Method for contact-free measurement of straight linear size features of individual's figure |
IPC classes for russian patent Method for contact-free measurement of straight linear size features of individual's figure (RU 2264768):
Apparatus has rotating round member with fixed center and measuring device including transparent screen with calibrated grid applied thereon, drawing board, and laser emitter built into drawing board crosshairs. Laser emitter is equipped with vertical and horizontal coordinate indicator. Coordinate grid is applied to transparent screen. Object to be measured is placed behind screen on rotating round member divided into sectors and equipped with stops, with number of stops being equal to that of sectors. Apparatus may be used in mass production of garments as well as for taking anthropometric measurements of population for investigation purposes.
The invention relates to garment production, namely to obtain initial information about the size and shape of the body of man in his photographic image for detail design service, including in the sphere of consumer services in the manufacture of products for individual customers
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The invention relates to the garment industry, in particular the utilities measured with a human figure for the purposes of building design drawings belt products
The invention relates to a tray that can be used to accommodate various tools, devices and instruments used in various technological processes, light industry
Apparatus has rotating round member with fixed center and measuring device including transparent screen with calibrated grid applied thereon, drawing board, and laser emitter built into drawing board crosshairs. Laser emitter is equipped with vertical and horizontal coordinate indicator. Coordinate grid is applied to transparent screen. Object to be measured is placed behind screen on rotating round member divided into sectors and equipped with stops, with number of stops being equal to that of sectors. Apparatus may be used in mass production of garments as well as for taking anthropometric measurements of population for investigation purposes.
Method involves marking anthropometrical points on individual's body and obtaining photographic images of individual's body side, rear and front views; for taking photos of individual's side view, orienting foot's heel point along predetermined line extending in parallel with optical axis of objective and lying on platform for taking photos; for taking photos of individual's front and rear views, orienting foot's heel point along predetermined line extending perpendicular to optical axis of objective and lying on platform for taking photos; after producing of photographic images of individual's figure, measuring pattern coordinates thereof as distances from each of points to both axes of coordinates extending through center of photographic picture; calculating three-dimensional coordinates of these points through the use of measured values of their image coordinates on lateral, front and rear photographic image views.
Method involves measuring individual's body shape with the use of contact-free three-dimensional measurement apparatus; transmitting measurement data to computer comprising databases on reference points of human body for clothes selected by individual for automatic separation and indication of reference points; determining some of reference points for obtaining size values from measurement data for certain reference points; indicating original of pattern corresponding to standard body shape for specific clothes; introducing body size values into pattern original and altering characteristic points positions so as to generate data on sewing model fully corresponding to individual. Method allows sewing model maximally fitting individual's body shape to be automatically produced.
Method of designing clothing includes the formation of a consolidated information about the order of the product, including anthropometric values and the exact combination of instrumental yardsticks, including the instrumental increase, model selection and choice of fabric. At the same time on anthropometric and accurate combined instrumental measurements which include an instrumental increase, on the selected model the parametres of the model features of products are determined, shrinkage of the selected fabric is determined, the ability of fabric to mold. Using the parametres of the model features, the values of the general raises, determined depending on the model chosen, figure of a person, his height, size and completeness, and the magnitude of shrinkage of fabric, values of structural segments are calculated. Using the values of structural segments, computer-aided clothing design performs drawing designs and creates the molds. According to ready molds layout is carried out taking into account patterns, fabric repeat pattern, fabric shrinkage and width of the material. When obtaining exact combination of instrumental yardsticks including the instrumental increase, for men's shoulder products shoulder pads are used from a figure of a man, through which the shoulder seam on the shape is accurately determined and the beginning and end of the shoulder joint is precisely defined. Through these two points accurate taking measurements is carried out. When obtaining the exact combination of instrumental yardsticks, including the instrumental increase, for men's belt products with a figure of a man two rubberbands are used set at the line of wearing and around the hips. Using them precise taking measurements is carried out. To build a structure quantities of raises are used, for example for a jacket with a semilying silhouette model of a typical figure of 176-100-88 the increase of the width of the back - IWB is 2.1 cm, increase the width of armhole - IWAH is equal to 3.6 cm, increase the width of the breast - is IWB is 1.7 cm.
