Voltage converter built around combined circuit arrangement |
IPC classes for russian patent Voltage converter built around combined circuit arrangement (RU 2269196):
FIELD: regulation and reactive power correction in power systems; inverters for high-voltage frequency-controlled electric drives. SUBSTANCE: proposed converter is built around combined circuit arrangement incorporating three-phase bridge circuit of voltage inverter (with series-interconnected semiconductor devices of IGCT, IGBT, and other types) with one or more series-interconnected single-phase bridge voltage converters (whose semiconductor devices are not interconnected in series)connected to each of its phase outputs. All change-over operations are made in three-phase bridge circuit whose arms form valves with series-interconnected semiconductor devices and which forms output voltage base of converter at low frequency (such as that equal to supply mains frequency). Bridge arms incorporating series-interconnected semiconductor devices having different on/off delay times are changed over by means of switching circuits specially inserted in circuit. EFFECT: enhanced reliability reduced power loss in building converter combined circuit, reduced dynamic loss in semiconductor devices. 3 cl, 9 dwg
The invention relates to a Converter equipment, namely, high voltage converters, requiring the use of a series connection of semiconductor managed devices, and is intended for device regulation and compensation of reactive power in power systems. This Converter can be used as an inverter in a high-voltage variable frequency drives. Known to use devices for regulation and compensation of reactive power in power systems three-level pulse-width Converter [1]. This is the simplest configuration technical solution, but its implementation requires high-frequency switching. To implement such a Converter in the class higher voltages require the use of serial connections controlled semiconductor devices. Even with a slight variation in lag time off (turn off) and turn on (turn on) the series connected devices for equalizing voltages required dividing circuit considerable power, loss of energy which is much higher than the dynamic power losses in the device. Theoretically it is also possible to perform a selection of identical devices without dividing circuits, but in practice it does not sell. Schemes transformer addition when a voltage of several inverters are formed using a special intermediate transformers require additional costs. Known converters for adjustable speed drive, made by a combined scheme [2], consisting of a three-phase duplex (forming two voltage levels: positive and negative) or three-level (forming three voltage levels: positive, negative, and zero) a basic voltage inverter, one or more series-connected single-phase bridge inverter circuits in each phase at the output of the basic inverter and control system all inverters pulse width method. This option is closest to the present invention. And two-tier and three-tier basic three-phase inverter is a voltage level that is several times higher than the voltage in single-phase bridge circuits, and forms the basis of a voltage close on the effective value, but poor form. The frequency of the switching three-phase inverter is much lower than the frequency of switching in single-phase bridge circuits. Single-phase bridge inverters form a Supplement to the base. The result is the summed signal of the desired shape. This is a good technical solution for the stresses of the order of 6-7 kV (as the decree is in [2]). To implement such a Converter in the class higher voltages require the use of a series connection of semiconductor devices and in this case, as in [1], to align the voltages required dividing circuit considerable power, loss of energy which is much higher than the dynamic power losses in the device. You know the invention [3], giving a reduction of the dynamic losses of the transistors in the transistor inverter made in a bridge circuit, by introducing into each shoulder an additional chain, reducing the slew rate of the voltage on each of the transistors by reducing the slew rate of the discharge current of the capacitors. The use of the Converter with such chains in a two-level three-phase circuit is possible, but involves low frequency switching and, therefore, as the output voltage of the Converter is for tasks unsatisfactory. In three-phase three-level scheme proposed chain do not work. The purpose of the present invention is to improve reliability and reduce power loss when building a combined circuit high voltage Converter that uses a serial connection of a semiconductor managed devices. Technical solution allows to apply the ü serial connection devices, in which there is variation in lag time off (turn off) and turn on (turn on). The achievement of this goal in the voltage Converter, made by