The method of treatment of drug addiction |
IPC classes for russian patent The method of treatment of drug addiction (RU 2195199):
Method for the treatment of focal brain lesions in severe traumatic brain injury / 2194549
The invention relates to the neurosurgery and neurology and can be used for complex treatment of patients with severe traumatic brain injury
Method for the treatment and prevention of recurrence of viral papillomatosis of the upper respiratory tract / 2194548
The invention relates to medicine and is intended for the treatment of benign tumors of viral etiology
The invention relates to medicine and can be used for the treatment of chronic non-infectious prostatitis
The invention relates to medicine and can be used to ensure correction of immune disorders in patients with destructive pancreatitis
A method of treating podkladkoi hemangioma in children the first year of life / 2194545
The invention relates to medicine, namely to otolaryngology, and can be used to treat podkladkoi hemangioma in children the first year of life
The invention relates to medicine and can be used in the treatment of various diseases
The invention relates to medicine, namely neurosurgery and neurology, may be used to identify the focus of epileptic activity in patients with epilepsy
The invention relates to the field of medical equipment, including radiation physiotherapeutic apparatus for the treatment and prevention of diseases of man and animals by exposure to a stream of radiant energy to body tissues
The invention relates to medicine, namely to neurosurgery, and can be used to improve the clinical results of treatment of patients with extramedullary tumors of the spinal cord, with abundant vascularization
A method of treatment of visual field defects and diseases of the optic tract / 2194477
The invention relates to medicine, and is intended for the treatment of visual field defects
The invention relates to medical equipment and can be used in physiotherapy for the irradiation of the electromagnetic field of the human body or its organs
The way magnetotherapy treatment of musculoskeletal system / 2193423
The invention relates to medicine and is intended for magnetotherapy treatment of musculoskeletal system
How magnetic therapy / 2193422
The invention relates to medicine, to methods of magnetic therapy and can be used for treatment of various diseases, including bronchial asthma
The invention relates to the field of medicine and more specifically to ophthalmology
The invention relates to medicine, in particular to devices for reducing lumbar pain, neuralgic pain, muscle pain, etc., and relates to a method of creating a magnetic therapeutic sheet to reduce lumbar pain, neuralgic pain type hard shoulder, muscle pain, other inflammation and may also find application in the prevention of these pains that occur when in uniform long poses
The method of rehabilitation of children with perinatal encephalopathy / 2192900
The invention relates to medicine, namely to Pediatrics, in particular neonatology
A method of treatment of atrophy of the optic nerve / 2192899
The invention relates to medicine, ophthalmology
Method for the treatment of herpetic keratitis with ulceration / 2192898
The invention relates to medicine, in particular to ophthalmology, and can be used for treatment of herpes eye diseases, namely hermetic keratitis
The invention relates to medical equipment and is intended for use in physiotherapy for the treatment of inflammatory processes
The method of processing the stump of the nerve with amputation of a limb / 2190367
The invention relates to medicine, in particular to surgery
(57) Abstract: The invention relates to medicine, in particular to addiction. The method of treatment of addiction involves the formation of a patient's negative conditioned reflex to the drugs the infusion of pharmacological drug and differs in that the patient block available routes of administration of drugs by sclerosing the superficial veins of the upper and lower extremities and mucous membrane of the nasal passages. Form a negative reflex to drug use fractional intravenous adrenaline to the nausea and headache. Conduct sensitization of the organism to the most common drugs and demonstrate the consequences of their administration to the patient. Then place the patient in a standing position in the center of the closed soundproof chamber, the inner surface of which is made of a material that reflects sound waves, while the patient reads the text aloud, and affect auditory analyzers patient sound waves arising from the translation of the text reading in head stereociliary. Carry out a comprehensive impact on the patient's body acoustic field capacity from 2 to 7 W, forming the key, located inside the chamber. On the visual analyzer is affected by light radiation of red, yellow and green colors, while the share of green light is not less than 40% of the total duration of light exposure. On foot is affected by electromagnetic radiation power of 0.2 watts. On acupuncture points is affected by light pulses of helium-neon laser or alternating electric current value is not more than 0.6 A. If this all impacts modulate audio signals. The method allows to increase the effectiveness of the treatment. 