity and is divided into multiple sectors, which are located via uniform gaps, and inside each sector multiple multiturn windings have working and nonworking parts of windings. Brush mechanism, having current-conducting spring-loaded brushes, interacts with quick-detachable composite collector, device of electric energy transfer and calibration device including system of automatic regulation and control. For accurate insertion of multiple multiturn windings into each working sector, working contact plates are mechanically connected with current conducting spring-loaded brush, calibration device and system of automatic regulation and control, and nonworking contact plates of quick-detachable collector should correspond to width of current-conducting spring-loaded brush. On left and right external base of movable rigidity there are swinging or sliding elements connected to bases of body.
Invention may be used as power micro-motors and tachometre generators in automatic devices, and also power electric motors and DC generators with capacity of up to several kW in all fields of economy. Proposed collector magnetic electric machine with pole anchor comprises explicit inductor poles excited by permanent magnets, anchor with explicit poles, collector, mechanism of brush-contact unit with brushes, closed drum simple serial (wave) coil winding of anchor made by coils, every of which is located on according explicit anchor pole and comprises one or several turns. Besides it is necessary to observe certain ratios between number of inductor explicit poles and number of anchor explicit poles, and also to make poles of inductor and poles of anchor with a certain width of pole arc, and collector plates of collector and brushes - with a certain width and certain number. This magnetic electric machine may be used as DC generators and motors with independent excitation from permanent magnets.
According to invention in disclosed here electric engine of direct current, consisting of stator with magnetic conductors with coils, rotor and collector with brushes, rotor corresponds to shaft whereon two permanent magnets of different polarity are arranged symmetrically relative to one another. Each permanent magnet has C-shaped cross section. The magnets are fixed on the shaft with equal gaps between their end sections. The collector is made with plates out of electric conducting material; also the plates are set parallel to each other on the rotor shaft. Two end plates are made as rings; a brush designed for interaction with a corresponding ring is arranged over each ring. Also the first brush is connected to a positive terminal of a power supply, while the second brush is connected to a negative terminal of the power supply. Four pair of plates of C-shaped profile in cross section (C-shaped elements) are installed between the rings. Notably, each pair is formed with two C-shaped elements facing each other with their concave surfaces and installed with a gap "b" between their end sections; adjacent C-shaped elements are installed with a gap "a" relative to each other. The brush is located over each pair of C-shaped elements; the brush is designed to interact with the C-shaped element of a corresponding pair; the first adjacent C-shaped elements of the first and the second pair electrically are connected with different rings. Also the second C-shaped element of the first pair is electrically connected with the first C-shaped element of the second pair; while the second C-shaped element of the second pair is electrically connected with the first C-shaped element of the first pair. The third pair of C-shaped element is placed next to the second pair. The fourth pair of C-shaped element is placed next to the third pair. Additionally, the first C-shaped element of the fourth pair is arranged next to the first C-shaped element of the third pair. Correspondingly, the second C-shaped element of the third pair is arranged next to the second C-shaped element of the fourth pair. The first C-shaped element of the third pair is electrically connected with the same ring, as the first C-shaped element of the first pair. The first C-shaped element of the fourt pair is electrically connected with the same ring, as the first C-shaped element of the second pair. The second C-shaped element of the third pair is electrically connected to the first C-shaped element of the fourth pair. The second C-shaped element of the fourth pair is electrically connected to the first C-shaped element of the third pair. The first and the second pairs of C-shaped elements are identically mounted on the rotor shaft, notably: C-shaped elements are arranged opposite one another, correspondingly, gaps "b" between their end sections are also arranged opposite one another. The third and the fourth pairs of C-shaped elements are also identically mounted on the rotor shaft. The first and the second pair of C-shaped element are turned relative to C-shaped elements of the third and the fourth pair at 90°; layer magnetic conductors fixed relative to a base are uniformly arranged around rotor envelope running along external surfaces of permanent magnets. Magnetic conductors are set with the gap relative to one another and relative to permanent magnets; envelope of external surfaces of magnetic conductors has a shape close a cylinder one; the shaft of the rotor, envelope of external surfaces of permanent magnets and envelope of external surfaces of magnetic conductors have common symmetry axis coinciding to rotation axis of the rotor shaft. The stator consists of at least four magnetic conductors. They are of T-shape and are arranged at angle of 90° to each other, i.e. crosswise. Coil is wound on a central section of each T-shaped magnetic conductor. U-shaped magnetic conductors are located next to each T-shaped magnetic conductor on its both sides. Coils of two opposite T-shaped magnetic conductors (installed at 180° relative to each other), the first and the second, correspondingly, are oppositely directed, left and right, correspondingly, and series connected. Also the input terminal of the first coil and the output terminal of the second coil are electrically tied with brushes over the first and the second pairs of the C-shaped elements. Coils of two other opposite T-shaped magnetic conductors, the third and the fourth, correspondingly, are also oppositely directed, left and right, correspondingly, and are in series connected. The input terminal of the third coil and the output terminal of the fourth coil are electrically connected with the brushes over the third and the fourth pairs of the C-shaped elements.
