Template cementing method |
IPC classes for russian patent Template cementing method (RU 2557030):
Lightweight plugging material contains cement PTsT-I-100, lightweight - expanded vermiculite, technical salt, chemical agent Crep, at the following ratio in wt %: cement PTsT-I-100 - 84.75; vermiculite - 9.42; Crep - 1.13; NaCl - 4.7. During the cement slurry preparation - expanded vermiculite, technical salt.
Method for constructing sidetrack with horizontal ending / 2553732
Before shank running-in horizontal ending is filled with clay mud of increased viscosity. The shank is equipped with centralisers in the densest parts in intervals of caving-in areas and is run-in at drill tubes with string disconnector up to interval of the horizontal ending commencement at low rate so that the string is moved constantly. During running-in of the shank the drill mud is levelled periodically. Upon running-in the process is withhold until the shank is set, setting of the shank is controlled, then the shank and borehole annulus are washed, drill tubes are screwed off from the shank, cement head is screwed on, cement solution is pumped through the shank to the borehole annulus and the shank borehole annulus is cemented. Upon running-out of drill tubes the process is withhold for the period of cement setting and hardening, cement remains in the shank and its fittings are drilled out, washed and the well is developed.
In the process of construction of horizontal well, the deviated hole is drilled through the rocks, descending of the upper casing pipe, cementing the borehole annulus behind the upper casing pipe, drilling the horizontal shaft from the upper casing pipe to the lower oil reservoir, descending of the lower casing pipe with a partial placement of the latter in the lower part of the upper casing pipe, cementing the borehole annulus behind the lower casing pipe, perforation of the horizontal shaft, descending to the upper casing pipe of flow string with a packer with mounting of the packer and the shoe of the flow string in the upper casing pipe over the lower casing pipe, and performing the hydraulic fracturing in the horizontal shaft. As a part of the upper casing pipe in the interval of the upper producing layer the well casing of increased thickness are used, where the packer is placed. During the hydraulic fracturing of the lower oil reservoir the pressure is created over the packer, which is allowed on the upper casing pipe. Then the simultaneous release of pressure above and below the packer is carried out, perforating of the upper casing pipe is carried out in the interval of the upper oil reservoir, and development of the well. The height of the cement sheath between the packer top and the lower oil reservoir is determined from the ratio:
Well stage cementing method / 2547863
At stage cementing of the well cementing of the first stage is made, bottom plug is entered to the string in order to open circulating openings of cement collar for stage cementing, periodical washing of the borehole is arranged through circulating openings during waiting-on-cement time at the first stage, cementing of the second stage is arranged with entry of top plug to the string in order to close circulating openings of cement collar for stage cementing. At the first stage cementing oil-well cement is flushed by portions of drill mud, water and drill mud again, with setting of oil-well cement in annular space above the cement collar for stage cementing, and portions of water in the casing pipe within interval of the cement collar; during waiting-on-cement time at the first stage cyclic circulation of drill mud is arranged along the casing pipe through the cement collar with output to the wellhead through annular space until oil-well cement is removed completely within the interval of the cement collar for stage cementing; upon oil-well cement hardening at the first stage, at cementing of the second stage a portion of buffer solution and design volume of oil-well cement is pumped through the casing pipe, the top plug is placed and flushed by service water until it is set in the interval of the cement collar for stage cementing and openings of the latter are covered, pressure is increased in the casing pipe per 0.5-1.5 MPa above the operating pressure at pumping until openings of the cement collar are closed and waiting-on-cement time is started, and at well development the top plug is drilled out. Aqueous solution of surfactant and sodium tripolyphosphate is used as buffer solution.
Device includes hollow casing with at least one top radial hole, at least one bottom radial hole, at least one outside longitudinal groove. The top radial hole is closed by the shear pin. The bottom radial hole is closed by ring spring-loaded sleeve with internal ring groove. From outside the casing there is enclosure creating with the casing the ring chamber. The device contains position switch with profiled groove, in which part of the hollow shear shift is inserted outside the casing. In the device bottom below the profiled groove of the casing the parker is installed. The ring sleeve ands position switch of the device are linked with each other using movable joint and are installed in the ring chamber with possibility of movement upon hydraulic connection of the casing cavity and profiled groove as per the switch code. One of these codes contains such device position when the casing cavity is hydraulically connected with the parker cavity via the bottom casing holes, internal ring groove of the ring sleeve and outside longitudinal casing groove.
