Method of predicting risk of methane and dust explosion in mines Method of predicting the risk of methane and dust explosions in mines is proposed, comprising the experimental determination of the intensity of methane and dust emission at the excavation site, the measurement of the air flow rate and the concentration of methane in it and dust content in the mine air, determination of the ignition temperature of methane and dust, and the frequency of emergency situations. At that the air flow rate and the concentrations of methane in the mine atmosphere is measured in the process of reduction of the parameters of the area ventilation. According to the measurement data the dynamics of the air flow rate reduction and the increase in the concentration of methane prior to its explosive value in the mixture with air is determined. In addition, the ignition temperature of methane and dust is determined at the depth of mining operations at the actual pressure and humidity of air, and the risk of explosion of methane and dust mixture is determined by the product of frequency of emergency situations on the air flow rate, the content of methane and dust. |
Method of construction of shelter on space object Method comprises construction of the main and additional holes with the drilling machine with the headframe from the building-shelter and mounting of the sealed scabbolds on the hole mouths. The place of construction of the holes on the space object is selected as meteorite crater. The loose part of the surface around the mouths of the holes and wells is coated with dense material with the area of up to two diameters of the holes. In turn, the sealed scabbolds inside the holes and wells are mounted at the level of the stable rocks behind the shell of the hole. Along the centre of the additional hole the well is drilled to the junction with the underlying horizon in which the connecting links are placed, connecting the device placed in the additional hole with a control station of the shelter. |
Method and system of universal protection of open apertures of double-track tunnels of subway Complex protection of an open double-track aperture is created by creation of two curtains of gate type (1 - cold and 2 - warm degrees of protection) and a single curtain that forms a spreading jet of warm air (3 degree of protection), and also heating of a part of penetrated cold air by mixing with warm air due to overflow of air via holes in a wall that separates the double-track tunnel into "warm tunnel" and "cold tunnel". The system is designed to implement the method, represents slot elements of channels-air ducts for formation of flat air jets. A radial fan in the body, built into a curtain structure and collecting air for formation of the forced jet of the first degree of protection directly in front of it from the tunnel. A ventilation chamber and a prechamber placed above the tunnel, connected along separate channels-air ducts with slot elements of the second and third degrees of protection. Ventilation channels for formation of forced flows of warm air, special through holes in a partition between the "warm" and "cold" tunnels. |
Method of determining outburst sites in coal beds Method of determining outburst sites in coal pits, comprising interval drilling well in the bottomhole of development opening, measuring at each interval of exit of drill cuttings and the initial rate of gas emission and determining the possibility of existence in the coal bed of solid solutions of natural gas according to the type of gas hydrates. Then in the drilled well the specific electrical resistivity of the coal bed is measured and the dependency diagram of the specific electrical resistivity of the coal bed from the distance along the well axis is made, using which the width of the site of the coal bed is determined, comprising the solid solution of natural gas according to the type of gas hydrates. Then the rate of outburst Rn is determined taking into account the width of the site of coal bed comprising the solid solution of natural gas according to the type of gas hydrates, and the natural moisture content of the coal bed. At that on the test site of the coal bed at a distance of 0.75÷1.25 m from the first well the second well is drilled. Then the velocity of elastic waves in the array between the wells is determined, for which the piezoelectric detectors are placed in both wells, which are moved with the increment of 0.15÷0.25 m simultaneously in both wells. At that the sites of the coal bed, in which the specific electrical resistivity is 50÷100 times greater than the specific electrical resistivity of the adjacent sites, contain the solid solution of natural gas according to the type of gas hydrates, if the velocity of elastic waves in them is about 2.0÷2.5 km/s. |
Method of predicting methane hazard in mine Method of predicting methane hazard in a mine includes determining flow of methane from sources thereof on working areas of the mine based on methane hazard of coal seams taking into account the distance between working and contiguous coal seams and residual methane hazard of coal loosened in the backwall. The method also includes determining the output of coal mining equipment, degree of natural degassing of the working and contiguous coal seams and the absolute methane release on working areas of the mine, the maximum value of which determines the category of the methane hazard of the mine. |
