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Device comprises aluminium casing in form of thin wall cylindrical sleeve with constricted throat. The casing is willed with active mass based on metal sodium. The throat is reinforced by flanging. The casing sealing is made as burst plate with its securing along the flanging diameter. |
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Composition for removing asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits Invention is related to compounds intended for removing asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits (ARPD), and may be used for ARPD dissolution and removal from oil-field equipment, bottomhole formation zone, tubing strings, flow lines, pipelines, tanks and equipment of oil refineries. Composite for removing ARPD contains hydrocarbon solvents and includes dimethyl formamide and gas condensate additionally, toluene and nefras C2 80-120 are used as a hydrocarbon solvents with the following ratio of components, vol %: nefras C2 80-120 - 5-15; toluene - 25-35; dimethyl formamide - 3-7; gas condensate - remaining volume. |
In well repair method that includes circulation of washing compound in the well circulation of washing compound is performed continuously during 1-3 h at consumption rate of 4-6 l/s with bypassing of washing compound to a tank filled partially with increase in level of compound available in it at initial volume of washing compound exceeding the design volume for well treatment per 0.5-2%, level of washing compound is controlled in the tank, at its reduction circulation rate is decreased, at its increase circulation rate is increased, reaction products are washed out from the well by water in volume corresponding to the well volume and bottomhole zone is washed by water in volume of 1.5-2.0 of the well volume, at that the following mixture, in volume parts, is used as washing compound: solvent of asphaltic-resinous-paraffin deposits RS-1210 - 100-400, chemical reagent ITPS-04-A - 15-40, service water with density from 1.0 to 1.18 g/cm3 - 600-900. |
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Device for high-paraffin crude oil production Device includes a flow string with a borehole pump and power cable fixed together with capillary tubing for delivery of chemical agent, which is made of armoured cable at outer surface of the flow string, a well-head tank for chemical agent and a dosing pump connected to the capillary tubing by pressure line, power cable introduced to the well through input unit made in tubing flange of wellhead equipment and connected to borehole pump control station. At the flow string there are protectors and from below the flow string is equipped with a stationary electric heater with controlled output, which is connected by extension cord to the power cable of borehole pump. The pressure line is introduced into the well through sealed side outlet of X-mass tree; at the wellhead the power cable is connected additionally to the heater control station. Upstream the pump the flow string is equipped with a bushing with radial port, to which the lower end of capillary tubing is connected. |
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Device for supply of inhibitor into well Device contains the cylindrical housing with two interconnected chambers, one of which contains pressurized gas, and the second one is implemented with a dosing hole and filled with inhibitor. Chambers are divided by a partition, perpendicular to the housing axis, and connected to each other by the device for pressure decrease which is built into the partition and fitted with a tube. One end of the tube is immersed into inhibitor. |
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Method of water-producing well recovery Invention is related to the oil and gas industry, and namely to the recovery of a water-producing well and in particular to the recovery of the water-producing well, which upper part is placed in a low-temperature clogged-up terrigenous reservoir close to permafrost rock. According to the method the lower water-producing part of the production string is liquidated. To this end a tubing string is withdrawn from the well. A permanent cement plug is set in the flow string. The upper unflooded part of the production string is perforated within the interval of low-permeable low-temperature terrigenous deposits located lower than the permafrost rock. The flow string is run down to the perforation interval. Acetone is injected in sequence in the volume of 1-2 m3 to the bottomhole zone of the low-temperature and low-permeable clogged-up terrigenous deposits per 1 m of the perforated thickness. Then aerated and dispersed aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide is injected with concentration of less than 10-15 wt % in volume of 2-3 m3 per 1m of the perforated thickness. The aerated and dispersed aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide is flushed to the low-temperature and low-permeable clogged-up terrigenous deposits by gas condensate with short-time withhold in production for the period of clay components peeling off from rock particles. A mixture consisting of the gas condensate, an aerated and dispersed aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide and acetone with peeled off clay components of the rock are removed and extracted from the borehole. Then the borehole is developed by the delivery of an inert gas, for example, nitrogen, to it. The well is cleaned up and introduced into operation by makeup of the pre-set tuning string. |
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Device for chemical injection in well, surface equipment and method of chemical injection Method includes the device with chemical location in the wellbore or at tube side of the surface oil production equipment, chemical dissolving by the produced liquid. As device for chemical injection made in form of a container out of sections and secondary regulated dosing devices. Each container section has one or several cartridges with chemical. From ends the cartridge is covered by plugs with regulated primary dosing devices or from one end by blind plug, and from another end by plug with regulated primary dosing devices. The cartridges are secured by the securing devices. The regulated secondary dosing devices are located in that part of the container sections that is created between the regulated primary devices and blind plug of the container section or end of the container section, or another cartridge. |