Method of preparation of cement slurry using the cement mixing machine, cementing unit (CU) and cement surge tank comprises the cement mixing in grouting fluid. The obtained solution is pumped by the pump of the cementing unit through high-pressure injection hydroline into the cement surge tank. The obtained cement slurry solution is injected into the well through the high-pressure injection hydroline using another cementing unit. Meanwhile in one of the high-pressure injection hydrolines the hydromechanically acting cement slurry activator of the type "jet-to-jet" is connected. Jets flowing from two side conical hydromonitor attachments are facing to each other and form at contact the hydraulic shield. The central spray flowing from the conical attachment, equipped with insert, is directed perpendicularly to the hydraulic shield. Meanwhile the named hydromechanically acting cement slurry activator is connected to the high-pressure injection hydroline for pumping of cement slurry into the cement surge tank. And the insert of the central attachment of the hydromechanically acting cement slurry activator is selected with the possibility of forming of the centripetal flow. the subs equipped with the quick-detachable joint elements are screwed into connecting threads of the bushing and smaller stage of the housing.
In process of drilling in the area of impervious roof above the productive formation an extended annular chamber is created, which communicates with the intra-column space through openings of the special casing coupling. The chamber and the intra-column space are filled with hydro-sealing liquid which creates a constant excess of the hydrostatic pressure of the liquid column above the formation pressure of the gas.
Invention relates to oil industry and may be used in construction of horizontal wells. The concept of the invention is as follows: horizontal well construction method includes drilling of a vertical section, a curved section and horizontal section, running of the casing pipe to the well and cementing. According to the invention drilling of a horizontal section is made with input to the productive stratum. Production string is run in with filtering lower part having length not less than the depth of input to the productive stratum. The packer is set above the filtering part of the string. A circulation valve is set above the packer and tubular annulus is cemented through the circulation valve. Upon cementing the packer is drilled out and drilling is continued with entry to the below stratum, rising to the productive stratum and drilling in the productive stratum.
Well completion method includes drilling, casing and cementing of the vertical borehole up to production horizon, drilling of a horizontal shaft. Water-saturated areas are identified. The perforated liner with open perforated holes is placed in the horizontal shaft, in the farthest part from the mouth with a cementing unit and perforated holes closed by acid-soluble plugs in the middle part and the whole part located closer to the mouth. Casing space of the liner middle part is cemented through the cementing unit with cement lifting up to the end to the whole part located closer to the mouth. The process is withheld for the period of cement hardening. Hydrostatic level is reduced and influx of reservoir fluid is obtained from the interval of the liner part farthest from the mouth. When influx is low, it is intensified in non-cemented part of the liner with shutoff of the remaining part by the packer with feedthrough hole. The plugged packer is set. Hydrochloric acid treatment is made for the middle part of the liner till magnesium plugs and part of the cement in casing annulus are dissolved. The well is flushed and influx is intensified from the medium part of the liner.
Disconnector contains a case 1 of the hanger, a supporting pipe 2, a nut 5, a coupling bushing 11 and a thrust bushing 7. The case 1 has step-like inner and outer surfaces. At the outer surface the nut 5 has a left-handed thread to interact with the case 1 of the hanger and a spline at inner surface to interact with the supporting pipe 2. The coupling bushing 11 is installed from inside at the end of the supporting pipe 2 and equipped with a suspended plug 13 and shear bypass plug 14. The thrust bushing 7 designed to fix a collar bearing 8 is installed at the end of the supporting pipe 2, which end is step-like. Outer diameter of the middle step is equal to inner diameter of the nut 5. Outer diameter of the low step is equal to inner diameter of the case 1 of the hanger and outside diameter of the collar bearing 8. The low step of the supporting pipe 2 is designed to unload the collar bearing 8 by its butt end and connected to the case 1 of the hanger with potential turn in regard towards each other and disconnection. The disconnector contains additionally a bushing 4 to connect the supporting piping to the case 1 of the hanger and to prevent turnout of the nut 5 during drilling, moreover the bushing 4 is spring-loaded and made with elements 9 for interaction with the case 1 of the hanger at butt end in order to prevent interaction during rotation. Outer diameter of the bushing 4 is less than outside diameter of the case 1 of the hanger in order to ensure rotation during disconnection. For the purpose of interaction elements 9 are made as male and female joint.
Method of water production zone isolation in a well involves sequential injection of coagulation agent (25% solution of calcium chloride), buffer layer of fresh water, and Givpan acrylic reagent. Additionally, polyethylene terephthalate production waste product, PET with low polymerisation degree, is added to Givpan as a filler in amount of 18-24 wt %.
