Method for predicting lethal result of large-focal myocardial infarction |
IPC classes for russian patent Method for predicting lethal result of large-focal myocardial infarction (RU 2246114):
Nutrient medium for accumulation of cell sample for following cytological and/or immunocytochemical analysis / 2246110
Invention relates to nutrient medium used for accumulation of cells for the following cytological and/or immunocytochemical analysis carrying out. Invention relates to medium containing salts NaCl, KCl, anhydrous CaCl2, MgSO4 x 6 H2O, MgCl2 x 6 H2O, Na2HPO4 x 2 H2O, KHPO4, NaHCO3, and also glucose and Henx's solution, 10% albumin solution and polyglucin taken in the ratio 1:1:1. Invention provides enhancing the preservation of cells.
Method for determination of anti-lactoferrin activity in microorganisms / 2245923
Method involves growing microorganism culture to be studied in solid nutrient medium followed by preparing microbial suspension and its incubation in the presence of lactoferrin. Control sample is prepared in parallel series. Control and experimental samples are incubated, supernatant is removed from bacterial cells and lactoferrin concentration is determined in supernatant of experimental and control sample by immunoenzyme analysis. Then anti-lactoferrin activity is calculated by difference of concentrations of residual lactoferrin in experimental and control samples. This method provides enhancing the sensitivity and precision in carrying out the quantitative evaluation of anti-lactoferrin activity in broad spectrum of microorganisms that is urgent in diagnosis and prognosis of diseases with bacterial etiology. Invention can be used in determination of persistent indices of microorganisms for assay of their etiological significance in pathological processes.
Method for predicting the character of bacterial keratitis flow / 2245553
In lacrimal liquid one should detect the content of interleukin 8 (IL-8) and that of interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) to calculate prognostic coefficient (PC) due to dividing the first value by the second one by the following formula: At PC value being below 10.0 one should predict favorable disease flow, and at PC value being above 10.0 - unfavorable flow.
Method for predicting the character of bacterial keratitis flow / 2245553
In lacrimal liquid one should detect the content of interleukin 8 (IL-8) and that of interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) to calculate prognostic coefficient (PC) due to dividing the first value by the second one by the following formula: At PC value being below 10.0 one should predict favorable disease flow, and at PC value being above 10.0 - unfavorable flow.
Method for determination of anti-lactoferrin activity in microorganisms / 2245923
Method involves growing microorganism culture to be studied in solid nutrient medium followed by preparing microbial suspension and its incubation in the presence of lactoferrin. Control sample is prepared in parallel series. Control and experimental samples are incubated, supernatant is removed from bacterial cells and lactoferrin concentration is determined in supernatant of experimental and control sample by immunoenzyme analysis. Then anti-lactoferrin activity is calculated by difference of concentrations of residual lactoferrin in experimental and control samples. This method provides enhancing the sensitivity and precision in carrying out the quantitative evaluation of anti-lactoferrin activity in broad spectrum of microorganisms that is urgent in diagnosis and prognosis of diseases with bacterial etiology. Invention can be used in determination of persistent indices of microorganisms for assay of their etiological significance in pathological processes.
Nutrient medium for accumulation of cell sample for following cytological and/or immunocytochemical analysis / 2246110
Invention relates to nutrient medium used for accumulation of cells for the following cytological and/or immunocytochemical analysis carrying out. Invention relates to medium containing salts NaCl, KCl, anhydrous CaCl2, MgSO4 x 6 H2O, MgCl2 x 6 H2O, Na2HPO4 x 2 H2O, KHPO4, NaHCO3, and also glucose and Henx's solution, 10% albumin solution and polyglucin taken in the ratio 1:1:1. Invention provides enhancing the preservation of cells.
Method for predicting lethal result of large-focal myocardial infarction / 2246114
In peripheral blood one should detect the level of CD95(+) and CD16(+) neutrophilic granulocytes and at combination of increased level of CD95(+) neutrophilic granulocytes by 4 times and more and CD16(+) neutrophilic granulocytes by 0.6 times against the norm with ECG signs of myocardial infarction one should predict lethal result of large-focal myocardial infarction.
Method for predicting lambliasis and its flow / 2246115
One should carry out immunoenzymatic assay to detect diagnostic optic density and that of labeled immune complex in a plot's hole with tested serum measured in conventional units at wave length being 492 nm. One should calculate coefficient of antibodies concentration measured in conventional units by the following formula: CAC = (Odtsh - Odd) x 100, where CAC - coefficient of antibodies concentration, Odtsh - optic density of the hole with tested serum, Odd - diagnostic value of optic density, 100 - coefficient of serumal dilution. By CAC value one should detect the titer of antibodies to Lamblia intestinalis antigens to interpret results of the trial. The method enables to study the dynamics of disease flow.
