Dc electromagnetic machine |
IPC classes for russian patent Dc electromagnetic machine (RU 2490773):
Closest analog of the proposed DC machine (DCM) is a DCM with a mechanical switch, a collector with sliding brush contacts. The mentioned machine has some disadvantages in its structural design, consisting in the fact that it comprises rotary anchor winding and collector, on the surface of which several pairs of brush contacts are sliding continuously in process of operation of this machine. It results in intense wear of sliding and contacting parts due to sliding friction, and accordingly to narrowing of the application field of such machine as a result of sparking that occurs. Besides, rotary anchor windings to a certain extent limit the angular speed of its rotor. In the design of the proposed DCM the anchor winding is fixed, and an inducer rotates, comprising permanent magnets and a central magnetic conductor installed on a common rotation shaft, at the same time a liquid metal switch is applied, which consists of neighbouring dielectic bases of four cylindrical metal reservoirs that are somewhat filled with electroconductive fluids, and such bases have holes for free insertion of a rotation shaft, and in the first two reservoirs that are connected accordingly to direct and reverse wires of anchor winding, on a rotation shaft there is one electroconductive disc installed on each one, slightly submerged into the specified fluids with sharp edges, every of which is electrically connected to according diametrally arranged pairs of metal sectors of two adjacent combined discs, also installed in the next two reservoirs connected accordingly to positive and negative terminals of outer DC voltage source. As DC voltage is supplied to a liquid metal switch, currents leaking through windings of the anchor winding will start interacting with the magnetic field of the inducer. Then the rotor will start rotating, and after a half-turn, instead of the first ones, the next metal sectors of combined discs will be submerged in the electroconductive fluids, and each disc will already be electrically connected to other metal discs of the switch. As a result, in the anchor winding there will be a current of another direction opposite to the initial one. But since at that time the permanent magnets of the inducer shift places, directions of electromagnet forces acting at the rotor will remain unchanged. In the generator mode when rotating all discs of the metal switch by an external motor synchronously to the inducer, positive and negative half-waves of the induced AC current of the anchor will always arrive to one and the same according terminals of the electric output of DCM, and at the same time DC current will be leaking in the external circuit.
Most close analogue of a proposed machine is a DC machine with a mechanical commutator, a collector with sliding brush contacts. The named machine has certain disadvantages in its design, consisting in the fact that it comprises rotary anchor winding and collector, on surface of the latter in which several pairs of brush contacts slide continuously during its operation. It results in intense wear of its parts sliding against each other from sliding friction, in narrowing of its application field due to sparking that occurs then between them. Besides, the rotary anchor windings somewhat limit the possible maximum angular speed of its rotor rotation. In the proposed DC machine design the anchor winding is fixed, and an inductor rotates, being made of permanent magnets and a central magnetic conductor, installed on a common rotation shaft, besides, instead the movable collector with the brush contacts sliding on them, it applies a fixed collector, made of three hollows cylinders, in inner surfaces of which two pairs of diametrically opposite electroconductive caterpillars move simultaneously, being displaced from each other not only along the rotation shaft by the required distance, but also by 90 degrees along the circle. In this case the fixed collector with electroconductive caterpillars at any time of the rotor rotation provides such current directions in the anchor winding, when in the area of poles of the permanent magnets of various polarity there will always be conductors with opposite directions of the currents. With such distribution of the anchor currents, electromagnet forces from their interaction with the magnetic field of the inductor will act in concord, which makes it possible for the machine to develop a maximum torque. In the generator mode, AC currents are available in the anchor winding conductors of the proposed DC machine, and they arrive along the connecting wires to the fixed collector with movable electroconductive caterpillars, by means of which they will flow into the outer circuit as a certain load, but already as rectified.
Power supply to proposed magnetoelectric machines at their operation in mode of motors can be performed not only from stationary electric AC mains of commercial frequency with its further conversion to DC, but also from movable and portable independent direct current sources (minielectric power stations, storage batteries and galvanic power elements). Salient-pole commutator magnetoelectric machine includes salient poles of inductor, which are excited with constant magnets, armature with salient poles, commutator, mechanism of brush-and-contact assembly with brushes, closed subsequent (wave) coil armature winding consisting of coils each of which is located on the appropriate salient pole of armature. At that, it is necessary to follow certain ratios between the number of inductor poles and the number of armature poles, as well as to make poles of inductor and poles of armature with certain width of pole arc, and commutator bars of commutator and brushes of certain width and certain number.