Method of determining gas kinetic characteristics of coal-bed Method of determining the gas-kinetic characteristics of coal-bed, comprising drilling wells and sampling of coal drilled out in sampling sealed cups and unsealed containers with their delivery to the laboratory to determine gas bearing capacity, true and apparent density, fractional and technical composition of coal. And in the method of drilling the transportation of coal to the wellhead is performed by its air-flushing, and the wellhead is equipped with screens separating coal flow with holes decreasing with distance from the wellhead. The separated coal sample falling out between the screens is placed in a sampling cup and sealed with a cover having a connection to the gas pipeline. And in the said sampling cup there are electronic pressure and temperature sensors for recording their reading in time, based on which the speed and energy of emitting gas is evaluated, and the metal balls for grinding sample on the vibrating table for the analysis of coal sample in the laboratory conditions. |
Sealer of shot-holes for control gas content of coal-beds Sealer of shot-holes for control gas content of coal-beds comprising a sealing element made in the form of a rigid tubular housing with the end nipple supports and the elastic cuff put on the housing. At that the cuff is mounted on the housing in its end nipple supports through the band. In addition, the sealer comprises a limiting element which is attached to the bottom-hole end of the sealing element, the means of ramming the sealant into the shot-hole, the monitoring and measurement unit, the air supply system with the air supply tubes, and two additional nipple supports. At that the sealer is additionally provided with an elastic sleeve, pressure plate and a punch. At that the rigid tubular housing is made in the form of individual tubular elements interconnected by threaded joint. In front of the nipple support of the first tubular element the elastic sleeve and the pressure plate are located, pressed by the punch mounted on the threaded joint on the outer side of the first tubular element. In addition, the air supply tubes are made passing through the nipple supports, and the elastic cuff is fixed additionally on the resilient sleeve. |
Board for control over gas release from exposed coal seam surface Proposed board comprises take-down chamber with central bore connected with pipe feeding gas mix to gas mix quantity control assy. Take-down round chamber has seal from flexible gastight material secured to contact surface with coal seam. Rigid pipe with fixed nut at pipe inner part extends through central bore in take-down chamber, with resilient sleeve pressed by press-washer and fixed nut. Seal is fitted on said pipe from outside to contact with take-down chamber outer side and to be clamped by press-washer and moving nut. Note here that pipe part between analysed coal seam section and take-down chamber has a perforated element. |
Aerogas control (agc) over coal mine atmosphere Proposed method consists in continuous monitoring of mine atmosphere composition and parameters and application of data for diagnostics of its state and for detection of unauthorised interference with AGC standard operating conditions. Note here that to up the AGC data content, quantity of methane control points is increased to magnitude n depending on face length and defined as optimum number of control points sufficient for tracking the variable pattern of methane concentration distribution over controlled object vent flow. Note here that the following jobs are executed to this end. First, background magnitudes of signals on methane concentration in controlled points during preparation shift at invariable vent flow and idle mine mechanisms and machines. Then during working shifts in online mode, current magnitudes of said signals are registered and compared with appropriate background magnitudes to reveal unauthorised interference if current magnitudes of signals are lower than background magnitudes. |
Device comprises turn board articulated with advancing hydraulic jacks, thrust hydraulic jacks with supports in contact with lateral walls of working and frame with boards, their height being defined by drift height. Inclined platform mounted at the frame for turn board and filling material to get in contact with as well as frame boards and filling massif. Thrust hydraulic cylinders are articulated with the frame. Inclined platform is articulated with the device frame at extreme edge in filling material travel direction. At other edge, lift hydraulic cylinders are rigidly secured by cylinders at the frame and, by rods, articulated with the frame. |
Forecasting of explosive risks for methane-air mixes in mines Proposed method consists in measurement of coal seam methane content, definition of block methane-bearing capacity, registration of methane flashes and blasts during operation and revealing of frequency of methane dangerous situations. Note here that blocks are isolated at mine fields with different mining conditions while methane-bearing capacity of said blocks is defined by methane content of volumes of free methane release to set the explosion hazard index. Note here that said index is set by most dangerous methane-bearing capacity blocks with due allowance for methane release volumes from accumulation sources. |
