Multichannel optical add/drop multiplexer |
IPC classes for russian patent Multichannel optical add/drop multiplexer (RU 2502194):
Disclosed is a method and an apparatus which enable to conceal protected information in spectrally clocked sets of N multi-protocol data streams. Owing to introduction of decision feedback at the physical layer and enabling adaptation of transmission rate to the quality of the steganographic transmission channel, the reliability of receiving secure information considerably increases.
Invention includes a fibre optic line of information transfer, lasers with various lengths of radiation waves, a multiplexer, a fibre line, an optical amplifier, a demultiplexer, photodetectors, paraphase amplifiers, differential amplifiers, optical couplers and an inverting amplifier. A feature of the invention is, in particular, generation of a summary signal of constant power arriving to the optical amplifier (OA) from information optical signals.
Invention is a method for a controlled selective adding/dropping a channel in a fibre-optic communication system with wavelength-division multiplexing of 2N channels whose optical frequencies can be adjusted, but the spectral interval Δv between neighbouring channels is contestant, through controlled optical add/drop multiplexers (70, 80, 90), which include multi-stage structures of differently connected optical filters ({75-i}, {85-i}, {95-i}), having devices for controlled adjustment of their transfer constants. The optical filters used are asymmetrical single-stage (20), two-stage (40) and/or multi-stage (60) Mach-Zehnder interferometers.
Controlled optical multiplexer includes a multiple-step structure of filters having elements for controlled adjustment of transfer constants. The optical filters used are asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder interferometres: single-stage and/or two-stage, and/or multistage. Electro-optical or thermo-optical phase-shift devices serve for controlled adjustment of transfer constants of the optical filters. The multiplexer can be made on integrated-optical technology in form of a monolithic solid-state device.
Invention is designed for fibre optic lines of optical ATS (OATS) for broadband city and inter-city video-telephone, multimedia and telephone communication. The multiplexing device has an optical channel on several repeatedly used prisms which is common for all or for a large number of fibre optic lines of city and intercity OATS. In a subscriber access system with capacity of up to 80000 channels, one device will multiplex into a main line with average density of up to 500-1000 channels from terminal lines with low density Δλ=1 nm, and a terminal device will multiplex into a line with low density of up to 50 channels from subscriber terminals.
Device for fiber-optic communication system with wavelength-division multiplexing 2N channels where N is integer and N≥2 with spectral interval between adjacent channels Δv0 for performing input/output of 2M channels where M is integer and 1≤M<N, has one entering port, one exiting port, 2M output ports, 2M input ports and contains: controlled optical input/output multiplexer, optical demultiplexer of "1×2M" configuration, optical multiplexer of "2M×1" configuration and controller. This device can be used as multichannel controlled or multichannel reconfigurable optical input/output multiplexer.
Multichannel controlled input/output optical multiplexer for fibre-optic communication systems with wavelength-division multiplexing of 2N channels, where N is an integer and N≥2, optical frequencies of which can be adjusted at constant spectral interval Δν0 between neighbouring channels, for input/output of 2M channels, where M is an integer and 1≤M<N, has a controlled optical demultiplexer with 1×2M configuration, controlled optical multiplexer with configuration 2M×1, 2M controlled input/output optical multiplexers and a controller for controlling adjustment of spectral characteristics of the said demultiplexer, multiplexer and 2M input/output multiplexers.
Controlled optical demultiplexer includes a multi-stage structure of optical filters, made with possibility of controlled adjustment of transmission coefficients, as well as a controller for controlling adjustment of transmission coefficients of optical filters. The optical filters used are single-stage asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder interferometres and/or two-stage asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder interferometres and/or multi-stage asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder interferometres. Electro- and thermo-optical phase shift devices serve for controlling adjustment of transmission coefficients of the optical filters. The multiplexer can made using integrated optical technology in form of a monolithic solid-state device.
Invention is related to optical communication equipment and may be used for emphasis of transmitted signals in channels of multiplexed signals on transmission route with points of inlet and/or outbranching, which considers relative reduction of signal/noise ratios between transmitted signals of different categories or groups of channels, i.e. express-channels and channels of outbranching or inbranching, or outbranching/inbranching. For this purpose average signal capacities of different channel groups are established relative to each other in order to achieve specified ratios of signal-noise in appropriate groups. Moreover, ratios of signal-noise are balanced inside group of channels in points of their completion. Control protocols are described for control of emphasis steps. Method is also applicable for point-to-point connections, and also for transparent optical networks.
Specified invention relates to the optical interconnection and is intended for traffic protection if completely optical net. Technology of compact submultiplexing along length of waves is applied in method and device. Submultiplexing segments number, on which system waves length are divided, is defined according current conditions of protected and unprotected traffic distribution in network. Specified device contains, at least, one wave composer from each point side and optical protection module and executed protection function of submultiplexing segments optical level, meets traffic requirements with multi-access, optimises usage of system recourses.
Integral optical circuit has a group of optical amplifiers, formed in integral optical circuit, and ordered wave duct grid, formed in integral optical circuit and connected to group of optical amplifiers, group of wave duct elements connected to outputs of aforementioned group of optical amplifiers, while aforementioned ordered wave duct grid has star-shaped branch element, connected to group of wave duct elements. Group of optical amplifiers and ordered wave duct grid are made on basis of silicon oxide.
In device monochromator system is augmented with transmitting module and receiving module, which contain M protected channels for communication of transmitting side and receiving side, N working channels, switching device, which in accordance to switching request from monochromator system switches the signal from aforementioned working channel to aforementioned protecting channel, or switches signal on aforementioned protective channel back to aforementioned working channel, while M and N are natural numbers and M<N.