According to invention in disclosed here electric engine of direct current, consisting of stator with magnetic conductors with coils, rotor and collector with brushes, rotor corresponds to shaft whereon two permanent magnets of different polarity are arranged symmetrically relative to one another. Each permanent magnet has C-shaped cross section. The magnets are fixed on the shaft with equal gaps between their end sections. The collector is made with plates out of electric conducting material; also the plates are set parallel to each other on the rotor shaft. Two end plates are made as rings; a brush designed for interaction with a corresponding ring is arranged over each ring. Also the first brush is connected to a positive terminal of a power supply, while the second brush is connected to a negative terminal of the power supply. Four pair of plates of C-shaped profile in cross section (C-shaped elements) are installed between the rings. Notably, each pair is formed with two C-shaped elements facing each other with their concave surfaces and installed with a gap "b" between their end sections; adjacent C-shaped elements are installed with a gap "a" relative to each other. The brush is located over each pair of C-shaped elements; the brush is designed to interact with the C-shaped element of a corresponding pair; the first adjacent C-shaped elements of the first and the second pair electrically are connected with different rings. Also the second C-shaped element of the first pair is electrically connected with the first C-shaped element of the second pair; while the second C-shaped element of the second pair is electrically connected with the first C-shaped element of the first pair. The third pair of C-shaped element is placed next to the second pair. The fourth pair of C-shaped element is placed next to the third pair. Additionally, the first C-shaped element of the fourth pair is arranged next to the first C-shaped element of the third pair. Correspondingly, the second C-shaped element of the third pair is arranged next to the second C-shaped element of the fourth pair. The first C-shaped element of the third pair is electrically connected with the same ring, as the first C-shaped element of the first pair. The first C-shaped element of the fourt pair is electrically connected with the same ring, as the first C-shaped element of the second pair. The second C-shaped element of the third pair is electrically connected to the first C-shaped element of the fourth pair. The second C-shaped element of the fourth pair is electrically connected to the first C-shaped element of the third pair. The first and the second pairs of C-shaped elements are identically mounted on the rotor shaft, notably: C-shaped elements are arranged opposite one another, correspondingly, gaps "b" between their end sections are also arranged opposite one another. The third and the fourth pairs of C-shaped elements are also identically mounted on the rotor shaft. The first and the second pair of C-shaped element are turned relative to C-shaped elements of the third and the fourth pair at 90°; layer magnetic conductors fixed relative to a base are uniformly arranged around rotor envelope running along external surfaces of permanent magnets. Magnetic conductors are set with the gap relative to one another and relative to permanent magnets; envelope of external surfaces of magnetic conductors has a shape close a cylinder one; the shaft of the rotor, envelope of external surfaces of permanent magnets and envelope of external surfaces of magnetic conductors have common symmetry axis coinciding to rotation axis of the rotor shaft. The stator consists of at least four magnetic conductors. They are of T-shape and are arranged at angle of 90° to each other, i.e. crosswise. Coil is wound on a central section of each T-shaped magnetic conductor. U-shaped magnetic conductors are located next to each T-shaped magnetic conductor on its both sides. Coils of two opposite T-shaped magnetic conductors (installed at 180° relative to each other), the first and the second, correspondingly, are oppositely directed, left and right, correspondingly, and series connected. Also the input terminal of the first coil and the output terminal of the second coil are electrically tied with brushes over the first and the second pairs of the C-shaped elements. Coils of two other opposite T-shaped magnetic conductors, the third and the fourth, correspondingly, are also oppositely directed, left and right, correspondingly, and are in series connected. The input terminal of the third coil and the output terminal of the fourth coil are electrically connected with the brushes over the third and the fourth pairs of the C-shaped elements.
Invention may be used as power micro-motors and tachometre generators in automatic devices, and also power electric motors and DC generators with capacity of up to several kW in all fields of economy. Proposed collector magnetic electric machine with pole anchor comprises explicit inductor poles excited by permanent magnets, anchor with explicit poles, collector, mechanism of brush-contact unit with brushes, closed drum simple serial (wave) coil winding of anchor made by coils, every of which is located on according explicit anchor pole and comprises one or several turns. Besides it is necessary to observe certain ratios between number of inductor explicit poles and number of anchor explicit poles, and also to make poles of inductor and poles of anchor with a certain width of pole arc, and collector plates of collector and brushes - with a certain width and certain number. This magnetic electric machine may be used as DC generators and motors with independent excitation from permanent magnets.