FIELD: electrical engineering; low-voltage gearless commutator motors that can be used as motor-wheels in transport and other industries. SUBSTANCE: proposed motor has stator with magnetic core carrying even number of permanent magnets equally spaced apart. Rotor carries even number of electromagnets disposed in pairs opposite one another. Distribution commutator is mounted on stator frame and has conducting segments disposed over circumference and connected in alternating polarity manner to dc power supply; they are separated by insulating gaps. Current collectors contact commutator segments and each of them is connected to like-polarity leads of coils of respective electromagnets, each having two coils wound in series opposition. Coils of adjacent electromagnets are connected in series and coil leads of opposing electromagnets are interconnected and not connected to current collectors. Number n of stator permanent magnets and number m of rotor ones are chosen to meet equation n = 10 + 4k, where k = 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., m = 4 + 2L, where 0 ≤ L ≤ k. EFFECT: simplified design, enhanced reliability, improved performance characteristics. 9 cl, 3 dwg
The invention relates to the field of DC motors, in particular direct commutator motors low voltage, and can be used as the-wheel motor vehicles: motorized bicycles, scooters, motorcycles, plug-in electric vehicles, etc. as well as in other areas of technology. Wide application in engineering, including transportation, find devices supplied by gear motor. These motors have several advantages compared to internal combustion engines, being environmentally friendly, reliable and economical. The most promising are gearless motor-wheel in which the wheel is called directly by the electromagnetic interaction of the magnetic systems of the rotor and stator. Known motor-wheel, containing the rim and axle with integrated induction motor (SU 628008 And 15.10.1978). The motor is made in the form of a disk asynchronous electric machines, the stator with the magnetic core, windings and conductors mounted on a stationary axle of the wheel, and the rotor squirrel cage winding and the magnetic circuit placed on both sides of the stator form a wheel made with the possibility of rotation. This design motor-wheel provides greater reliability is ü due to the lack of a manual gearbox and has improved compared with the traditional design of the cooling through radial channels, washed by the cooling medium. However, the use of such element as an asynchronous motor leads to high heat, require complex control systems and high voltage power sources. In addition, such a motor-wheel has no prospect of recovery of electricity as when driving and when braking the vehicle. Known built-in motor (WO 93/08999 A1, 13.05.93), contains two main parts: a stationary stator, mounted on an axis and having a magnetic circuit with permanent magnets placed evenly, and the movable rotor bearing ring and containing at least two groups of electromagnets, and a distribution manifold mounted on the stator and having a conductive plate connected to the constant current source. The rotor is fixed to the current collector with an electrical contact with the plates of the discharge header. The specified motor wheel has various modifications and variants (US 6384496 B1, 07.05.2002; US 6617746 B1, 09.09.2003; EN 2129965 C1, 10.05.1999; EN 2072261 C1, 20.08.2001). The advantages of this device include the lack of gear, use low voltage power sources, no additional electronic circuits, rekuperatsii energy, small dimensions and weight. Combining the main elements of the motor-wheel in etani with additional devices, allows you to create similar in principle of operation and possessing the stated advantages of the motor-wheel. However, the described motor-wheel and its variants have several disadvantages, the main of which is the need of large inrush and transient currents during starting and acceleration of the vehicle. This leads to rapid wear and deterioration of the battery and the deterioration of thermal regime. Another disadvantage is the lack of an effective return and use of electricity. Also these motors have low torque, which significantly limits their practical use. Known technical solutions aimed at eliminating these disadvantages associated with the use of high-voltage power sources and complex control schemes, which makes them expensive and unreliable in operation (US 6791226 B1, 14.09.2004; US 6727668 B1, 27.04.2004; US 6355996 B1, 12.03.2002). The present invention is aimed at improving the operational and technical characteristics of the electric motor while maintaining relative simplicity of construction and reliability. Pulse-inertia motor, in accordance with the present invention includes: a stator with a circular magnetic circuit, which has an even number of permanent magnets with the same step; the rotor separated from the stator by an air gap and bearing an even number of electromagnets, which races