a combined scheme that includes basic three-phase bridge inverter voltage on the gates formed by series-connected controllable semiconductor devices in each arm of the bridge, two-, three - or-more-layered structure, and single-phase bridge voltage source inverters connected to each phase of the inverter output of the base in one or more series-connected AC current in each phase is provided by the introduction to each shoulder of the base of the inverter switching chains of series-connected capacitor and commutating diodes, and commutating reactors, connected in series with the gate of the shoulder, respectively, with side of the positive or negative bus of the basic inverter and/or phase of the output, and the switching diodes chains connected directly to the valve shoulder according to him about switching reactors. Introduced in the basic scheme of the inverter capacitors connected in parallel to the gates of the shoulders and separated from them switching diodes. Also in each phase of the basic inverter entered recuperating units engaged in rebuilding the energy switching in capacitors DC voltage. Recuperating blocks, the outputs are enabled between the DC bus of the basic inverter inputs respectively included between the positive bus, a negative bus or phase output and connection points of the capacitors and diodes of the switching chain. With the above construction of the scheme selected control algorithm, in accordance with the manipulated switch basic circuit at a low frequency comparable to the frequency of the network, which does not require fast switching. The formation of the monitored signal is placed on cascaded single-phase inverter bridges due to pulse width modulation in each bridge circuit, and a shift in the management of each of the single-phase bridges with higher frequency switching in possible, because the serial connection of semiconductor devices is not assumed. To clarify the nature of the invention figa presents Converter block diagram for regulation and compensation of reactive power in the power grid, the basis of the output voltage which is formed by using a three-level three-phase bridge inverter; on figb structural diagram of the phase three-level three-phase bridge inverter; on FIGU shows the structural block diagram of the regenerative energy is AI, used in phases three-phase inverter; on figa presents a structural diagram of the Converter, the basis of the output voltage which is formed by using a two-level three-phase bridge inverter; on figb the block diagram of phase two-level three-phase bridge inverter; on figv the block diagram of phase two-level three-phase bridge inverter with switching of the switching reactors at the midpoint of phase; figure 3 shows a structure of a control system of the inverter; figure 4 shows the waveforms of the voltages on the three series-connected IGCTs-thyristors (4500, 4000 a) when the switch-off delay of the two of them on 1 µs when the circuit switching circuits; figure 5 shows waveforms explaining the operation principle of the proposed scheme. Device and criteria for the selection of the type and quantity of the essential elements of the claimed technical solution in its static condition described in schemes 1 and 2. Here is ways to build a three-phase inverter for three - and two-level scheme. 1. The structure of the transducer, the basis of the output voltage which is formed by using a three-level three-phase bridge inverter, presented at figa. Three-level three-phase bridge inverter 1 consists of three is AZ (2, 3, 4) and condenser batteries (5, 6) to the middle (neutral) point 7. To phase the findings of the three-phase inverter (points 8, 9, 10) are connected serially connected single-phase bridge inverters (11(1)...11(n), 12(1)12...(n), 13(1)...13(n)). Contact tire combo transducer (points a, b, C) is connected to the mains (without a filter or with filter - depending on the requirements of the application). To ensure switching valves 14, 15, 16, 17 (figb - phase 2) phase bridge inverter 2, 3, 4 valves formed by the serial connection is fully controlled semiconductor devices (with reverse diode protection circuit), the circuit of the phase inverter is enabled condenser battery (figb: 18 between points 20 and 21; 19 between the points 22 and 23) to limit the rate of change of voltage at the gates (hereinafter referred to dU/dt). The value of the capacitance of capacitor Bank is selected based restrictions dU/dt at an acceptable level, based on the requirement of not exceeding the maximum permissible operating voltage in semiconductor devices considering the variation of their time on/off (when you turn off the "fast"and when you enable the "slow" devices in the absence of additional measures are under full tension). To ensure switching valves without surge of current through the reverse diodes (14(1)...14(n2), 15(1)...15(2). 