Proposed demultiplexer that has waveguide layer, geodetic lens optically coupled with single-mode input optical fiber and with dispersion component in the form of ordered waveguide diffraction grating, and output geodetic lens optically coupled with dispersion component and with output waveguides, all formed on single substrate, is characterized in that all channel waveguides of dispersion component are equal in length and each channel waveguide has two sections of different thickness, length difference of respective sections for any pair of adjacent channel waveguides being constant value.
Specified invention relates to the optical interconnection and is intended for traffic protection if completely optical net. Technology of compact submultiplexing along length of waves is applied in method and device. Submultiplexing segments number, on which system waves length are divided, is defined according current conditions of protected and unprotected traffic distribution in network. Specified device contains, at least, one wave composer from each point side and optical protection module and executed protection function of submultiplexing segments optical level, meets traffic requirements with multi-access, optimises usage of system recourses.
Invention is related to optical communication equipment and may be used for emphasis of transmitted signals in channels of multiplexed signals on transmission route with points of inlet and/or outbranching, which considers relative reduction of signal/noise ratios between transmitted signals of different categories or groups of channels, i.e. express-channels and channels of outbranching or inbranching, or outbranching/inbranching. For this purpose average signal capacities of different channel groups are established relative to each other in order to achieve specified ratios of signal-noise in appropriate groups. Moreover, ratios of signal-noise are balanced inside group of channels in points of their completion. Control protocols are described for control of emphasis steps. Method is also applicable for point-to-point connections, and also for transparent optical networks.
Controlled optical demultiplexer includes a multi-stage structure of optical filters, made with possibility of controlled adjustment of transmission coefficients, as well as a controller for controlling adjustment of transmission coefficients of optical filters. The optical filters used are single-stage asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder interferometres and/or two-stage asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder interferometres and/or multi-stage asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder interferometres. Electro- and thermo-optical phase shift devices serve for controlling adjustment of transmission coefficients of the optical filters. The multiplexer can made using integrated optical technology in form of a monolithic solid-state device.
Multichannel controlled input/output optical multiplexer for fibre-optic communication systems with wavelength-division multiplexing of 2N channels, where N is an integer and N≥2, optical frequencies of which can be adjusted at constant spectral interval Δν0 between neighbouring channels, for input/output of 2M channels, where M is an integer and 1≤M<N, has a controlled optical demultiplexer with 1×2M configuration, controlled optical multiplexer with configuration 2M×1, 2M controlled input/output optical multiplexers and a controller for controlling adjustment of spectral characteristics of the said demultiplexer, multiplexer and 2M input/output multiplexers.
Device for fiber-optic communication system with wavelength-division multiplexing 2N channels where N is integer and N≥2 with spectral interval between adjacent channels Δv0 for performing input/output of 2M channels where M is integer and 1≤M<N, has one entering port, one exiting port, 2M output ports, 2M input ports and contains: controlled optical input/output multiplexer, optical demultiplexer of "1×2M" configuration, optical multiplexer of "2M×1" configuration and controller. This device can be used as multichannel controlled or multichannel reconfigurable optical input/output multiplexer.
Invention is designed for fibre optic lines of optical ATS (OATS) for broadband city and inter-city video-telephone, multimedia and telephone communication. The multiplexing device has an optical channel on several repeatedly used prisms which is common for all or for a large number of fibre optic lines of city and intercity OATS. In a subscriber access system with capacity of up to 80000 channels, one device will multiplex into a main line with average density of up to 500-1000 channels from terminal lines with low density Δλ=1 nm, and a terminal device will multiplex into a line with low density of up to 50 channels from subscriber terminals.
Controlled optical multiplexer includes a multiple-step structure of filters having elements for controlled adjustment of transfer constants. The optical filters used are asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder interferometres: single-stage and/or two-stage, and/or multistage. Electro-optical or thermo-optical phase-shift devices serve for controlled adjustment of transfer constants of the optical filters. The multiplexer can be made on integrated-optical technology in form of a monolithic solid-state device.
