Method of obtaining potassium chloride Invention can be used in chemical industry. To obtain potassium chloride potassium chloride-containing substandard products of flotation production of potassium chloride from sylvinite ore are dissolved in heated solution; as solution used is brine from sludge storage tanks of flotation plants, mine brine, excess sulphite liquors of flotation plants. Discharge of solvents from clayey-salt sludge is clarified. Solution is evaporated on countercurrent evaporation installation with obtaining suspension, liquid phase of which is saturated with potassium chloride and sodium chloride at temperature of its boiling. Suspension is thickened with supply of liquid phase to target product crystallisation under vacuum from clarified solution with separation of crystallisate from mother liquor. Mother liquor is heated and evaporated together with clarified discharge of solvents. Thickened clayey-salt sludge is dumped. As potassium chloride-containing substandard products of flotation production used are: cyclone dust, condensed centrifuge fugates, sludge product from operations mentioned above, fine ore grades. |
Method of processing potassium-containing ores Method of processing potassium-containing ores comprises crushing the ore, ore leaching with the solution of hot unsaturated liquor, separation of halite waste from the solution of saturated liquor by filtration. The ore is crushed to a particle size less than 3 mm, heated to a temperature of 90-120°C with simultaneous dedusting the ore on the class of 100-200 microns. Then it is triboelectrically charged with the use of synthetic reagents as a conditioning agent, and then separated in an electric field of the free-falling separator with the formation of halite and the concentrate of potassium chloride. The concentrate of potassium chloride is directed together with the dust fractions of ore for leaching of potassium chloride with hot liquor. The solution of saturated liquor containing salt and clay sludge is fed to a two-stage clarification in settling tanks. On the first step, the pulp of salt sludge returned to the dissolving tanks is separated. On the second step, the clay sludge containing the salt sludge is separated. The clarified solution of saturated liquor is cooled with vacuum crystallization with the release of potassium chloride. The countercurrent washing of clay-salt sludge is carried out with its separation. |
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Method of producing agglomerated potassium chloride Invention can be used in chemical industry. A method of producing agglomerated potassium chloride includes mixing a liquid and a solid phase to form a suspension which is heated to boiling point. Said temperature is maintained for 12-15 minutes while stirring the suspension. During heating and ageing, the suspension is treated with jet steam. Further, the suspension is cooled at a rate of (2-3)°C per minute. The crystalline agglomerated potassium chloride is separated from the liquid phase and dried. The solid phase used in the suspension is cyclone dust of floatation potassium chloride and the liquid phase is aqueous potassium chloride with 80-100% saturation. The liquid to solid ratio is kept in the range of 2-3. |
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Method of producing potassium chloride Invention can be used in chemical industry. A method of producing potassium chloride includes dissolving raw material in hot liquor, removing impurities from the hot saturated solution, crystallising the obtained suspension in a controlled vacuum-crystallisation apparatus, dehydrating and drying. During crystallisation, the suspension is subjected to ultrasonic treatment in the frequency range of 10-44 kHz with intensity of 0.1-25 W/cm2. |
Method for producing potassium chloride from sylvinite ore Producing potassium chloride is ensured by dissolving sylvinite ore in a mother solution and recovering halite refuse ore. Salt-based waste is recovered in thickening agents and hydrocyclones from solvent discharge. The solvent discharge is clarified from clay-salt waste. That is followed by crystallising potassium chloride in vacuum from the clarified solution, condensing a suspension of crystallise and filtering it. Spent liquor is heated and supplied back for dissolving. The condensed salt-based waste is mixed after the thickening agents with the heated spent liquor to L:S=2-4. The prepared suspension is divided on hydrocyclones in a near-mesh grain of 0.1-0.2 mm. The hydrocyclone discharge is directed to dissolve sylvinite ore. Hydrocyclone "sands" with L:S=0.6-1.5 are partially added to the condensed suspension of potassium chloride before filtering in an amount required to correct the KCl content in a dry product to meet the specifications. The residual "sands" are directed to the filter together with halite waste. |
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Method of controlling process of sylvinite ore dissolution Invention can be used in the production of potassium chloride. The method of controlling the process of sylvinite ores dissolution includes the regulation of ore supply depending on the content of a useful component in input flows, measurement of the temperature in the input flows, measurement of the temperature of the final solution, determination of sodium chloride by the calculation method, measurement of the density, temperature and dissolving solution consumption, determination of the sodium chloride content by the content of the useful component, density and temperature, calculation of ore supply. In the realisation of the process of sylvinite ore dissolution on two parallel lines with common ore with the total consumption of ore and correction of the ore consumption by the composition of the final solution, additionally measured are: content of potassium chloride and magnesium chloride in the final solution, consumption of ore per one of the lines and the total expenditure of the dissolving solution. Calculated values are supplied as a task into a system for control of a weight dosing device of ore of the general flow and the second line. |