Method for interval acidising of a horizontal well using a carbonate reservoir, which includes lowering a pipe string into a well; pumping acid compositions into the formation through the pipe string; conducting geophysical investigations in the horizontal well before treatment; selecting and separating intervals of the horizontal well into two groups; the first group includes intervals with permeability of 40-70 mD and water cut of the extracted product of 70-80%; the second group includes intervals with permeability of 5-39 mD and water cut of the extracted product of 50-69%; lowering into the horizontal well a pipe string plugged at the bottom and fitted with two packers with a perforated connecting pipe in between; performing consecutive treatment of the intervals of the horizontal well relating to the first group by sealed cut-off of each interval with subsequent alternating pumping into each interval in three cycles a temporary blocking composition at a rate of 6-12 m3/h, the temporary blocking composition used being a water-in-oil emulsion with dynamic viscosity of 120 mPa·s at 20°C, and an acid composition at a rate of 54-66 m3/h; after treatment of the intervals of the horizontal well relating to the first group, retrieving the pipe string from the horizontal well; at the mouth of the horizontal well, the pipe string is fitted with a liquid pulsator above the perforated connecting pipe and the pipe string which is plugged at the bottom and fitted with two packers with a perforated connecting pipe in between is once more lowered into the horizontal well; treating the intervals of the horizontal well of the second group by sealed cut-off of each interval with subsequent pulsed pumping into each interval a self-deviating acid composition based on a gelling agent at a rate of 24-36 m3/h.
Invention relates to oil-extracting industry, in particular to methods of insulation of inflow of formation waters and lining of the bottomhole zone of formation, and also to the methods for adjustment of profile of acceleration performance of injection wells, to the methods for formation treatment, to the methods for regulation of development of oil fields, and can be used for elimination of leakage of production strings and creation of behind-the-casing filter, for elimination of behind-the-casing gas-manifestations, tubing-casing pressure and inter-formation overflows in behind-the-casing space of a well. The method of insulation of inflow of formation waters and lining of the bottomhole zone of formation includes injection of mix of siliceous substance with high-disperse hydrophobic material. Also the alkaline drain of ShchSPK caprolactam production is injected. The siliceous substance are organic-silicon oil-soluble and water-soluble substances or organic-silicon substances with the following ratio of components, wt %: organic-silicon oil-soluble and water-soluble substances or organic-silicon substances 44.9-77.0; high-disperse hydrophobic materials 0.1-3.0; alkaline drain of caprolactam production 20.0-55.0.
Dry mixture comprises a copolymer of acrylamide and acrylic acid - 71.4-83.3 wt %, paraformaldehyde - 10.0-17.8 wt % and resorcinol - 6.3-11.4 wt % or copolymer of acrylamide and acrylic acid - 69.5-82.5 wt %, paraformaldehyde - 9.5-17.7 wt %, resorcinol - 6.1-10.6 wt %, and aerosil - 0.9-3.0 wt %. The gelling composition is prepared by dissolving any of the said compounds in water. At that the gelling composition without aerosil can also be obtained by the introduction of paraformaldehyde in water immediately after the copolymer of acrylamide and acrylic acid, and resorcinol - after complete dissolution of the copolymer of acrylamide and acrylic acid. The resulting gelling composition comprises a copolymer of acrylamide and acrylic acid - 0.17-0.80 wt %, paraformaldehyde - 0.03-0.20 wt %, resorcinol - 0.02-0.12 wt %, water - the rest, or a copolymer of acrylamide and acrylic acid - 0.17-0.80 wt %, paraformaldehyde - 0.03-0.20 wt %, resorcinol - 0.02-0.12 wt %, aerosil - 0.01-0.03 wt %, water - the rest.
Gas-cement grouting mortar contains, wt. pt.: grouting cement 100, aluminium powder 0.1-0.6, mix of a phosphanol and nitrilothrymetil phosphonic acid 0.02-0.05 at their ratio wt. pt. 1:1.5, water 50-53.
Invention relates to methods of current underground well workover. Method includes injection of silicon dioxide suspension that in itself does not have cementing properties, to cavities in the damaged cement enclosure or near it. At that silicon dioxide particles react with solidificated cement creating seals.
Into the lower part of the impervious man-made screen containing dolerite rocks, the cement grouting is pumped, based on sulphate resistant or calcium aluminate cement with hardener (2% CaCl2) under pressure greater than hydrostatic, through the wells drilled from underground excavations. In the cement grouting the filler is used as mill tailings with a fraction of 0.1-0.25 mm, corresponding to fine sand. It is kept till hardening. After hardening the resulting rock-cement layer of the impervious screen is tamped with local injections of synthetic resins under pressure, less than the pressure of fracture of rock mass of mining protective pillar left under the screen. And the cement grouting is pumped under pressure of 0.7-0.8 MPa, and local injections of synthetic resin is carried out at a pressure of 0.5-0.6 MPa. The synthetic resin is used as hydro-active compositions based on LT-70 with the addition of a solvent - dimethylformamide in an amount of 20-25%.