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Container includes a cylindrical housing with perforations, which is provided with an upper cover plate with a hole, a lower cover plate and filled with a powder-like reagent below the level of perforations with formation of a free cavity. Perforations are located in circumferential rows distributed throughout length of the housing. Perforations in all rows except for the closest row to the upper cover plate are covered with soluble plugs. |
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Set of salt deposit inhibitors having goof profiles of absorption and their use in oil production Invention relates to set of the salt deposit inhibitors and their use to intensify the flow from the oil field. Method of salt deposits inhibiting in oil field includes the stages: a) injection of at least two inlet fluid flows to at least two production zones of the oil production well connected with oil field, or to at least two different oil production wells, from which at least two outlet flows from two zones or wells are combined prior to extraction with the salt deposits inhibitor, containing detected groups and injected to the oil field(s) and/or fluid; at that two different salt deposit inhibitors are used, each of them is intended for each of two zones or wells; these inhibitors contain different detected groups as per their maximum absorption, that are identified by the analytical method for absorption; b) oil displacement, c) extraction of the output fluid flow containing oil, d) measurement of quantities of different inhibitors in the extracted fluid flow by the analytical method for absorption or of the fluid obtained from it, and e) optionally decision of the problem relating with salt deposits creation in the zone or in the well, for which the salt deposits inhibitor is intended, if quantity of the inhibitor is below the specified value, where one of two inhibitors is specified polymer, and another inhibitor is the another specified polymer. Invention is developed in subclaims. |
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Method of prevention of salt deposition on oil production equipment Reagent amount is regulated at wellhead by an electric metering pump unit connected to capillary pipeline at the wellhead. During pump landing to the well on s tube string, capillary pipeline end is equipped with adjustable check valve. Capillary pipeline consists of one capillary tube with double-layer wire sheath. Pipe string is landed so that a sprayer is positioned against the reservoir bottom. After landing, the pump is launched, product recovery is started. At the wellhead, recovered product is sampled and analysed for calcium ion content in associated water. Depending on the analysis result, reagents are dosaged and injected over the capillary pipeline to the bottomhole zone. Relevant salt deposition inhibitors are used as reagents in respective amounts. Recovered product is sampled regularly at the wellhead and analysed. If calcium ion content in associated water exceeds 100 mg/L, inhibitor amount dosaged to the capillary pipeline is increased by 10-20% of initial value to achieve calcium ion content in associated water below 100 mg/L. |
Composition for removal of asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits Composition contains a surface active substance based on a polymer of ethylene oxide - ITPS 806 reagent grade B 0.1-5.0 wt % and a mixture of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons in the form of ITPS 010 reagent grade A is the rest. |
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Method for assessment and selection of effective solvents for deposits of paraffin type Method includes sampling of deposits from oil equipment, identification of a group composition and type for the deposits, a procedure of the preliminary mixing of empty weighing bottles, preparation of 10% petroleum paraffin solutions in these weighing bottles, wherein different hydrocarbons and their composites are used as solvents, bringing the content of the weighing bottles in the drying closet up to a fixed weight. Surveys are performed using petroleum paraffin of the B2 brand, the melting point of pure paraffin and the paraffin upon treatment by different hydrocarbons is determined additionally by differential scanning calorimetry and the efficiency of solvents for asphalt, resin and paraffin deposits is assessed. |
In the method acid process composition is injected to the well, withheld for reaction with further removal of reaction products from the formation. Before injection of the acid process composition, upon the last running in of tool for washing of the borehole before development a mixture of non-ionic surfactant with sulphamic acid at mass ratio of 0.003-0.005:1 in quantity of 1-3 wt % is introduced to drill mud containing high-molecular compounds and colmatant used for opening and washing of the producing formation. Then, upon the last running out of tool from the well and running in of tubing string the above drill mud is replaced by the acid process composition and the latter is withheld for reaction during at least four hours. The acid process composition consists of the following ingredients, by wt %: peroxide compound 0.5-3.0; sulphamic acid 5.0-10.0; non-ionic surfactant 0.005-0.02; mineralized water takes the remaining share. Density of the above process composition is equal to density of the drill mud used at opening of the producing formation or differs from it less than per 10%. |
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Particles containing washing medium for well cleaning Inventions group relates to oil and gas industry. Fluid washing medium for deposits removal from walls of the underground drilled well includes liquid carrier with viscosity close to the water viscosity, and able for pumping along the well wall under turbulent flow mode, and a disperse component dispersed in the liquid carrier and containing spherical particles with size at least 100 micron and density from 0.8 to 1.3 g/cm3; at that the disperse component occupies 1-10% by volume of the fluid. Method of deposits removal from wall of the drilled well includes a stage, when the above mentioned fluid is injected above wall of the drilled well such that a turbulent flow is created in at least deposits zone. |