Method for detecting adhesive properties of blood leukocytes / 2246728
The present innovation deals with studying and treating diseases of inflammatory, autoimmune and degenerative genesis. One should perform sampling of heparinized blood followed by its sedimentation to obtain blood plasma with leukocytes and centrifuging to isolate the latter which are washed against erythrocytic and serumal admixtures, and, also, it deals with calculating the number of cells in samples out of leukocytic suspension after incubation (B) for 1.5 h at 37 C in holes of plastic microplotting board, out of leukocytic suspension one should additionally prepare two samples, one should be applied to calculate total number of leukocytes before incubation (A), the second sample undergoes incubation at the same mode at addition of autoserum to calculate the number of cells remained after incubation (C). One should state upon adhesive properties of leukocytes by the index of spontaneous adhesion (D), where D=(A-B)/B.100%, and effect for enhanced cellular adhesion under the impact of autoserum should be detected by the value of K=(B-C)/C.100% at K ≥ 30%, where B - C - the number of cells undergone additional adhesion after addition of autoserum. The present innovation widens functional possibilities of the suggested method due to obtaining additional values depicting adhesive properties of blood leukocytes.
Method for detecting functional activity of cytokins that suppress t-lymphocytes in neonatals / 2246732
One should carry out reaction of blast-transformation, detect proliferation of T-lymphocytes activated with antibodies to CD3 in the presence of interleukin-7 (ACT IL-7) and in the presence of interleukin-7 and dexametazone (ACT IL-7 D), calculate the index for dexametazone action as the ratio of ACT IL-7 to ACT IL-7 D, moreover, the value of dexametazone action index being above 1.2 indicates increased production of cytokins that suppress T-lymphocytes in neonatals. The method enables to detect functional defect of immune system that characterizes neonatal period.
Method for predicting pulmonary hypertension / 2247380
Method involves measuring forced exhalation volume per 1 s (FEV1) in l, full right ventricle evacuation time (RVE) in ms and angiotensin II value (AII) in ng/l. Discriminant relationship is built as D=0.504·RVE+3.038·FEV1 - 2.0·AII. D being less than 83.88, pulmonary hypertension occurrence is predicted within 1 year. D being equal to or greater than 83.88, no pulmonary hypertension is predicted to occur.
Method for assay of immune status disorder / 2247381
Method involves determination of heterophilic antibodies in human serum blood by the Paul-Bunnel's method relatively the level of circulating immune complexes, complement-activating properties of heterophilic antibodies by incubation of standardized ram erythrocytes with 0.8% serum for 30 ± 5 min and the following measurement of the erythrocytes lysis degree. The measurement of the effector function coefficient of heterophilic antibodies is carried out by the complement system Keff.f.h.a.-c.s. by the formula: Keff.f.h.a.-c.s. = Y/Tg.a. wherein Y means a lysis degree, %; Tg.a. means a reverse titer of heterophilic antibodies to ram erythrocytes. The damage assay is carried out by comparison of the immune status with the relative level of circulating immune complexes in serum. Method provides detection of preclinic from of immunodeficiency and autoimmune diseases that opens the possibility for their prophylaxis at most early stages of development. Invention can be used for assay of damage in the immune status in human serum blood.
Method for predicting ophthalmoherpes / 2247382
Method involves concurrently examining anti-inflammatory IL-4 level in blood serum and lacrimal fluid. The value being within the limits of 60-70 pg/l in blood serum and 5-15 pg/l in lacrimal fluid, disease prognosis is considered to be unfavorable. The IL-4 concentration being within the limits of 90-100 pg/l in blood serum and 20-30 pg/l in lacrimal fluid, disease prognosis is considered to be favorable.
FIELD: medicine, cardiology. SUBSTANCE: in peripheral blood one should detect the level of CD95(+) and CD16(+) neutrophilic granulocytes and at combination of increased level of CD95(+) neutrophilic granulocytes by 4 times and more and CD16(+) neutrophilic granulocytes by 0.6 times against the norm with ECG signs of myocardial infarction one should predict lethal result of large-focal myocardial infarction. EFFECT: higher accuracy of prediction.
