Propeller for sea-going ship (versions) |
IPC classes for russian patent Propeller for sea-going ship (versions) (RU 2280587):
Method of motion of transport facility up the river / 2278799
Proposed method consists in laying support on river bottom along its banks; wheels of trolley rest against these supports; transport facility is placed on its struts. Length of struts makes it possible to keep the transport facility above water surface. Paddle wheels mounted on sides of transport facility start rotating under action of flowing water transmitting this rotation to trolley wheels by means of special mechanism; as a result, trolley starts moving up the river.
Method of motion of transport facility up the river / 2278799
Proposed method consists in laying support on river bottom along its banks; wheels of trolley rest against these supports; transport facility is placed on its struts. Length of struts makes it possible to keep the transport facility above water surface. Paddle wheels mounted on sides of transport facility start rotating under action of flowing water transmitting this rotation to trolley wheels by means of special mechanism; as a result, trolley starts moving up the river.
Proposed method consists in forming mutually perpendicular electrical and magnetic fields on surface of moving body; electrical field is ensured by electrodes galvanically connected with water and located over circumference on surface of body in plane perpendicular to direction of motion and magnetic field is formed by magnets located inside or outside body.
The invention serves for providing of realization of various underwater works near ships and other installations which have an underwater part. Water and air is given under pressure along a hose or a tube to a guiding apparatus through a funnel with a cone-shaped bushing fixed in with a clearance, providing even outflow of water and air in front of working surface through guiding apparatus. This outflow of water reduces pressure on the working surface and that helps to create a pulling force due to large magnitudes of pressure forces of surrounding motionless water on the opposite side of the working surface. According to this reason joining of the mover-sucker to the underwater support happens.
The invention relates to fluid mechanics and shipbuilding and can be used to increase the speed of the vessel without increasing the capacity of its power plant or fuel saving when less power if the calculated speed
The invention relates to shipbuilding and for the creation of machines that use the energy of sea waves for ship traffic and the generation of electric energy
The invention relates to shipbuilding, namely to ship devices that reduce the drift velocity of the ship through the use of energy pitching
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The invention relates to shipbuilding and for the creation of machines that use the energy of sea waves for traffic
The invention relates to shipbuilding and concerns of propulsion that uses the energy of sea waves
The invention relates to shipbuilding, namely, courts are full of lines, high-speed wodoslawsky ships and underwater objects
The invention relates to the field of marine engineering, namely to ship propulsion, and can be used on vehicles and sports vehicles
The invention relates to shipbuilding, namely, the water reactive propulsion, and can be used as the actuator for different purposes, as well as the engine, a pump for circulating paths
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The invention relates to shipbuilding and can be used for pleasure boats, sports, tourism and economic purposes
The invention relates to shipbuilding, namely the wing devices hydrofoils, and is intended to improve the hydrodynamic quality of hydrofoil
The invention relates to shipbuilding and for the design of hydrofoils with devices to increase speed or to reduce fuel consumption
Method of increasing the thrust of a flowing stream / 2221727
The invention relates to mechanical engineering and can be used to create water jets for example water jet marine propulsion
The invention relates to shipbuilding, namely the jet propulsion underwater vehicles (underwater vehicles, underwater vehicles, etc.,)
The invention relates to shipbuilding, in particular to systems of liquid-cooled engines of the craft, such as boats with jet propulsion
FIELD: shipbuilding. SUBSTANCE: according to first version, proposed propeller is provided with permanent magnets mounted on the outside of magnetic hull in form of parallel parallelepipeds secured by one pole on ship's hull in parallel with direction of motion; opposite poles are pressed to magnetically conducting plane. Electrodes are mounted on inter-pole planes inside rectangular cavities thus formed which are electrically insulated from material of magnets, ship's hull and magnetically-conducting plane. Electrodes are connected in pairs by their poles. According to second version, bow-shaped magnets are secured inside nonmagnetic hull of ship perpendicularly to direction of motion in line by alternating poles. Magnetically-conducting plane is opposite to hull. Electrodes connected with current source by their alternating poles are located between ship's hull and magnetically-conducting plane in parallel to direction of ship's motion. EFFECT: possibility of using sea water as working medium. 3 cl, 3 dwg
The present invention relates to a device which provides for the movement of the hull relative to the water. There is a method of movement in the aquatic environment using electrohydraulic jet thrust of the engine, the device which contains the electrodes in contact with the environment movement (1). Known mover in the marine environment, containing permanent magnets and electrodes attached to the hull of the vessel and connected to a constant current source (2). Known methods and devices do not provide a significant effort to move the ship in the ocean. The essence of the invention. We offer options for propulsion of the vessel in sea water solve the problem of obtaining a great effort in limited amounts propulsion and water in the absence of mechanical converters in the chain of energy transfer movement to the environment. The difference of the first variant of the mover to move the vessel in sea water from a known device (2) is that the magnets are installed on the outside of the magnetic ship hull in the form of parallel spaced parallelepipeds, single-pole fixed to the hull of the vessel, parallel movement, and the opposite pole pressed against the conductive plane and the inside of the formed rectangular cavities, electrically isolated from the material is of Ignatov, the hull and the conductive plane, the interpolar planes of the magnets are arranged electrodes connected in pairs with their poles of the power source. The difference of the second variant of the device is that the arcuate magnets attached perpendicular to the direction of movement, in line with alternating poles inside the non-magnetic ship hull, the outer side of which opposite the magnets is conductive plane, between the hull and the plane, isolated from them, parallel to the movement of the vessel and the poles of the magnets between them are electrodes, alternating poles connected to the current source. Both sides of the electrodes in contact with water, have a relief surface in the form of tiny cones (irregularities), increasing the area of contact of the electrode with water. Outlines the differences between the variants engines allow the use of the marine environment, in which the moving vessel, as a working medium, which is moved relative to the vessel in accordance with the well-known Lorentz law (3) with great speed. The possibility of realization of the invention. 