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Development of multi-zone gas field Invention relates to the oil-and-gas industry and can be used for the development of hard-to-extract gas deposits. The proposed method comprises drilling of the main wellbore, running-in of a production string, surveying, drilling of a horizontal section in a productive formation. Note here that the said main wellbore is drilled with a preset inclination angle, encased by the production string with a precut opening in an aluminium shell for drilling and finishing of a smaller-diameter lateral borehole. The wellbore production sections are drilled gently sloping and equipped with appropriate filters. Simultaneously, a dual production string is run-into the main and lateral horizons to be isolated by a packer above the roof of the lower productive horizon to develop separately the horizons by separate production strings. In the well operation, methanol is fed automatically at a preset flow rate in the main wellbore annulus and lateral borehole annulus. |
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Treatment method of bottomhole zone Invention relates to the oil and gas industry and can be used for well cleanout. At a wellhead a discharge line is mounted so that it passes through a heat exchanging device tied up with a mobile steam plant and road-tankers with a solvent and a process fluid, which are tied up with the pumping unit. The mobile steam plant and the pumping unit are started simultaneously; the production string and tubing sting run through it are filled with the solvent heated up at the heat exchanging device up to 75-80°C. The solvent temperature at the output from the heat exchanging device is maintained by changes in the capacity of the pump feeding the solvent from the road-tanker at a permanent temperature and consumption of steam generated by the mobile steam plant at its output. Filling with the solvent is made with simultaneous displacement of the well fluid to the oil pipeline. When filling with the solvent is over, steam delivery is stopped to the heat exchanging device and the process fluid is delivered by the pumping unit to the discharge line in a volume of 1.0 m3 and the solvent is pumped to the well. The well is withheld for 4 hours, thereafter a borehole pump is started in a circulation mode, the well operation is started and the used solvent is pumped out to the oil pipeline. |
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Device for scale prevention in well Invention is related to oil and gas producing industry and intended for scale prevention. The device contains a flow column with a deep well pump, a control station at the wellhead, wellhead equipment completed with a discharge line with a damper valve installed at the upper end of the flow column. The deep well pump is equipped with from below shank run in below the perforated interval. The wellhead equipment is equipped with two pressure lines communicated with tubing-casing annulus. The first line is completed with a union and a damper and connected to the wellhead pump unit. The device is equipped with manifold line with a damper connecting hydraulically the well discharge line to the second line equipped with a damper downstream the manifold line. In the first position the two-way flow switch allows delivery of chemical from the first pressure line to tubing-casing annulus of the wall. In the second position the switch couples the discharge line with fluid extracted from the well through the manifold line to the second pressure line. |
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Device for cleaning wells of tar-resin-paraffin sediments Invention can be used for well cleaning. Pipe string is lowered in the well to 1-10 m from wellhead. Pressure line is connected to first pipe shutter and with pump unit and tank-trucks with reagents and process fluid. Pump unit force the solvent in annulus to displace well fluid via said string in oil line without exceeding the tolerable operating pressure. Tank-truck is disconnected from pump unit to connected tank-truck with process fluid thereto. Pump unit feeds process fluid into injection like in amount of 1.0 m3 to force it from pressure line into well annulus. Well is held for 6 hours to close the shutter and to connect first annulus shutter with tank-truck with solvent. Well borehole is flushed in three cycles in closed cycle. Second annulus shutter is opened, oil line shutter is opened and tank-truck is disconnected from pump unit to connect thereto the tank-truck with process fluid. Borehole is flushed from solvent by process fluid by displacing it into oil line without exceeding the pressure permissible for flow string and oil line. |
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Device for dosed reagent supply to well Invention is related to oil producing industry and may be used to prevent corrosion and deposits in the equipment. The device comprises an electric pump metering unit, a pressure line represented by a rigid hose connected by an input device installed in the wellhead equipment with capillary pipeline passing at exterior surface of the tubing string and the pumping unit at which lower ends there is a hanger, a spraying device and centralizer. The input device of the capillary pipeline is mounted in side outlet of wellhead equipment as a tube with blind equipped with the central channel. From outside the blind channel is connected to the pressure line and from inside it is connected to the upper end of the capillary pipeline with sealing option in the blind. Between the side outlet and blind the tube is equipped with a branch with an angular valve. The capillary pipeline is made as a polymer armoured cable and in the hanger it is connected to the hollow rod connected rigidly to the hanger from the top. At the lower end of the hollow rod there is a spraying device equipped with an adjustable return valve. |