16(1)...16(n2), 17(1)...17(n2)) and shunt (24, 25) diodes to reduce the level of overvoltage on the valves due to the inductance of the mounting of the filter capacitor battery DC voltage (figa: 5 and 6), as well as to limit the short circuit current at the breakdown diagram of the phase inverter is enabled commutating reactors (figb: 26 between points 28 and 29; 27 between points 30 and 8; 31 between points 8 and 32; 33 between points 34 and 35 that limits the rate of change of current (di/dt) through the valves. The inductor commutating reactor is selected from the calculation of the limit di/dt at an acceptable level, based on the requirement of not exceeding the maximum permissible repetitive current through the semiconductor devices. To bring the energy of the reactor after the switching valve and the circuit includes a switching diodes (figb: 36 between points 20 and 29; 37 between the points 21 and 27; 38 between points 22 and 33; 39 between the points 23 and 34) and recuperating converters (figb: 40 between the points 29 and 20, 41 between points 21 and 22 and 42 between the points 23 and 35)engaged in the energy recovery switching back to the capacitor DC voltage 5 and 6 (except for the losses in the converters). 2. The structure of the transducer, the basis of the output voltage which is formed by using a two-level three-phase bridge inverter, presented at figa Duhur is wavy three-phase bridge inverter 1 consists of three phases (2, 3, 4) and condenser battery 43. To phase the findings of the three-phase inverter (points 8, 9, 10) are connected serially connected single-phase bridge inverters 12(1)12...(n), 13(1)...13(n)14(1)...14(n)). Contact tire combo transducer (points a, b, C) connected to the mains (without a filter or with filter - depending on the requirements of the application). To ensure switching valves 44, 45 (figb) phase bridge inverter 2, 3, 4 valves formed by the serial connection is fully controlled semiconductor devices (with reverse diode protection circuit), the circuit of the phase inverter is enabled condenser battery (figa: 46 between the points 48 and 8; 47 between points 8 and 49) to limit dU/dt on the valves. The value of the capacitance of capacitor Bank is selected based restrictions dU/dt at an acceptable level, based on the requirement of not exceeding the maximum permissible operating voltage in semiconductor devices considering the variation of their time on/off. To ensure switching valves without surge of current through the reverse (44(1)...44(n3), 45(1)...45(n3),) diodes to reduce the level of overvoltage on the valves due to the inductance of the mounting of the filter capacitor Bank DC voltage (figa: 43), as well as to limit the short circuit current at the breakdown in scheme f the s inverter included commutating reactors (figb: 50 between points 29 and 51; 53 between points 52 and 35), limiting the rate of change of current (di/dt) through the valves. The inductor commutating reactor is selected from the calculation of the limit di/dt at an acceptable level, based on the requirement of not exceeding the maximum permissible repetitive current through the semiconductor devices. To bring the energy of the reactor after the switching valve and the circuit includes a switching diodes (figb: 54 between points 48 and 51; 55 between points 52 and 49) and recuperating converters (figb: 56 between the points 29 and 48, 57 between the points 49 and 35)engaged in the energy recovery switching back to the condenser battery DC voltage 43 (except for losses in the converters). By analogy with [3], commutating reactors can be included in the midpoint phase (pigv). The principle of the proposed Converter will be shown by the example of his variant version with three-phase bridge three-level inverter as a basic inverter. The control system (figure 3) using blocks PWM modulator generates in sequence the pulses of the control valves of all inverters. This three-level three-phase bridge inverter generates between the middle point 7 and phase conclusions the three-phase inverter (points 8, 9, 10) one of three voltage levels (positive, tricatel is Noah and zero) (U3 figure 5). Switching valves are performed by system management in accordance with the adopted algorithm. The control system has several control loops, among which are the two global path: - peak value of a current through the reactor output filter (signal i, figure 3); - peak value of a voltage output (transformer bus bar voltage connection output filter capacitors) - (signal and figure 3). In addition, for testing of fast processes organized local loops on the instantaneous values of current and voltage from the output of the filter, as well as several local loops for current and voltage with capacitor DC voltage basic inverter and single-phase bridges cascade inverter. In General, the control system is based on the principle of maintaining the