Method of modifying envelopes of polyelectrolyte capsules with magnetite nanoparticles |
IPC classes for russian patent Method of modifying envelopes of polyelectrolyte capsules with magnetite nanoparticles (RU 2522204):
Method comprises preparing an alcohol solution of β-diketonates of one or more p-, d- or f-metals with concentration 0.001h2 mol/l; heating the solution to 368-523 K and holding at said temperature for 10-360 minutes to form a metal alkoxo-β-diketonate solution; depositing the obtained solution in droplets at the centre of a substrate being rotated at a rate of 100-16000 rpm, or immersing the substrate into said solution at a rate of 0.1-1000 mm/min at an angle of 0-60° to the vertical; holding the substrate with a film of the alkoxo-β-diketonate solution at 77-523 K until mass loss ceases, to form xerogel on the surface of the substrate; crystallising oxide from the xerogel at 573-1773 K.
Invention may be used in medicine in producing preparations for a postoperative supporting therapy. What is involved is the high-temperature decomposition of methane on silicone or nickel substrate under pressure of 10-30 tor and a temperature of 1050-1150°C. The heating is conducted by passing the electric current through a carbon foil, cloth, felt or a structural graphite plate whereon the substrates are arranged. An analogous plate whereon a displacement potential from an external source is sent is placed above the specified plate. Nanodiamonds of 4 nm to 10 nm in size are deposited on the substrates.
Invention concerns an agent having an anti-stroke action and representing the amino acid glycine immobilised on the detonation-synthesised nanodiamond particles of 2-10 nm in size, and a method for preparing it.
Polymer nanocomposite with controlled anisotropy of carbon nanotubes and method of obtaining thereof / 2520435
Invention relates to the field of polymer materials science and can be used in aviation, aerospace, motor transport and electronic industries. Nanotubes are obtained by a method of pyrolytic gas-phase precipitation in a magnetic field from carbon-containing gases with application of metals-catalysts in the form of a nanodisperse ferromagnetic powder, with the nanotubes being attached with their butt ends to ferromagnetic nanoparticles of metals-catalysts. Magnetic separation of the powder particles with grown on them nanotubes, used in obtaining a polymer-based composite material, is carried out. After filling with a polymer, a constant magnetic field is applied until solidification of the polymer takes place. The material contains carbon nanofibres and/or a gas-absorbing sorbent, for instance, silica gel, and/or siliporite, and/or polysorb as a filling agent.
Test object for calibrating microscopes is in form of groove structures whose walls have an inclined profile, a flat base and a different width on the surface and at the bottom. A constant angle between the side wall and the bottom plane is maintained for all elements. Linear dimensions of at least part of the elements differ from each other by a certain number of times, and linear dimensions of the largest element can be measured with high accuracy on calibrated measuring equipment used when taking measurements.
Invention concerns an antipsychotic agent representing the amino acid glycine immobilised on the detonation-synthesised nanodiamond particles of 2-10 nm in size, and a method for preparing it.
Invention concerns an antioxidant representing the amino acid glycine immobilised on the detonation-synthesised nanodiamond particles of 2-10 nm in size.
Invention concerns an antidepressant drug representing the amino acid glycine immobilised on the detonation-synthesised nanodiamond particles of 2-10 nm in size, and a method for preparing it.
Invention concerns an anxiolytic representing the amino acid glycine immobilised on the detonation-synthesised nanodiamond particles of 2-10 nm in size, and a method for preparing it.
Invention relates to metallurgy, particularly, to chemical-thermal processing, in particular to cyclic gas nitration of alloys steels with application of nanotechnologies, and can be used for production steel dies for hot forming to be used at high temperatures. Heating is performed in the temperature range of T=550-590°C. Then, alternate feed of air and ammonia at air feed interval larger than that of ammonia in a cycle and with formation of water steam. Oxide films are produced at die surfaces and have electric charge to allow formation of the structure that consists of iron nitride nanoparticle ply and monolith play of cermet as oxycarbonitride. Then, curing is performed follows by cooling together with furnace. In particular cases, cycle interval makes 50 s at furnace volume making 0.5 l.