orogeny in pairs opposite each other; distribution manifold mounted on the stator housing and having spaced around the circumference of the conductive plate connected to the alternating polarity with a constant current source and separated by dielectric gaps; the current collectors that are installed with the possibility of contact with the plates of the collector, each of the current collectors are connected to the same output windings of the respective electromagnets. Each solenoid has two coils with consistently counter the direction of winding, and the windings of the coils of adjacent electromagnets are connected in series, and the conclusions are the opposite windings of the electromagnets, is not connected to the current collectors are connected to each other. The number of permanent magnets of the stator is equal to n and the number of electromagnets of the rotor is equal to m, are selected so that they satisfy the relations: n=10+4k, where k is an integer taking values 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. m=4+2L, where L is any integer satisfying the condition of 0≤L≤k. The most commonly used ratio of the number of permanent magnets and electromagnets following: n=10, m=4; n=14, m=6; n=18, m=4; n=22, m=4, 6, 8, 10; n=26, m=4, 6, 8, 10, 12 etc. The ratio of the number of electromagnets and permanent magnets, their relative positions and used circuit switching electromagnet which provides the resonance currents flow through the windings of diametrically opposed electromagnets, and as a consequence, reduces power surges (power consumption) when starting and acceleration of the motor and improves its dynamic characteristics. In addition, such design of the motor makes it possible to recover energy due to proteoids at idle. Virtually eliminate arcing on the current collector by selecting the appropriate firing angle between the current collector and the conductive plates of the collector. Therefore, usually the current collector mounted on the motor with the possibility to adjust their position relative to the collector. The firing angle is in the range from 0 to 8°. The total number of turns in the windings of the coils opposite electromagnets may be different. This resonance phenomenon is enhanced when the difference in the number of coils is equal to 1/2pof the total number of turns in one coil, where p=2, 3, 4, 5, etc. The present invention can be used for unidirectional motor rotation and for reversing the motor, depending on the connection method power supply. In the first case, a positive conductive plate distribution manifold connected to the positive pole of the DC source, and the negative tachopro adamie plate distribution manifold when it closed on the motor housing. In the reversible electric motor of the positive conductive plate distribution manifold connected to the positive pole of the DC source, and a negative conductive plate distribution manifold connected to the negative pole of the DC source and isolated from the housing of the motor. To change the direction of motor rotation changing the connection of the poles of the DC source to the opposite. Structurally, the motor can be made so that the rotor will be located on the outer side of the stator or the rotor is located inside the stator. The invention is illustrated by the following drawings. Figure 1 shows a diagram of the electric motor, made in accordance with the present invention, in which the stator of the motor is located inside the rotor; Figure 2 shows a schematic electrical diagram of the reversible motor; Figure 3 shows the diagram of the electric motor, made in accordance with the present invention, in which the stator of the motor is located outside of the rotor. Figure 1 presents the electric motor, made in accordance with the present invention, which can be used as the motor-wheel for different vehicles, e.g. the bike with electric drive. The motor includes a shell 1, in the role of a protective casing, and directly transmitting the rotation of the wheel. Shell is connected by spokes to the wheel rim (not shown). The stator 2 of the motor is located inside the rotor 3. The stator 2 has a circular magnetic core 4, which is fixed to an even number of permanent magnets 5 with the same step and alternating polarity. In this case, ten magnets. The rotor 3 is separated from the stator by an air gap and is an even number of magnets 6. In this case, four. The electromagnets are arranged in pairs opposite each other and form two pairs. Each of these magnets has two coils 7 with consistently counter-winding direction, (that is, if one of the coils is wound clockwise, the other counterclockwise). Between one coil of the electromagnet are connected in series, the first end of the winding coil of the electromagnet is connected to the start winding of the second coil of the electromagnet. In figure 1 the beginning of the winding of the first coil is marked with the letter "H", the end of the winding of the second coil is marked with the letter "K". When the motor coil 7 of the electromagnets 6, supplied from constant current source (not shown) through a distribution manifold 8 and the current collector 9. Distribution manifold 8 fixed on the shifting of the stator, and the current collector 9 are connected with the rotor as it rotates move relative to the current-carrying plate 10. These plates are connected with alternating polarity with a constant current source and separated by dielectric gaps 11. The number of plates in the distribution manifold corresponds to the number of magnets of the stator and in this case equal to ten. Each of the current collector 9 is connected to the same conclusions one of the windings of the electromagnets 6. The figure shows the option of hooking up to the beginning of the winding of the first coil of the electromagnet, indicated by the letter "H". (Alternatively connecting the current collector to the end of the winding of the second coil, designated by the letter "K", in this case the motor will rotate in the opposite direction). Between the electromagnets 6 are connected according to the following scheme: winding coils of adjacent electromagnets are connected in series, i.e. the output winding "To" one electromagnet is connected with the output "H" of adjacent electromagnet; and conclusions opposite windings of electromagnets is not connected to the current collector, in this case "K"are connected to each other. The total number of permanent magnets of the stator - n, equal to ten and the number of electromagnets is m equal to four, satisfy the relations: n=10+4k m=4+2L, where k=L=0. The principle of operation of electrode is on of the motor, made in accordance with the present invention, similar to the traditional direct current motor and is based on electromagnetic forces of attraction and repulsion arising from the interaction of the magnets 6 of the rotor and the permanent magnets 5 of the stator. When passing through the electromagnet when its axis is located between the axes of the permanent magnets, the coil of the electromagnet is energized so that a magnetic pole is opposite to the pole further in the direction of rotation of the permanent magnet and the same with the previous pole of the permanent magnet. Thus, the electromagnet at the same time builds on the previous and is attracted to the subsequent permanent magnet. When passing through the electromagnet position opposite the axis of the permanent magnet it is de-energized, since the current collector is located opposite the dielectric gap. It is the position of the electromagnet passes through inertia. The advantages of this motor are enclosed in a very specific ratio of the number of electromagnets and permanent magnets and their relative positions, and also used in the circuit switching electromagnets. Figure 2 shows the electrical circuit of the motor, in accordance with the present invention. The total number of permanent magnets of the stator - n, RA is ing fourteen and the number of electromagnets of the rotor - m is equal to six, satisfy the relations: n=10+4K, m=4+2L, where k=L=1. The number of turns in the windings of the coils opposite electromagnets may be different. To enhance resonance phenomena preferably, this difference was size 1/2pof the total number of turns in one coil, where p=2, 3, 4, 5, etc. for Example, if the total number of turns in the coils of the same electromagnet is 128 and p=5, then the total number of turns in the coils diametrically opposite the electromagnet will be 124. If p=4, then the total number of turns in the coils diametrically opposite electromagnet is equal to 120 and so on Distribution manifold 8 is connected to the source 13 DC. The key 14 provides total turn-off. The schema may also contain additional switch 15 that changes the polarity applied to the discharge header voltage. Change the position of the switch 15 allows you to instantly change the direction of rotation of the electric motor with direct on reverse. In addition, the electrical circuit may include additional blocks (not shown) to stabilize and control the electric current. For example, for acceleration and hill start assist can be used to drive Emotron having a pulse discharge for high capacity and high above is a possibility. Figure 3 shows the electric motor, made in accordance with the present invention, in which the stator 2 of the motor is located outside of the rotor 3. This motor can be used for " emnikami, generators, etc. the design and principle of operation of this motor is similar to that described above. Examples of implementation. Example 1. The electric motor made in accordance with the present invention, shows a high operational characteristics and reliability of a design. The motor has 22 permanent magnet stator, 3 pairs of electromagnets of the rotor, the winding of each coil of the electromagnet contains 68 turns of wire with a diameter of 1.06 mm, While the electric motor has the following parameters. Dimensions - diameter 300 mm, width 50 mm Weight