Adaptive control system with two-stage identifier and indirect standard model |
IPC classes for russian patent Adaptive control system with two-stage identifier and indirect standard model (RU 2258951):
System has process control system, fire extinguish control system and cleaning control system. Each system has corresponding detectors, control and test units as well as actuating units. All three systems are connected together and with risk scenario prediction unit, which has models of standard and non-standard modes. Invention provides ecological safety and reduces damage caused by pollution at violation of standards of production process and failures.
The invention relates to the field of automatic control systems of dynamic objects with uncontrolled disturbances, unknown variable parameters and time delay in the control channel, in which the spectrum of natural frequencies of the control circuit exceeds the range of operating frequencies of the object itself
The invention relates to automatic control systems of dynamic objects of a wide class of unknown variables and uncontrollable perturbations
The invention relates to the field of automatic control systems of dynamic objects of a wide class of unknown variables and uncontrollable perturbations
The invention relates to industrial ecology and can be used to create monitoring systems mass emissions of pollutants into the environment
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The invention relates to the field of automatic control and is intended for use in systems management electrohydraulically
The invention relates to automatic control systems of dynamic objects of a wide class of unknown variables and uncontrollable perturbations
System has process control system, fire extinguish control system and cleaning control system. Each system has corresponding detectors, control and test units as well as actuating units. All three systems are connected together and with risk scenario prediction unit, which has models of standard and non-standard modes. Invention provides ecological safety and reduces damage caused by pollution at violation of standards of production process and failures.
Process of dynamic identification is organized in two steps. At first step object control efficiency matrix estimate is calculated. At second step - matrix of own dynamic properties of object is estimated. System has adder, first and second adjusters, low frequency filter, control object, second step block of current identification, adjusters control block, block of first step of current identification, band filters block.
System unit for generating task includes calculator of outlet signals of metering devices and control response generator and it is provided with non-linear converters with sigmoidal static characteristics providing satisfaction (with the aid of control system) of said limitations in the form of inequalities. Calculator of metering device system includes connected in parallel proportional, integrating and differentiating units. Control response generator and variable state supervisor are in the form of multidimensional self-adjusting PID-controllers realizing algorithms of modified Kalman filters.
Method for identification of active objects in control systems / 2277259
Method includes preliminary estimation of statistical mistakes of prediction and adjustment, combined predicting of working controls and vector of output values of object, application of testing effect onto predicted working controls, recording changing trajectory of output variables in time and estimation of dynamic characteristics of researched adjustment channels by changing trajectory, in time, of difference between predicted and actually received temporal dependencies of output values of object, by changing trajectory, in time, of difference between predicted and actually realized temporal dependencies of controls and by statistical characteristics of adjustment and prediction mistakes.
Invention is based on comparison of spectrums of original and standard signals and further on correction of relations between spectrum components of original spectrum with use of comparison results.
Invention concerns, in particular, method for analyzing system variables, making it possible to evaluate reactor operation continuousness in real time and to control its operation continuousness to constantly keep the reactor in serviceable condition.
Automatic coordinated control system is based on assumption generally used in reliability theory and concerning to ordinary process of flaw occurring in members of complex technological object. According to said assumption probability of occurring of more than one of such event for any relatively short time interval Δt (in given text Δt - specific time period of judging current functional state of object equal as usual to parts per second) is value of higher order of minority in comparison with Δt.
Method of objects identification in operating systems is related to sphere of automatic control and regulation and may be used for experimental construction of mathematic models of cyclical and continuous technological objects regulation channels. Invention objective is to improve technical condition of object. Method covers preliminary estimation of statistic characteristics of prediction and regulation errors, combined prediction of working controls and vector of object output values. Preliminarily disturbance channel is identified and statistic characteristics of external influence prediction errors are estimated. Additionally in the process behavior of controlled external influence of object is predicted in the operating system. After fixation of qualitative change of behavior trajectory of external influence on predicted trajectory of time variation of controls, in order to compensate for action effect of this disturbance, control is applied along identified regulation channel.
Invention relates to automatic control and adjustment and may be used for identification of interconnected control channels of cyclic and continuous distributed objects with inseparable manifestation of effects of several physical phenomena. The effect is attained by disclosing and recording the internal object functioning mechanism control channels in models, in the express form. For highly non-linear object control channels with conflicting effects of several physical phenomena, the cause and effect relationship of input/output influences is disclosed, with subsequent representation of this relationship as a model consisting of individual physical phenomena models interacting with one another.
Method of fragmentary control and identification of regulation channel of object condition in existing system / 2327197
Invention is related for determination of object transfer constant on investigated regulation channel of condition of cyclical and continuous technological object. When regulation channels are identified, it is necessary to consider both the transition itself and change of statistic characteristics related to it (errors of regulation and prediction). In the method of fragmentary control transition from one organisational-technological situation to the other is done specially in order to create favourable conditions for control. Since fine regulation is the main instrument used to achieve high quality of object condition, it is necessary to study and describe mathematically the regulation channel exactly in this organisationally-technological situation. Therefore, object change over to new organisationally-technological situation in this case is desirable, both from the point of view of control and identification.