Bitumen-concrete mixture contains crushed rock, sand and oil bitumen BND 90/130, nano-modified with a mechanically activated mixture of rubber crumbs with an additive, where the bitumen is modified using rubber crumbs with size of 0.25 mm and the additive is natural zeolite, with the following ratio of ingredients, wt %: said bitumen 93.0 of the weight of the rubber-bitumen mixture, said crumbs 7.0 of the weight of the rubber-bitumen mixture, natural zeolite 2.0 of the weight of the rubber crumbs.
Magnetoresistive gradiometer head has a substrate with a dielectric layer on which there are four rows of thin-film magnetoresistive strips connected in series by nonmagnetic low-resistance jumpers in each arm of a bridge circuit, said rows being connected into a bridge circuit by said jumpers, each of said strips having top and bottom protective layers with a ferromagnetic film in between, where in all thin-film magnetoresistive strips, the easy magnetisation axis of the ferromagnetic film is directed at an angle of 45° relative to the longitudinal axis of the thin-film magnetoresistive strip, a first insulating layer on top of the thin-film magnetoresistive strips on which is formed a conductor with two contacts with working parts lying over the thin-film magnetoresistive strips with working parts of the conductor, lying over the thin-film magnetoresistive strips, a second insulating layer and a protective layer, wherein all thin-film magnetoresistive strips are arranged in one row, and the row of thin-film magnetoresistive strips closest to the edge of the substrate lies at a distance from the other three rows of thin-film magnetoresistive strips of not less than a tenth of repetition periods of said rows, the second insulating layer is provided with a calibration conductor placed over the working thin-film magnetoresistive strips of the bridge circuit.
Group of inventions refers to a drug preparation used as a photosensitiser (PS), and to a method for photodynamic therapy with using it. The preparation represents a nanostructured water dispersion of methyl ether of O-propyl oxime-N-propoxybacteriopurpurinimide C40H50N6O6.
Invention relates to quantum electronics and more specifically to active laser media. The active laser medium includes metal nanoparticles and a phosphor, wherein the laser active centres used are metal nanoparticles surrounded by a cladding which is silica and contains a phosphor whose luminescence spectrum overlaps the surface plasmon resonance peak of the metal nanoparticles.
Method comprises illuminating an object vibrating at frequency Ω with laser radiation; converting radiation reflected from the object into an electric autodyne signal, decomposing the signal into a spectral series, wherein laser radiation with frequency ω0 is modulated with frequency Ω, which is equal to the oscillation frequency of the object; matching the initial phases of oscillations of the object and modulation frequency of the laser; measuring the amplitude of the second C2 and fourth C4 harmonic of the spectrum of the autodyne signal; using the relationship C2/C4(σ) to calculate the value of the argument of a first order Bessel function σ; illuminating a non-vibrating object with the modulated laser radiation; measuring the value of the amplitude of the second C2cal and fourth C4cal harmonic of the spectrum of the reflected autodyne signal; using the relationship C2cal/C4cal(σM) to calculate the value of the argument of a first order Bessel function σM; calculating the amplitude of nanovibrations ξ using a certain mathematical expression.
Invention relates to measuring equipment and can be used to measure pressure of liquid and gaseous corrosive media under the action of wide range of stationary and nonstationary temperatures. A device comprises a casing, a nano- and microelectromechanical system (NaMEMS) set in it and consisting of a diaphragm with a force-transferring stem connected with a beam having holes and slots, on the flat surface of the latter there is a heterogeneous structure formed from thin films of materials, terminal block, connecting leads. Resistance strain gages are formed within the heterogeneous structure of NaMEMS, they consist of identical strain elements connected by thin film jumpers included in the bridge measuring circuit. The strain elements are made as two trapeziums connected by their smaller bases by their central line. Note that layout of the strain elements on the beam flat surface depends on certain relations.