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Method of obtaining potassium chloride Invention relates to field of chemistry. Potassium chloride is obtained from sylvinite ores by their dilution in heated circulating mother liquor, clarification of discharge of solvents - hot solution, saturated with potassium chloride and sodium chloride, from clay-saline sludge, crystallisation of clarified solution under vacuum and separation of crystallisate from mother liquor, heating mother liquor and its returning for dilution. Excess mother liquor is evaporated on countercurrent evaporation installation with obtaining suspension, liquid phase of which is saturated with potassium chloride and sodium chloride at temperature of its boiling. Suspension is combined with discharge of solvents, combined concentrated saline sludge is output from the process, and combined condensed saline sludge is supplied to crystallisation. Combined saline sludge is discharged into sludge-storage or washed and/or filtered with return of liquid phase into the process. |
Method of obtaining potassium chloride Invention can be used in chemical industry. method of obtaining potassium chloride from sylvinites includes their dissolving, crystallisation of target product from solution in multi-step vacuum-crystallisers, separation of crystallisate, drying, dedusting, dissolving small fractions from stage of drying in heated water with obtaining suspension with ratio of liquid to solid L:S=1.0-5.0 and its supply to crystallisation. Drying with dedusting of entire target product is carried out at temperature 100-140 °C. Finely crystalline potassium chloride, obtained in dedusting, is mixed with water, heated to temperature 45-65 °C, with obtaining suspension with minimal L:S, ensuring its transportation along pipeline into first cases of vacuum-crystallisation installation (VCI). Condensate from surface heat-exchangers of VCI is distributed to cases proportionally to difference of temperatures between them. Consumption of water for preparation of suspension and in VCI cases equals to consumption of water, necessary for prevention of sodium chloride crystallisation in vacuum-crystallisation of target product. |
Method of extracting potassium chloride Invention relates to the technique of extracting potassium chloride from potassium-containing material with impurities of sodium chloride, insoluble and organic compounds. The method involves thermal treatment of potassium-containing material at temperature 280-700°C and subsequent dissolution of the thermally treated potassium-containing material in a solution heated to 95-105°C to obtain a suspension. The suspension is separated by thickening and filtration to obtain a clear solution. The clear solution is cooled on an apparatus with controlled vacuum crystallisation. Potassium chloride is then crystallised from the obtained solution. The potassium chloride is then classified into coarse crystalline and fine crystalline fractions. The fine crystalline fraction is diluted with water and then taken for crystallisation. The crystalline product is separated by thickening and filtration and dried with classification of the end product. |
Method of producing potassium chloride Invention relates to a method of producing potassium chloride from sylvinite material. The method involves grinding said material, fractional separation, floatation, hot leaching potassium chloride to form a halite pile and crystallisation of the ready product. Fractional separation of the material is carried out based on the 1 mm class. Floatation is carried out on the +1 mm fraction. Potassium chloride is hot leached in two steps while recycling heat of the halite pile at the third step. A fraction with particle size less than 1 mm is fed for hot leaching. The halite pile formed at the leaching step and heat recycling step undergoes hydraulic classification at each step according to the near-mesh grain 0.2 mm. Caked fractions of the halite pile with particle size +0.2 mm are directed by a countercurrent from the first to the second leaching step, the heat recycling step and extracted via filtration. The hydraulic classification discharge is directed by a countercurrent to the previous step. The discharge from the first step is clarified. Before extraction, the caked fraction of -0.2 mm undergoes countercurrent washing with recycled solution and the clarified solution is cooled with crystallisation of the ready product. |
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Mineral mixture for obtaining sea water Invention relates to mineral mixture for obtaining sea water, which can be used in household for water-hygienic procedures, in health care, balneology, as well as food, cosmetic and pharmaceutic industry. Mixture consists of 17-57 wt % of intergrowths of carnallite minerals with halite of sea origin and additive of halite of sea origin mineral in amount 43-83 wt %. |
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Method of separating potassium chloride and sodium chloride Method of separating potassium chloride and sodium chloride involves (a) obtaining a solution of said salts, which is heated to at least 50°C, (b) removing water from the obtained solution via membrane distillation using a waterproof membrane and precipitation of sodium chloride, (c) separating the precipitated sodium chloride from the solution, (d) cooling the solution with precipitation of potassium chloride, (e) separating potassium chloride from the solution. The solution which remains after step (e) is heated through heat exchange with the solution fed to step (d) and recycled. In another version, the solution which remains after step (e) is mixed with water removed at step (b), heated and used at step (a). |