FIELD: automatic control. SUBSTANCE: process of dynamic identification is organized in two steps. At first step object control efficiency matrix estimate is calculated. At second step - matrix of own dynamic properties of object is estimated. System has adder, first and second adjusters, low frequency filter, control object, second step block of current identification, adjusters control block, block of first step of current identification, band filters block. EFFECT: higher quality, broader functional capabilities, higher efficiency. 3 dwg
The present invention relates to the field of automatic control systems of dynamic objects with uncontrolled disturbances, unknown variable parameters, in which the spectrum of natural frequencies of the control circuit exceeds the working range (fundamental) frequency of the object itself. It is assumed that the ratio of the ranges of operating frequencies of the object and the range of control signals is known. About also known maximum rate of change of the parameters of the object. The prototype of the present invention is a devil search adaptive control system with ID and implicit reference model described in the invention [1]. Structural diagram of an adaptive control system for objects with uncontrolled perturbations includes an adder, two controllers (one in forward and one in reverse communication), low pass filter, the control object and the contour adaptation. The latter, in turn, consists of a block of the current identification block priori information about matrix management effectiveness of the object and tuner controls. Consider the construction of such a control system for the next task. Let the control object (OS) at the current time interval t∈[t0that∞) is described in the following matrix differential equation where x∈Rn- directly measurable state vector OS; u∈Rm- control vector (control law, ZU); f is the vector of uncontrollable external disturbances, limited by the norm; And, In a matrix of unknown parameters OS (matrix of its own internal dynamics and efficiency of management objects) with the appropriate dimensions in the General case variables over time and across the state; An adaptive system should form such a control law so that the OS behave like the reference model (EM), which is specified implicitly in the form of the following differential equations where xmthe state vector of the model; um- limited normal input the impact model; dimensions correspond to equation (1); Andmand Inm- matrix of the model parameters in the General case, the variables time, and the operator Andmis asymptotically stable. About the quality of the adaptive control system will be judged by the vector magnitude e=x-xmthat will call the error adaptation. Accurate monitoring of the shelter for EM can be ensured only when the condition of full compliance models [2] rankB=rank(B,Am-A)=rank(B,Bm)=rank(B,f), or, mo is the same, where B+- a pseudo-inverse matrix In [3]. If the condition (3) operation, which we call exact: will provide the asymptotic properties of the error adaptation, which follows from the joint consideration of equalities (1) and (2)[1]. By the condition of the matrix a, and the external disturbance f is not measured, so instead of (4) real control law will be in the form where As the current algorithm identification is used recurrent algorithm type stochastic approximation, which is described as follows [4]: where Suppose that the following norms of vectors and matrices is limited: In the works [1, 5, 6] it is shown that under the conditions or in a closed equation for the dynamics of the error adaptation system using a memory (5) has the form The left part of the differential equation (9) is stable, so when To comply with conditions (7) or (8) in the invention [1] proposed in the structural diagram of the system control unit priori information about matrix management effectiveness of the entity that issues in the current block identification information about the matrix B0of size nxm. This matrix takes into account a priori information about matrix management effectiveness in compliance with R the ties [1]
In the block of the current identity matrix of B0used for matrix correction However disclosed in the prototype [1] approach has the following disadvantages: 1. It is assumed the presence of a priori information about matrix management effectiveness, which is not always the case. For example, at the stage of the flight maneuverable aircraft at supercritical angles of attack, when the management effectiveness varies greatly, and complex ambiguous dependencies. 2. The measurement or calculation of the derivative. The objective of the invention is to remedy these disadvantages. It is recommended to use filtered signals, and the identification process will be divided into two stages: 1. The determination of the estimated matrix management effectiveness 2. Receive an evaluation matrix native speakers OS Explain the need for the proposed changes. Obviously, block a priori information about matrix management effectiveness of the object is not needed, if you provide sufficient accuracy specified matrix: To improve the accuracy 1. In contrast to the measurement component of the state vector, which often contains considerable dynamic, fluctuating and constant errors, the measurement component of the vector control is ensured with high accuracy. For example, the measurement of the angular position of the control surface of the aircraft using a position sensor with digital output is carried out with an accuracy of angular minutes [7]. 2. For a real technical system control frequency band control signals, as a rule, considerably wider than the frequency range of the dynamics of the shelter. The latter is, most often, the low-frequency link. 3. The accuracy of the estimated parameters depends on the quantity. The more parameters includes a mathematical model of the OS, the harder it is to achieve high accuracy of their estimation and Vice versa [8]. If OS (1) to evaluate only the elements of the matrix b, then the number of evaluations is significantly reduced and thereby facilitates the accurate definition. To explain the phrase, let's consider one of the rows of the system (1) where the index k indicates the number of lines of equation (1). Response For this purpose we use the fact that differences in the spectra of operating frequencies of the OS and control signals. The opportunity to skip all the variables of equation (10) through a band-pass filter, the amplitude-frequency characteristic (AFC), depicted in figure 1. Figure 1 is denoted by: A0-Frequency response of the shelter; Ayspectrum control signals; APF-Frequency response of bandpass filter. While ensuring the narrowness of the frequency response of the filter, the latter transmits a signal only with frequency ωPFwhich will be called a frequency selection filter. To provide the