FIELD: radio engineering, communication. SUBSTANCE: device consists of third, second and first level channel splitters, third (GSK-16), second (GSK-4) and first (OSK) level standard spectral channel switches, first, second and third level channel couplers, as well as a control unit which generates commands for setting up the operating mode of the multiplexer and switching the standard spectral channels. EFFECT: design of an add/drop multiplexer based on standard spectral channels, which do not require controlled dynamic adjustment of transfer constants of component elements, while ensuring high-speed operation, low inserted losses, high cross-talk attenuation between neighbouring channels, enabling switching and adding/dropping of all standard spectral channels transmitted over a linear path of fibre-optic transmission systems with spectral channel division. 5 cl, 22 dwg
The invention relates to fiber-optic transmission systems with spectral separation of channels (FOTS-CF), namely the multi-managed optical multiplexers I / o channels with the possibility of switching and the selection of groups of optical channels and the ability to use intermediate (WDM - Wavelength Division Multiplexing) dense (DWDM - Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) and high density (HDWDM - High Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) spectral seals in C and D the optical bands (1530-1625 nm). Known controlled optical multiplexer I / o [RF Patent №2390099, 2005, IPC H04J 14/02], consisting of a system using wavelength division multiplexing 2Nchannel having an input port, an output port, the output port and input port, and N-stage structure, containing in each stage one optical filter allowing a managed realignment of the transmission ratios. In the N-stage structure, each filter following stage of its input and output connected to the input and the output of the previous stage, in addition to the optical filters of the first and last stage, the input of the optical filter of the first stage is connected to the input port of the multiplexer, and its other output connected to the output port, the optical filter of the last stage connected to the output port of the output and the other input is connected to the input port. Optical is their filters are single-stage or two-stage unbalanced interferometers, Mach-Zehnder, to manage the configuration of the transmission ratios which are used thermo-optical or electropotence device phase shift. Input port, output port, output port and the input is made using a fiber optic cable. The disadvantages of the known devices are of great level of insertion of interference in the transmission channel, low crosstalk between adjacent spectral channels, the need to rebuild the spectral characteristics of the filter devices for switching the standard channels with different wavelengths. Known controlled optical multiplexer [RF Patent №2389138, 2005, IPC H04J 14/02], performed on the integrated optical technologies on a single chip and consists of 2Ninput ports, one output port of the controller and N-stage structure comprising in each n-th stages, where n=1, 2, ..., N, 2N-noptical filters. Optical filters are made with the possibility of a managed realignment of the transmission ratios. In the N-stage structure of the inputs of each optical filter of the first stage are connected to input ports of a managed optical multiplexer, optical filters further stages are connected by their inputs to the outputs of the previous optical filters, and the output of the optical filter of the last stage connected to the output of Porto is a multiplexer. Optical filters are single-stage, two-stage or multi-stage unbalanced interferometers, Mach-Zehnder interferometers containing electro-optical and thermo-optical device of the phase shift to control the transmission factor of the optical filter. Input and output ports of the optical multiplexer performed using optical fibers. The disadvantages of the known devices are: a large level of insertion of interference in the transmission channel, low perehodnoe attenuation between adjacent spectral channels, the complexity of the procedure of reconfigureable management restructuring of the transmission coefficient of optical filters, which leads to complication of the variation of the working wavelength of the optical channel. The closest to the technical nature of the claimed is a multi-channel optical multiplexer I/o [RF patent №2372729, 2005, IPC H04J 14/02], performed on the integrated optical technologies on a single chip and consists of 2 input ports and one output port, n-speed optical filters made with the possibility of a managed realignment transmission ratios; managed optical demultiplexer configuration 1×2M), which ensures the separation of the signal on the 2Msubsets of channels and output of each channel for 2Mtracks;. output ports optical the second demultiplexer configuration 1×2 Mare each n1stage, where n1=1, 2, ..., M 2n1-1optical filters, each of which has one input and two outputs that can be managed realignment transmission ratios and stage are connected to each other by connecting the output of one stage to the input of the next and last stage of each of the two outputs is connected to one of its input ports; managed optical multiplexer configuration "2M×1", consisting of M-step structure which contains the 2Minput ports and one output port containing each n2stage optical filters, each of which has two inputs and one output made with the possibility of a managed realignment transmission ratios and steps are interconnected by connecting the input filter to the output of the subsequent, in addition to the filters of the first and last stages, which are connected to each of the two inputs with the output of one of the optical filters, and one output with one of the inputs of one of the optical filters of the previous stage, and the output of the optical filter of the last stage connected to the output port; a controller to control the reconstruction of the spectral characteristics of the demultiplexer, multiplexer and 2Mmultiplexers I/o by filing Manager n the voltage on the phase shift device; managed optical multiplexer input/output containing (N-M)-stage structure in which the input In and output Out port, the input port and Add o Drop. The stepped structure consists of n3x steps, where n3=1, 2,, (N-M) and contains in each stage one optical filter having one input and two outputs, made with the possibility of a managed realignment of the transmission ratios. The outputs of each stage optical filters are connected to each other by connecting the output of the filter of the previous stage to the input of the subsequent filter stage and the other output of each optical filter connected to the input optical adder. And the entrance of the optical filter of the first stage is connected to the input port In optical filter of the last stage one output connected to the output port Drop, and the other is connected to the input of the optical adder. Optical adder managed optical multiplexer I/o contains N-M+1 inputs and one output, the first one of its inputs connected to the input port of the Add, and outputs its output connected to the output port Out. As optical filters are used odnokratnye, two-stage or multi-stage unbalanced interferometers, Mach-Zehnder interferometers containing electro-optical or