Invention relates to a leather-haberdashery industry and can be used for manufacturing of gloves from natural and artificial leather. Method of measurement of a hand for making gloves includes location of the right hand to the set measuring position with the fixation of the hand position using the fixing element located on the level of the second web space, measurement of length of the third finger using a measuring scale and a hand circumference with a measuring tape, and a subsequent averaging of the obtained values of the third finger length and a hand circumference. Right hand is set on the measuring position with the palm side up and the flexor length of the third finger, the length of decorative edge of nail, the actual value of a hand circumference at the level of the fifth metacarpophalangeal joint are consistently measured, as well as a hand length from the fixing element which is located in the second web space to the middle of the hand baseline with a preliminary determination of the hand baseline by bending the latter in wrist until it stops. Then the rotation angle of the first metacarpal is determined relative to the longitudinal hand axis with radiography. Based on the obtained dimensional characteristics of the hand taking into account the proportionality coefficient of the width and length a model of a glove is made.
Method of facilitating remote fitting and/or selection of clothes involves: setting up and maintaining at least one website; creating a database of clothing items; using a photo panel made of flexible material, provided with a graphic marking, and a photographic camera to obtain at least two photographs of different sides of one clothing item, preferably its front side and back side; selecting, on the photograph, outlines of the clothing item as well as the type, shape and geometric dimensions of component parts of the clothing item; constructing or finding in the database of clothing items a similar three-dimensional model of a clothing item using said template of the clothing item and the photographs of the clothing item taken; facilitating interaction of the consumer with a web server, during which a three-dimensional model of the body of the consumer is constructed using a predetermined three-dimensional template of a human body, and selecting the clothing item corresponding to the obtained three-dimensional model of the body of the consumer.
Invention relates to clothing industry and may be used during performance of anthropometric measurements of the population. In the installation the support surface is made of a horizontal base for placement of the object to under study and a horizontal base where the means for the object survey to be placed. Each base is installed on two pairs of legs and is equipped with a water level gauge on the base surface. On the base for placement of the object under study ring marking is positioned at an angle of 5°, with a metal score mark fixed and a rotary circle attached with its centre fixed, the circle divided into 5° sectors with the middle sagittal and the frontal planes lines applied. On the base where the means for the object survey to be placed the position of the middle sagittal and the frontal planes is traced with marking for installation of the object survey means. Used for the object survey are digital photo and video cameras, web-cameras and Kinect web-cameras. The object survey means and the bases for their placement are positioned along a radial arc relative to the base where the object is to be positioned.
Invention relates to the device for measurement of leg length for measure taking of stockings. A metering plank (6) is made as capable of placement in a detachable manner on a support slab (2) and comprises several sections (6a, 6b, 6c, 6d) of the plank. Sections (6a, 6b, 6c, 6d) of the plank are made as capable of connection to each other and to the support slab (2) in a detachable manner by means of a sliding connection (23). The sliding connection (23) is realised by means of a guide section (25) in the form of a key protruding forward at the end side of one section (6a, 6b, 6c, 6d) of the plank or the support slab (2), and a guide slot (24), provided on the end side of the other section (6a, 6b, 6c, 6d) of the plank or the support slab (2).