Invention is related to the field of electric engineering and concerns particular features of structural design of the first in the world module-disk universal electric machine, which has multiple multi-turn windings of even or odd number of rows passing through homogeneous magnetic field of one or many magnetic systems of stator, without any variations of voltage and current, where amplitude of DC signal does not vary its characteristics in time. Invention is intended for application as slow-speed generator of DC or AC, superhigh-speed electric machine of DC, AC motor or large-scale linear motor of DC and AC. Substance of invention consists in the fact that module-disk universal electric machine comprises left and right base of body, where even or odd number of stator excitation magnetic systems rows are located in uniform gaps and interacting between each other by opposite poles. Magnetic systems of stator excitation may be made of permanent magnets, electromagnets and their combination. Inside module there is a movable rigidity with even or uneven number of cylindrical dielectric rotors, detachable shaft and facility of shaft fixation. Each cylindrical rotor comprises multiple multiturn windings, which via split joint are electrically connected with contact plates, and current-collecting ring of quick-detachable composite collector. Multiple multiturn windings of even or odd number of rows may have parallel, serial or mixed connection of conductors. Working part of multiple multiturn windings of each row should correspond to height of each magnet of southern and magnet of northern pole. Each cylindrical rotor is fixed on movable rigidity and is divided into multiple sectors, which are located via uniform gaps, and inside each sector multiple multiturn windings have working and nonworking parts of windings. Brush mechanism, having current-conducting spring-loaded brushes, interacts with quick-detachable composite collector, device of electric energy transfer and calibration device including system of automatic regulation and control. For accurate insertion of multiple multiturn windings into each working sector, working contact plates are mechanically connected with current conducting spring-loaded brush, calibration device and system of automatic regulation and control, and nonworking contact plates of quick-detachable collector should correspond to width of current-conducting spring-loaded brush. On left and right external base of movable rigidity there are swinging or sliding elements connected to bases of body.
Invention relates to electrical engineering, particularly to electrical industry objects, as well as specific design features of electric motors. A direct current motor is proposed, in which the stator and the rotor are multipolar. The rotor is made from permanent magnets using two of their sides. The permanent magnets are attached to an electrically insulating base, and the stator consists of two parts placed on both sides of the rotor. Windings of two parts of the stator are wavelike, and the number of electromagnets they form for each part of the stator equals the number of permanent magnets of the rotor. Windings of the parts of the stator are connected for simultaneous effect on all rotor poles with provision for its unidirectional rotation.
Invention is related to the field of electric engineering and concerns peculiar features of DC electric motors embodiment, in particular - gearless collector electric motors of low voltage, and may be used in different fields of engineering, for instance, as motor-wheels in such transport means as electrically-driven scooters, motorcycles, electric automobiles, etc. Substance of invention consists in the fact that induction electric motor made in accordance with the present invention, contains rim, in which teeth are installed with the same pitch, which are made of soft magnetic material, round frame that carries even number of horseshoe shaped (U-shaped) electromagnets that are installed in pairs opposite to each other, and have two coils with serial opposite direction of winding, facility for supply of electric pulses of the dame polarity to electromagnets. At that number of teeth on the rim equal to n corresponds to the following ratio: n = 10 + 4k, where k - integer number that takes such values as 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.
Invention claims new design of collector multi-pole constant current electric motor, which uses constant magnets in stator, which require no electric power, having minimal number of brushes as opposed to multi-brush analog, namely two brushes for any even number of stator poles. In accordance to the invention, in electric motor, containing stator, and also rotor with open or closed winding, having contacts connected to collector and brushes, the stator is made multi-pole and uses constant magnets, and collector represents two contact systems on non current-conductive base, mutually isolated and enclosed in each other in such a way, that during rotation of rotor from contact to collector contact direction of current in rotor winding changes to reverse by means of two brushes, which may touch any pair of collector contacts of various aforementioned systems, where the start of rotor winding is connected to one system of collector contacts, end of rotor winding is connected to another system of collector contacts, and a "false" contact is present between each pair of contacts of aforementioned systems, which is not connected to rotor winding to prevent shorting of two contacts of different polarity by one brush, while stator does not require power. A working experimental model exists, which fits well with balance wheel rotation theory. Rotor diameter 20 cm. Rotor weight 3,5 kg, and it is mainly positioned around its outside circle. Rotor rotation speed 3 revolutions per second. Power consumption of 50 Wt. Voltage, fed into winding, of 12 volts. Current intensity of 4 amperes.