1 Il. The invention relates to medicine, in particular to addiction, and can be used for the treatment of drug addiction. There is a method of treatment of drug abuse (1), including taking the drug, relief of withdrawal symptoms by anesthesia, which is performed by inhalation of a mixture of oxygen with inert gas xenon at a ratio of 50:50-(30-70) for 1-5 min 1-7 times a day for 5-7 days, simultaneously used drugs (sedative and antidepressant), and subsequently perform physical therapy procedures and conduct psychotherapy sessions. The disadvantage of this method is that it does not remove Nar is about treating drug addiction and chronic alcoholism (2), including collective and individual psychotherapy, in which with the help of a reasoned suggestion form installation to complete abstinence from drug use, using a graphic representation form the patient's mental image of the pathological lesion of the disease as the source of excitation in the cerebral cortex, simultaneous acoustic and visual channels of perception have psychotherapeutic information regarding the mechanism of treatment by local energy impact on the pathologic lesion of the disease, with a transparent model of the blood supply to the brain is carried out using DC magnetic field keeping with education in a given local area depot ferrorreporter, then injected into the cubital vein of the patient parafarmacevtiki preparation for 0.5-2 min affect the parieto-temporal region of the patient's head by a permanent magnetic field and simultaneously placing the patient on akusticheskaya channel of perception stressipoliitikast information associated with accumulation in pathological disturbances performancelinked drug after stopping alongside the remainder of the known method is a short period of remission from drug addicts, because the patient has not formed a stable negative conditioned reflex to drug use, there is a physical dependence on the drug. There is a method of treatment of chronic alcoholism and/or drug abuse (3), including the formation of negative conditioned reflex with group and individual exposure to suggestion, stimulation of reflex zones and use chloroethyl and nicotinic acid, when a group of suggestive influence irritate the various representative system of perception verbal blocks containing words directed to stimulation of the visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory systems, additionally produce indirect irritation of these systems through the creation of musical background, appropriate emotional channel to the content of verbal units, sharp sound signals through the creation of light effects of different intensity and saturation and unexpected outbreaks, accompanying the whole session group effects, in addition, on the stage of individual exposure to impose nicotinic acid in therapeutic dose, then at the same time irritate the gastrointestinal tract and reflexity, and chloroethyl in the volume of 3,0-5,0 ml is used for irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. The disadvantage of this method is its low efficiency in the treatment of drug addiction. This is due to the fact that the patient has sustained a negative reflex to drug use remains a short time, not removed psychological, physical dependence and drug withdrawal after discontinuation of the drug that makes the addict despite formed negative conditioned reflex to try drugs. The problem to which the invention is directed, is the formation for long term negative conditioned reflex to drug use, prevention of drug withdrawal associated with failure of the drug, removing psychological and physical dependence on drugs. The solution of this problem is achieved by the fact that the patient block available routes of administration of drugs in the body by destroying the superficial veins of the upper and lower extremities and sclerosing mucosa of the nasal passages, forming a negative conditioned reflex to drug use carried out using a fractional view of the organism to the most common drugs and demonstrate the consequences of their administration to the patient; place the patient in a standing position in the center of the closed soundproof chamber, the inner surface of which reflect sound waves, offer the patient to read aloud to pre-selected text, affect auditory analyzers patient sound waves arising from the translation of the text reading in head stereociliary; real-time carry out a comprehensive impact on the patient's body acoustic field capacity from 2 to 7 watts, emerging from direct or reflected from the chamber walls of sound waves with the broadcast of the voice of the patient in speakers located inside the chamber; on the optic analyzers patient - modulated audio signal light rays of red, yellow and green light, while the share of green light shall not be less than 40% of the total duration of light exposure; on foot - modulated audio signals by electromagnetic radiation power 0.2w, on acupuncture points - modulated sound waves light pulses helium-neon laser, or an alternating electric current of not more than 0.6 A. Description of the inventionAfter conventional methods of obsledovanie the introduction of the drug into the patient. To do this: 1) carry out the destruction of peripheral venous network of the patient (small vessels) on the upper and lower extremities with the use of the drug trumbower on the methodology used in the treatment of varicose veins (single intravenous administration of 3%-aqueous solution of tamboura on one limb of the patient); 2) under local anesthesia with surgery stitch expressed venous trunks, conduct electrosurgical treatment of the inner surface of blood vessels. Complete obliteration of the venous network occurs within 2 weeks. Steps 1-2 to deprive addict opportunities intravenous drugs. 