Invention relates to nanosize semiconductor structures comprising a system of quasi-one-dimensional conducting channels used to make nanoelectronic and nanophotonic devices. The technical result is increase in electron concentration in the active region of the nanostructure. The nanostructure obtained from molecular beam epitaxy contains a monocrystalline semi-insulating vicinal substrate of GaAs (100) with misorientation angle of 0.3°-0.4° in the <011> direction, a buffer undoped layer of GaAs, a tin delta-doped layer which covers the undoped GaAs layer and a silicon-doped contact layer of GaAs. During epitaxy, a system of atomically smooth terraces separated by steps with monoatomic thickness is formed on the surface of the buffer layer. During doping, tin atoms accumulate near the steps as a result of surface diffusion to form conducting nanofibres of tin atoms lying in one plane parallel to each other.
Invention relates to construction materials. reinforced natural or conglomerate stone plate-like element includes a substrate of natural or conglomerate stone material; a multilayered coating providing protection of said substrate from chemical and wearing mechanical agents acting on the element; wherein said multilayered coating comprises at least three layers formed from one or multiple film-forming compositions, including an upper layer having scratch resistant nanoparticles embedded in a resin selected from polyester-, melamine-, phenolic, acrylic- and epoxy-resins or any combination thereof, providing scratch protection; a cushioning intermediate layer made of epoxy and/or acrylic resin, providing impact resistance; and a lower layer adjacent to said substrate, including Al2O3 or silicon carbide particles, plus an acrylic polymer, to provide abrasion resistance. The invention is developed in subclaims.
Copper-bearing cellulosic material / 2519190
Invention refers to chemical-pharmaceutical industry and represents a copper-bearing cellulosic material possessing the fungicidal, bactericidal and deodorant properties, containing a cellulose matrix coated with copper particles prepared by chemical reduction of copper ions absorbed in the cellulose matrix, differing by the fact that the copper ions absorbed in the cellulose matrix are reduced in micelle solution of a cationic surfactant; the material contains copper and copper oxide nanoparticles with the size of 5-19 nm and has a composition as follows, wt %: cellulose matrix 99.5-98.0, copper nanoparticles 0.5-2.0.
Invention relates to membrane filter for cleaning of aggressive fluids. Membrane filter element consists of hollow porous cylinder 1 of ceramic material, bottom 3 and cover 4 arranged at the ends of said cylinder 1. Membrane 5 made of nano-structured ceramic material as aluminium oxide (α-Al2O3) formed in the flow of erosive aluminium plasma in oxygen medium is applied on outer surface of said cylinder 1. Besides, filter element comprises perforated pipe 2 arranged inside said hollow porous cylinder 1.
Method for preparing drug microcapsules of cephalosporins in konjak gum in butyl alcohol / 2517214
Invention refers to microcapsulation of cephalosporins related to β-lactam antibiotics. The method is characterised by the fact that konjac gum is used as a microcapsule membrane; a konjak solution cerocon in butyl alcohol is added with the preparation E472 as a surfactant; a powdered antibiotic of cephalosporin is dissolved in water and transferred into the konjak solution cerocon in butyl alcohol; after the antibiotic forms an independent solid phase, carbinol and distilled water are added slowly drop-by-drop; the prepared microcapsule suspension is filtered in acetone and dried; the microcapsule process is performed at 25°C with no special equipment required; the relation of carbinol and butyl alcohol makes 1:3.