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Method for reduction of hydrocarbon viscosity Present invention suggests method for treatment of fluids in order to reduce apparent viscosity of hydrocarbons fluids handled in process of operations with oil, to reduce quantity of deposits in annular space of the well or in a pipeline. The method for reduction of apparent viscosity of hydrocarbons fluids handled in process of operations with oil includes the following stages: making contact of hydrocarbon fluid with effective emulsionising quantity of the compound containing at least one hydrophobically modified non-ionic polymer with the specified general formula. The method for reduction of quantity of deposits in annular space of the well or in a pipeline includes the following stages: making contact of hydrocarbon fluid handles in process of operations with oil inside annular space or a pipeline with effective emulsionising quantity of the compound containing at least one hydrophobically modified non-ionic polymer with the specified general formula. The invention is developed in the secondary claims. |
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In compliance with this process, working fluid is injected in wells for processing of well bottom zones and displacement of oils from beds. Wells are repaired while pipes and equipment are subjected to antirust treatment. Pipes at production well top sections are cleaned of pyrobitumen and coal-tar-paraffin sediments. Working is composed of complex organic solvent consisting of derived aromatic hydrocarbons, ethers of carbonic and organic acids with density and viscosity to be varied subject to varying conditions of particular deposits. Beds are processed by said solvent many times in preset time intervals to keep up the required level of oil and gas production. For cleaning, said solvent is pumped many timed with antirust additives of phosphates via pipes from well bottom to surface and back in closed cycle. For gas production at deposits with highly-flooded beds and low bed pressure, organic solvent density is changed to displacement of formation fluids inside formations. To up oil production with processing by complex organic solvent, the latter used to plug all injection wells to displace oil towards production wells. Note here that volumes on organic solvent injection in injection wells alternate with volumes of formation fluids at the ratio of 1:1 at the beginning of injection to at least 1:20 as total volume of injection increases. |
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Device to force reagent into well Device comprises cylindrical containers with reagent interconnected by their ends with the help of couplings, mixing chamber and batching filters arranged in couplings and having at least one row of inlet and outlet holes. Cylindrical container top end is covered by batching filter while its bottom end is plugged. Said couplings are provided with seal glands arranged on the outside. Said batching filters are arranged in cylindrical casing having an orifice made on the outside. Jet pump is arranged in coupling upstream of batching filter while there downstream ejector is fitted and communicated with inlet hole row. Mixing chamber is arranged in the coupling at jet pump outlet. Diaphragms with slotted holes are arranged in coupling upstream of jet pump. Every hole of the next diaphragm is shifted through 25-30 degrees clockwise or counter clockwise. Diaphragm flow sections decrease from bottom to top. |
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Flushing method of well submersible electric centrifugal pump Invention is related to oil and gas industry and is focused on increase in efficiency of operation of submersible electric centrifugal pumps which is complicated by formation of asphaltene, resin and paraffin deposits on the pump actuating elements. It is suggested to use hot oil as a reagent dissolving deposits in technology of dynamic impact. To this end chambers having similar volume with an electric heating element and temperature sensors are installed preliminary above and below the submersible pump. After shutdown of the electric centrifugal pump the borehole oil is heated up to the required temperature in the lower chamber and transferred through the pump cavity to the upper heating chamber by the same pump. In order to decrease flow rate of hot oil through the pump cavity pumping capacity is decreased by means of current frequency controller. With the three-position reverse-flow valve installed above the upper heating chamber hot oil is returned back to the lower chamber from the well head by means of portable pump unit of TSA-320 type. When there is no three-position reverse-flow valve installed above the upper heating chamber hot oil is returned back to the lower chamber by gravity flow. The period of hot oil cyclic impact on deposits inside the cavity of the submersible electric centrifugal pump shall be equal to time required for complete dissolving of asphaltene, resin and paraffin deposits. This time is determined preliminary in laboratory conditions with well conditions modelling. |
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Method of inhibiting hydrocarbon formation Proposed method comprises injection of polymer water composition into near-well zone or into pipeline length. Said composition comprises water solution of polymer from the group including: copolymer or pyrrolidone or caprolactam, thermo polymer based on N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone, polyacrylamide, dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate, hydroxyethylcellulose, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, hydrolysed polyacrilonitrole, polypropylene glycol, polyoxipropylenepolyol, polyvinyl carboxylate, polyacrylate, polyvinyl caprolactam, acrylamidomethyl propansulfonate, polyacrylamide, hypan, polyoxipro in polymer oil from the group including: polyacrylamide, carboxymethyl cellulose, oxymethyl cellulose ether, polymetacrylate, polyvinyl acetate or polyvinyl alcohol or their copolymers and, additionally, carbamide formaldehyde concentrate CFC and waterproofing additive at the following ratio of components in wt %: said water solution or emulsion - 0.05-5.0, CFC - 0.1-5.0, waterproofing additive - 0.1-5.0, water making the rest. Note here that prior to injecting said composition, CFC oil ring is injected in amount of 0.1-5.0 wt % of the composition bulk and held for at least 3-5 h. Invention is developed in dependent claim. |