In known stator of constant current electric machine with constant magnets, containing closed magneto-conductive yoke, polar constant magnets, mounted with alternating polarity on the stator axis, and polar tips, made of magneto-soft material and positioned on constant magnets on the side of air gap, in accordance to invention, symmetrically between neighboring poles (in inter-polar space) sectors made of non-magnetic materials are mounted, on sectors on the side of air gap, inter-polar flat constant magnets are positioned, having tangential magnetization, oriented with polarity of the same name to nearby polar tips and divided by nonmagnetic gap with polar magnets and polar tips, length-wise magnets are made within limits of stator poles along the axis of machine and oriented in parallel to polar magnets and tips. Inter-polar magnets are held on sectors with possible movement in radial direction.
Proposed submersible water-filled synchronous generator of vertical design comprises a basic shield, where a circular flat magnetic conductor is fixed, wound from electric steel, with a winding, a rotor disc with permanent magnets, a bearing shield arranged as cantilevered relative to the basic shield and comprising bearings of the rotor shaft. At the same time, according to this invention, the generator is equipped with a thrust sliding bearing, which has a journal in the form of a disc arranged on the rotor shaft, and a step-bearing in the form of a thrust sleeve, which covers the bearing shield at the side opposite to the basic shield, and is fixed with the help of bolts. The entire inner cavity of the generator is filled with water, and the generator with a hydraulic turbine arranged above it is submerged under the water level and is retained in this position with the help of floats, and is kept away from displacement by a retaining device.
In a magnetoelectric generator, the rotor of which comprises a disc (1) fixed on a shaft, and on the disc there is a ring-shaped row of permanent magnets (2) with alternating polarity, arranged as equidistant relative to each other, and the stator comprises two parallel plates (3,4), between which there are windings, besides, stator windings are arranged on U-shaped cores from electrotechnical steel, which are fixed on plates (3, 4) of the stator, width Bc of the end of the U-shaped core (6) makes a half of the width B of the permanent magnet (2) of the rotor, besides, ends of the U-shaped cores (6) of one plate (3) face the ends of the U-shaped cores (6) of the other plate (4) and are displaced relative to them by the distance equal to the half of the width of the permanent magnet (2) of the rotor, besides, the permanent magnets (2) of the rotor are arranged between opposite ends of U-shaped cores (6) of the stator.
Low-speed end synchronous generator comprising a rotor arranged in the form of a disc from a non-magnetic material with an excitation system based on permanent magnets and a stator with coils, comprises sections, at the same time in each section a stator is made of one circular magnetic conductor arranged in parallel to the rotor and fixed on stiffening ribs of a casing-free generator frame, coils of stator are placed fully in slots, not protruding beyond limits of a magnetic conductor, in an excitation system the permanent magnets are installed on a rotor disc at its one lateral side in parallel to a magnetic conductor of a stator, besides, rotors of each section are arranged on a single shaft, at the same time to coordinate operation of generator sections, a rotor of each following section is displaced relative to the rotor of the previous section by the following angle: Jmag. = 360° : quantity of permanent magnets of the rotor: quantity of generator sections.
device refers to the wind energy, pacifically to the wind-energy equipment, designed to charge accumulator batteries and power supply for various recipients. The device contains a motionless stator winding solenoid type and two rotors made of nonmagnetic materials. Rotors have disk form and are placed in axial alignment. The same even number of permanent magnets is distributed on each rotor. Stator winding is reeled on the wind powered generator's axis and is placed between the two cylindrical cores made of the ferromagnetic materials. Large-diameter core is fasten from the outside in the body frame. Both rotors are placed on a single spindle which is connected to the wind wheel and has the ability to rotate in the bearing assemblies. The permanent magnets have a Pi shape. Their poles are placed in axial alignment on each of the rotor and are directed in a heteropolar manner towards each other. Each of the permanent magnets is with heteropolar alternating poles on each rotor has the ability of axial alignment placement with cylindrical core ends. Cylindrical core ends have serrate shape with number of serratures half as less as a number of the permanent magnets. Serratures are placed in axial alignment to each other.