FIELD: chemistry. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a method of modifying envelopes of polyelectrolyte capsules with magnetite nanoparticles. The disclosed method involves producing a container matrix in form of porous calcium carbonate microparticles, forming envelopes of polyelectrolyte capsules by successive adsorption of polyallyl amine and polystyrene sulphonate and modifying with magnetite nanoparticles on the surface of the container matrix or after dissolving the matrix through synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles via chemical condensation. EFFECT: invention enables to obtain modified polyelectrolyte capsules, designed to deliver medicinal substances which do not harm the human body. 3 cl, 4 dwg, 1 ex
The invention relates to the field of medicine and biotechnology, and is intended for drug delivery using polyelectrolyte capsules, modified magnetic nanoparticles. The unique properties of magnetic nanoparticles - high magnetization and magnetic anisotropy, giant magnetoresistance, abnormally large magnetocaloric effect and others [1] - led to the rapid developments in the field of synthesis of these objects and the active development of methods of their research. Of particular interest is associated with the potential use of magnetic nanoparticles in medicine and biotechnology for drug delivery [2], hyperthermia [3, 4], contrast enhancement optical tomography [5, 6], cell division [7]. The most suitable magnetic material is a biocompatible oxides, in particular iron oxide Fe3O4 - magnetite. Delivery of drugs, including shipping address, is an urgent task of modern medicine. One of the most effective and promising ways is a drug delivery using magnetic media (magnetic delivery"). "Magnetic delivery" allows you to work on a limited, well-defined area of the body, reduces the amount of typing for functional compounds, a decrease in the concentration of drug substances the TV in places are not affected, and therefore, minimizes the side effects of the drug. For the implementation of the "magnetic" delivery connection, or covalently associated with the surface of the nanoparticles, or placed in capsules containers, modified magnetic particles. The use of magnetic containers, moreover, that leads to benefits actually "magnetic delivery, promotes the bioavailability of drugs, reducing their cytotoxicity, expands the range of applicable drugs. A little over ten years ago to get microcontainer was proposed method of layer-by-layer adsorption of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes on the surface of colloidal particles, the so-called Layer-by-Layer [8]. This method allows to obtain a stable monodisperse capsules with nanometer-permeable membrane from a wide range of polymers, including biocompatible [9]. Due to the electrostatic adsorption in the process of forming the shell of the capsule in its composition can include nanoparticles with surface charge. In this way polyelectrolyte capsules were modified nanoparticles of gold and silver for remote opening of the shell by the action of the laser radiation [10-12]. Using electrostatic adsorption of the nanoparticles on the surface oblock the polyelectrolyte capsules also carried out the modification of such capsules magnetite nanoparticles [13]. However, for manipulating capsules by using a magnetic field of their shell must contain a large number of magnetic nanoparticles that can be obtained only by repeating the stage of adsorption particles after formation of oppositely charged polyelectrolyte layer. The alternative is obtaining nanoparticles directly on the shell of a capsule. Nanoparticles of silver and gold included in the polyelectrolyte membrane capsules using in situ synthesis, which allowed us to speed up and simplify the procedure of creation of nanocomposite capsules [14, 15]. A known method of producing microcapsules with shells from allylamine and the magnetite nanoparticles, including 1) obtaining matrix-kernel - particulate manganese carbonate; 2) creation using the method of layer-by-layer adsorption on the surface of the microparticles manganese carbonate shell, the inner layer of which consists of nitrate complex of allylamine, and the outer layer of allylamine and polystyrenesulfonate; 3) dissolution of the matrix kernel of manganese carbonate in 0.1 M HCl solution; 4) the replacement of citrate ions of the inner layer of the capsule's shell on the hydroxyl-ions-keeping system in 0.01 M NaOH solution; 5) processing of the obtained capsules solution salts of iron (II) and iron (III) to form the magnetite nanoparticles in the inner layer of capsules; 6) remove the outer layers of the capsules is from allylamine and polystyrenesulfonate in high-alkaline environment (D.G. Shchukin et al. // Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2003. V.42. P.4472). In the known method magnetite nanoparticles obtained by chemical condensation of magnetite in the alkaline environment of the inner layers of the capsule's shell created by the replacement of citrate ions