setpoint The circuit includes recuperating converters, providing energy return commutation capacitor in the battery DC voltage 5, 6 (except for the losses in the converters). One of the possible options recuperating Converter explains figv. When you turn off the control valve (for example 14) energy commutating reactor (for example 26) through the switching diodes (e.g. 36) charges the capacitor 58. The average DC voltage of the capacitor 58 is converted by the inverter 59 AC voltage of high frequency. The transformer 60 increases to the voltage level on the capacitor battery 5, 6 a DC link and then after rectification by the rectifier 61 the voltage applied to the capacitor battery. Thus reactive energy switching from the reactor is returned in the accumulation capacitor battery. In General, when the regulation of three-phase three-level inverter (including the possibility of multiple switches of the same valve for half-life) depending on the sign of the generated output voltages in Zmeiny the following types of switching: • U>0, i>0 (where U is the voltage phase of the inverter i is the phase current of the inverter): from transistors of gate 14 to the diodes 24 and Vice versa when the transistors 15; • U<0, i<0: from transistors of gate 17 to the diodes 25 and Vice versa when the transistors 16 (switching processes are similar to the previous paragraph because of the symmetry of the diagram); • U>0, i<0: reverse diode valves 14 and 15 to the transistor 16 and the diodes 25 and back. • U<0, i>0: reverse diode valves 16 and 17 to the transistors 15 and the diodes 24 and back(when switching processes are similar to the previous paragraph because of the symmetry of the diagram); So of the eight types of switching (including reverse switching) essentially can be divided into four types: 1) from the outside (top) of the controlled valve to shunt the diode of the same arm of the inverter; 2) conversely, from the shunt diode to controlled valve; 3) reverse diode valves one shoulder to the internal controlled valve and shunt diode of the other shoulder the same phase; 4) conversely, from the controlled valve and shunt diode to reverse the diodes. Consider the processes at the different types of switching when the circuit switching circuits 1) Switching the first type, for example, when the switching current from the controlled valve 14 to unterweser the diode 24 is carried out in two stages. In precomputational state, the current is conducted by switching the reactor 26 operated valves 14, 15, the reactor 27. The capacitor 18 is discharged, and the capacitor 19 is charged up to a voltage level in the DC voltage Ud is the voltage between the DC bus 29 and 35 (up to a voltage in units of energy recovery). Switching starts locking controlled valve 14. Unlocked switching diodes 36 and 37 and is a smooth re-charging of the capacitors 18 and 19, the capacitor 18 is charged via a chain 26-36-18-37-27- (another phase) (DC link 6-5)-26, and the capacitor 19 recharged chain 42-19-40-37-27-(another phase) (DC link 5-6)-42. At the end of the first stage switching capacitors 18 and 19 are recharged to the same voltage level equal to the half of the Ud (up to a voltage 40...42) and unlocked shunt diode 24. In the second phase of the switching current through the shunt diode increases gradually, and the current through the reactor 26 and the diode 36 gradually decreases, causing further recharging of the capacitors 18 and 19 (the value corresponding to the voltage 40...42). When the current through the reactor 26 and the diodes 36 zero, the diodes 36 are locked, and the process of switching over. 2) Switching the second type, for example, when the switching current from the shunt diode 24 to the driven valve 14 is in the ri phase. In precomputational state, the current is conducted by shunt diodes 24, controlled by valve 15, the reactor 27. The capacitors 18 and 19 are charged to the same voltage level (up to a voltage in units of energy recovery 40...42). Switching begins unlocking the controlled valve 14. The current through the shunt diodes 24 gradually decreases, and after 14 increases with the speed limited by the inductance of the switching reactors 26 and 27. The first stage switching ends when the current through the diodes 24 drops to zero. In the second phase switching occurs overcharge condenser batteries 18 and 19 (18 discharges to zero on the contour chain 18-40-26-14-15-27-31-38-41-18 and 19 is charged to full voltage in the DC link on a path 19 to 42-(DC 6-5)-26-14-15-27-31-38-19). The second stage ends when the voltage on 18 becomes zero. In the third stage open switching diodes 36, 37 and the "extra" current, resulting in 26, 27, 31 due to overcharging 18, 19, falls to the nominal value through the recovery units 40 and 41, respectively, then the switching diodes are locked and switching ends. 3) Consider the processes in