Modular reloader comprises short reloader with its front end connected with miner via turner and its rear end fitted at monorail, long reloader suspended from said monorail and turn angle limiter. Short and long reloaders are connected via turner composed of stationary plate rigidly connected with long reloader and turn plate coupled with short reloader by horizontal axle. Turn angle limiter is composed by screw gearing, screw thread part being fitted in stationary plate and screw opposite end fitted in turn plate blind spline. Note here that the latter is composed of the segment constricting short reloader turn angle to bare it. |
Proposed plant comprises box-like scraper connected by leading and trailing cables with two-drum scraper winch, trailing cable resting on end and deflecting pulleys, and unloading ramp. Reverse branch of training pull cable after running around end deflecting pulley arranged in vertical plane is directed along scraper plant axis, cable being located thereunder between two horizontal deflecting pulleys. The latter cover the cable on both sides to displace it at therein interaction. Note here that both pulleys are secured at U-like frame arranged at scraper top parts. Horizontal rollers are arranged at front edges of scraper front and rear side to allow loose cable to rest thereon. |
Intensification of natural gas extraction from coal seams via wells Proposed method comprises creation of fractures in coal seam by cyclic increase and decrease in fluid pressure in well and affecting the seam by low-frequency high-amplitude pressure pulses at fluid pressure increase in the well. Note here that fluid pressure in the well is intermittently increased above elastic limit of the massif being disintegrated. At a time, it is controlled that maximum strains created in coal seam are lower that breaking point of the massif being disintegrated. |
Invention relates to rock dusting of coal mine surfaces. Proposed process comprises application of stone dust particles processed by cationic and/or zwitter-ion surfactant on coal mine surfaces. Note here that said composition can contain the mix of cation and zwitter-ion surfactant wherein zwitter-ion surfactant fraction can make at least 60% or more, preferably, at least 65% of the mix. Besides, invention covers the liquid composition for processing of stone dust particles and coal mine surface rock dusting and device to this end. |
Method for mine vehicle use, mine device, drilling rig for mine rocks and mine vehicle Invention relates to mine vehicle use, mine device, drilling rig for mine rocks and mine vehicle. Tasks according to operational cycle are performed at working sites (19) using device (2) for carrying out mining operations in mine vehicle (1). At a working site, vehicle is connected to external electric main (20). Vehicle energy storage (26) is charged during operational cycle set by means of development plan when the vehicle is at working site. After operational cycle has been completed the electricity received from energy storage is used during movement. |
Development of gas-bearing set of coal seams This method consists in development of the set of coal seams in ascending order in system "Long direction of strata" with excavation. Rock pressure is control by collapsing the roof rocks in exposed space with subsequent isolation. Note here that first the set bottom seam is mined with advance degassing and continuation of gas suction therefrom at mining of overlying undermined seams. Then, overlying seams are mined in ascending order. Note here that mine fluids are collected from the entire set of coal seams at bottom seam bottom point at its mining with the feed of aqueous solution of antipyrogenes into stripped area. After working of bottom seam advance seam degassing is terminated. Barometric pressure is maintained in worked space by discharging fluid gases from sources below the set. Note here that advance degassing in overlying seams is not used at stripping. Besides, feed of aqueous solution of antipyrogenes into stripped area is performed from bottom seam into stripped area of every of the next stripped coal seams. |
Dust suppression device for heavy excavating equipment Invention relates to device for dust suppression during earth excavation. The device includes chassis, jib pivotally connected to chassis rear end, cutting component fixed on the jib, casing at least partially covering the cutting component, vacuum source having fluid connection with casing inside and serving for suction of dusty air from this space, air cleaner for removing dust from air sucked by vacuum source from casing inside, dust barrier which protrudes down from the casing. In this system, the said dust barrier goes along at least portion of casing perimeter and has structure being permeable for chips created by cutting component. This structure provides gradual limiting of air flow entering inside through dust barrier as the dust barrier goes down from the casing. |
Complete stowage of bottom layer breakage cuts at declining excavation of minerals Proposed method comprises first layer roadway development at 6 degrees to horizon and stowing with stowing mix. After solidification of top layer stowage massif, lower layer road headings and their stowage are performed. In compliance with this invention, after first top layer roadway development, pipeline is laid in roadway soil via which bottom layer cuts are filled. |
Disposal of potassium concentration wastes Proposed method comprises opening, preparing and working of the section of chambers, preparing of filling mix of potassium dressing wastes and filling of chambers. Working section is opened in drifts from overlying bed. After processing of said section by cleanup chambers, the latter are filled with filling mix with addition of calcium chloride. Filling mix is fed over drifts from overlying bed by gravity. After filling of said chambers, impermeable dams are erected at drift start. Subject to mining and geological conditions, said filling mix can be fed to every chamber or set of chambers via wells drilled from working of overlying bed. Then, wells are plugged. |