thermo-optical device of the phase shift. An input port, an output port, 2M2 Moutlet ports, 2Mintroductory ports performed using optical fibers. The disadvantage of the closest analogue is the relatively high level of insertion of interference in the transmission channel, low perehodnoe attenuation between adjacent spectral channels, the need to rebuild the spectral characteristics of the filter devices for switching the standard channels with different wavelengths, and not the full availability of all linear channels to the multiplexer I/o, which reduces operational capabilities FOTS-WED The aim of the invention is to develop a multiplexer I/o based on the model of spectral bands that do not require a managed dynamic adjustment of the transmission ratios of the constituent elements, which are provided with high performance, low insertion loss, a large amount of crosstalk between adjacent channels, the possibility of switching and I/o all typical spectral channels transmitted over a linear path FOTS-WED This objective is achieved in that in the known multi-channel optical multiplexer input/output containing the input demultiplexer (SLE), and an output multiplexer (MP), respectively provided with inlet and outlet ports, and a control unit, provided with a control input is m first and second control outputs of which are connected to the control inputs respectively input SLE and output MP, additionally introduced the first group of N=4 frequency converters, which together with the input SLE form the separator channels (RK) of the third level. In the separator of the input channels of the i-th frequency Converter connected to the outputs of the input SLE, and the output of the i-th frequency Converter is the i-th output of Kazakhstan of the third level. The output of the service channel, the control input and the input port of the input SLE are respectively the output of the service channel managing input and the input port of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the third level. The second group of N transducers frequencies, which together with the output of the MP form a multiplexer channels (C) the third level. In OK the third level of the input of the i-th frequency Converter is connected to the i-th entry of the output of the MP, and the entrance of the i-th frequency Converter is the i-th input OK the third level. The service entrance channel, a control input and an output port of the output of the MP are respectively the service entrance channel, managing input and output port OK the third level. I-th outputs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the third level and i-e inputs OK third level connected respectively to the i-th input of the input switch of the channels of the third level and the i-th output of the output switch channels of the third level. 1-th output of the input switch of the channels of the third level and the i-th input of the output switch of the channels of the third level connected sootvetstvenno the i-th input of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the second level and the i-th output OK of the second level. K-th input, where k=1, 2, ..., (N×N) OK the second level is connected to the k-th output of the output switch channels of the second level, and the k-th switch input channels of the second level is connected to the k-th output OK of the first level. K-th output of the RK of the second level is connected to the k-th input of the input switch channels of the second level., k-th output of which is connected to the k-th entry of RK first level. J-th output, where j=1, 2, ..., (N×N×N) RK of the first level is connected to the j-th input switch channels of the first level, the j-th output of which is connected to the j-th input OK first level. Third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh control outputs of the control unit connected to the control inputs, respectively, of the input switch of the third level, the input switch channels of the second level, the output switch of the channels of the third level, the output switch of the channels of the second level and switch the channels of the first level. The input switch of the channels of the third level, the input switch channels of the second level and switch the channels of the first level is supplied respectively N, N×N, N×N×N output ports of the optical channels. The output switch of the channels of the third level, the output switch of the channels of the second level and switch the channels of the first level is supplied respectively N, N×N, N×N×N input ports of optical channels. Kazakhstan second tier consists of N DMP second level input is s which are the corresponding inputs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the second level, the i-th output of the i-th SLE second level connected to the input of the i-th frequency Converter of the i-th group of frequency converters, the outputs of which are the respective group of N×N outputs of divider channels of the second level. OK the second level consists of N groups of frequency converters N converters frequencies in each group, N×N inputs which are relevant inputs OK the second level. The output of the k-th frequency Converter is connected to a respective input of the first multiplexer of the second level, the N outputs of the MP of the first level are the corresponding N outputs OK the second level. RK first level consists of N×N SLE first level, the inputs of which are the corresponding inputs of the RK of the first level. J-th output of the DMP is connected to the input of the j-th of the frequency Converter, and the outputs of all frequency converters are the outputs of the RK of the first level. OK first level consists of N×N groups converters frequency N frequency converters in each group, the inputs of which are the corresponding inputs OK first level. J-th output of the frequency Converter is connected to the j-th entry of the k-th MP first level, the outputs of all MP are the corresponding outputs of the multiplexer channels of the first level. Thanks to the new essential features in the claimed device through the use of wave MP (DMP) using the m optical multilayer thin film is not tunable filters (OMSF) reduced insertion interference, the increase in crosstalk between adjacent channels, eliminating the need for the restructuring of the spectral characteristics of the filter device, and by creating the same type of spectral channels three levels, inputs and outputs are displayed on the corresponding switching fields of the same type and vzaimozachetnykh for switching spectral bands provides full access to all the standard channels to the multiplexer I/o, which improves the operational readiness of the FOTS-CF The claimed device is illustrated by drawings on which is shown: figure 1 - block diagram of the controlled multiplexer I / o; figure 2 - block diagram of the divider channels of the second level; figure 3 - block diagram of the divider channels of the first level; figure 4 - block diagram of the multiplexer of the channels of the first level; figure 5 - block diagram of the multiplexer of the channels of the second level; figure 6 - structure of the input demultiplexer/output multiplexer; figure 7 - design OMSF; on Fig - the design of the multiplexer/demultiplexer of the second and third levels; figure 9. the design of the input/output switch channels of the third level (capacity 4×4); figure 10 - design input/output switch channels of the second level (capacity 16×16); figure 11 - design the I input/output switch channels of the first level (64×64); on Fig - design of the optical frequency Converter on ferroelectric domain lattice; on Fig - placement spectra typical spectral channels on a single axis frequencies; on Fig-64 - channel linear group signal; on Fig-32 - channel linear group signal; on Fig - the principle of wave demux 64-channel linear group signal; on Fig - the principle of wave demux 32-channel linear group signal; on Fig - mode odnomernoi-managed optical multiplexer I / o; on Fig - mode multiband operation (N=64 SC) managed optical multiplexer I / o; on Fig - mode multiband operation (N=32 SC) managed optical multiplexer I / o; on Fig algorithm of functioning of the control unit; on Fig is an example of the input control signal. The claimed device shown in figure 1, consists of separate channels of the third 1, the second 3 and the first 5 levels of the input switches of the third 2 and second 4 levels, switch channels of the first level 6, combiners channels of the first 7, second 9 and third 11 levels, the output switches of the channels of the second 8 and third 10 levels and control unit 12, provided with a control input 12.0. Schreter level 1 contains the control input 21, the output of the service channel 28 and the input port 19. The outputs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the third level are connected to the inputs of the input switch of the channels of the third layer 2, which contains the control input 22 and N output ports of optical channels 13.1-13.4. The outputs of the input layer-three switch 2 is connected to the inputs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the second level. The outputs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the second layer 3 are connected to the inputs of the input switch channels of the second layer 4, which is provided with a control input 23 and the N×N output ports of optical channels 14.1-14.16. The outputs of the input switch channels of the second layer 4 is connected to the inputs of the RK first level 5. The outputs of the RK first level connected to the inputs of switch channels of the first level 6, provided with a control input 24, N×N×N output 15.1-15.64 input and 16.1-16.64 ports of optical channels. The outputs of switch channels of the first layer 6 is connected to the inputs OK first level 7. Outputs OK first level connected to the inputs of the output switch channels of the second level 8, which is provided with a control input 25 and the N×N output ports of optical channels 17.1-17.64, and its outputs connected to the inputs OK second level 9. Outputs OK the second level are connected to the inputs of the output switch of the channels of the third level 10, provided with a control input 26 and N output ports 18.1-18.4 optical channels. The outputs of the output switch channels of the third level of the I 10 is connected to the inputs of multiplexer channels of the third level 11, provided with a control input and input service channel. The separator channels third-level 1 is designed to divide the input signal by 4 group of spectral channels GSK-16 and the selection of the service channel. RK third level consists of (1) input 1.1 SLE and four transducers frequency 1.21-1.24. Input SLE is equipped with an input port, managing input and output of the service channel, which are respectively input port 19, the managing inlet 21 and outlet official channel 28 RK third level 1. Four output ports PDM 1.1 is connected to the corresponding inputs of the four converters frequency 1.21-1.24are output ports which are relevant to the four outputs of the divider channels of the third level. Input SLE 1.1 is designed to separate the spectrum of the input line signal into groups of spectra of optical channels GK-16/1...GK-16/4 and selection service channel USC-0. The structure of the input SLE 1.1 is shown in Fig.6, and the principle of action and its parameters are described in the book A.B. Ivanov Fiber optics components, transmission systems, measurement. M: INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 1999., p.98-99. The optical multiplexer may be made in the form of the quartz plate placed on the mirror substrate. On the outer side of the quartz plate pasted 5 optical lots of the layer filters (OMSF), which are connected with the ends of the optical fibers. Each OMSF allows only a fixed wavelength in the optical range. OMSF and consists of (7) input optical transformer (1), multilayer filter (MSF) and optical output transformer (OT-2). FROM-1, MSF and 2 represent the multilayer coating of layers of dielectric materials with different refractive indices, the Number of layers OMSF determined by calculation according to the method described in the monograph: Bailarin "Optical heterostructures. New theory and calculation of" SPb.: BHV-Petersburg, 2012, Chapter 6. The frequency converters 1.21-1.24designed to convert the optical signal by means of its transfer from one spectrum to another, emitted by the optical filter. As the frequency Converter, it is advisable to use optical wave Converter on ferroelectric domain lattice, the principle of which and characteristics described in the article N. Slepov. Optical wave converters and modulators. Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. No. 6, 2000, the structure of which is depicted in Fig. The input switch channels third-level 2 (figure 1) provided with a control input 22, the N output ports of optical channels 13.1-13.4 and is designed for switching, I/o group of the spectrum is lnyh channels GSK-16. The input switch channels can be implemented in different ways in particular based on the technology of microelectromechanical machines (MEMS) in the form of three-dimensional optical switch, which is described in the book Acksaw. Fiber-optic network and communication systems. M.: Publishing house "LAN", 2010, s. Three-dimensional optical switch is a substrate on which are fixed array of microthermal, each of which under the action of electric pulses can change its position within 1-2 MS. To implement the input switch of the channels of the third level (Fig.9) three-dimensional optical switch should have 4 input and 8 output ports and one control input. RK of the second level (figure 2) is designed for separation of four similar group of spectral channels GSK-16 and formation of sixteen similar group of spectral bands of the second level HSC-4. Kazakhstan second tier consists of four DMP second level 3.11-3.14and sixteen transducers frequency 3.21-3.216. Inputs DMP second level are the inputs of the divider channels of the second level, the outputs DMP second level connected to the inputs of inverters frequency 3.21-3.216a Converter output frequency of the second level are the outputs of the divider channels of the second level, respectively. D. the P second level 3.1 1-3.14designed to split the input signal into groups of optical channels, occupying an unmatched spectrum of frequencies and can be implemented in the same way as the input SLE (Fig). DMP second level will be different because on a quartz plate 4 is OMSF associated with four output optical fibers. The input switch of the secondary canal level 4 (figure 1) provided with a control input 23, the N×N output ports of