Double-rotor tooth wind-driven generator includes stationary stator winding of solenoid type, as well as two rotors from non-magnetic material. Rotors are made in the form of discs and located coaxially. Equal even number of constant magnets is distributed uniformly on each rotor. Stationary stator winding of solenoid type is wound along axis of wind-driven generator and located between two cylindrical cores from ferromagnetic material. Core with larger diameter is fixed with its outer side in the housing. Both rotors are arranged on one shaft. Shaft is connected to wind wheel and has the possibility of being rotated in bearing supports fixed in the housing. Constant magnets are U-shaped, and their poles are located coaxially on each of the rotors and directed unipolar to each other. Each of constant magnets has the possibility of coaxial rotation with edges of cylindrical cores. Edges of cylindrical cores have tooth shape with number of teeth equal to number of constant magnets. Teeth of one edge of cylindrical cores are coaxial to slots of other edge of cylindrical cores. In each slot there located is connection strap from ferromagnetic material, which connects both cores.
In the proposed design of the unipolar electric machine (UM) the electric contacts are electroconductive roller swinging contacts and fixed cylindrical cartridges, to which electric conductors are soldered. Such design of electric contacts without high complexity makes it possible to electrically serially connect all their rotor discs into the anchor circuit, which allows increasing of working voltage. At the same time the swinging friction between electroconductive rollers and fixed cylindrical cartridges, and also active parts of rotor discs (hubs) is incomparably less than sliding friction between conventional sliding brush contacts and contact rings.
In proposed magnetoelectric generator the rotor of which is provided with constant magnets (3) and (4), and stator contains two parallel plates (5) and (6), between which annular windings (7) are arranged, according to this invention the rotor is made of two parallel discs (1) and (2) fixed on shaft, on each of which ring-shaped rows of constant magnets (3) and (4) are arranged on surfaces facing each other and located in each row at equal distance; polarity of constant magnets of each row alternates. At that, poles of constant magnets of one row face opposite poles of constant magnets of other row, and annular windings (7) of stator are made in the form of equal trapezoids the lateral sides (8) and (9) of which are located radially relative to rotor rotation axis, and sections (11) and (12) of annular windings (7) in bases of trapezoids are bent through an arc; annular windings (7) are inserted into each other in pairs. At that, distance ℓ between sections (11) and (12) of annular windings (7) in bases of trapezoids exceeds width b of ring-shaped row of constant magnets.
In compliance with first version, permanent magnets and electromagnets are arranged on two disks fitted on shaft. Note here that first disk with lower moment of inertia supports permanent magnets while second disk support electromagnets. Note also that retainers to fix disk position and adjust their pitch in rotation are fitted on both disks. In compliance with second version, electromagnets and said both retainers are arranged on both disks fitted on shaft.
Invention refers to the field of electric engineering, in particular, - to electric machines, and relates to arrangement of motors with transverse flow used, in particular, in the field of aviation. In proposed motor with transverse flow the rotor has several rings of permanent magnets arranged along axis next to each other, formed by separate magnets with magnetic orientation alternating in radial direction. Stator has several coils oriented coaxially relative to rings of permanent magnets of rotor. Each of coils of stator has two connections and on its side that faces rotor is covered with poles that enter into each other, which face rings of permanent magnets of rotor. Each of poles is located on the same line with one of separate magnets. Controlled active source of reactive power has two connections for each coil, with which according stator coil is connected. Control device in case of failure in one or several coils of stator generates control signals for active sources of reactive power so that two connections of according stator coil are connected to each other in a low-ohm manner. Besides, proposed motor with transverse flow may be used as start generator for turbomotor, and at the same time it is connected without possibility of rotation with rotary shaft of turbomotor.
Proposed face-type electrical machine includes two pairs of packages containing stators of different diametres, which are shifted in axial direction with regard to each other, and two pairs of packages containing rotors of different diametre, which are shifted in axial direction with regard to each other. In addition, one pair of large diametre stator packages is installed on inner surface of machine housing, one pair of minor diametre stator packages is installed on end bracket. Rotor packages are provided with poles represented as permanent magnets and installed on common basis so that poles of minor diametre rotor packages are faced to the working surfaces of minor diametre stator packages, and poles of the pair of large diametre rotor packages are directed to the working surfaces of the pair of large diametre stator packages.
Transformer part of the unit has the primary winding connected to three-phase network and the secondary winding connected to z-phase bar winding placed inside z groves of the transformer magnet core at one side closed by the short-circuited ring and at the other side connected to Z bars of the stator winding. Propulsion part of the unit contains asynchronous engine with disc squirrel-cage rotor located between two disc stators with bar windings electrically connected to the secondary bar winding of the transformer and from the other side by closed short-circuited rings. Bars of the secondary transformer winding are connected to Z bars of stator windings by bars used as sealed leads-in and located in a sealed bulkhead.