Erection of artificial supports in open areas Proposed method comprises erection of framework and filling it with solid stowing material. Note here that said framework in chamber mined-out space is made of used tires. Said tires are laid in piles from soil to course roof, interconnected and filled with rock. Then, sealing coat is laid on framework over contact with roof to feed solid solution via hole in said coat. After cementation of said solution, said chamber is isolated from adjacent courses by webs and filled with hydraulic fill. |
Creation of filling massif at development of deposit under permafrost conditions Proposed method comprises construction of drainage dam, erection of pulp duct, feed of backfill pump and drainage of water via drain openings in bulkheads mounted on the side opposite the pulp feed. Drainage pipes in soluble airtight shell are fitted in filled goaf. Cooled compressed air is fed to said pipes at the feed of filling pulp. Note here that dressing tails thickened to pasty state are used as a filling pulp. |
Method of methane extraction from coal seam Invention relates to mining and can be used for methane production from coal seams. Proposed method comprises drilling or opening of used vertical well at methane-coal bed and determination of seam depth in well cross-section. Coal grade composition is defined and short high-pressure directed pulses source is fitted via working interval of vertical well in said methane-coal bed. Said bed is subjected to the effects of energy of plasma generated by the blast of calibrated metallic conductor as intermittent directed short high-pressure pulses. The number of high-pressure pulses and duration of said effects in interval of methane-coal bed is defined by bed depth in well cross-section and coal grade composition. |
Proposed method comprises drilling of degassing walls directed to mining face, performing of coal seam interval frac therefrom and tapping of released gas Degassing wells are drilled in ascending direction from mounting chamber and face entries cut across extraction pillar till exit to adjacent face entry board. Interval frac is performed with the use of Novec 1230 fluid. Then, degassing well mouth is sealed while released recess is discharged by its free outflow from said wells to degassing circuit. |
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Degassing of high coal at its processing in "layer-bed" High coal degassing comprises the steps that follow. Paired gateways are drilled over bed top layer and communicated by linkages and spaced apart diagonal board gates separating the blocks in parts. Wells are drilled from paired gateway top works in bed top layer plane and series of parallel wells are drilled to bed bottom layer from paired gateway bottom works. Said wells are connected to degassing pipeline. Note here that this method comprises an extra step whereat the system of parallel wells is drilled from cu diagonal board gate along the block and directed to mining face. Note also that methane from wells drilled in the bed top layer plane is derived by sections to near linkage via pipeline laid in upper paired gateways and that in linkage between paired gateways to section pipeline laid in lower paired gateway. |
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Aspirator-dust sampler consists of a casing, a diaphragm pump with electric drive, a system to stabilise the volume speed of air pumping, systems to measure the volume of the pumped air, a sampling tube and a filter holder with a filter. The diaphragm pump is made as two chambers being set towards each other, rigidly interconnected and driven by an eccentric mechanism. The eccentric mechanism is installed on the electric motor axis so that the front diaphragm position of one chamber corresponds to the opposite diaphragm position of the other chamber. Suction of air into one chamber is accompanied by the discharge of air from the other chamber. Suction valves are set on the movable diaphragms, and the discharge valves - on the stationary chambers' casing. Both chambers are the walls of the air-tight pump casing connected to a suction branch pipe in which a rarefaction sensor is built-in. The two-chamber pump is placed in another external air-tight casing where air from the chambers is discharged to and one wall of which is replaced by a rubber diaphragm serving as a damper together with the inner casing space. An air mass flow metre is built-in in the other wall. The rarefaction sensor and the flow metre are connected to a motor mode control unit and to the unit for the data on air flow, volume of pumped air, weight of dust on the filter and dust concentration. |
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Invention relates to mining and can be used in mine working with the use of mobile carriers. Transfer point comprises roadheader conveyor, towed mobile loader and draft ay loader support. Attachment point between loader draft and roadheader is aligned with the point of contact of ore fed from header to loader and, further, from loader to gate conveyors. |