FIELD: method for measuring size features of individual's figure. SUBSTANCE: method involves marking anthropometrical points on individual's body and obtaining photographic images of individual's body side, rear and front views; for taking photos of individual's side view, orienting foot's heel point along predetermined line extending in parallel with optical axis of objective and lying on platform for taking photos; for taking photos of individual's front and rear views, orienting foot's heel point along predetermined line extending perpendicular to optical axis of objective and lying on platform for taking photos; after producing of photographic images of individual's figure, measuring pattern coordinates thereof as distances from each of points to both axes of coordinates extending through center of photographic picture; calculating three-dimensional coordinates of these points through the use of measured values of their image coordinates on lateral, front and rear photographic image views. EFFECT: increased precision in determining of straight linear individual's size features, convenient use and mobile measurement process. 13 dwg
The invention relates to the field of garment production, namely to obtain initial information about the size and shape of a human figure in his photographic image for the purpose of designing clothes in individual and serial production. In this case, the invention provides a direct linear measurements (body dimensions) of a human figure, which is measured as the shortest distance between two points or between a point and the transverse or frontal plane passing through the second point. (Dunaevskaya so-CALLED, Koblyakov E.B., Ivleva G.S., etc./Dimensional typology of the population with the basics of anatomy and morphology. M., 2001, p.59-61). The known method for the contactless measurement of the external shape of the body, including the orientation of the figure in space, obtaining photographic images on the side, front and back of a human figure and its measurement. The measurement of the outside shape of the body of this method includes the measurement of direct linear body dimension. (RU, patent, (11) 2211652 (51) 7 And 41 H 1/00, 26.07.01). A significant drawback of this method is the lack of a proper account of the difference of the distances between the focal plane and spatially located anthropometric points of the human figure, which leads to the approximate calculations of dimensional signs. The prototype of this Declaration, the by the invention is a method for the contactless measurement of the external form of the human body including the markup of anthropometric points on the body, the orientation of the figure in space, obtaining photographic images on the side, front and back of a human figure, measuring them picture coordinates (two-dimensional) points and calculating three-dimensional coordinates of these points. The calculated three-dimensional coordinates of points of a human figure are the points between which we have direct linear dimensions. (Dunaevskaya so-CALLED, Koblyakov E.B., Ivleva G.S., etc./Dimensional typology of the population with the basics of anatomy and morphology. M., 2001, s-207). The main disadvantages of the described method should be considered, first, the proposed job position does not provide a sufficiently accurate positioning of the body in space for photography. In this way the person becomes to the platform, the center of which should coincide with the imaginary center of the figure, which is a serious problem, namely the fact that the conditional center of the shape can be determined only provisionally, indicates a deliberate errors in the measurement of distances between the vertical plane passing through the shooting basis (between the focal plane), and spatially located anthropometric points of the human figure. And, secondly, Tr is deamcast the entire measurement process and the complexity of the devices used, that does not provide the extensive use of this method for mobile obtain baseline information about the individual figures. The technical result of the invention is to remedy these disadvantages, namely improving the accuracy of direct linear body dimensions of the human figure in his photographic images, by providing a clear orientation of the body in space for photography and, consequently, a more accurate accounting of the distances between the focal plane and spatially located anthropometric points of the human figure, while ensuring the convenience and mobility of a process of measurement. This object is achieved in that in the method for the contactless measurement of direct linear body dimensions of a human figure, including the markup of anthropometric points on the body, the orientation of the figure in space, obtaining photographic images on the side, front and back of a human figure, measuring them picture coordinate points and calculating three-dimensional coordinates of these points, to capture the human side of the heel point of the feet placed on a given line parallel to the optical axis of the lens and on the platform to capture figures for shooting man in front of and behind the heel point of the feet are oriented in a predetermined line, perpendicular to the optical axis of the lens and on the platform to capture the shape, and after obtaining a photographic image of a human figure and measure their picture