FIELD: electricity. SUBSTANCE: direct current electromagnetic machine contains a stator frame with permanent magnets installed its inner surface, a rotor with winding and shaft installed in the stator frame suitable for rotation so that a magnetic field of the winding could interact with a magnetic field of permanent magnets made as a block of permanent magnets with central body of soft magnetic material having a polyhedron shape with lateral sides and two sides serving as the bases and at that one base side is an active face of the pole; lateral permanent magnets of hard magnetic material joining lateral sides of the central body so that their magnet field is directed inwards of the central body; a permanent magnet of hard magnetic material joining on of the central body bases with its magnetic field directed towards the active face of the pole, it joins the base of the central body opposite to the pole active face. According to the invention at that at the shaft slip rings are installed and blocks of permanent magnets are installed perpendicular to a plane of the rotor rotation at two opposite sides and directed by the pole active face towards the rotor winding; meanwhile the machine contains closing magnet cores in order to create U-shape at magnetic poles in order to amplify power of the magnetic field and permanent magnets adjoining the central body join the above closing magnet core by the opposite side, at that rotor coils are connected in parallel. EFFECT: increasing efficiency coefficient of the direct current electromagnetic machine. 6 cl, 1 dwg
The invention relates to the field of electrical engineering, in particular to electrical machines DC with excitation from permanent magnets. Widely known machine DC motor DC generator, which is described in the manual of the driver of the car. It consists of: stator winding at one pair of main poles; a rotor assembled from thin sheets of electrical steel; copper windings placed in the slots, collector and collector brushes. This DC machine has a wide range of changes in speed and load, easy to maintain. But the motor generator as a DC machine has a number of disadvantages: low efficiency, large current consumption when operating in electric mode, the ability to work only at low and medium power. Known DC electric machine, selected as a prototype, containing a frame of the rotor, in which the inner surface of the installed magnetic pole as the magnetic blocks and the rotor winding, the shaft and the collector [the patent for useful model RU 60806, publ. 27.01.2007]. However, this design does not allow the possibility of magnetic units in full. The design of the installation magnetic is x blocks is not possible to maximize the magnetic force of the windings of the rotor, in contrast to the above machine, because with the pole of the unit permanent magnets interacts small active area of the winding; the location of the magnetic blocks relative to the windings of the rotor can significantly reduce the gaps between the rotor winding and the working face of the unit permanent magnets, due to the beating of bearings; use in the winding of the conductor with low resistivity and a serial connection of the windings does not allow to reach high voltages with low strength of the current in the winding, and also prevents the use of the nominal voltage supplied to the rotor; design presents electromagnetic machine allows you to use an effective plan for increasing the rated power of the machine, due to megalocornea structure. Research conducted on the current sample of this design showed that a significant parameter that influences the improved performance is to increase the voltage of the electric current supplied to the armature winding when the decrease in the current. Moreover, the magnitude of the voltage is directly proportional to the square of the magnetic pole. However, the application of the collector should be aware that the voltage between two adjacent Lam spruce collector should not exceed 30 Volts. Therefore, to supply a high voltage winding of the multi-pole machines is using collector requires an increase in the number of lamellae. This, in turn, leads to higher dimensions and significant appreciation. Therefore, a constructive solution to a known device does not allow to reach a high efficiency. The technical result, which directed the claimed invention is to increase the efficiency of the electromagnetic machine at eliminating the above drawbacks equivalent. Declared electromagnetic DC machine has a frame stator, in which the inner surface mounted permanent magnets and the rotor winding, shaft and slip rings. A rotor installed in the stator frame for rotation so that the magnetic field winding interacted with the magnetic field of permanent magnets. The machine includes at least one pair of permanent magnets, made in the form of a magnetic unit comprising a Central body of magnetic material having the shape of a polyhedron, including side faces and two faces are grounds, one of which is the working face of the pole; side permanent magnets from a hard magnetic material that are adjacent to the side edges of the Central body so that their magnetic field is directed into the Central body; a permanent magnet hard magnetic Mat is the Rial, adjacent to one of the grounds of the Central body, the magnetic field which is directed towards the working faces of the pole and adjacent to the base of the Central body, the opposite working faces of the pole; the blocks of permanent magnets, mounted perpendicular to the plane of rotation of the rotor from two opposite sides and sent to the working face of the pole to the stator winding; a rotor