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Device includes a cylindrical housing with a plug and holes on upper part and is filled below the level of holes with reagent so that a free cavity is formed. In the plug there is a through hole that is covered with a batcher on the outside and with a sleeve filter from polymer material on the free cavity side. A coupling with holes for carry-over of dissolved reagent supplied from free cavity through the batcher is installed on the housing. |
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Dewaxing method of oil producing well Dewaxing method of an oil producing well involves creation in a wax deposition zone of temperature exceeding wax melting temperature by pumping to the well of components interacting with heat emission, carryover of reaction products and molten wax from the tubing. First, there built are curves of temperature distribution of a borehole flow at intervals of the production casing from the working face to pump suction and the tubing string from the pump to the head considering determination of liquid temperature at pump discharge, curves of pressure distribution in the well at the above intervals and curves of oil saturation temperature with wax in the well considering pressure change in the well and gas content of oil during lifting of gas-liquid mixture according to the following formula: toi=tod+Al·Pi/Psat-A2Gi,/G0, where toi - saturation temperature of oil with wax in the well; tod - saturation temperature of degassed oil; Pi - a number of successive pressure values at the specified interval, MPa; Psat - saturation pressure of oil with gas; Gi - gas saturation of oil at corresponding pressure values Pi and temperature Ti, m3/m3; G0 - gas content of oil at pressure Psat; A1 and A2 - correlation coefficients depending on oil composition and properties. As per the built distribution curves at cross point of temperature of the borehole flow and saturation temperature of oil with wax there determined is depth and thermodynamic conditions of intensive waxing in the well. Then, considering the determined conditions, number and concentration of components are chosen for carryover of molten wax. |
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Method for internal corrosion protection of flow oil-pipe lines Corrosion inhibitor is dosed before supplying to pumps randomly pumping off wells from tanks as they are filled. After the tank is filled, the oil and water production is automatically pumped off with a pump, wherein the corrosion inhibitor is dosed into an inlet header of the pump for pumping off the well production with the dosing pump. The dosing pump is started up automatically and synchronised with the start-up of the pump for pumping off the well production. The dosing pump is stopped automatically once the watercut of the received production is reduced to 30%. To control the watercut of the received well production, an on-line instrument measuring the water content is installed on the flow oil-pipe line. |
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Procedure for treatment of bottomhole zone of producer with two wellheads In procedure for treatment of bottomhole zone with two wellheads in case of failure of an electric-centrifugal pump (ECP) with no apparent deviation in its operating parameters and in case of alkalinity growth for extracted product up to pH>7 the required volume of hydrogen chloride solution is calculated on the basis of a length and diameter of the well filtering part; the required volume of hydrogen chloride solution is selected to treat the whole volume of the strainer; the required volume of flush fluid is calculated for delivery of compounds into a slope wellhead. ECP is shutdown at the vertical wellhead before pumping of hydrogen chloride solution is started. The required volume of hydrogen chloride solution is carried out into tubular annulus from the side of the vertical wellhead. When pumping of hydrogen chloride solution is over extraction from the slope wellhead is increased and ECP is started from the vertical wellhead. ECP is stopped at the vertical wellhead and hydrogen chloride solution is overflushed by the flush fluid into filtering part of the well. After ECP startup in enlarged extraction rate from the slope wellhead samples are taken periodically in order to check pH value, monitor dynamics in changes of fluid supply from the slope wellhead. When pH value id recovered up to the normal value ECP is started into operation from the vertical wellhead and supply from the slope wellhead is returned back to normal operation mode. |
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Device consists of cylindrical containers filled with reagent and equipped with end plugs connected by couplings and dosing units communicating with mixing chambers and connected hydraulically to the well. In each container there is a shaft with ends screwed into axial threaded openings of the end plugs. A dosing unit is made in the upper part of the shaft as am axial channel and radial openings communicating with it; mixing chambers are placed inside couplings. The container can be made of a fibreglass pipe or thin-wall pipe of stainless steel. |
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Method for preventing deposits of non-organic salts In the method preventing the deposit of non-organic salts in commercial oil and gas equipment including series pumping to the bottomhole zone of formation of solution fringes, solution of inhibitor of salt deposition and hydrophilic displacement fluid; as a solvent, mutual solvent is pumped; salt deposition inhibitor is pumped in water solution of potassium chloride and as hydrophilic displacement fluid there pumped is the above water solution of potassium chloride; at that, as mutual solvent, there pumped is butyl cellosolve or mixture of solvents at the following component ratio, wt %: methanol 10, acetone 50, butyl cellosolve 35, dimethyl sulphoxide 5, salt deposition inhibitor is pumped in water solution of potassium chloride at the component ratio, wt %: salt deposition inhibitor 10, potassium chloride 1-2, fresh water is the rest; as hydrophilic displacement fluid there pumped is 1-2% of potassium chloride solution in fresh water; as salt deposition inhibitor, inhibitor of organophosphorous type is used. |