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Method to determine methane risk of developing entry Invention relates to the field of mining and is dedicated to a problem of provision of safety in performance of developing entries by gas factor. The method to determine methane risk of a developing entry consists in determination of geometric parameters of a developing entry and determination of value of absolute gas volume. At the same time they additionally determine filtration and diffusion characteristics of methane motion in a coal bed and a ventilation air jet, they determine average concentration of methane on an outgoing jet from solution of the equation of methane diffusion, they determine methane risk of the developing entry, compare the average concentration of methane at the outlet from the developing entry with the limit permissible concentration and the lower limit of explosiveness of the methane and air mixture. If this concentration is less than the limit permissible concentration, then the situation is not dangerous. If the average concentration of methane exceeds the limit permissible concentration, then the situation is dangerous. If the average concentration of methane exceeds the lower limit of explosiveness of the methane and air mixture, then the situation is extremely dangerous. |
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Mining vehicle and method of its power supply Invention to mining vehicle and its power supply. Mining vehicle incorporates rectifier, intermediate constant current circuit and inverter through which electric power is fed to DC motor. At least one auxiliary power supply is connected to said intermediate circuit. Constant voltage converter is connected in between DC intermediate circuit and said auxiliary power supply to adapt voltage level of the latter and to connect auxiliary power supply for supply of power to DC intermediate circuit. |
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Creation and operation of underground gas storage Proposed method comprises construction of wells with exposure of geological structure with pods and pool cap, injection of gas into said structure to force formation water downward from pool cap with prevention of gas escape from the boundaries of geological structure and gas extraction from underground storage (UGS) top section. Note here that availability of superhigh-seam-pressure formation water deposits with dissolved and/or dispersed gas is checked in region with geological structure intended for underground gas storage. Production wells are made with exposure of said deposit, water with dissolved and/or dispersed gas is extracted there through and bypassed into aforesaid geological structure. Gas extraction from UGS is carried out after extraction of dissolved and/or dispersed gas from water and their immiscibility. Water with dissolved and/or dispersed gas is bypassed from superhigh-seam-pressure geological structure is carried out as pressure in UGS decreases owing to gas extraction. |
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Method to determine parameters of flexible deformable air duct Invention relates to pit and mine ventilation and may be used to increase validity of determination of ventilation parameters in developing entries of coal mines and pits, in particular, aerodynamic and mechanical parameters of a flexible deformable air duct. In the mine they install an air duct with air leaks that do not exceed 5%. Blowdown with a fan is carried out, and they measure air flow and pressure. Diameters and length of the air duct are measured, Produced data is added depending on specific aerodynamic resistance and elasticity modulus of an air duct material. |
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Method to process information on concentration of methane in developing entry Invention relates to current forecast of methane release into developing entries and may find wide application during automated current forecast of methane-bearing capacity as linked to data of remote supervision of content in an entry. The method is proposed to process remote measurements of methane concentration for current forecast of air flow during entry ventilation, including separate definition of methane concentration in periods of combine operation and with absence of coal extraction with a conveyor being unloaded. The current forecast is carried out on the basis of measurements of dynamics of methane concentration and air flow for ventilation of the mine with account of mathematical dependence including actual air flows during measurements of methane concentration and coefficients of proportionality of methane release by sources for actual and design lengths of the entry. |
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Method of carbon dioxide recovery in aquifer Invention relates to environmental protection against man-made contaminants, hothouse gases and power source synthesis. In compliance with proposed invention, this method comprises isolation of aquifer with, preferably, with cropout and feed area as, for example, a river, lake, sea with total active filtration conditions. At least one local trap is isolated in isolated bed. Selected aquifer and local trap are prepared for commercial use with definition of isolated aquifer water chemical composition and that of rocks by core sample. Carbon dioxide is injected to isolated aquifer via one injection well located on aquifer feed zone side to allow downstream of injected carbon dioxide in aquifer. Catalytic reaction of polycondensation synthesis of injected carbon dioxide and water to form hydrogen, oxygen and methane homologues. |