3) carry out the hardening of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages using a 96% solution of alcohol in a volume of 2 ml in each nostril under ketamine anesthesia, then treat the nasal mucosa with a solution of silver nitrate in an arbitrary volume. The sclerosing effect occurs within 8 days. This allows, without destroying the sphere smell of the patient, to deprive him of the opportunity to use drugs by inhalation through the nose. After completion of these procedures form the patient sustained negative conditional reflec-3 hours while controlling blood pressure until the patient has nausea and headache. At the same time explain to the patient that the introduction of any narcotic drug, he will receive the same feelings. This allows for 8 days to give the patient a sense of the dangers of drugs. In addition, the introduction of adrenaline prevents symptoms of drug withdrawal. Conduct sensitization of the organism to the most common and dangerous drugs: morphine, omnopon, morphine, heroin, opioids. Sensitization, in particular, can be carried out by subcutaneous injection of 0.1% solution of histamine in a volume of 0.2 ml of 1% solution of morphine or 2% solution of anapola in a volume of 0.2 ml each. Scheme introduction - every 15 min for 4 hours daily for 8 days. Then give the patient a small dose of the drug of his choice. When the patient has headache, nausea; an allergic reaction rapid type, for example in the form of urticaria, edema, which contributes to the securing of a conditional negative response to the drug. To remove psychological and physical dependence to drugs the patient is placed in a standing position in the center of the closed soundproof chamber,honor aloud into the microphone pre-selected text, this affect auditory analyzers patient sound waves arising from the translation of the text reading in head stereociliary; real-time carry out a comprehensive impact on the patient's body acoustic field capacity from 2 to 7 watts, emerging from direct or reflected from the chamber walls of sound waves with the broadcast of the voice of the patient in speakers located inside the chamber; on the optic analyzers - modulated audio signal light rays of red, yellow and green colors, while the share of green light shall not be less than 40% of the total duration of light exposure; at the foot of the patient - modulated audio signals by electromagnetic radiation power 0.2w, on acupuncture points of the patient - modulated sound waves by light pulses of helium-neon laser or alternating electric current value is not more than 0.6 And, last performed using electrical sensors. The course comprises 12 sessions, session duration from 20 minutes to 2 hours depending on the physiological state of the patient and the severity of the disease, determined, as a rule, prodoljitel using the device and simultaneously track the performance impact using qualitative test on the content of endomorphins in the saliva of the patient before and after the session impact: use special litmus paper for 3 minutes under the tongue of the patient, the color reaction test paper is judged on the presence of leptons of drugs in the saliva of the patient. For carrying out the above procedures use developed by the author of the claimed method the original therapeutic device for treatment of a wide spectrum of diseases, the scheme of which is shown in the drawing. The device includes a shaping unit sound signal 1, which is connected to the input of the power amplifier 2, provided with a control panel 3; connected to the output of the amplifier 2, the Converter-amplifier audio signal 4 control panel 5, the output of which is connected with the light emitter 6, made in the form of translucent glasses supplied for each eye LEDs red, yellow and green; speaker system 7, including head stereociliary 8 and dynamics 9; a vertically oriented closed chamber for the patient 10, with moveable side walls with adjustable internal volume of the chamber, the internal surface of the chamber to the patient 10 is made from a material that reflects sound waves, exterior of the insulating material, dynamics 9 is located inside the chamber on the left axis of the camera along its entire length. The device also includes a unit exposure natucci acupuncture 11, including electromagnetic emitters 12 connected to the output of the amplifier 2 and located in the centre of the base of the camera 10; a helium-neon laser 13 connected to the output of the amplifier 2 or the electrical sensor 14 connected to the output of the Converter-amplifier audio signal 4. The shaping unit beeps 1 includes a microphone 15, connected to a microphone amplifier 16, is equipped with a control panel 17, the tape recorder 18 or other device containing serially connected memory blocks, reading, amplification of the audio signal, the power supply unit. The device is based on the principle of integrated pulsed light, sound, magnetic and/or electric impact on the patient, with all impacts modulated sound signal. In the variant of a particular execution device camera for the patient 10 is made in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped base dimension at least 1 m x 1 m, height 200 cm, the frame of the camera body made in the form of parts of aluminum alloy, the inner surface except the base is made of mirrors, reflecting sound waves, the outer surface of the chamber is done is mportant hinges, that allows you to adjust the internal volume of the chamber 10 with the amount of the patient's body and