coordinates as distances from each point to the two coordinate axes passing through the center of a photographic print, calculate three-dimensional coordinates of these points, using the measured values of their art coordinates on the kinds of the photographic images on the side, front and back figures, formulas; where Xi, Yi, Zi- the three-dimensional coordinates of the i-th point of a human figure, determined by calculation; x′iz′i- the picture coordinates of the i-th point on the front and back halves of the photographic image of the figure on the side; y"iz″i- the picture coordinates of the i-th point on the photographic images from the back and side front pieces; f is the focal length of the lens from a digital camera; L - set distance between the camera lens and the plane of the photographing; LD- set distance between the heel point of the feet and a vertical plane passing along the optical axis of the lens when photographing the human figure on the side; then ask pairs of calculated points, between which is located dimensional signs, and expect direct linear dimensions, namely, the shortest distance between two points of a human figure calculated by the formula: where aj-K- the j-th dimensional feature, the index of the K - shortest distance between two points; XIK,YIK,ZIK- coordinates of the point Mi-IKone end of the dimensional characteristic andj-K; XC,YC,ZC- coordinates of the point Mi Cthe second end of the dimensional characteristic of aj-Kthe horizontal distance between one point and the frontal plane passing through the second point of a human figure, calculated by the formula: where aj-g- the j-th dimensional characteristic, and the index of g is the horizontal distance between one point and the frontal plane passing through the second point; XIك- coordinate of the point Mi Iكone end of a dimensional characteristic of aj-g; XG- coordinate of the point Mi Gthe other end of the dimensional characteristic andj-gvertical distance between one point and the transverse plane passing through the second point of a human figure, calculated by the formula: where aj-- the j-th dimensional characteristic, and the index in the vertical distance between one point and transv Salinas plane, passing through the second point; ZIB- coordinate of the point Mi-Ieone end of a dimensional characteristic of aj-; ZIIb- coordinate of the point Mi-IIBthe other end of the dimensional characteristic andj-, and thus receive the direct linear dimensions. The essential features of the proposed technical solution of the invention is the sequence of steps in a method for the contactless measurement of direct linear body dimensions of a human figure. Separately known methods of marking points on the body, the orientation of the human figure for photographing the photographing, known calculations of three-dimensional coordinates of points on the picture coordinates of the two photographic images of a human figure in one plane (Dunaevskaya so-CALLED, Koblyakov E.B., Ivleva G.S., etc./Dimensional typology of the population with the basics of anatomy and morphology. M., 2001, s-207). What is new is the orientation of the heel point of the foot of a person on a specific line, calculations of three-dimensional coordinates of points on the picture coordinates of the two photographic images of a human figure, located in mutually perpendicular planes (side view front view side view rear view), as well as determining the value of the direct linear dimension is riznica on the calculated three-dimensional coordinate points. These characteristics are known in the prior art by the authors was not found. Thus, only claimed by the authors of the set of features with the introduction of new signs provides the achievement of the technical result of the above, allows to make a conclusion about the essential differences in the claimed method. For a better understanding of the invention presents figure 1-7. Figure 1: Figure 1 is a top (Posa) presents an axonometric view of the platform to accommodate the feet of a person before taking pictures, but here is a view of the top platform (posb). Through the middle of the sides of the platform (7) of size 500×500 cm conducted two mutually perpendicular lines a and b, in the center of the platform is square MNKT size 180×180 cm, on the inner sides of the square placed ribs having sizes: (2) 30×20×320-1; (3) 30×20×160=2 pieces; {4} 30×20×140=1pc.; (5) 30×20×70=2 pieces The edge length of 320 mm (2) are symmetric line a-a on the left side of the square inside the square. Fin length 160 mm (3) placed parallel to the line a-a in the upper and lower sides of the square inside the square. The edge length of 140 mm (4) are symmetric line a-a on the right side of the square inside the square. The edge length of 70 mm (5) is placed perpendicular to the line-In to the means of the left and right sides of the square is outside of its area. Figure 2: 1 - platform; 6 - digital camera 71, 72- angles for photographing the human figure from the side. 81, 82- angles for photographing the human figure from behind. 91, 92- angles for photographing the human figure in front. 