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Method to develop edge ore bodies with unstable ores Invention relates to mining industry and may be used in development of thick edge ore bodies with unstable ores, for instance, kimberlite pipes, by the underground method. The method includes division of a deposit into panels and layers with their extraction in stopes in descending order and subsequent filling with hardening mixtures, parameters of layer stoping are increased along height and width to chamber dimensions, and along the length they are divided into sections, besides, chamber stopes and sections in the vertical-longitudinal section are given the shape of the isosceles trapezoid. Then their mining is carried out in stages so that during mining of each subsequent section the level of the haulage horizon is reduced by the height of the sectional haulage mine, for this purpose, initially, in the chamber-stop roof for all of its sections they arrange a common drilling-filling mine, and the sectional haulage mine, for each subsequent section, is mined under the filling massif of the earlier mined section, besides, after complete mining of the previous section its haulage mine in the reverse order is expanded to the width of the previously filled section, at the same time the direction of mining of chambers-stopes on each subsequent underlying layer is changed for the opposite one. |
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Method of combined development of steeply-dipping ore bodies Invention relates to mining industry and may be used in development of thick steeply-dipping valuable ore bodies by the open-underground method. The method includes development of a pit to design depth with arrangement of the board to the limit position, mining of bottom and near-edge-zone reserves of ore with application of underground mines, transportation of broken ore in underground mines. Development of near-edge-zone reserves of the ore is carried out after extraction of bottom ones with a chamber system of development under protection of a combined rock-filling massif at the side of the pit space, besides, the rock-filling massif is formed as bottom up in layers, alternating filling of the waste rock and filling of the hardening filling mixture of the formed space between the dump and the board of the pit on each layer. |
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Method to assess endogenous fire risk during underground mining of coal beds Method is proposed to assess endogenous fire risk during underground development of coal beds, including measurement of natural electromagnetic radiation from adjacent mines with identification of abnormal zones, using the methods of electric survey with definition of the current and background difference of potentials and definition of the coal temperature t in the abnormal zone. At the same time they additionally determine relative resistance of moisture-saturated rock Pr, the total porosity of coal Kp, structural index of coal wettability m, and calculation of temperature is carried out with account of texture features and composition of the rock with application of the coefficient Ar. |
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Invention relates to mining industry and may be used in development of mineral fields with filling of the mined space. The composition of the filling mass includes portland cement, a filler and water, besides, it additionally comprises a surfactant of a superplasticiser SP-1, and the filler is represented by stale wastes of dressing of wet magnetic separation of ferruginous quartzites and converter sludge at the following ratio of components, wt %: portland cement - 8.0; specified sludge - 12.70; specified wastes - 56.64; superplasticiser SP-1 - 0.08; water - balance. |
Method to prevent ignition of methane and air mixture Method to prevent ignition of a methane and air mix includes pneumatic hydraulic irrigation of a coal breaking area, automatic control of methane content by sensors and introduction of an inhibiting gas into a mine atmosphere. Besides, the inhibiting gas is introduced under pressure automatically via a system of pneumatic hydraulic irrigation with achievement of methane concentration in air from 1.9 to 2%, with concentration of inhibiting gas from 0.1 to 2% of the protected volume and the specified content of oxygen in the mine atmosphere. As the methane level drops below 1%, supply of inhibiting gas is automatically stopped. |
Method of fixing of dust-forming surfaces Invention relates to environmental protection and can be used at tailing dumps, ash dumps, rock dumps, radioactive-contaminated territories and rod sides. Proposed method consists in application of high-molecular compound on the surface. Note here that aqueous solutions of sodium polyacrylate and acrylamide copolymer with acrylic acid derivatives are applied in sequence on said surface. |