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Dosed chemical reagent supply device Device includes a chemical reagent tank with a hollow drain reagent line equipped with a connection pipe with a calibrated opening, for supply of chemical reagent to the cavity of the product line and the gas accumulation chamber for its being supplied with a gas line from the cavity of the product line to the chemical reagent tank. The gas line is equipped with a gate valve and directly connects the gas accumulation chamber to the product line equipped from the inside with an injector, and from the outside with a cylindrical casing that is interconnected through the holes in the product line with the ejector low pressure chamber; at that, cylindrical casing is interconnected at their inlet openings with the reagent line connected from below to the tank and equipped with the gate valve, into which a connection pipe is inserted. |
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Flushing method of well submersible electric-centrifugal pump by reagent During this method implementation reagent is supplied to pump cavity through check three-position valve installed above vent hole of pump. Delivery and accumulation of reagent is performed in tubing through flexible reinforced pipe lowered from wellhead for the period of treatment or previously installed fixed inside tubing string or along inter-tube space of well. Accumulated volume of reagent above the pump and check valve is forced in the pump through check three-position valve by generation of required pressure differential in tubing string from wellhead for check three-position valve opening in backward direction. |
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Device for thermo-chemical treatment of wells Device is made as concentrically arranged aluminium external thin-wall perforated tube and internal tube or rod, filled with chemically active substance in a form of hollow cylinders pressed from calcium and aluminium bits. The cylinders are beaded on internal tube or rod and located in external perforated tube. Device face ends are closed by covers that have internal hole equal to diameter of internal tube or rod and round thread on external part. Head part of the device is olive-like. There are holes 2-4 mm in diameter at the cover in device tail part. Clear area of external tube perforation amounts from 5 to 50% of its surface area and increases from tail part towards head part by 2% of tube area at each 5 cm of its length. The ratio of calcium and aluminium is 70:30; 60:40 and 50:50 wt %, note that the density of chemically active substance changes from 1.1 to 1.5 g/cm3, internal tube's wall is by 1.5 times thicker than the external one. Cover holes in device tail part are made at an angle of 30° against tube axis. |
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Device includes cylindrical containers with reagent, which are connected on their ends by means of couplings, mixing chambers with openings and dosing filters. Upper ends of cylindrical containers are covered with dosing filters, and lower ends are covered with plugs. In couplings there made is at least one row of inlet and outlet openings. Mixing chambers and dosing filters are located in couplings. |
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Destruction method of sulphate-calcium deposits during oil production In destruction method of sulphate-calcium deposits of oil field equipment, which involves treatment of deposits with water solution of chemical reagent, saturated water solution of ammonium sulphate is used as the above solution. Repeated use of ammonium sulphate solution is performed after clarification or filtration of the deposit of calcium-ammonium sulphate; deposit containing calcium-ammonium sulphate is utilised as a fertiliser. |
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Invention relates to construction, completion and pull-out of holes. Proposed method comprises adding peroxide compound into mud used for tailing-in and flushing including polysaccharides and mudding agent to be replaced by acid process fluid including said peroxide compound, acid and water, curing in reaction with subsequent removal of reaction products from the bed. Said peroxide represents urea peroxyhydrate, or sodium peroxyborate, or sodium percarbonate. It includes also adding said compound in concentration of 0.5-1.0 wt % to mud solution during circulation in last lift of drilling tool from the well and lowering of tubing with curing said composition in reaction for art least four hours. Note here that acid process fluid comprises the following components in wt %: said peroxide compound 0.5-3.0, hydroxycarboxylic, citric or lactic acid 5.0-10.0, nonionic surfactant - oxanol or neonol "АФ"9-12, or LML-4312, or "МЛ"-80 0.005-0.02, saline water making the rest. Note here that density of said acid process fluid equals that of mud solution used in tailing-in, or differs therefrom by not over 10%. |
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Method of feeding reagent into well tubing Proposed method consists in using tubing incorporating borehole pump and packer. Note here that borehole pump is equipped with check valve. Check valve is arranged close to and above the pump on tubing outer side to allow one-way fluid flow from tubing into tube space. Said tube space is filled with process fluid with corrosion inhibitor in required concentration. Pressure in tube space is maintained not exceeding tolerable magnitude by means of electric-contact pressure gage connected to borehole pump control unit. Reagent if injected into tubing from wellhead with tube space gate valve. |