made of a dielectric and nonmagnetic material; a rotor winding is made of materials with high resistivity to increase the voltage supplied to the coil and reducing the force of the current; to achieve large useful capacity and reduce economic costs, in this electric machine, the rotor can contain more than one independent winding group, structurally designed in the form of a disk so that they are parallel to the plane of rotation of the shaft, between the blocks of permanent magnets, moreover, the blocks of permanent magnets located outside of the windings of the rotor has a permanent magnet hard magnetic material adjacent to the base of the Central body, the opposite working faces of the pole, and the blocks of permanent magnets, which are located between the windings, such a magnet does not have; to increase the efficiency is better when the rotor coils are connected in parallel. The rotor is made of nemanic the CSOs and the dielectric material, as the windings are attached to the rotor by means of a glass and/or epoxy resins. The winding is made of materials with high resistivity. The offered machine is a brushless, electronically switching phases. Permanent magnets adjacent to the main body opposite to the side adjacent to the closing of the magnetic circuit. In the present drawing shows a General view of the proposed electric machine. The figure is an example of use only for illustration purposes, the possibility of carrying out the invention. It does not limit the scope of legal protection provided in the claims, the expert in the art capable of relatively easy exercise and other ways of carrying out the invention. Permanent magnets: 1; 2; 3; maximum magnetizing and coonerative force are arranged around the Central body (5) block magnets of magnetic steel or alloy, but the maximum value of magnetic saturation. The side opposite the Central body magnets are closed between a closed magnetic circuit (4) to create the effect of podkovoobraznoj magnets, which increases their efficiency. In the gaps between the Central bodies are nonmagnetic and dielectric rotor (7) is fixed on the shaft (8). The rotor is placed on the coils of the electromagnets without core from isolated enamel elektroprovodnyi with high resistivity to electric current type Nichrome. Conclusions windings are connected to the contact rings (9), through which the brush is inserted. This design allows maximum use of the energy of permanent magnets to produce mechanical power on the shaft of the engine with a minimum expenditure of power. It is known that any physical body with the energy of any kind, tries to occupy the space the position with the lowest energy. If a number of permanent magnets to connect the oppositely charged poles, sooner or later, they form a circle. Moreover, this circle will try to reduce its diameter to occupy the lowest energy position. If this magnetic circle to leave a gap on the walls of this gap will operate the magnetic force of attraction trying to connect these walls. The above-described magnetic system from a set of magnetic rings created with the sole purpose of creating in the gap between the two Central bodies of the maximum possible magnetic forces. If using an electromagnetic coil and an electric current in the gap to create an artificial magnetic field, equivalent to the missing, but somewhat offset from the axis of gravity, the magnetic field created by the permanent magnets will pull the electromagnetic coil in the gap, trying to lock the ut range. If the direction of current in the coil to change the magnetic field of this gap will push the coil and the adjacent pulls. Periodically changing the direction of the current in the coil, it is possible to achieve a circular motion of the coils in the circular gap between the Central bodies of magnetic blocks. To obtain maximum effect from the retracting solenoid coils in the gap between the permanent magnets, it is necessary to create an electromagnetic field equivalent of a constant field as induction and tension. Studies have shown that the strength of the current supply to the electromagnetic coil can be increased only to a certain (threshold) values, after which the increase in current leads to an increase in energy losses, and the increase in power has no effect. It is more efficient to increase the power of the electromagnet due to the increase in voltage. Moreover, the magnitude of the voltage is directly proportional to the square of the magnetic pole. However, in the conventional electromagnetic coil wound copper enamel wire (due to the low specific resistance)with increasing voltage increases and current. What would this avoid the coil should be wound with thin wire with many turns. Which in turn leads to an increase in the induction of resistance to movement of a conductor in a magnetic field, which is directly proportional to the line conductor and the magnetic field. Much more efficient use of enamel wire with high resistivity (e.g. Nichrome). In the coil with this type of wire, it is much easier to achieve the necessary balance between current strength and induction of resistance to movement of a conductor in a magnetic field. The electromagnetic coil in a multipolar motor must be connected to a source of electric current in parallel, as any serial connection reduces the magnetic field of the coil and thereby reduces the effectiveness of the interaction. However, the high voltage requires increasing the thickness of the insulation of the conductor. To avoid high voltage and hazard interturn fault, it is necessary to reduce the area of the magnetic poles and (or) to place on the rotor more parallel electromagnetic