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Gate comprises two rings arranged under an outlet hole for release of bulk rock mass, and the rings are arranged one after the other and are aligned in horizontal planes, at the same time the rings are connected to each other by vertically oriented round-linked chains fixed on rings by their free ends and arranged along the entire perimeter of rings. Besides, one of the rings is installed without the possibility of rotation in the horizontal plane, and the second ring is kinematically connected with the drive as capable of rotation in the horizontal plane, on the upper ring along the entire external perimeter there are running rollers with the possibility of their movement along a circular rail, fixed on the circular ledge of the device for release of bulk rock mass. At the same time the ring is equipped with a toothed crown with the possibility of its interaction with a gear, kinematically connected with a rotation drive, and the lower ring is equipped with ledges arranged along its external diameter with the possibility of their interaction with vertically aligned guides of the jacket of cylindrical shape with the possibility for it to cover chains with a clearance. Besides, vertically placed chains in the initial position in their middle part between the upper and lower rings are wound with two additional horizontally oriented chains, which are with one end fixed on the jacket, and by the other end - on one of vertical chains, at the same time additional chains round the vertical chains in opposite directions, and the angle of their coverage of vertical chains is accepted in the range of 180÷220 degrees. |
Method of dust suppression during blasting works in pits Method includes stages, at which they fill each well with an explosive charge and place a tight shell with water on the surface of the exploded block near head of each well. At the same time the tight shell with water is placed in a hollow cylinder installed above the well head. Besides, the diameter of the cylinder is comparable with the well diameter, and height is selected depending on the necessary volume of the tight shell. |
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Method to develop thick steeply-dipping ore bodies Method to develop thick steeply-dipping ore bodies includes division of an ore body into layers developed in descending order, extraction of layers by stopes and filling of the mined space with hardening materials, definition of places of location and dimensions of cavities of cavings above the filling mass, arrangement of stopes as cut to the filling mass, supply of hardening materials along cutting stopes to places for additional filling of cavities of cavings above the filling mass. Before approach of the bottomhole of the cutting stope to the cavity of the caving arranged above the filling mass, arrangement of the cutting stope is stopped, two wells are drilled from the cutting stope towards the upper border of the caving cavity, one of wells is used for supply of hardening material to the cavity of the caving, in the second well they remove air from the caving cavity into the cutting stope, after filling of the caving cavity and achievement of the normative values of strength by the filling material, they continue arrangement of the cutting stope, besides, the minimum permissible distance from the bottomhole of the cutting stope to the cavity of the caving during performance of works for filling of the caving cavity is accepted as more than the depth of the zone of intensive damage of rock massif by the mountain pressure upstream the bottomhole of the cutting stope. |
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Method to determine value of undermining of hardening fill under mechanical damage of ore massif Invention relates to mining industry, namely, to undermining of ore bodies with filling of the mined space with hardening mixes. The method to determine extent of undermining of hardening fill under mechanical damage of ore massif includes formation of a hole in the ore massif and fixation of a stiff rod in it for fixed depth, supply of hardening filling mix into the mined space, damage of the ore massif with a part of the contact layer of the hardening fill massif. When mining the ore massif, they damage the rod in the ore massif and in the contact layer of the hardening fill massif, and the extent of undermining of hardening fill is determined according to the difference in the following formula: Δ=L-L1-L2, where Δ - extent of undermining of the hardening fill massif; L - total length of blind cavity, arranged inside the rod; L1 - length of rod deepening in the hole of the ore massif; L2 - length of blind cavity that is left after damage of the ore massif. |
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System of pneumatic container transport System of pneumatic container transport includes loading and unloading sites, a charge and an idle branches of a pipeline, forming a single closed guiding transport track, filled with working medium, sluice chambers and pneumatic pumps. The guiding transport track is made in the form of horizontal sections with loading and unloading sites equipped with pushers and inclined sections. On the unloading site the charge pipeline is located above the idle pipeline, and on the loading site - below. Both branches of the transport track are made at two sides as smoothly meeting in one point to form a coupling. At the same time the pipeline branches are equipped with relief valves installed in the beginning of inclined sections, and gates installed in the beginning of inclined sections and charge and idle branches. The working medium is compressed air. Sluice chambers are located downstream the crossing of the charge and idle branches of the pipeline. The unloading site is equipped with a tilter and an unloading hopper, and the loading site - with a loading hopper. |