Method of isolation of the water influxes to well comprises water isolation composition injection in the isolation zone, composition contains modified soluble glass, 3.6-10 or 1-3.5 parts by volume of ethyl acetate, and surface-active substance. At that in the water isolating composition 100 parts by volume of high-modulus soluble silicate with silica module 3.5-6 and density 1025-1200 kg/m3 is used as modified soluble silicate at temperatures exceeding 10°C. 0.2 parts by volume of detergent preparation with weight ratio of surface-active substances 30-38% and freezing temperature minus 30°C minimum are used as surface-active substance.
In method for elimination of behind-casing flows and inter-casing pressures, which involves preparation of aerated grouting mortars of light weight and normal density, their series delivery to a production string and squeezing to behind-casing and inter-casing spaces with squeezing liquid, as aerated grouting mortars of light weight and normal density there used are sedimentation stable fine-aerated solutions with densities of not higher than 1650 kg/m3 and not lower than 1800 kg/m3, which contain no extra Portland cement and heat-resistant plasticising and expanding additive including kaolin clay thermally activated at the temperature of 900÷1000°C with specific surface of 300÷400 m2/kg, aluminium sulphate, boric acid and an Aeroplast air-entraining additive excluding formation of stable foam, and mixing liquid at the following ratio of components, wt %: non-extra Portland cement 85-75, kaolin clay 10-18, aluminium sulphate 4.7-6.1, boric acid 0.2-0.5, Aeroplast air-entraining additive 0.1-0.4, mixing liquid over 100% till water-mixed ratios of 0.63÷0.65 m3/t and 0.40÷0.50 m3/t are obtained, with that, first, sedimentation stable aerated light-weight grouting mortar is delivered with controlled density of not more than 1650 kg/m3, then, aerated grouting mortar of normal density of not more than 1950 kg/m3 is delivered; with that, required densities of grouting mortars are provided by variation of a water-mixed ratio, intensity and duration of mixing, and squeezing is performed till partial displacement of aerated light-weight grouting mortar from behind-casing (inter-casing) space with squeezing liquid heated up to 50÷60°C during winter season and at cementing of low-temperature wells.
Method involves supply with a pump to a well shaft zone or to a bottom-hole zone of the well of a gel-forming material for protection against absorption of liquid mud (LCM) including a carrier liquid containing polymerising compounds. Material for protection against absorption also includes a polymerisation initiator and drops of an accelerator in covers, which is contained in them. Gel-forming material is subject to action sufficient for destruction of integrity of covers. Contact between polymerising compounds, the polymerisation initiator and the accelerator is provided.
Light-weight grouting mortar / 2244098
Invention relates to grouting mortars used for cementing casing pipes of gas, gas-condensate, and oil wells complicated by presence of formations with low hydraulic rupture pressure as well as presence of permafrost rocks. Light-weight grouting mortar contains 47.0-60.0% special-type cement, 6.6-11.8% clinoptilite as light-weight additive, and water. As a result, casing-pipe annulus incidents during boring and running wells are avoided owing to improved parameters of grouting cement, in particular increased sedimentation stability of mortar, dimensional stability and needed strength of cement stone at low positive and negative temperature in early hardening stages are achieved at simultaneous lowering of grouting mortar density.