coils. However, a simple parallel connection of coils impossible due to the timing of their occurrence in a magnetic field. Therefore, the connection of the coils should be divided into phases and enable one at a time. The gaps between the poles of the magnetic blocks, you must do the minimum, because the smaller the gap, the greater the magnetic field strength in the gap and less field dissipation. The electromagnetic power of the engine of this design can only grow by increasing the number of the tion of the poles of the magnetic blocks and the electromagnetic coils of the rotor. They can be placed in one row, the diameter of the stator. This has both positive and negative. Increasing the rotor diameter leads to increased torque on the rotor shaft due to the increase of the lever. However, increasing the centrifugal force acting on the winding coils and the switching frequency of the current direction in the coils, to maintain the required number of turns on the shaft. More effective to post a few rows of magnetic blocks on the stator and multiple rotors on the same shaft. This gives you more efficiency by reducing the number of magnets and closing of magnetic ring cores located between the two rotors. Internal pole will work immediately on the two rotors. If we consider that the permanent magnets do not expend energy to create a magnetic force, current to create an artificial equivalent magnetic field of the gap can be very small, the efficiency of the electromagnetic motor of this construction may be such, which cannot be obtained on the motors other structures. Electromagnetic DC machine, a frame containing the stator, in which the inner surface mounted permanent magnets, the rotor winding, a shaft mounted in the frame of the stator for rotation so that the magnetic field of the coils interact with the magnetic field of permanent magnets, which are made in the form of unit permanent magnets containing the Central body of magnetic material having the shape of a polyhedron, including side faces and two faces are grounds, one of which is the working face of the pole; side permanent magnets from a hard magnetic material that are adjacent to the side edges of the Central body so that their magnetic field is directed into the Central body; a permanent magnet from a hard magnetic material adjacent to one of the grounds of the Central body, the magnetic field which is directed towards the working faces of the pole and adjacent to the base of the Central body, the opposite working faces of the pole. Set up on the shaft of the contact ring, and the blocks of permanent magnets, mounted perpendicular to the plane of rotation of the rotor from two opposite sides and sent to the working face of the pole to the stator winding. The claimed machine may contain two or more groups of windings of a rotor mounted on a common shaft so that they are between the blocks of permanent magnets. The rotor is made of nonmagnetic and dielectric material, and windings are fixed to the rotor by means of a glass and/or epoxy resins. The winding is made of materials with high resistivity. The rotor winding is fed current high n is voltage and low power. The rotor coils (6) are connected in parallel. The claimed machine is a brushless, electronically switching phases. Permanent magnets adjacent to the main body opposite to the side adjacent to the closing of the magnetic circuit. 1. Electromagnetic DC machine, a frame containing the stator, in which the inner surface mounted permanent magnets, the rotor winding, a shaft mounted in the frame of the stator for rotation so that the magnetic field winding interacted with the magnetic field of permanent magnets, which are made in the form of unit permanent magnets containing the Central body of magnetic material having the shape of a polyhedron, including side faces and two faces are grounds, one of which is the working face of the pole, side permanent magnets from a hard magnetic material that are adjacent to the side edges of the Central body so that their magnetic field is directed into the Central body, a permanent magnet from a hard magnetic material adjacent to one of the grounds of the Central body, the magnetic field which is directed towards the working faces of the pole, and adjacent to the base of the Central body, the opposite working faces of the pole, wherein the set up on the shaft of the contact ring, and b the Oka permanent magnets are installed perpendicular to the plane of rotation of the rotor from two opposite sides and sent to the working face of the pole to the rotor winding, the machine contains a trailing magnetic circuits to create the effect of podkovoobraznoj at the magnetic poles to strengthen the capacity of the magnetic field and the permanent magnets adjacent to the main body opposite to the side adjacent to the closing of the magnetic circuit and the rotor coils are connected in parallel. 2. Machine according to claim 1, characterized in that it contains two or more groups of windings of a rotor mounted on a common shaft so that they are between the blocks of permanent magnets. 3. Machine according to claim 2, characterized in that the rotor is made of nonmagnetic and dielectric material, and windings are fixed to the rotor by means of a glass and/or epoxy resins. 4. Machine according to claim 1, characterized in that the winding is made of materials with high resistivity. 5. Machine according to claim 1 or 4, characterized in that the rotor winding is fed a current of high voltage and low power. 6. Machine according to claim 1, characterized in that it is brushless electronic switching phases.
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