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Method of reactant impulse treatment of bottom-hole formation zone includes replacement of killing liquid in casing string with active liquid reactant medium upon simultaneous repressive-impulse action, when active liquid reactant medium reaches roof of productive formation it is pumped into bottom-hole formation zone under repressive-impulse action, then there is repeated implosion action with formed passive medium being removed from bottom-hole formation zone, the passive medium contains products of destruction of asphalt-resin wax deposits and of other colmataging formations, till pumped volume of active liquid reactant medium is removed, then bottom-hole formation zone is treated through annular space under repressive-depressive impulse action of killing liquid with addition of water-repellent SAS, active liquid reactant medium is used as a solvent with addition up to 5 wt % SAS, the pumping is performed under nanowave repressive-impulse action with alternating depressive impulses. Plant for reactant-impulse treatment of bottom-hole formation zone, containing casing string, installed in succession swabing device, packer, impulse depressive generator which radial channels are at the same level with lower perforation holes of well perforation interval, the generator is installed on day surface with possibility of connection to both casing string and annular space, impulse wave depressor with discharge chamber provided with free hydraulic output to reservoir, is provided with pressure multiplier with impulse nanogenerator installed before impulse depressive generator. |
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Method for removing deposits from oil-gathering pipeline Invention pertains to method for removing deposits from pipelines and can be used in oil and gas industry for cleaning oil-gathering pipelines from deposits with the help of solvents. Method consists in filling the pipeline with solvent, holding the time for deposits dissolving and start of pipeline operation. The finish of oil-gathering pipeline with deposits filling with solvent is defined by regular samples from sampling device at the end of the pipeline. The time necessary for deposits dissolving is divided by intervals and in each time interval the solvent is returned from pipeline into initial reservoir due to elastic energy of liquid-gas mixture in pipeline for evaluation of residual dissolving capacity of the solvent, and then it is again pumped into the pipeline. If necessary, the operation of productive wells connected to the oil-gathering pipeline after processed area is used for solvent reverse movement into the initial reservoir. |
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Unit for supply of chemical agent to product pipeline Unit contains a housing with opening cover. Inside the housing there are arranged control unit with electrical equipment, hanged tank for chemical agent provided with agent availability control system and dosing pump. The reservoir is provided with filling hole for chemical agent. In control unit there are dosing pump control circuits located. The reservoir is installed by means of assembly functioning both as fastener and as weight measuring system. On the upper part of the reservoir the assembly contains two distant from each other metallic slats rigidly fixed with the housing. Assembly is provided with two U-shaped levers consisting of beam and branches. Levers are installed under mentioned slats in inversed manner with beams towards each other. Each lever is connected by branches body to the first and the second slats by means of hinged joint. End parts of branches of U-shaped levers, closer to end ones, are connected to the reservoir by means of hinged joint. Levers beams are connected to each other by means of hinged joint of each beam with strain-measuring sensor which outlet is connected to control unit. |
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Device is made in the form of box body installed on carriage frame of transport vehicle and divided into instrument compartment and process compartment by means of blind sealed partition. Control cabinet, flushing water tank, water supply station, direct-flow water heater, earthing cable and powder fire-fighting module is installed in instrument compartment. Tanks for various types of chemicals with a dosing pump for each of them, drain tank, self-priming pump, powder fire-fighting module, video camera, electric contact pressure gauges, safety valves, non-return valves, flow metres, suction lines, delivery lines and explosion-proof control stations are installed in process compartment. Each tank is provided with possibility of being changed over to dosing pump of any other of the above tanks. Plant is equipped with connection assembly to the treated well, which allows disconnecting the delivery line from treated well and in case it is impossible to close the pipe gate valve, or with pipe gate valve passes, as well as with power supply in the form of synchronous generator located in the front or rear part of carriage frame cardan drive from power take-off device of transport vehicle. |
Method consists in circulation of washing compound in the well for 3-6 hours at flow rate 5-10 l/s, washing out the reaction products from the well by water in well volume, bottom flushing by water in volume not less than 1.5 of well volume. Washing compound represents a mixture that contains, parts by volume: solvent of asphaltic-resinous-paraffin deposits "INTAT-4" - 100-360, chemical reagent ITPS-04-A - 45-60, service water with density from 1.0 to 1.18 g/cm3 - 1000. |
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Device to clean tubing of sediments Proposed device comprises tubular container located under downhole pump and tube to feed solvent from surface into container. The latter has open bottom and comprises heater with output varying over its length. Container inner surface is coated by heat-insulation composition. Degree of solvent heating in container and its displacement is estimated by means of temperature transducers arranged regularly over container length. |
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Portable system of treatment by ultra-violet and corresponding methods Method includes stages at which cloudy treating fluid with primary microbial population is provided. The fluid is placed in self-contained road mobile manifold of treatment by ultra-violet, which contains source of ultra-violet. Cloudy treating fluid is treated using source of ultra-violet in the presence of weakening reagent to form irradiated treating fluid. Then irradiated treating fluid is supplied to mixing system. Mobile system of treating fluid treatment by ultra-violet contains inlet device, source of treating ultra-violet, chamber for treatment by ultra-violet, weakening reagent, outlet device. At that system of treating fluid treatment by ultra-violet is transported using self-contained road mobile platform. |