Method of producing potassium chloride Invention can be used in processing sylvinite ore. The method of producing potassium chloride from sylvinite ore involves dissolution thereof, crystallisation of the end product from the solution in multiple-step vacuum crystallisers, hydraulic classification of the solid phase with return of fine fractions into the crystallisation loop and filtration of coarse fractions of the crystallisation products. Fine crystalline potassium chloride obtained at the drying and dust elimination step is dissolved to obtain a suspension which is returned to the vacuum crystallisers. The liquid phase obtained after hydraulic classification and filtration of the crystallisation product is further clarified to obtain a clear solution and a thick suspension. The clarified solution is taken for dissolution of sylvinites and the thick suspension is fed into the vacuum crystallisers with addition of water in order to compensate for its loss due to evaporation of the liquid phase during its vacuum cooling from temperature in the receiving tank of the vacuum crystallisers to temperature in the last housing. |
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Method of processing potassium-containing ores Invention relates to chemistry and may be used in production of potassium chloride from sylvinite potash ores. Crushed potassium-containing ore is leached by flow of hot unsaturated leach to separate halite wastes from saturated solution of leach by filtration. Saturated solution of leach contains salt and clay sludges and is directed to two-stage clarification at settlers. Pulp of salt sludge is separated at the first stage and sent back in dissolution apparatuses. Clay sludge containing salt sludge is separated at the second stage. Clay-salt sludge is subjected to counter-flow rinsing. Clarified solution of saturated leach is cooled by vacuum crystallisation to extract potassium chloride. |
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Method of controlling potassium chloride production process Invention can be used in halurgic production. The method of controlling the process of producing potassium chloride involves control of input streams, distribution of a weak salt solution, determination of temperature of a hot saturated solution and concentration of salts in said solution. Further, density of the hot saturated alkali is measured. The density value is used to calculate content of magnesium chloride in the alkali. The amount of water required for setting the content of magnesium chloride to the control value and compensating for excess mother alkali is determined. The calculated value is used as a setting in the system for controlling consumption of water and excess mother alkali is taken out of the process: |
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Method of controlling process of dissolving potassium chloride Invention can be used in halurgic production. The method of controlling the process of dissolving potassium chloride involves controlling supply of ore depending on content of the useful component in input streams, measuring temperature of the ready solution and consumption of dissolving solution. The ore used is an electrolyte obtained during electrolysis of molten dehydrated synthetic carnallite having the following composition: KCl - 60-80 %, MgCl2 + CaCl2 - 7-9%, insoluble particles - up to 1 %, NaCl - the rest. Content of magnesium chloride in the ready solution, its consumption, content of potassium chloride in the halite wastes and its consumption are also measured. The obtained parametres are used to determine maximum content of potassium chloride in the ready solution. The optimum consumption of electrolyte is calculated and the calculated value is used as a setting in the electrolyte consumption control system: where G is consumption of electrolyte, t; Gr sol.is consumption of the ready solution, t; Gd sol.is consumption of the dissolving solution, t; Gw is consumption of the halite wastes,t; CKCle is content of potassium chloride in the electrolyte, %; CKCl r sol is maximum content of potassium chloride in the ready solution, %; CKCl d sol is content of potassium chloride in the dissolving solution, %; CKClw is content of potassium chloride in the halite wastes, %. |
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Method to control carnallite ore dissolution Invention can be used in production of synthetic carnallite. Proposed method comprises adjusting ore feed depending upon the content of useful component in inlet flows and measurement of temperature. Besides solvent flow rate, solvent density and content of magnesium chloride therein and content of potassium chloride in carnallite ore flow are measured. Parametres thus obtained allow determining carnallite ore flow rate from the relationship indicated below to make setting to be incorporated with ore consumption control system: where Gore is the consumption of carnallite ore, t; Gsol is the consumption of solvent, t; is the content of potassium chloride in carnallite ore, %; is the content of free potassium chloride not bound in carnallite, %; is the content of magnesium chloride in saturated solution set by enterprise operating conditions to make 28.5±0.5%; is the content of magnesium chloride in solvent, %. |
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Method to control silvinite ore dissolution Invention can be used in production of potassium chloride. Proposed method comprises control over ore feed subject to content of useful component in inlet flows, measurement of ready solution temperature, density, temperature and consumption of dissolving solution. Additionally, content of potassium chloride in ready solution is measured after its defecation, as well as its consumption. Obtained data and temperature are used to determine roe feed to correct its main flow in compliance with the following relation, and calculated magnitudes are entered in proportioner control system: where ±ΔGore is ore consumption that corrects its main flow, t, symbol ± indicates a necessity to increase or decrease primary consumption of silvinite ore consumption; Gread sol is consumption of clarified solution, t; CKCIread sol is content of potassium chloride in clarified solution, %; CKCIore is content of potassium chloride in silvinite ore, %; αKCIread sol is saturation of clarified solution with respect to potassium chloride. |