FIELD: oil and gas industry. SUBSTANCE: template cementing method includes making of holes in the template above its shoe and injecting of cement mortar through the above openings. At the well mouth a space between the template and the production casing is sealed. The openings in the template are made by the simultaneous perforation of the production casing and the template through the production casing. Then the production casing is isolated in the interval downstream the template bottom, through the perforated openings and annular space of the template the cement mortar is injected and an isolation point of the production casing is drilled out. During the heat generation at hardening of the cement mortar injected to the annular space of the template temperature logging is made for the production string, the thermogram is analysed and intervals with increased values of temperature are marked as cemented intervals. EFFECT: cementing template of the abandoned well with the preservation of the production string integrity. 1 ex
The invention relates to oil industry and can find application wells. The known method of secondary cementing the conductor includes a clipping of the production string, the installation of a cement bridge on the head rest of the column with the subsequent cementing of annular space of the conductor, wherein the severed portion of the column lift, set it in the well at a depth of at least 10 m below the head of the conductor, install a cement seal between the Shoe cut off of the column and the head of the conductor, and then cemented the annulus of the conductor. The proposed method provides a well bore fluid in the absence of the upper part of the conductor (patent RF №2135741, publ. 27.08.1999). The closest to the proposed invention the technical essence is a method of secondary cementing of the conductor through the holes in the conductor after removing the casing (Repair and insulation works to improve the health Fund of complicated wells (Guide), M, VNIIOENG, 1991, ser. "Technique and technology of oil production and oil field development", pp. 17 - prototype). The method is as follows. Production casing torpedo at a depth of 10...15 m above the Shoe of the conductor, the severed portion of the extraction�up from the well, on the head of the production casing set cement bridge. Then above the Shoe of the conductor to create the holes through which produce the cementing of the conductor by pumping cement grout under the column of pump-compressor pipes. A disadvantage of known methods is the violation of the integrity of the production casing, is not permitted wells. In the proposed invention solves the problem of cementing the conductor liquidated wells integrity of the production casing. The task is solved in that in the method of cementing of the conductor, including the creation of holes in the conductor above his Shoe, and the injection of grout through the holes, according to the invention, the wellhead seal the space between the conductor and the production column, the holes in the conductor creates a simultaneous perforation of the production casing and the conductor through the production casing, divide the production casing in the interval below the sole of the conductor, by operating the column through the perforations and annulus of the conductor pumped cement slurry, razvarivat the place of separation of the production string, in the period of heat generation during hardening of the cement grout injected � annulus of the conductor, spend thermometer under the maintenance column, analyze thermogram, intervals with increased temperature noted as cemented. Summary of the invention Wells it is important to exclude behind-the-casing flows of fluids especially in the intervals of the conductor, where the main aquifers of drinking water. The prerequisite is the integrity of the production casing as a basic element of the well. Existing technical solutions do not provide these requirements. In the proposed invention solves the problem of cementing the conductor liquidated wells integrity of the production casing. The problem is solved as follows. At the wellhead seal the space between the conductor and the production column, for example, by welding. In a production string spend thermometer with the recording of a baseline temperature value in interval of the conductor. In the production casing is lowered, the punch and perforated holes simultaneously in a production string and the conductor is in the range of soles of the conductor. Production casing in the interval below the sole of the conductor to divide the lower and upper part of the borehole, which put a cement bridge or explosion set the packer. Operation at the�the beam path through the perforations in the annulus of the conductor pumped cement slurry. Razvarivat the place of separation of the production string. In the period of heat generation during hardening of the cement grout injected into annulus of the conductor, spend thermometer on a production string. Analyze thermogram in comparison with the background value. Intervals with increased temperature noted as cemented. Optionally perforated nezamenyaemye intervals and repeat the operation. The result can be insulated annulus of the conductor and to ensure that no flows of saline water into freshwater aquifers. An example of a specific implementation Prepared for the elimination of oil-producing well. Well structure includes a direction to a depth of 10 m, the conductor to a depth of 170 m and the production casing to a depth of 1700 m. the Well was in operation for 50 years. At the wellhead seal the space between the conductor and the production column by welding. In a production string spend thermometer with the recording of a baseline temperature value in interval of the conductor. In the production casing is lowered, the punch and perforated 10 holes simultaneously in a production string and the conductor is in the range of soles of the conductor at depths ranging from 165 to 168 m. In a production string in the interval below the sole of conduct�RA from a depth of 175 m put the cement bridge depth 50 m. By operating the column through the perforations and annulus of the conductor pumped cement slurry at the rate of exit on the surface. Razvarivat cement bridge in a production string. After 18 hours of mixing the cement, i.e. in the period of heat dissipation, spend thermometer on a production string. Analyze thermogram in comparison with the background value. Note the presence of cement in the entire interval of the conductor. As a result and make a conclusion of complete isolation annulus area of the conductor. Application of the proposed method will allow to solve the task of cementing the conductor liquidated wells integrity of the production casing. A method of cementing of the conductor, including the creation of holes in the conductor above his Shoe, and the injection of cement grout through holes, characterized in that at the wellhead seal the space between the conductor and the production column, the holes in the conductor creates a simultaneous perforation of the production casing and the conductor through the production casing, divide the production casing in the interval below the sole of the conductor, by operating the column through the perforations and annulus of the conductor of procative�t cement mortar, razvarivat the place of separation of the production string, in the period of heat generation during hardening of the cement grout injected into annulus of the conductor, spend thermometer under the maintenance column, analyze thermogram, intervals with increased temperature noted as cemented.
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