the switching of the third type, for example from reverse diode valves 14, 15 to the driven valve 16 and a shunt diode 25. Switching the third type is carried out in two stages. In before omputational state, the current is conducted to the reactor 27, reverse diodes of the valves 14, 15, the reactor 26. The capacitor Bank 18 is discharged to zero, and 19 is charged to the full voltage Ud (up to a voltage in units of energy recovery 40...42). Switching begins unlocking the gate 16: current through it starts to smoothly grow, and through the diodes 14, 15 decrease smoothly. At the same time is a smooth overcharge condenser batteries 18, 19: 18 is charged via a chain 18-37-27-(another phase) (DC link 6-5)-26-36-18 and 19 is discharged through the chain of 19-41-37-27-(another phase) (DC link 5-6)-42-19. At the end of the first stage switching capacitors 18 and 19 are recharged to the same voltage level equal to half of the Ud (up to a voltage in units of energy recovery 40...42). Main current (load) flows through the circuit 31-16-25, to which is added the current overcharge 18, 19. In the second stage switching opens the switching diode 38 and the overcurrent through the reactor 26, 27, 31, caused by overcharging 18, 19, fall through the recovery units 40, 41, respectively. At the end of the second phase of the currents through the reactor 26 and 27 are set to zero, and after a 31 - nominal switching diodes 36...38 are locked and switching ends. 4) Consider the processes by switching the fourth type, for example, from the controlled valve 16 and the bypass diode to the inverse diodes of the valves 14, 15. Switching che is vertigo type is carried out in two stages. In precomputational state, the current is conducted to the reactor 31, a controlled valve 16 and the bypass diodes 25. Capacitor Bank 18, 19 are charged to the same voltage level equal to the half of the Ud (up to a voltage in units of energy recovery 40...42). Switching starts locking controlled valve 16. The current flowing through 16 and 25 stops; unlocked switching diode 38 and begins a smooth overcharge condenser batteries 18 and 19: 18 discharges through the chain of 18-40-(DC 5-6)-(load)-31-38-41-18 and 19 is charged via a chain 19 to 42-(DC 6-5)-(load)-31-38-19. The first stage ends when the voltage on 18 becomes zero, and the 19 - equal to half of the voltage Ud. In the second stage switching unlocks the reverse diodes 14, 15, through which penetrates the load current. Simultaneously with the diodes 14, 15 are opened switching diodes 36, 37; 37 gradually decreases the current of the reactor 31 (chain 31-38-41-37-27-31)caused by overcharging 18, 19, and 36 flows through the differential current of the valves 14, 15 and gradually increasing the current of the reactor 26. At the end of the second phase of the current through 31 becomes zero through 26 - nominal switching diodes 36...38 are locked and switching ends. The load current after switching flows through the circuit 27-15-14-26-(DC 5-6)-(load)-27. All even the PEX types of switching the speed change of the voltage on capacitor batteries 18, 19 is determined by the magnitude of their capacity and value of the load current. The rate of change of voltage on the gates 14...17 when the lock is equal to the rate of change of voltage on the capacitors 18, 19. Thus, in a situation where one of the series-connected semiconductor devices, the gate is locked before the other (due to existing differences delays shutdown of devices and control channels), the voltage across it increases smoothly and by the time of unlocking the rest of the devices does not exceed the maximum allowable value. An additional effect is to reduce dynamic losses in semiconductor devices. As an example of the inventive switching chain figure 4 shows the waveforms of the voltages on the three series-connected IGCTs-thyristors (4500, 4000 a) when the switch-off delay of the two of them to 1 µs. The variation of stresses on the devices in the closed position amounted to about 600 V, which is acceptable considering the recommended manufacturers of semiconductor devices stock voltage. The waveforms depicted in figure 5, explain the operation of the transducer. Basic three-phase bridge inverter forms the basis U3 output voltage of the inverter with low switching frequency (in the example, the mains frequency is 50 Hz). The remaining difference voltage is each formed of a single-phase bridge inverters. The management of each of the single-phase bridge inverters is carried out with a phase shift relative to each other, thereby increasing the resulting frequency output voltage ripple. In the example, the switching frequency of power switches in each of the bridges is 267 Hz, and the resulting modulation frequency of 800 Hz. Figure 5 the following notation: REF0 - signal task, US - voltage phase three-level three-phase bridge inverter, V3 - job for series-connected bridge inverter phase equal to the difference between job, phase and voltage phase of the three-phase inverter, U3 resulting output voltage of the Converter. Sources of information 1. STATCOM Based on Multimodules of Multilevel Converters Under Multiple Regulation Feedback Control Yiqiang Chen and Boon-Teck OoiDEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL.14, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 1999. 