The alleged invention relates to medicine and can be used in cardiology for the treatment of patients with myocardial infarction. The frequency of myocardial infarction (mi) varies widely, has a tendency to grow and is, according to the who, from 8.5 to 30.0 per 10 thousand people. Due to heavy current, high disability and mortality (total mortality in the acute, acute and subacute periods of THEM is about 30%) timely diagnosis of this disease is one of the urgent problems of modern cardiology. It was compounded by the fact that, until very recently, none of the known methods do not guarantee a reliable diagnosis. In 1971, the who has developed diagnostic criteria for AMI, widely used by cardiologists all over the world, which include both clinical and instrumental diagnostic criteria in combination with detection of laboratory parameters: clinical picture (typical or atypical chest pain for a period of not less than 30 minutes); ECG changes (monophasic rise of the ST segment and the subsequent pathological Q wave); the Increased activity of the MB fraction of creatine phosphokinase [CPK-MB] and in the early stages and the first fraction LDG at a later date after the attack. (A.L. Syrkin myocardial infarction. 2nd ed. revised and enlarged extra - M.: OOO “Medical information is e Agency.”, 1998. - S). The disadvantage of this method is that it does not guarantee reliable diagnosis and requires additional clarification of the diagnosis. Known auxiliary methods of diagnostics of THEM: Definition total number of blood leukocytes with the determination of total leukocyte blood. The method is as follows. Capillary blood draw in capillary Sali to mark and transferred into a test tube with 3% acetic acid. Suspension of leukocytes fill the camera Goriaev and count nucleated cells in 25 large squares. The resulting figure is multiplied by 50. From whole blood prepared smear and stained by Romanovsky. Count the individual number of different kinds of cells among the total number of propagating cells (100), finding, thus, their percentage. One of the indirect signs of THEM is early neutrophilic leukocytosis with an increase in the number of band neutrophils. The main disadvantage of this method is the low specificity, because the changes of these indicators are associated with nonspecific stress reaction, in which leukocytosis may be absent. In addition, these methods do not allow to diagnose the possibility of lethal to THEM (Nvestiga, Nwholesale, Gaudiana, Maskeliya. The complex is securewave study system neutrophilic granulocytes with a possible diagnosis of immunodeficiency in various pathologies. - Method. recommendation No. 96/11. - Krasnodar, 1996. - p.4-5). There are also known ways to diagnose THEM, which include determining the level of troponin. (Staikova A.A., Staikov D.A. Cardiospecific troponin T in the diagnosis of lesions of myocardial infarction. Cardiology. - 1997. - V.37., No. 6. - P.53-57) the Method is as follows. The level of troponin I and T (ctrt) determine enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in the serum of patients THEY obtained by centrifugation. Prognostic criteria outcome is an increase in the level of troponin I in the blood higher than the 0.2-0.5 μg/L. the number ctrt increases in proportion to the vastness and depth of the lesion of the cardiac muscle. The disadvantage of this method is that its sensitivity is 100%, only 10 hours later. For the prototype accepted way to diagnose THEM, which includes evaluation of clinical data and ECG data, blood enzymes (ck-MB fraction, ACTCINand ALTCIN) (A.L. Syrkin myocardial infarction. 2nd ed. revised and enlarged extra - M.: OOO “Medical news Agency.”, 1998. - S). Evaluation of clinical data is based on the collection of anamnesis and conducting physical examinations, ECG analysis. The study carried out by reading out electric potential in standard leads, identify enzymes syvorotkina in the dynamics. Diagnostic and prognostic signs are: change of the QRS complex of the ECG, as well as changes of ST segment and excess levels of blood enzymes above normal values. The disadvantages of this method is that the diagnosis may not be accurate, if at least one of the above criteria are missing. Therefore, there is a need to perform additional diagnostic methods for predicting the course and outcome of THEM. The latter increases the time of examination of the patient, sometimes leading to the most serious consequences due to the untimely adequate intervention in the correction of the patient's condition. Tasks: 1. Ensuring rapid diagnosis of death to THEM. 2. To increase the reliability of diagnosing THEM. The technical essence of the method is the following: in the peripheral blood of the patient determine the level of CD95(+) and