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Equipment complex for production of high-viscosity oil Equipment complex for production of high-viscosity oil comprises a lifting pipe with an oil pump drive installed inside and a mounted assembly from an oil pump, a perforated section of a pipe with a pump anchor and a well device. The well device is made in the form of a cylindrical vessel, in which there is a tight cavity and a circular chamber serially arranged with radial channels in its vessel. Besides, in the tight cavity there is a source of elastic oscillations of high frequency made as an ultrasonic converter of circular shape. The tight cavity along the assembly axis is equipped with a brace having an inner through channel leading to a circular chamber. The well device is connected with an electric cable to a ground power supply source. At the same time the complex is complemented with a ground pump, a line of liquid chemical reagent supply via an inner channel of the tight cavity brace into the circular chamber. The perforated channel of the pipe between the oil pump and the pump anchor is equipped with a hole for supply of a power supply cable and a chemical reagent supply line. |
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Well dosed reagent supply device Device includes a reagent tank and dosing pump interconnected with it and having its own drive and control system. Device is placed inside the well below oil-extracting equipment. Power is supplied to dosing pump drive from battery of electrolytic cells located in air-tight cavity of the device. |
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Method for removing deposits from bore-hole pump and flow column Method involves supply of solvent to bore-hole pump inlet by means of flexible wear-resistant small-diameter tube through annular space. The required amount of solvent is supplied under packer through its transient channel with non-return valve at the stopped bore-hole pump and closed damper at the outlet of flow column on the well head. After that, such solvent volume V1 is supplied by means of bore-hole pump from the available solvent volume under the packer to flow column, which will fill in the flow column space free from deposits. Well is stopped for the period of time required for dilution of maximum possible part of deposits with volume V1 deposit; after that, during the second cycle the solvent with volume V2 = V1 + V1 deposit is pumped with bore-hole pump to flow column with further dilution of deposits at the stopped well. Such cyclic filling of flow column with the solvent is continued until the solvent coming out of flow column onto the well head contains inconsiderable content of deposit elements. |
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Method for removing deposits from bore-hole pump and flow column During implementation of the method a container with open lower end of the pipes of the required volume is tightly connected to bore-hole pump inlet; flexible wear-resistant tube is tightly connected to upper part of container to bore-hole pump receiving zone; container is filled with solvent through flexible wear-resistant tube at closed discharge of flow column on well head. After that, solvent from container is supplied to flow column by means of bore-hole pump at open discharge of flow column. It is allowed to supply the solvent to the container at open discharge of flow column at simultaneous mixing of solvent from container to flow column by means of bore-hole pump on condition that solvent supply velocity to the container will not be lower than bore-hole pump capacity. |
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Additive for preserving fluidity of fluids containing gaseous hydrates Anti-agglomerates are surface-active non-quaternary nitrogen-containing compounds with 1-5 nitrogen atoms, which have at least one hydrophobic group with 6-24 carbon atoms, and where the hydrophobic group is bonded to the remainder of the molecule by an amine moiety, an ether moiety or an amide moiety, provided that when the hydrophobic group is bonded by an amide moiety to the remainder of the molecule, the compounds must contain a total of at least two nitrogen atoms, and optionally contain 1-12 -CH2CH2O- groups and/or 1-6 hydroxyalkyl groups with 3-4 carbon atoms; and compounds having at least one C2-C3 acyl group and/or at least one hydroxyalkyl group with 3-4 carbon atoms; or a salt thereof. The method of inhibiting agglomeration of gaseous hydrates in a conduit, containing a fluid mixture which contains hydrocarbons with 1-4 carbon atoms and water, involves adding to the mixture said agglomerate in amount of 0.05-10% of the content of water in the fluid mixture. The composition contains said anti-agglomerate of gaseous hydrates, a corrosion inhibitor and/or a paraffin deposition inhibitor. |
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Well reagent feeder driven by conventional pumping unit Feeder accommodates a dosing pump representing a hydraulic actuator with a piston vertically integrated in a body which comprises a threaded nail in which a dispenser presented by suction and pressure valves provided on an axis perpendicular to a piston axis is mounted. The nail has channels connecting a working cavity of the hydraulic actuator and the valves. One end of the nail is rigidly connected to a piston stopper. The other end of the nail is mounted on a support which represents a hollow cylinder by means of a female and male adjusting nut and is fixed in a through longitudinal slot of the support with the use of a screw-bolt connection, vertically movable and fixed in various positions. The support is jointed on a base which is rigidly fixed on a casing flange. A mechanism of motion transfer from the conventional pumping unit to the dosing pump represents a lever clamped on a polished rod of the conventional pumping unit installed perpendicularly to a rod axis and interacting with a piston rod. The polished rod is connected with a suspension bar of the conventional pumping unit. |
Another patent 2551298.
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