is 7.5 kg Power consumption : 240 watts. Supply voltage - 24 Century Torque of 9.6 N/m This motor was installed as the motor-wheels on the bike "STELS" with a wheel diameter of 26 inches. As a power source have been used two batteries of 12 V and a capacity of 20 A/am Bike with electric drive on a track tests showed the following characteristics : Carrying capacity : 120 kg Cruising speed is 25 km/h The path length is 40 km (with batteries up to a level of 10.5 In).Example 2. Another option motor has 22 permanent magnet stator and 5 pairs of electromagnets of the rotor, the winding of each coil of the electromagnet contains 50 turns of wire with a diameter of 1.25 mm, While the electric motor has the following parameters. Dimensions - diameter 300 mm, width 60 mm Weight 9,6 kg Power consumption of 1000 watts. Voltage - 48 C. Torque of 40 N/m This motor was installed as the motor-wheel scooter with a diameter of motorcycle wheels 16 inches. As a power source have been used 4 batteries 12 V and a capacity of 20 A/h This scooter on track testing showed the following characteristics : Capacity - 150 kg Cruising speed is 45 km/h (maximum 60 km/h). The path length of 50 km (at the discharge battery up to a level of 10.5 In). Example 3. Another option motor has 18 permanent magnets of the stator and 4 pairs of electromagnets of the rotor, the winding of each coil of the electromagnet contains 55 turns of wire with a diameter of 1.32 mm, While the electric motor has the following parameters. Dimensions - diameter 306 mm, width 72 mm Weight - 11 kg Power consumption : 1500 watts. Voltage - 48 C. Torque - 52 N/m LW is such motor was installed as a motor-wheel 3-wheel rickshaw, designed for the driver and two passengers. The diameter of motorcycle wheels with an electric motor 16 inches. As a power source have been used 4 batteries 12 V and a capacity of 60 A/h This electronica on track testing showed the following characteristics : Capacity - 500 kg Cruising speed is 45 km/h (maximum 70 km/h). The length - 70 km (at the discharge battery up to a level of 10.5 In). 1. The motor contains a stator with a circular magnetic circuit, which has an even number of permanent magnets with the same step; a rotor separated from the stator by an air gap and bearing an even number of electromagnets, each of which has two coils sequentially counter-winding direction; a distribution manifold mounted on the stator housing and having spaced around the circumference of the conductive plate connected to the alternating polarity with a constant current source and separated by dielectric gaps; current collectors that are installed with the possibility of contact with the plates of the collector, each of the current collectors are connected to the same output windings of the respective magnets, where the magnets are located in pairs opposite each other, and the windings of the coils of adjacent electromagnets are connected after vetelino, and conclusions opposite windings of electromagnets, is not connected to the current collectors are connected to each other, the number of permanent magnets of the stator is equal to n, satisfy the following relations : n=10+4k, where k is an integer taking values 0, 1, 2, 3..., and the number of the electromagnets of the rotor m satisfies the relation m=4+2L, where L is any integer satisfying the condition of 0≤L≤k. 2. The electric motor according to claim 1, wherein the number of conductive plates in the distribution manifold is equal to the number of permanent magnets of the stator. 3. The electric motor according to claim 1, characterized in that the axial line of the dielectric spacing distribution manifold is oriented according to the axis lines of the permanent magnets of the stator. 4. The electric motor according to claim 1, characterized in that the number of turns in the windings of the coils opposite electromagnets is different and this difference is equal to 1/2Pof the total number of turns in one coil, where p=2, 3, 4, 5, etc. 5. The electric motor according to claim 1, characterized in that the positive conductive plate distribution manifold connected with the positive pole of the DC source, and a negative conductive plate junction of the collector shorted to the motor housing. 6. The electric motor according to claim 1, characterized in that vitellinae conductive plate distribution manifold connected with the positive pole of the DC source, and a negative conductive plate distribution manifold connected to the negative pole of the DC source and isolated from the body of the motor. 7. The electric motor according to claim 1, characterized in that the firing angle between the current collector and the conductive plates of the collector is in the range from 0 to 8°. 8. The electric motor according to claim 1, characterized in that the rotor is located outside the stator. 9. The electric motor according to claim 1, characterized in that the rotor located inside the stator.
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