optical channels 14.1-14.16 and is designed for switching input/output of the same type of spectral channels HSC-4. The input switch channels of the second level (figure 10) can be implemented based on the technology of microelectromechanical machines (MEMS) in the form of three-dimensional optical switch containing 16 input and 32 output ports and one control input. RK first level 5 (figure 1) is designed to separate groups of optical channels and forming the same type of basic spectral channels USC. RK first level (figure 3) consists of sixteen SLE first level 5.11-5.116and sixty-four transducers frequency 5.21-5.264. Sixteen outputs SLE first level are the outputs of the RK first level, outputs SLE first level connected to the inputs of frequency converters 5.21-5.264and the Converter output frequencies are in the passageways of the Republic of Kazakhstan the first level, respectively. SLE first level 5.11-5.116designed to split the input signal into groups of optical channels, occupying an unmatched spectrum of frequencies and can be implemented in the same way as DMP second level (Fig). Switch channels of the first level 6 (1) provided with a control input 24, N×N×N output ports of optical channels 15.1-15.64, N×N×N input ports of optical channels 16.1-16.64 and is designed for switching, I/o main spectral channels - USC. Switch channels of the first layer (11) can be performed based on the technology of microelectromechanical machines (MEMS) in the form of three-dimensional optical switch containing 128 input and 128 output ports and one control input. The unifier of the channels of the first layer 7 (Fig 1) is designed to combine optical channels into groups and formation of a standard group of channels - HSC-4. The unifier of the channels of the first level (figure 4) consists of sixty-four transducers frequency 7.11-7.164and sixteen multiplexers of the first level 7.21-7.216. The inputs of the converters frequency 7.11-7.154are entrances OK first level, respectively, the outputs of the frequency converters are connected to the inputs of the multiplexers of the first level, and the outputs of the multiplexers of the first level are output OK PE the first level, respectively. MP first level 7.21-7.216designed to combine the input of groups of optical channels occupy different frequency ranges in a single group range and can be implemented in the same way as SLE first level (Fig) with the difference that for the MP output optical fiber SLE are front and back. The output switch of the secondary canal level 8 (figure 1) provided with a control input 2, N×N input ports of optical channels 17.1-17.64 and is designed for switching and commissioning of fixed spectral bands - USC-4. The output switch of the channels of the second level can be performed based on the technology of microelectromechanical machines (MEMS) in the form of three-dimensional optical switch containing 32 input and 16 output ports and one control input (figure 10). The consolidator secondary canal level 9 (figure 1) is designed to combine optical channels into groups and formation of a standard group of channels - GSK-16. The unifier of the channels of the second level (figure 5) consists of sixteen transducers frequency 9.11-9.116and four multiplexers of the second level 9.21-9.24. The inputs of the converters frequency 9.11-9.116are entrances OK second level, respectively, the outputs of the frequency converters are connected to the inputs of the MP of the second level 9.21-9.24, and the output of the multiplexers of the second level are the outputs OK second level, respectively. MP second level 9.21-9.24designed to combine the input of groups of optical channels occupy different frequency ranges in a single group range and can be implemented in the same way as PM of the first level (Fig). The output switch of the channels of the third level 10 (figure 1) provided with a control input 26, the N input ports of optical channels 18.1-18.4 and is designed for switching and commissioning of fixed spectral bands - USC-16. The output switch of the channels of the third level can be performed based on the technology of microelectromechanical machines (MEMS) in the form of three-dimensional optical switch containing 8 input and 4 output ports and one control input (Fig.9). The unifier of the channels of the third level 11 (figure 1) is designed to generate a group of spectral channels and combining them together with a service channel in the linear range. The unifier of the channels of the third level consists of four frequency converters 11.11-11.14output MP 11.2, and also provided with a control input 27 input service channel 29. The inputs of the frequency converters 11.11-11.14are entrances OK third level, respectively, the outputs of the frequency converters are connected to the inputs of the multiplexer, and the output port of the multiplexer, a control input and input service channel are output is the principal port 20, managing input 27 input service channel 29 OK third level, respectively. Output MP 11.2 designed to combine optical channels in the group, the introduction of the service channel and the formation of the linear spectrum. Output MP 11.2 can be implemented in the same way that input and SLE with the difference that the output of the MP output optical fiber SLE are front and back. Converters frequency of unifier of channels of the third level 11.11-11.14the unifier of the channels of the second level 9.11-9.116the unifier of the channels of the first level 7.11-7.164, separator channels of the first level 5.21-5.264, separator channels of the second level 3.21-3.216designed to convert the optical signal by means of its transfer from one spectrum to another, with the aim of forming a group of spectral channels by bringing different frequency optical channels (ITU-T G.692 interval between the bearing 100 GHz) to single unified view. The frequency converters can be made in the form of an optical wave Converter on ferroelectric domain lattice, the structure of which is depicted in Fig. The control unit 12 (Fig 1) is used to select the mode of operation of the multiplexer I/o and parameters, under control of the population input and output of the model the main group and the optical spectral bands. The control unit is equipped with a single control input (12.0) and seven control outputs (12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.5, 12.4, 12.6 and 12.7)connected to the control inputs(21, 27, 22, 26, 23, 25 and 24 separate channels of the third level 1, the unifier of the channels of the third level 11, the input switch of the channels of the third level 2, the output switch of the channels of the third level 10, the input switch channels of the second layer 4, the output switch of the secondary canal level 8 and switch channels of the first layer 6, respectively. The control unit 12 may be implemented as a microprocessor operating according to the algorithm presented in Fig, which operates as follows: the input control signal Fig is supplied to the control unit 12, via the control input 12.0, where it is checked for errors by the well-known algorithm checks the cyclic redundancy amounts CRC (see, for example, in recommendations of the international telecommunication Union ITU-T G.704, and an example of the algorithm presented in the online resource