10 - And-A - horizontal projection of the plane of the photograph, from which the measured distance L to the focal plane of the lens. The plane of the photographing - the plane on which the projected point of the surface of the body when taking pictures; 11 - L - the distance between the focal plane and the plane of the photographing. The value of L should be commensurate with the height of a man. Is approximately 3000 mm; 12 - LD- the distance between the heel point of the feet of a man and a vertical plane passing along the main optical axis of the lens when shooting from the side. The value of LDequal to 80 mm, was determined experimentally and tested; 13 - the main optical axis of the lens coincident with the line b-C. Figure 3: 14 is a side view of the figure; 15 is a rear view of the figure; 16 is a front view of the shape. 17 - 0 is the geometric center of each photograph; 18 - OX - horizontal coordinate axis on the image of a human figure on the side; 19 - OZ - the vertical axis on the image of a human figure on the side; 20 - OY - horizontal the camping coordinates on the image of a human figure behind; 21 - OZ - the vertical axis on the image of a human figure behind; 22 - OY - horizontal coordinate axis on the image of a human figure in front; 23 - OZ - the vertical axis on the image of a human figure in front. The location of the points on the figure of a man is determined in accordance with (Dunaevskaya so-CALLED, Koblyakov E.R, Paleva G.S., etc./Dimensional typology of the population with the basics of anatomy and morphology. M., 2001, p.56-59): 24 - apical dot; 25 - neck point; 26 - the base of the neck to the side; 27 - shoulder point; 28 - serving point blades; 29 - point rear corner of the armpit; 30 - the midpoint of the back at the waist line; dot; 31 - lateral point of the waist; 32 - serving point of the buttocks; 33 - lateral point of the hips; 34 - heel point; 35 - the base of the neck in front; 36 - point of the anterior angle of the armpit; 37 - protruding point of the breast; 38 - the midpoint of the front waist; 39 - serving point of the abdomen; 40 - knee point. The set of these points is determined by the designer and can be expanded or reduced. Figure 4:
"i-p, zi-p- art POS is Nata i-th point on the photographic image from the front of the figure (figure 4 C); x′i-z′i-p- the picture coordinates of the i-th point on the front half of the photographic image of the figure on the side (figure 4,right); x′i-z′i-c- the picture coordinates of the i-th point on the rear half of the photographic image of the figure on the side (figure 4,left); M′i-the projection of the i-th point on the rear half of the photographic image of the figure on the side (figure 4,left); M′i-pthe projection of the i-th point on the front half of the photographic image of the figure on the side (figure 4,right); M″i-the projection of the i-th point on the photographic image from the back of the figure (figure 4,b); Mi-pthe projection of the i-th point on the photographic image from the front of the figure (figure 4 C). Figure 5: This figure presents the direct linear dimensions (aj); a1the difference between the levels of the cervical point and vernerovskoi; a2the difference between the levels of the cervical point and point projecting vanes; a3the difference between the levels of the cervical point and liners; and4the difference between the levels of the cervical point and shoulder; a5the difference between the levels of the cervical point and the waist; a6the difference between the levels of the cervical point and the hips; a7the difference between the levels of the cervical point and the rear angle of the armpit; a8- anterior-posterior diameter of the neck; a9- p is pepper the diameter of the neck (half); and10brachial diameter (half); and11- anterior-posterior diameter of the hands; and12- anterior-posterior diameter of the chest of the second; and13- anterior-posterior diameter of the waist; a14the transverse diameter of the waist (half); a15- anterior-posterior diameter of the hips given protrusion of the abdomen; a16the transverse diameter of the thigh (half); a17- the distance between your two nipples (half); a18- flat back width (half); a19- flat chest width (half); a20- the distance between the shoulder points (half); a21- the position of the body; a22- the depth of the first waist; a23the depth of the second waist; a24the protrusion (bump) of the back. Set the flat body dimension is defined by GOST 17-474-75 (dummies for women clothing or designer and may be expanded or reduced. 6: A fragment of the dummy figure of a man: 41 - section at the base of the neck; 42 - section along the shoulder joint; 43 - section at the level of the breast; 44 - frontal plane passing through anthropometric point of one end of the [(Mi-IIB(XII,YII,ZII)] dimensional characteristic; 45 to the transverse plane passing through anthropometric point at one end [Mi G, (XII ,YII,ZII])] dimensional characteristic; Mi-IK(XI,YI,ZI]); Mi C(XII,YII,ZII) i made the point the two ends of the j-dimensional characteristic the index "K" (aj-K): "the shortest distance between two points"; Mi Iك.