most simple implementation of such a bandpass filter according to the scheme, from which is given in figure 2,and. In the figure WF1, WF2W'F2W'F2- the transfer function of the oscillatory parts with different relative attenuation coefficients: where p is the operator of differentiation; ωnφ- the natural frequency of the bandpass filter; ξ1,ξ2the relative attenuation coefficients, such that The frequency response of the oscillating links {F1AndF2and receive bandpass filter (APF) with respect to u and Equation (10), recorded from the output signals of the bandpass filter will be where gk- hindrance due to incomplete suppression of the signals of its own internal dynamics of the object at the bandpass filter and the external disturbances. As you can see, the number of estimated parameters in equation (12) is much smaller than in the model (10). Custom model for the current identity, respectively, will have the form [8] The algorithm first stage in accordance with the expressions (6), (12) and (13) has the form where Natural practical requirement to consider using an adaptive management approach is the requirement of smallness of the norm interference g on frequency allocation. For the OS with scalar control algorithm identification is greatly simplified, since in this case, instead of (12) will be It follows that to improve accuracy The second stage is based on the assessment where Since the condition x not measured, we will offer a second stage to build on these dependencies, but filtered the s signals: where where a,b are arbitrary elements of matrices a And C. In the last ratio is easy to show that equation (1) corresponds to the following entry pointing to the possibility of building identification on these filtered signals. For the implementation of the considered approach is required following changes to the adaptive control system proposed in the prototype [1]. As the identification process takes place in two stages, you must block the current identification of the prototype is divided into two blocks: the first phase, which will be the evaluation of matrix management effectiveness of the facility; the block of the second stage is to estimate the matrix of its own internal dynamics of the shelter. The unit of the first stage Ident is the codification includes a logical device, running the algorithm for the identification of this phase only when exceeding the norm of the vector uPFa predetermined threshold value. Also the system is made to a block of bandpass filters based on the links (11)designed for high frequency bandpass selection control signals and the derivative of the state vector of the shelter. As with the process of identifying the conditions for the evaluation of matrix management efficiency with high accuracy, the unit priori information about matrix management effectiveness of the object becomes unnecessary and adaptive systems it is excluded. Not also require the correction procedure of evaluation Figure 3 presents a structural diagram of an adaptive control system with two-stage ID and implicit reference model. Structural diagram contains the adder 1, the first 2 and second 3 regulators, filter 4 low frequencies, the object 5 control unit 6 of the second stage current identification, block 7 settings regulators, block 8 of the first stage of the current identification block 9 bandpass filters. The adaptive system works as follows. Specifies the impact in the form of a signal The output of the first regulator connected to the input of the filter 4 low frequencies that is configured to cut off the high frequencies. The output of the filter is connected to the input of the object 5 management and to the first input unit 6 of the second stage current identification and to the first input of block 9 of bandpass filters. From the output of the control object is removed information about the measured value of the state vector (xi). The output of the control object associated with the second input unit 6 of the second stage current identification, with the second input of the second regulator 3 and the second input unit 9 bandpass filters. Bandpass filters have the structure of figure 2,and is based on links with the transfer function (11). They are separated from the control signals u(t) and the derivative From the output unit 9 bandpass filters the signal is s Unit 6 of the second stage current identification signals uiand xiwith the control object, known evaluation The current algorithms identify blocks 6, 8 belong to the class of algorithms of stochastic approximation, in which the most efficient use of recurrent method of least squares with forgetting factor [8]. The output of the second stage current of identification, through which issued assessment LITERATURE 1. Beeches V.N., Kruglov, S. p. Adaptive control system with ID and implicit reference model. - RF patent for the invention №2108612; Appl. 14.09.94.; Priority 14.09.94; Publ. 10.04.98., Bull. No. 10. (prototype). 2. Utkin V.. Sliding modes in optimization and control. - M.: Nauka, 1981. 3. Gantmacher FR Theory of matrices. - M.: Science, CH. nat. Ed. Mat. lit., 1988. 4. Tsypkin AS fundamentals of information theory to identify. - M.: Science, CH. nat. 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Adaptive control system of a two-part identifier and an implicit reference model containing an adder, a first input of which is connected to define the impact and the output to the first input of the first regulator, the output of which is connected to the input of the low pass filter, the output of which is connected to the input of the control object and to the first input of the current block identification, the output of the control object connected to the second input of the current block identification and to the first input of the second encoder output block current identity is connected to the input of the tuner knobs, the first output of which is connected to the second input of the first regulator and the second output to the second input of the second regulator, the output of which is connected to the second input of the adder, wherein the block of the current object identification consists of three blocks: block bandpass filters, block of the first stage current identify and block the second phase of the current identity, the first unit of bandpass filters and block the second phase of the current identity is connected to the output of the low pass filter, a second input unit of bandpass filters and block the second phase of the current identity is connected to the output of the control object, the output of bandpass filters connected to the input of block Pervov the phase current identification, the output of which is connected to the third input of the second stage current identification, the output of which is connected to the tuner controls.
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