Wikipedia: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D6%E8%EA%EB%E8%F7%E5%F1%EA%E8%E9_%E8%E7%E1%FB%F2%EE%F7%ED%FB%E9_%EA%EE%E4 appeal 10.05.2012). In the absence of error control signal undergoes further processing, and in the presence of the signal is discarded. The control signal is a digital sequence of bits 184 containing a header field (5 bits), field management the ia mode (3 bits), field control switching of optical channels (168-bit) and a field containing a checksum (8 bits). At the initial stage, the control unit 12 selects field installation mode control signal and sends it via control outputs 12.1 and 12.2 to the separator channels of the third level 1 and aggregator channels of the third level 11, respectively. Then analyzes the control field switching, containing information about the input and output optical channels RSC, HSC-4 and GSK-16. When the control unit analyzes the control field switching GSK-16 and allocates 8 bits of address information on output and input GSK-16, which is then directed through the control outputs 12.3 and 12.5 to input 2 and output 10 switches the channels of the third level. This command contains information about the change of position of the micromirrors in the optical switch, built on MEMS technology. In the next step, the control unit 12 analyzes the control field switching HSC-4 and allocates 32 bits containing address information about the output and input GEK-4, which is then directed through control outputs 12.4 and 12.6 to input 4 and output 8 switches the channels of the second level to change the position of microthermal and process switching. At the final step, analyze field control switching USC and vydelyaut is 128 bits, containing address information about the output and the input of the RSC, which is directed through control output 12.7 to switch channels of the first level 6 to change the position of microthermal and process switching. The claimed device operates as follows. Range linear channel group, listed on Fig consists of spectra of 65 spectra of standard channels (according to the standard ITU-T G.692, with the spacing of the carrier frequencies in the 100 GHz). This range is a group of four spectra of 16-channel groups GK-16/1...GK-16/4, single spaced and leaving one standard channel in the middle of the linear range, called the zero main spectral channel (USC-0), as shown in Fig. The principle of the separation of spectral spectral channels presented on Fig. Linear group signal is fed to the input of divider channels of the third level 1, which with the help of the input demultiplexer 1.1 linear range group signal is divided by 4 array of group channels GK-16/1...GK-16/4 and range of the USC-0, and using the corresponding frequency converters third level group spectra are converted to 4-m are the same spectra group of spectral channel - GSK-16. The spectra of four of the same type GSK-16 fall on the input switch of the third channels is equal to 2, free? (without frequency conversion), and if necessary, any of them can be displayed using the output ports 13.1-13.4 for the subsequent connection of the output of a digital transmission system (DSPS)working speed transmission of binary signals up to 160 Gbit/s After switching the signals from each of the four channels with the spectrum of GSK-16 enter the corresponding port of the input splitter channels of the second layer 3, where using DMP second level 3.11-3.14each range of GSK-16 divided by 4 array of group channels GK-4/1...GK-4/4, and with appropriate frequency converters of the second level 3.2i-3.2i6 each of the spectra is the same spectra typical group of spectral channel HSC-4. The spectra of sixteen identical HSC-4 fall on the input switch of the channels of the third level 2, where freely interconnected (without frequency conversion), and if necessary, any of them can be displayed using the output ports 14.1-14.16 for the subsequent connection of the output of the DSP operating speed transmission of binary signals up to 40 Gbit/s After switching the signals from each of the sixteen channels with a range of HSC-4 enter the corresponding port of the input splitter channels of the first level 5, where with the help of SLE first level 5.11-5.14each SP is KTR HSC-4 is divided into 4 individual spectrum channels IR 1...IR-4, and with appropriate frequency converters of the first level 5.21-5.264spectra IR 1...IR-4 provides the model spectra of the main spectral channel USC. The spectra of the sixty-four of the same type OSK get to switch channels of the first level, where freely interconnected (without frequency conversion) and, if necessary, any of the 64 USC can be output using output ports 15.1-15.64 for the subsequent connection of the output of the DSP operating speed transmission of binary signals up to 10 Gbit/sspects frequencies of all 64 USC (with the addition of the symbol sequence numbers (RSC-1...USC-64) is the same and corresponds to the range of standard channel (on standard ITU-T G.692 with the spacing of the carrier frequencies in 100 GTZ) with an average frequency of, for example, 193,4 THz, which corresponds to a wavelength of 1550 nm. The formation of the linear spectrum of the sixty-four spectra USC and one RSC-0 occurs in the reverse sequence (Fig). Signals with a spectrum of USC with outputs switch channels of the first level get on OK first level 7, where with the help of frequency converters of the first level 7.11-7.216spectra 64 of the same type OSK in groups of 4 USC converted to spectra of 4 individual channels (IR 1...IR-4), which with the help of 16 identical multiplexers of the first level 7.21-7.216GRU is Peroutka in sixteen spectra of the same type HSC-4. Then use the output switch channels of the second level of the same type HSC-4 can freely (without frequency conversion) to communicate, and if necessary, HSC-4 can be provided to connect to them via the ports of entry 17.1-17.64 DSPS speed transmission of binary signals is not higher than 40 Gbit/s, After switching sixteen HSC-4 group signal of each channel is fed to the input OK second level 9, where with the help of frequency converters 9.11-9.116the same spectra HSC-4 is converted to a diverse spectra of GC-4, using the multiplexer of the third level spectra are grouped into four similar GSK-16. Then use the output switch of the channels of the third level of the model HSC-16 freely (without frequency conversion) are interconnected and, if necessary, can be used to input signals from the DSP speed transmission of binary signals up to 160 Gbit/s in GSK-16 through input ports 18.1-18.64. After switching the four GSK-16 group signals from each of four GSK-16 arrives at the inputs OK third level 11, where with the help of frequency converters 11.11-11.14the same spectra GSK-16 is converted into diverse spectra of GC-16, which, together with the spectrum of the USC-0, the output of the multiplexer form a range linear channel group (a linear array of channels BFV), while the p on Fig. The formation of the USC of the linear signal with 32 optical channels, shown in Fig is similar to that described above and shown in Fig. The output of the linear signal of a single additional 65th RSC with zero room RSC-0 is made directly using the output port 28 located in the input SLE, and the input provided through the input port 29 located in the output of the MP. USC-0 is used for the reception (transmission) through