(XI,YI,ZI]); Mi G, (XII,YII,ZII) i made the point the two ends of the j-dimensional characteristic the index "g" (aj-g): "the horizontal distance between one point and the frontal plane (44)passing through the second point"; Mi-Ie(XI,YI,ZI); Mi-IIB(XII,YII,ZII) i made the point the two ends of the j-dimensional characteristic the index "b" (aj-): "the vertical distance between one point and the transverse plane (45), passing through the second point"; Method for the contactless measurement of direct linear body dimensions of a human figure is implemented in the following sequence: on the body mark anthropometric points on the basis of known information about their location (Dunaevskaya T.N., Koblyakov E.B., Ivleva G.S., etc./Dimensional typology of the population with the basics of anatomy and morphology. M., 2001, p.56-59). On the platform (1) (1) establish dressed in lingerie customer in a relaxed vertical position. To capture the customer the right side (the left-handed photographed from the left side and a platform to deploy this on 180° ) heel point of the foot (figure 1-2) focus on a given line, represented by a stiffening rib (2), which is parallel to the optical axis of the lens (13) and separated at a given distance LD(72) from the vertical plane passing along the optical axis (13), to which the heel is set in the corners 71and 72platforms that secure foot position. To capture the customer (Fig.1-2) from the back and front pieces of the heel point of the feet placed on a given line, represented by the ribs (5)which is perpendicular to the optical axis of the lens (13), to which the heel is set respectively to the angles 81and 82or 91and 92g which fix the position of both feet. Digital camera feature at a given distance L (11) from the plane of the photographing (10) (figure 2)passing through the axis of the ribs (5) (Fig 1.). After taking a picture, digital photo information is transferred into a computer program (in the program Ufa science BSI - contactless removal of the Measurement), get (visualize) a planar image as a photographic image of a human figure. Then in the center of each photographic image (figure 3,a,b,C) mark the beginning of a two-dimensional coordinate point 0 (17), hold the axes of these coordinate designating on the image of the photographic image on the side of the human figure, the horizontal is the real axis OX (18), the vertical axis OZ (19), on the image of the photographic image in the back of a human figure, the horizontal axis OY (20), the vertical axis OZ (21), on the image of the photographic image in front of a human figure, the horizontal axis OX (22), the vertical axis OZ (23). After this, remove the picture coordinates of the points (Mi)marked on the body, photographic images, by measuring the distance from a point to each axis (figure 4,a,b,C), on the front and back halves of the photographic image of the figure on the side (figure 4, (a) remove, respectively, x′i-pz′I-pand x′i-z′I-con photographic images from the back (figure 4,b) and transmission (figure 4) figure removed respectively y"i-cz″i-cand y"i-pz″i-p. Next, using the picture coordinates of the points on the kinds of the photographic images from the side (x′i-pz′i-px′i-z′i-c,), front and rear (″i-, z″-c; we″i-pz″i-p) figures calculated three-dimensional coordinates of these points Mi(Xi, Yi, Zi) by the formulas: where Xi, Yi, Zi- the three-dimensional coordinates of the i-th point of a human figure, determined by calculation; x′iz′i- the picture coordinates of the i-th point on the lane the days (x′ i-pz′i-p) and rear (x′i-z′I-) halves of the photographic image of the figure on the side (figure 4,a). From the back of the index i corresponds to the numbers: 25-35, from the side of the front index i continues the numbering and corresponds to: 36-40, therefore, in the formula (1-3), no additional indexes " - back" and "p - front"; we″izi- the picture coordinates of the i-th point on the photographic images from the back (we″i-, zi-c) (figure 4,b) and transmission (y″i-p, zi-p) (figure 4,b) shapes; f is the focal length of the lens from a digital camera; L - set distance between the camera lens and the plane of the photograph (figure 2.); LD- set distance between the heel point of the feet and a vertical plane passing along the optical axis of the lens (figure 2; figure 3,a) when photographing the human figure from the side. Then ask pairs of calculated points, between which are the direct linear dimensions (aj), choosing the characteristics themselves in accordance with OST 17-474-75 Dummies for women's clothing or on the request of the designer (figure 5.): and1-25-35; a2-25-28; a3-25-37; and4-25-27; a5-25-30; and6-25-32; a7-25-29; a8-25-35; a9-26-26′; a10-27-27′;11-29-36; a12-28-37; and13-30-38; and14-1-31′ ;15-32-39; a16-33-33′; a17-37-37′; a18-29-29′; a19-36-36′; a20-28-28′; a21-25-28; and22-28-30; a23-28-32; a24-28-29. The point marked with index approx (′), means that the dimensional characteristic concluded between corresponding points on the left and right sides of the body and therefore calculate only half of the size attribute. Then calculate the direct linear dimensions, namely: the shortest distance between two points [Mi-IK(XIK,YIK,ZIK); Mi C(XC,YC,ZC)] of a human figure (6 andj-K) calculated by the formula: where aj-K- the j-th dimensional characteristic, and the index of the K - shortest distance between two points. To calculate these distances, the index j corresponds to the numbers: 8-20; XIKYIK,ZIK- coordinates of the point Mi-IKone end of a dimensional characteristic of aj-K; XC,YC,ZC- coordinates of the point Mi Cthe second end of the dimensional characteristic of aj-K, the horizontal distance between one point [Mi Iك(XIك)] and frontal plane passing through the second point [Mi G(XG)] of a human figure (6 andj-g) calculated by the formula: where aj-g- the j-th dimensional characteristic, and the index