to hydroxyl ions. Obtaining magnetic nanoparticles directly in the shell of the capsule allows on the one hand, to bring the magnetic properties, and on the other, to give greater mechanical stability compared to conventional membrane polyelectrolyte capsules. The disadvantages of this method are: The use of manganese carbonate as a matrix-kernel requires strict conditions for its dissolution - hydrochloric acid to pH 1. Obtaining microcapsules modified nanoparticles of magnetite - multistage and complex, associated with the formation of polyelectrolyte membranes with different types of layers of internal and external parts, replacement ions of the inner part of the membrane, the formation of magnetite and removing the outer layers. Magnetite particles modify only the inner part of the membrane polyelectrolyte capsules, therefore, for the effective manipulation of the capsules with the help of a magnetic field is necessary to remove the outer layers, which requires the use of high-alkaline environment. The task underlying the present invention is proposed is giving way to obtain modified polyelectrolyte capsules, which can be used for drug delivery, which allows to overcome the mentioned drawbacks of the known method. The technical result is to develop a simple and reliable method of obtaining modified polyelectrolyte capsules intended for drug delivery, using components that do not have harmful effects on the human body. The task and the technical result is achieved by the fact that in modification of polyelectrolyte capsules intended for drug delivery, including the production of matrix-container, the formation of polyelectrolyte shell on the surface of the matrix container, modified polyelectrolyte membrane on the sensor surface of the container or after dissolution of the matrix; the matrix container of calcium carbonate synthesized in the form of porous microparticles. As matrix-container use porous spherical particles of calcium carbonate, obtained by draining aqueous solutions containing ions of Ca2+ and CO32-. Then on the surface of these particles perform sequential adsorption of allylamine and polystyrenesulfonate with the formation of the polyelectrolyte membrane capsules. Modification of membrane polyelectrolyte capsules carried out as follows: the solution of the chlorides of divalent or trivalent iron is poured suspension capsules with negatively charged outer layer, while mixing, gradually add the ammonia solution, kept under stirring, and then the precipitate capsules with nanoparticles separated by centrifugation and washed with water. Dissolution of the carbonate matrix is performed under the action of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in neutral conditions, which is especially important when working with many biological objects. Therefore, carbonate microparticles are particularly attractive for the formation of microcapsules biological and medical purposes. The essence of the invention is illustrated with diagrams and photographs presented on the figures: figure 1. The diagram of a method of obtaining polyelectrolyte capsules with modified shell; figure 2. The image of the particles of calcium carbonate obtained by transmission electron microscopy; figure 3. Image aqueous suspension of capsules (PAA/PSS)4/Fe3O4: before (a) and after (b) exposure of the magnet; Fig 4. The image of the nanoparticles based on the polyelectrolyte membrane capsules obtained using transmission electron microscopy. The scheme of operations for obtaining the modified polyelectrolyte capsules is illustrated in figure 1. The first operation is the synthesis of microparticles, which is the core for further education on the basis of polyelectrolyte capsules. As a researcher who, as such particles were formed porous particles of calcium carbonate. The calcium carbonate. Synthesis of porous CaCO3 microparticles was carried out by direct mixing of solutions containing ions of Ca2+ and CO32- [16]. When it first formed amorphous precipitate of CaCO3 nanoparticles, and then to the extent of their units have growth centers of the microparticles. Experimental conditions, namely the type of salts used, their concentration, pH, temperature, mixing speed solutions and the intensity of stirring of the reaction mixture, which significantly affects the quality of the obtained particles. The obtained microparticles of calcium carbonate consistently adsorbing the allylamine and polystyrenesulfonate by sequential incubation with stirring these particles in their water solutions. For modification of the polyelectrolyte membrane capsules their suspension was added to a solution of the chlorides of divalent or trivalent iron, with stirring, gradually add the ammonia solution, kept under stirring, and then the precipitate capsules with nanoparticles were separated by centrifugation and washed with water. An example implementation of the method. Pre-formed microparticles of calcium carbonate were incubated for 15 min in a solution of allylamine hydrochloride) (PAA) while mixing on a shaker (IKA-VIBRAX-VXR, IKA, Germany). After incubation, the microparticles were washed with an aqueous solution of NaCl. Then p is bodily incubation in aqueous solution polystyrenesulfonate sodium (SAR) under the same conditions. Thus, the procedure of sequential incubation in solutions of polymers were repeated to obtain capsules with a shell composition (PAA/PSS)4. The method of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in the sample revealed the presence of spherical particles, coated, size 2.5-4.5 µm (figure 2). The membrane obtained polyelectrolyte capsules carried out the synthesis of the magnetite nanoparticles according to the method of Elmore [17], which represents the chemical condensation of fine-grained magnetite, which is based on the reaction: 2FeCl3+FeCl2+8NH4OH→Fe3O4↓+8NH4Cl+4H2O. For the synthesis of nanoparticles of magnetite in situ on the surface of the polyelectrolyte capsules pre-mixed 1M solutions of floodof two - and trivalent in the ratio 1:2 and was placed in an ultrasonic bath with thermostat (Sonorex Super 10P, 35 Hz, 160/230W, Bandelin Electronics GmbH, Germany) at a temperature of 80°C prior to the acquisition of solution color of strong tea. Then this solution was added to a suspension of capsules in the nuclei of CaCO3 (1.5×10-5 and 3×10-5 mol Fe2+ and Fe3+, respectively, at 108 particles) with stirring of the reaction mixture with ultrasound and a temperature of 80°C and slowly added 28%ammonia solution before purchasing capsules dark brown, almost black color. After keeping the system at the same temperature and stirring ultrasound for 30 min the precipitate capsules with nanoparticles the mi was separated by centrifugation (ROTINA 38/38R, Hettich, Germany) and washed three times with water. Polyelectrolyte capsules of PAA and rescue service to the magnetic field is not receptive. After conducting a chemical condensation of magnetite in suspension capsules microparticles acquired magnetic properties - they move quickly in the aquatic environment under the influence of an external magnetic field (figure 3). In the study of nanocomposite capsules powder diffraction (synchrotron radiation Protein with two-dimensional CCD-detector Rayonix SX165, 2048×2048), it was determined that the main phase of the nanoparticles, synthesized on the membrane polyelectrolyte capsules is a magnetite. Using TEM after synthesis of magnetite on the shell nanoparticles was observed two forms (figure 4) octahedron, characteristic crystals of magnetite, with a party of 5 to 30 nm, and sterjnevye, wide, mostly 5-10 nm and a length of about 100 nm. Thus, in situ synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles by the method of chemical condensation effectively imparts magnetic properties of polyelectrolyte capsules as a potential means of drug delivery. The way is simple, does not require the use of high temperatures and toxic compounds. The main crystalline phase of the synthesized nanoparticles is a biocompatible magnetite, which makes the proposed method modifications capsules very ne is promising for use in medicine and biotechnology. Sources of information: 1. S. p. Gubin, Koksharov Y.A., G.B. Khomutov, etc. // USP. 2005. T. S. 2. A.S. Lubbe, C. Alexiou, C. Bergemann // J. Surg. Res. 2001. V.95. P.200. 3. Jordan, A., Scholz R, Wust P. et al. // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 1999. V.201. P.413. 4. The Brusentsov, N.A., Brusentsov T.N., Filinov EJ // Hemat. Journe. 2007. V.41. No. 9. P.3. 5. L.X. Tiefenauer, Tschirky A., G. Kuhne, R.Y. Andres // Magn. Reson. Imaging 1996. V.14. P.391. 6. The Brusentsov, N.A., V.A. 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Modification of membranes polyelectrolyte capsules nanoparticles of magnetite, which includes the receipt of a matrix container, the formation of the polyelectrolyte membrane capsules, modifying the magnetite particles on the sensor surface of the container or after dissolution of the matrix, distinguishing the I, as matrix-container use porous microparticles of calcium carbonate, and a polyelectrolyte membrane capsules obtained by the consecutive adsorption of allylamine and polystyrenesulfonate, modify by the synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles by the method of chemical condensation. 2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that as the base of the container polyelectrolyte capsules-modified magnetite particles, use of porous spherical particles of calcium carbonate, obtained by draining aqueous solutions containing ions of CA2+and CO32-. 3. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the modification of polyelectrolyte shells of the capsules to a solution of the chlorides of divalent or trivalent iron is poured suspension of capsules on the nuclei of caso3, with stirring, ultrasound and a temperature of 80°C. slowly add a solution of ammonia, maintain the system for 30 min in the same conditions, the sediment capsules with nanoparticles separated by centrifugation and washed with water.
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