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Device for processing of sylvinite-carnallite raw materials Device for processing of sylvinite-carnallite raw materials includes the following components installed along with flow - lye clarifier, two dissolving apparatuses connected to each other, augers and drier. Dissolving apparatuses are installed vertically along flow one after another and are connected to each other by means of transport auger. The last of apparatuses is connected to drier via dehydration auger installed at the angle of at least 15°. Inside each dissolving apparatus, coaxially to flow, there is a column installed for processing of mix with alternating feeding and grounding electrodes installed in them. Walls of column for processing of mix and dissolving apparatus create a tube space for lye drain. |
Potassium chloride obtaining method from sylvinite ore Method involves ore crushing, mill pulverising, sludge removal, grouping of desludged ore suspension. Coarse fraction of desludged ore suspension with density of 60-70% of solid matter is conditioned with emulsion of reagents, which is taken in quantity of 60-70% of total reagent flow; then, coarse fraction is combined with small fraction of desludged ore suspension with density of 30-40% of solid solid matter and supplied to the combined floatation. At that, the rest part of the emulsion of reagents is supplied in parts immediately to the combined floatation process thus obtaining crude concentrate and remainders. Crude concentrate is processed thus obtaining the finished product, and floatation remainders are grouped, small fraction of remainders is supplied to the dump pit, and coarse one - to the mill to be pulverised. When coarse fraction of ore suspension is being conditioned, water solution containing hydrochloride of high-molecular amine, oksal and catalytic gas oil at mass ratio of 1:0.4:0.4 correspondingly is used as emulsion of reagents. |
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Method of controlling process of sylvinite ore dissolution Invention relates to technique of controlling processes of sylvinite ores dissolution and can be used in production of potassium chloride by dissolution-crystallisation method. Method of controlling processes of sylvinite ores dissolution includes regulation of ore supply depending on content of useful component in input flows, measuring ready solution temperature and determining sodium chloride content in solution by calculation method. Additionally determined are density, temperature and consumption of dissolving solution, content of sodium chloride in it is determined by content of useful component, density and temperature. Ore supply is calculated according to suggested equation and calculated value is given as task to system of weigher control. |
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Method of producing brine for electrolysis Present invention can be used for obtaining aqueous saturated solutions of alkali metal halides, which are used in the production of chlorine and alkali from electrolysis. The method of producing aqueous saturated brine of alkali metal halides involves underground dissolving of salt deposits with simultaneous purification of brine in the brine production well. Purification from toxic impurities - calcium and magnesium compounds is done using spent brine of a halide of the corresponding metal as the solvent, obtained from an electrolysis unit with pH 9-12. The brine from the well is then purified from calcium and magnesium compounds. |
Method for processing salt rejects of magnesium production Method comprises steps of grinding salt rejects material; leaching them by means of concentrated solution of potassium chloride; separating mother liquor and solid potassium chloride; washing potassium chloride and drying potassium chloride; before washing procedure, dissolving solid potassium chloride in water at temperature 70 - 90°C; filtering solution and cooling filtrate till temperature 10 - 25°C; filtering received suspension of potassium chloride; washing deposit by means of potassium chloride solution with concentration 300 - 350 g/dm3 and filtering it; returning prepared filtrate for leaching salt rejects material. |
Method of separation of potassium chloride Proposed method includes dissolving of sylvinite, clarification of hot saturated lye, crystallization of product in presence of fluoro-reagents, thickening and filtration of suspension and treatment of non-clarified saturated lye. Clarified saturated lye is treated with hot solution saturated with potassium chloride before crystallization of product. Potassium chloride solution is obtained by dissolving off-grade floatation potassium chloride in water. Off-grade floatation potassium chloride is just cyclone dust, fine fractions of floatation product or filtered-off intermediate product used for forming sludge suspension which is clarified and is thickened after clarification and is directed for treatment of non-clarified saturated lye. |
Potassium chloride and sodium chloride production process Invention is intended for use in chemical and mining industries to manufacture mineral fertilizers and food salts. Ground sylvinite ore is dissolved in recycled potassium chloride-saturated lye. Resulting solution is directed at a rate of 0.03-0.15 m/s to leaching in the first dissolution column, with its electrodes connected to one of a current source poles, and treated by low-frequency (1-5 Hz) alternating electric field at voltage 30-100 v. Solution thus enriched with potassium chloride is fed together with solid phase into the downstream second dissolution column with its electrodes connected to opposite pole of the current source. Treatment by alternating electric field in the second column is effected under the same conditions as in the first column. Two-step leaching results in potassium chloride solution and sodium chloride-enriched solid phase. Separated sodium chloride is sent to production of food salt. Potassium chloride is separated from solution via crystallization. |
Another patent 2551151.
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