create the optimal conditions for the creation of acoustic field and its interaction with the magnetic field, the source of which are electromagnetic emitters. On the side walls of the chamber to the patient 10 at a height of 30 cm from the base is located eight speakers 9 providing power from 5 to 50 kilobytes, oriented so that the direction of propagation of the sound wave passed through the Central vertical axis of the camera at different heights from its Foundation in such a way as to ensure uniform distribution in the Central part of the cell density of the acoustic field, which is the body of the patient during the treatment session. As electromagnetic emitters 12 in the base of the chamber, connected to the output of the power amplifier, used magnets known apparatus "Delta", which is an electromagnetic coil, designed for 220 V, 50 Hz, power of 0.2 watts. As a helium-neon laser 13 can be used helium-neon laser device "Reflex-1", the discharge of which is fixed on the stickies in the acupuncture points of the patient. As electrical sensors 14, United Usie the influence of an electric current of not more than 0.6 amps, for these purposes, a suitable electric sensors from the standard electrocardiograph. The method is tested on 20 patients with drug addiction in age from 18 to 26 years with disease duration of three years or more. The treatment was carried out with the written consent of the patients and their parents. The average treatment time to 12 days. Patients treated for 1.5-2 years ago, completely abandoned drugs. The supervision of other patients continues. Examples of a specific implementation method of treatment of drug addiction 1. The patient Was, 19 years old, was admitted in 1999 with a diagnosis of drug dependence, disease duration - 4 years. Patients received the treatment procedures under the proposed method. The results of testing for the presence of endomorphins in the body of the patient showed decrease of their content to the norm. When control examination in 2001, data on the presence of psychological and physical addiction is not installed. 2. Patient O., 21, arrived in November 1999 with a diagnosis of drug dependence, disease duration - 2 years. Patients received the treatment procedures under the proposed method. The results of testing for the presence of endomorphins in the body of the patient showed decrease of their content to the norm. On the 12th day hospitals are not set. 3. Patient P., 24, enrolled in 1999 with a diagnosis of drug dependence, disease duration - 4 years. Patients received the treatment procedures under the proposed method. The results of testing for the presence of endomorphins in the body of the patient showed decrease of their content to the norm. When control examination in 2001, after 1 year and 4 months after end of treatment, data on the presence of psychological and physical addiction is not installed. 4. Patient G. , aged 27, arrived in January 2000 with a diagnosis of drug dependence, disease duration 7 years. Patients received the treatment procedures under the proposed method. The results of testing for the presence of endomorphins in the body of the patient showed decrease of their content to the norm. When control examination in 2001, 1 year after the end of treatment, data on the presence of psychological and physical addiction is not installed. 5. Patient U., 25, enlisted in March 2000 with a diagnosis of drug dependence, disease duration 6 years. Patients received the treatment procedures under the proposed method. The results of testing for the presence of endomorphins in the body of the patient showed decrease of their content to the norm. At stake is eskay addiction is not installed. References 1. RF patent for invention 2165270, IPC6A 61 M 16/01, 21/00, a 61 K 31/00, 33/00, 2001 2. RF patent for invention 2119358, IPC6A 61 M 21/00, And 61 N 2/06, And 61 To 33/26, 1998 3. RF patent for invention 2089229, IPC6A 61 M 21/00, And 61 N 39/00, 1997 The method of treatment of drug addiction, including the formation of the patient's negative conditioned reflex to the drugs on the background of the introduction of a pharmaceutical preparation, characterized in that the patient block available routes of administration of drugs by sclerosing the superficial veins of the upper and lower extremities and mucous membrane of the nasal passages, form a negative reflex to drug use the use of fractional intravenous injection of epinephrine to the nausea and headaches, additionally carry out sensitization of the organism to the most common drugs and demonstrate the consequences of their administration to the patient; then put the patient in the standing position in the center of the closed soundproof chamber, the inner surface of which is made of material, reflecting sound waves, the patient reads the text aloud, while the influence of the auditory analyzer patient sound waves vanniostja from 2 to 7 W, emerging from direct or reflected from the chamber walls of sound waves with the broadcast of the voice of the patient in speakers located inside the chamber; visual analyzer is affected by light radiation of red, yellow and green colors, while the share of green light is not less than 40% of the total duration of light exposure; on foot - electromagnetic radiation power 0.2w, acupuncture point - light pulses of helium-neon laser or alternating electric current value is not more than 0.6 And, thus, all impacts modulate audio signals.
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