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Gas emission control method at development of coal bed prone to spontaneous ignition Method refers to the field of mining industry, to coal mining industry in particular, and may be used during development of coal beds prone to spontaneous ignition. The method used during development of coal bed prone to spontaneous ignition includes preparation of extraction section by double workings, ventilation of wide section workings due to mine ventilating pressure drop and coalmine methane extraction from emission source. Methane is extracted first through drilled at superimposed beds methane drainage boreholes with possibility of air inleakage exclusion from bottom-hole region of active stope. Then after displacement of developed bed main roof mine rocks, methane is removed through the rest part of borehole length in modes excluding air inleakage from bottom-hole space of long face. Methane, evolving hard from developed bed zones released from overburden pressure near long face bottom-hole, is offtaken to degassing vacuum network of extraction section through formation wells drilled oriented on working face with methane concentration fit for disposal. |
Invention refers to mining, mostly to coal mining, and may be used for hydrodynamic action on coal bed and its deep degassing. Method of action on coal bed includes well bore construction in coal bed, its mouth casing, fluid injection into coal bed in static and pulse modes, well bore connection to degassing equipment and gas removal. Fluid injection into the coal bed in static mode is performed before and after hydrodynamic action on coal bed. Before hydrodynamic action fluid is injected up to pressure equal to gas pressure in bed, and after hydrodynamic action - under fluid pressure equal to coal bed hydraulic fracturing pressure. |
Dust suppression method during blasting operations Invention refers to mining and may be used for fine dust control during open mining of mineral deposits with blasting operations. Proposed dust suppression method during blasting operations consists in moistening of blasted unit with fluid from irrigation plant before blast. As irrigation fluid, biohumus aqueous solution is used, which concentration in solution is 10-25%. The specified solution is used for treatment of blasted unit after charge and further well stemming to mounting of blasting circuit. |
Method and plant for methane removal from low concentration gas in coal mines Proposed group of inventions refers to mining industry and is meant for methane removal from low concentration gas in coal mines. Methane removal method from gas in coal mines includes the following stages: (A) initial engagement of the plant oxidation reactor, fulfilment of the null cycle of methane oxidation reaction and heating start to the temperature not below 800°C; (B) low concentration gas with methane supply to oxidation reactor, quick reaction of methane with oxygen and heat release; (C) accumulation of heat released upon reaction; (D) after oxidation reaction completion exhaust gas blowing-out from oxidation reactor to complete treatment; (E) reiteration of (B), (C), (D) stages. Also provided is a device for methane removal from gas which contains check valve assembly, oxidation reactor, return valve assembly, gas supply system and instrumentation system. Check valve assembly is installed with oxidation reactor. Check valve assembly and oxidation reactor are connected to return valve assembly and gas supply system. |
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Complex control method of gas emission at development of a thick coal bed consists in separation of the same bed as to thickness into upper and lower beds so that an interlayer patch is left between them, development of methane drainage boreholes for each bed, ventilation and belt entries with further removal of return air and gas mixture at development of the bed. At development of similar entries in upper and lower beds, their pair connection with runs is performed. After outlining of extraction pillars the ventilation entry of the lower bed is connected through an end-on mine working to a gas suction plant. As the upper bed development proceeds, the runs that are the closest to its working face are opened in turn for entry of air from the belt entry and discharge of gas mixture from upper connection of the working face of the upper bed through a return air outlet system and through the ventilation entry of the lower bed to the end-on mine working, and after that, to the gas suction plant. Then, the lower bed is developed; with that, after operation of the methane drainage borehole of the lower bed is finished, the lower bed is saturated through the above borehole with antipyrogens. |
Mining unit for air ventilation and conditioning Unit includes an operating fan and a standby fan, each of which has an electric motor, a manifold and an adapter, a combined inlet box with a turning plug shutting off the inlet to operating and standby fans, and a turning flap shutting off outlets of operating or standby fans to an air supply pass. Above the fan unit with fans installed on draw-out trolleys there arranged in a noise-absorbing heat-insulated container is an air treatment unit, in the three unified air intakes of which there installed are noise absorption systems with turning shaft doors, which has an air conditioning system made in the form of a freon air cooler and an electric air heater, which allow air cooling or heating depending on ambient temperature. The air supply pass of the fan unit is equipped with a fire float at the well inlet. |
Another patent 2528813.
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