2. U.S. patent US 6621719 B2 (Sep.16, 2003) Converter with additional voltage addition or subtraction at the output STEIMER PETER (CH); VEENSTRA MARTIN (CH). 3. Mustafa, G.M., Bareghamyan G Century, Ruditsky RS, Kubina E.V.: Reduce dynamic losses of the transistors of the inverter by changing the slew rate of the DC capacitors. Copyright certificate №989711 (15.01.83), UDC 621.314.57 (088.8). 1. The voltage Converter made by a combined scheme, which includes the basic h-bridge multi-level (at least three-tier) three-phase inverter voltage is Oia, valves, formed by the serial connection is fully controlled semiconductor devices in the arms of the bridge, respectively included between the positive or negative DC bus and the corresponding phase output, and one or more series-connected AC single-phase bridge inverters included in each phase at the output of the basic inverter, characterized in that each arm is a basic inverter introduced a chain of series-connected capacitor, the first switching diode is connected to the first capacitor plate and the second switching diode is connected to the second capacitor plate, and two commutating reactor, and this chain is connected in parallel to the valve shoulder so that the first switching diode is connected to the gate side of the DC bus, one commutating reactor connected between a corresponding DC bus and the connection point of the first switching diode and the gate of the shoulder, and the second commutating reactor is between the connection point of the second switching diode with the gate arm and the respective phase output, while the switching diodes are connected with the valves shoulder the same electrodes; in each phase of the inverter introduced three recuperating block, two of which inputs included is each between a corresponding DC bus and the connection point of the capacitor and the first switching diode, at the entrance of the third recuperating unit connected between the connection points of the capacitors adjacent shoulders of phase with the second switching diodes, and the outputs of all recuperating blocks phase is included between the DC bus of the basic inverter. 2. The voltage Converter made by a combined scheme, which includes the basic h-bridge two-level three-phase inverter voltage on the gates formed by the serial connection is fully controlled semiconductor devices in the arms of the bridge, respectively included between the positive or negative DC bus and the corresponding phase output, and one or more series-connected AC single-phase bridge inverters included in each phase at the output of the basic inverter, characterized in that each arm is a basic inverter introduced a chain of series-connected capacitor and a switching diode, switching the reactor and recuperating block, and this chain is connected in parallel to the valve shoulder so that the switching diode is connected to the gate of the same electrode side of the DC bus, and the commutating reactor connected between a connection point of the switching diode with the gate and the DC bus; recupererais the th block entry is included between the respective DC bus and the connection point of the switching diode and a capacitor, and the output is connected to the DC bus of the basic inverter. 3. The voltage Converter made by a combined scheme, which includes the basic h-bridge two-level three-phase inverter voltage on the gates formed by the serial connection is fully controlled semiconductor devices in the arms of the bridge, respectively included between the positive or negative DC bus and the corresponding phase output, and one or more series-connected AC single-phase bridge inverters included in each phase at the output of the basic inverter, characterized in that each arm is a basic inverter introduced a chain of series-connected capacitor and a switching diode, switching the throttle and recuperating block, and this chain is connected in parallel chain of gates shoulder so that the switching diode is connected to the gate of the same electrode from the respective phase output, switching inductor included between the phase output and the connection point of the switching diode and gate, and recuperating the block input is enabled between specified phase output and the connection point of the capacitor and the switching diode, and the output is connected to the DC bus of the basic inverter. </>
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