of g is the horizontal distance between one point and the frontal plane (44)passing through the second point. To calculate these distances, the index j corresponds to the numbers 21-24; XIك- coordinate of the point Mi Iكone end of the dimensional characteristic andj-g; XG- coordinate of the point Mi Gthe other end of the dimensional characteristic of aj-g, the vertical distance between one point [Mi-Ie(ZIB)] and the transverse plane passing through the second point [Mi-IIB(ZIIb) human figure (Fig.6, aj-) calculated by the formula: where aj-- the j-th dimensional characteristic, and the index is the vertical distance between one point and the transverse plane (45), passing through the second point. To calculate these distances, the index j corresponds to the numbers 1-7; ZIB- coordinate of the point Mi-Ieone end of a dimensional characteristic of aj-; ZIIb- coordinate of the point Mi-IIBthe other end of the dimensional characteristic andj-, and thus receive the direct linear dimensions. Example tactless direct measurement of linear body dimensions of individual female figure presents three photographic images (side view, rear view, the ID front), which is visualized in the system Ufa science BSI (Fig.7). For clarity, images and usability in the system Ufa science BSI set of points on the photographic images of each type of connected straight lines, which form the frames respectively on each form. The user turns on photographic images of the side view, rear view, front view sums up the point of skeletons system Ufa science BSI to the relevant anthropometric points marked on the figure. Further, in the system of automated procedures for removing the picture coordinate points, calculating three-dimensional coordinates and calculating direct linear body dimensions presented on the monitor screen to the left. The inventive solution provides the possibility of measuring women's, men's and children's shapes and accurate information, which is necessary for designing clothes for typical and atypical shapes. Method for the contactless measurement of direct linear body dimensions of a human figure, including the markup of anthropometric points on the body, the orientation of the figure in space, obtaining photographic images on the side, front and back of a human figure, measuring them picture coordinate points and calculating three-dimensional coordinates of these points, wherein for photography is the ne side of the heel point of the feet are oriented in a predetermined line, parallel to the optical axis of the lens and on the platform to capture figures for photographing the person in front and behind the heel point of the feet are oriented along a line perpendicular to the optical axis of the lens and on the platform to capture the shape, and after obtaining a photographic image of a human figure and measure their picture coordinates as distances from each point to the two coordinate axes passing through the center of a photographic print, calculate three-dimensional coordinates of these points, using the measured values of their art coordinates on the kinds of the photographic images on the side, front and back figures, formulas where XiYi, Zi- the three-dimensional coordinates of the i-th point of a human figure, determined by calculation; x′iz′i- the picture coordinates of the i-th point on the front and back halves of the photographic image of the figure on the side; "i, zi- the picture coordinates of the i-th point on the photographic images from the back and side front pieces; f is the focal length of the lens from a digital camera; L - set distance between the camera lens and the plane of the photographing; LD- set distance between the heel point stopn the th and vertical plane, passing along the optical axis of the lens when photographing the human figure from the side, then ask pairs of calculated points, between which are the dimensions and calculate the direct linear dimensions, namely: the shortest distance between two points of a human figure calculated by the formula where aj-K- the j-th dimensional feature, the index of the K - shortest distance between two points; XIK, YIK, ZIK- coordinates of the point Mi-IKone end of a dimensional characteristic of aj-K; XC, YC, ZC- coordinates of the point Mi Cthe second end of the dimensional characteristic of aj-K, the horizontal distance between one point and the frontal plane passing through the second point of a human figure, calculated by the formula where aj-g- the j-th dimensional characteristic, and the index of g is the horizontal distance between one point and the frontal plane passing through the second point; XIك- coordinate of the point Mi Iكone end of a dimensional characteristic of aj-g; XG- coordinate of the point Mi Gthe other end of the dimensional characteristic andj-g, the vertical distance between the one of the point and the transverse plane, passing through the second point of a human figure, calculated by the formula where aj-- the j-th dimensional characteristic, and the index in the vertical distance between one point and the transverse plane passing through the second point; ZIB- coordinate of the point Mi-Ieone end of the dimensional characteristic andj-; ZIIb- coordinate of the point Mi-IIBthe other end of the dimensional characteristic andj-, and thus receive the direct linear dimensions.
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