CD16(+) neutrophilic granulocytes (NG) and increasing the relative amount of CD95(+) neutrophilic granulocytes in 4 or more times the norm and deviation from the norm of the absolute number of CD16(+) neutrophils ±0.6 times, predict fatal myocardial infarction. The method is as follows. Conducting clinical research, ECG diagnosis and determination of the level of the blood serum enzyme (ck-MB fraction, ACTCINand ALTCIN) as well as the determination of the level of blood leukocytes and leukocyte formula. Additionally, survey the level of CD16(+) CD95(+) NG in the peripheral blood using a panel of monoclonal antibodies by chemiluminescence analysis method proposed Avifileopen (Filatov A.V., Bachurin P.F. et al. The study subpopulation composition of human cells using a panel of monoclonal antibodies. // Hematol. and Transfusiology. - 1990. - T.35. No. 4. - p.16-19). When combined increase the level of CD95(+) NG 4 or more times and raising the level of CD16(+)NG 0.6 times with ECG signs THEY predict fatal to THEM. The method was tested on 100 patients to THEM, while in the target group of THEM ended in death in 25% of patients in whom the levels of CD16(+) CD95(+) NG match the specified values. The reliability of the method was 100%. Examples 1) Dulski YU. (IB No. 1011), 60 years old, was admitted to the intensive care unit 07.05.02 at 13 h 30 min with complaints pressing pain in the chest, radiating to the right hand, which appeared 2 hours ago and have not stopped taking 3 tablets of nitroglycerin. On the ECG: the rise of the ST segment with the subsequent emergence of pathological .Q. in leads V1-V4Laboratory indicators of the level of ck-MB, ASTCINand ALTCINin the limit of the norms the total number of leukocytes 9,4×109/l, blood formula: e-1, P-7, Segm - 74, LF - 14, MES - 4, ESR - 7 mm/h the Level of CD 16 (+) NG - 25% (healthy control - 15%), CD95 (+) NG - 27% (healthy controls 10%) (07.05.02 14.00) Diagnosis: coronary artery disease: Primary from 07.05.02 rear myocardial infarction with paddle Q. cos 2 (Killip). Hypertension 3 tbsp., reasonable, with the defeat of target organs: heart, CHF 1 FKl 2) Fat V.M., 65, entered 09.05.01 at 11 h 30 min with complaints of burning pain in the chest, radiating to the left arm and shoulder, which appeared 4 hours ago, and nausea. ECG: signs of transmural myocardial infarction, anterior localization (ST segment above contours in 1 lead pathological Q wave) Laboratory values 09.05.01 12.30: lake 11,0×109/l, P-8, Segm - 79, LF - 12, Mon-1, ESR - 3 mm/h, ASTCIN- ALTCINwithin normal limits. CD 16 (+) NG - 20% (healthy controls and 15%, i.e. 0.6 times), CD95 (+) NG - 40% (healthy controls 10% - 4 times). The time of death 19.00 09.05.01. Post-mortem diagnosis: coronary artery disease: Primary from 09.05.01-wave myocardial infarction anterolateral localization, core 2 (Killip). A complication of the underlying disease: Rupture of the myocardium of the anterior wall of the left ventricle in a heart attack. Hemotympanum pericardium (400). Cardiogenic shock. Example Ryleev B.C., 63, entered 28.06.01 at 23.30 with complaints of intense pressing pain in region of heart, radiating under the collarbone, which is wound two hours ago. ECG: signs of transmural myocardial infarction, posterior localization (elevation of ST segment, with the appearance of pathological Q wave). Blood biochemical parameters: ck-MB, Atkin, Atkin - normal. The total number of cells 12×109/L. blood Formula: e-1, P-4, Segm - 60, LF - 30, Mon - 5. The level of CD16(+) NG - 5% (in the healthy control - 15%), D95(+)NG -30% (healthy controls 10%) (29.06.01 - 24 h 10 min). Diagnosis: coronary artery disease: Primary, from 28.06.01 back to THEM with a tooth Q. OSP - 3 (Killip). AG - 2 tbsp., reasonable, with the defeat of target organs: heart, HSN - 2 FCL Complication of the underlying disease: Break infarction posterior wall of the ventricle. Hemotympanum pericardium (350). Cardiogenic shock. The method is tested on 100 patients and can improve the accuracy of identifying possible adverse outcome of myocardial infarction, to reduce mortality in acute myocardial infarction, to reduce the period of stay of patients in hospital when conducting adequate and timely diagnosis of the complications of this disease. A method for predicting fatal outcome krupnovesovogo myocardial infarction, including a blood test and ECG diagnosis, characterized in that in the peripheral blood to determine the level of CD95(+) and CD16(+) neutrophils and when combined increase the level D95(+) neutrophilic granulocytes in 4 or more times and CD16(+) it is rofiling granulocytes 0.6 times the norm with ECG signs of myocardial infarction predict fatal outcome krupnovesovogo myocardial infarction.
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