different auxiliary signals (measuring, service, management, synchronization, and others) If necessary, the range of frequencies of any of the 64 USC, through the installation of additional equipment, can be divided, in turn, on 4 more narrow standard spectral channel spacing of the carrier frequencies in the 25 GHz, compliant ITU-T G.694. The choice of medium frequency USC-0, equal 193,4 THz (average wavelength equal to 1550 nm) due to the presence in most existing DSPS ports input/output with the same settings. Selecting a fourfold hierarchy for promising group of spectral channels, HSC-4, GSK-16, GSK-64 is caused on one hand by the need to preserve the existing trends in the development of a fourfold hierarchy adopted for DSPS (STM-1, -4, -16, -64, -256, etc), and on the other hand the requirement for reduction of power losses in olnowich multiplexers, which increase dramatically with increasing number of channels in MP (DMP). Introduction the frequency intervals between the spectra of GC-16 ISC due to the need to ensure parallel operation of the optical filters in the composition of input and output multiplexers of the third level. Depending on the state of the linear tract of the FOTS-CF the claimed device can be used in the following modes: - mode single-channel, when the signal transmission is carried out only on channel USC-0 with an average wavelength of 1550 nm, as shown in Fig; - mode 32 optical channels when lbfv contains two shestnadesetkanalen group (GK-16/2 and GK-16/3) and service channel USC-0 (Fig); - mode 64 optical channels when lbfv contains four shestnadesetkanalen group (GK-16/1 - GK-16/4) and service channel USC-0 (Fig). Multi-controlled multiplexer I / o according to the present invention can be implemented using existing integrated optical technologies. 1. Multi-channel optical multiplexer input-output containing the input demultiplexer (SLE), and an output multiplexer (MP) are supplied respectively to the input and output ports, and a control unit, provided with a control input and first and second control outputs which the CSO is connected to the control inputs respectively input SLE and output MP, characterized in that it further introduced the first group of N=4 frequency converters, which together with the input SLE form the separator channels (RK) of the third level, in which the input of the i-th, i=1, 2, ..., N of the frequency Converter is connected to the i-th output input SLE, and the output of the i-th frequency Converter is the i-th input of the divider channels of the third level, the output of the service channel, the control input and the input port of the input SLE are respectively the output of the service channel managing input and the input port of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the third level, the second a group of N=4 frequency converters, which together with the output of the MP form a multiplexer channels (OK) third level, in which the output of the i-th frequency Converter is connected to the i-th entry of the output of the MP, and the entrance of the i-th frequency Converter is the i-th input OK third level service entrance channel, a control input and an output port of the output of the MP are respectively the service entrance channel, managing input and output port OK third level, input and output switches of the channels of the third level, the Republic of Kazakhstan of the second and first levels, OK first and second levels the input and output switches of the channels of the second level and switch the channels of the first level, the i-th output RK third level and the i-th input OK third level connected respectively to the i-th entry of the input to the mutator channels of the third level and the i-th output of the output switch of the channels of the third level the i-th output switch channels of the third level and the i-th input of the output switch of the channels of the third level are connected respectively to the i-th input of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the second level and the i-th output OK of the second level, the k-th input, where k=1, 2, ..., (N×N) OK the second level is connected to the k-th output of the output switch channels of the second level, the k-th input of which is connected to the k-th output OK first level, the k-th output of the RK of the second level is connected to the k-th the input of the input switch channels of the second level, the k-th output of which is connected to the k-th entry of RK first level, the j-th output, where j=1, 2, ..., (N×N×N) RK of the first level is connected to the j-th input switch channels of the first level, the j-th output of which is connected to the j-th input OK first level, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh control outputs of the control unit connected to the control inputs, respectively, of the input switch of the channels of the third level, the input switch channels of the second level, the output switch of the channels of the third level, the output switch of the channels of the second level and switch the channels of the first level, the input switch of the channels of the third level, the input switch channels of the second level and switch the channels of the first level is supplied respectively N, N×N, N×N×N output ports of optical channels, and the output switch of the channels of the third level, the output switch channels in the showing level and switch the channels of the first level are supplied, respectively, N, N×N, N×N×N input ports of optical channels. 2. Multichannel multiplexer I / o according to claim 1, characterized in that the ROK second level consists of N demultiplexes the second level, the inputs of which are the corresponding inputs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the second level, the i-th output of the i-th SLE second level connected to the input of the i-th frequency Converter of the i-th group of frequency converters, the outputs of which are the respective group of N×N outputs of divider channels of the second level. 3. Multichannel multiplexer I / o according to claim 1, wherein OK the second level consists of N groups of frequency converters N converters frequencies in each group, N×N inputs which are relevant inputs OK the second level, the output of the k-th frequency Converter connected to the corresponding input of the first multiplexer of the second level, the N outputs of the MP of the second level are the corresponding N outputs OK the second level. 4. Multichannel multiplexer I / o according to claim 1, characterized in that the ROK first level consists of N×N SLE first level, the inputs of which are the corresponding inputs of the Republic of Kazakhstan the first level, the j-th output of the DMP is connected to the input of the j-th of the frequency Converter, and the outputs of all frequency converters are the outputs of the RK of the first level. 5. Multichannel multiplexer I / o according to claim 1, great for the present, however, that OK the first level consists of N×N groups converters frequency N frequency converters in each group of inputs which are relevant inputs OK first level, the j-th output of the frequency Converter is connected to the j-th entry of the k-th MP first level, the outputs of all MP are the corresponding outputs of the multiplexer channels of the first level.
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