1 shows a variant of the device according to claim 1 of the formula. It contains a portion of the magnetic ship hull 1 (bottom), which is fixed to the same poles of the magnets 2. Unload the opposite side of the magnets (poles N) is conductive sheet 3. The internal cavity formed by the outer surface of the housing 1, the inner plane of the sheet 3 and the interpolar sides of the magnets 2, electrically isolated from sea water of the insulation layer 4. On the interpolar planes of the magnets 2 on top of the insulation 4 is fixed electrodes 5, which are connected in pairs with the poles of the DC source 6. The propeller provides thrust of the vessel in sea water as follows. When the application of voltage to the electrodes 5 between oppositely charged electrodes in each of the working cavity occurs movement positive (Na+) and negative (Cl-) major ion seawater. Craving arises due to the curvature of the trajectories of positive and negative charges in a magnetic field (3). When the movement of a positive charge in a magnetic field (ion Na+) between the hull 1 and the plane 3, he, in accordance with the Lorentz law, will be deflected in the direction R (indicated by arrows). In the same direction will deviate the trajectory and negative ions (Cl-), because they move in the opposite direction from the negative to the positive electrode and the rule of the "left hand". As a result, in the interelectrode space of the working cavities occurs the flow of water in the direction R. As in the case of the magnets 2 and the electrodes 5 are parallel to the axis of the vessel and fixed n is it it receives the motion vector opposite to the direction of movement of water R, i.e. moves in the opposite direction, but relative to the entire marine environment. To increase the current density in the electrode gap of the working cavity area of the electrode in contact with the water increases due to the microrelief of the cones shown in figure 2. On the working side electrode 5 form a dense rows of cones 7, which reduce the specific current density at the electrode-water, which determines the allocation of chlorine from sea water. While working current in a magnetic field of the working cavity increases. The strength of the current with the magnetic induction determines the thrust of the proposed propulsion. Figure 3 shows a variant of the device with the arrangement of the magnets inside the non-magnetic ship hull 1. In this embodiment, arcuate magnets 2 are perpendicular to the motion of the vessel in a series of alternating poles. Opposite poles of magnets is fixed conductive plane 3, through which the working clearances of the cavities induced bipolar magnetic field. The hull of the vessel and the conductive plane in place of fixing the magnets are electrically insulated by the insulation layer 4. Working electrodes 5 are arranged outside the housing 1 between the poles of the magnets 2 and parallel to them and the direction of motion. The poles e is Strogov alternate when connecting them to the source of supply 6. Shown in the figure 3 embodiment, the location of the poles of the magnets 2 and the connection electrode 5 with the current source 6 in the working volume of the cavity of each section of the electrodes 5 are mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic fields, which provide the movement of the ions of the water in the direction R. the Movement of the hull opposite. In the second variant of the mover electrodes 5 have bilateral microconsole floor 7, since each electrode forms an electric field on both sides. The proposed device makes it possible to eliminate the chain of energy conversion, moving vessel, machine elements, gears, propellers, etc. that significantly increases the efficiency of propulsion. Bubbles of the same chlorine that may arise as a result of decomposition of water at the electrode surface, will play the role of lubrication (4), which will only facilitate the movement of the vessel in sea water. Sources of information 1. Patent of Russia №2031050, CL 63 N 11/00. 2. Patent application No. 2004128625/20 (030986). 3. The Handbook of physics X. Kuhling, "World", 1982, s-349. 4. Patent of Russia №2223195, CL 63 In 1/34. 1. A mover for moving the vessel in sea water containing permanent magnets and electrodes attached to the hull of the vessel and connected to a constant current source, characterized in that the magnets are installed on the outside of the magnetic ship hull in VI is e arranged in parallel, parallelepipeds, single-pole fixed to the hull parallel to the direction of motion, and opposite poles are pressed against the conductive plane and the inside of the formed rectangular cavities, electrically isolated from the material of the magnets, the hull and the conductive plane, the interpolar planes of the magnets are arranged electrodes connected in pairs with their poles of the power source. 2. A mover for moving the vessel in sea water containing permanent magnets and electrodes attached to the hull of the vessel and connected to a constant current source, characterized in that the arcuate magnets attached perpendicular to the direction of movement in line with alternating poles inside the non-magnetic ship hull, the outer side of which opposite the magnets is conductive plane, between the hull and this plane isolated from them, parallel to the direction of movement of the vessel and the poles of the magnets between them are electrodes, alternating poles connected to the current source. 3. The propulsion device according to claims 1 and 2, characterized in that the side electrodes, in contact with water, have a relief surface in the form of cones, increasing the area of contact of the electrodes with water.
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