To the well a package is run in that is equipped bottom-up from a funnel, a packer placed in the interval between the productive strata, a string of pipe with low heat conductivity with self-contained well instruments placed at external surface, an ejector for wells surveys and a casing string; the packer is set, the process is withheld in order to recover temperature conditions, water is pumped along the casing string through the ejector for well surveys and annular space, bottomhole pressure is decreased under the packer, inflow is induced from the lower productive stratum, the packer is broken, the package is lifted and interpretation is made for readings of the self-contained well instruments, at change of less than 0.4 of degree recorded by the self-contained well instruments conclusion is made on non-availability of circulation behind the string, at change of more than 0.4 of degree conclusion is made on availability of circulation behind the string. |
Well is equipped with a flow string and packer, the packer is set between two strata at 3 m and below from the bottom in the upper perforated interval. The well is shut down in order to align temperature field, records of gamma-ray and temperature log are made for the flow string to register a curve of background temperature distribution along the whole length of the well. Active water volume is pumped through the flow string to the lower stratum; simultaneously the metre intended to measure water flow rate in annular space is shifted from the length of packer seat to the distance of at least 50 m above the roof of the upper stratum with registration of reading of the thermometer and a flow meter. The repeated record is made for the well temperature survey and curve of background temperature distribution along the whole length of the well is registered; data are analysed and conclusion is made about technical status of the well. |
Method of hydrodynamic research for gas-bearing formations without gas release to surface Method of hydrodynamic research for gas-bearing formations without gas release to the surface includes running in at the drill string of flow string of the testing equipment in the form of a formation tester with a packer and geophysical sensors to the preset research interval of the gas-bearing formation. The research interval is isolated by the packer upstream the gas-bearing formation. Influx mode and pressure recovery mode are created in sequence and the further interpretation of the received data is made. At that in process of the testing equipment running in to the drill or flow string the design quantity of at least two-component viscoelastic mixture with the target parameters of viscosity and elasticity is poured additionally; the mixture is made without a crosslinker and based on polyacrylamide and zeolite or mud powder; above the testing equipment assembly it creates a viscoelastic plug. The plug ensures creation of depression to the value not exceeding 10-20% of the expected formation pressure. Further the hydrodynamic research is made as per the drill stem test procedure. |
Method of water breakthrough control in gas well In method of water breakthrough control in the gas well which includes recording of gas consumption and bottomhole pressure between the dates of gas-dynamic research by pressure transient test, determination of values for the first and second master components corresponding to the biggest characteristic numbers of input data covariance matrix including values of zero and firs-order derivatives for gas flow rate, square gas flow rate, bottomhole pressure, analysis of dynamics for the first and second master components in time, plotting curves of their changes in time, conclusion on increase of flooding degree in the bottomhole zone of the stratum when curves of the first and second master components cross, periodical sampling is made for the mixed bottom and condensate water, determination of total minerals content for water samples, determination of specific quantity of bottom water in the well production, inclusion of the rated values for total minerals content for water samples and specific quantity of bottom water in the well production to the input data matrix. |
Determination of underground gas store tightness In compliance with this method, seam is subjected to cycling, every cycle including gas injection therein with subsequent gas withdrawal. Cycling includes at least 10 cycles. Current seam pressure ( P t f ) and gas withdrawal (or injection) volume are measures at regular intervals in every cycle. Measured parameters allowed for design pressure in underground storage facility ( P t d ) is determined for facility operation without gas leaks and with leaks. Function (F) is defined as mean arithmetic value of ( P t d ) deviations from ( P t f ) obtained at every ith measurement for operation without leaks and function (Fl) for operation with leaks. Given Fl<F, leaks are considered available. |
Method for identification of well with variable mass flow rate at well pad Method lies in continuous monitoring of the total mass flow rate Mli and volumetric gas discharge Qgi and calculation of the coefficient K i = Δ M l i Δ Q g i , where ΔMli and ΔQgi respectively for the difference of the previous (stored) and current average numerical values of the total expense parameters of the well pad M ¯ l i and Q ¯ g i . When the numerical value Ki deviates from the range of the preset values, the total flow mass rate of the liquid Mli(n-1) and the total flow mass rate of free gas Qgi(n-1) for (n-1) wells, where n is the total number of wells in the well pad, the flow mass rate of the liquid (water-oil mixture) Mli=Mli-M(n-1), the flow mass rate of free gas Qgi=Qgi-Qgi(n-1) and K i = M l i Q g i coefficient is calculated for each well. Thereafter the numerical values of Ki are compared for each well with the current numerical value Ki, and the well with a variable flow mass rate in the well pad is identified against the minimum difference between the numerical value Ki of one well in the well pad and the numerical value of Ki coefficient. |
Method for determination of product water cut in oil producing well Determination is carried out in a well equipped with a tubing string with an electric-centrifugal pump and a return valve at the end. In order to determine water cut the well is selected in the middle of an oil deposit with production modes close to the average values for the deposit. The well is operated not less than the time required to reach full operation. The well is stopped and process holding is made till gas separation from the well product and breakage into oil and water. Height of the liquid column is measured, volume of the water cut is determined against the boundary line of liquid and gas and water and oil. |
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Device comprises the going-in string of hollow sealed pipes and logging instrument for well survey. Flow string used as said going-in string of hollow sealed pipes has bottom end with openings to accommodate blown valves while inner circular groove is made under holes in said flow string to receive split lock ring. Note here that hydraulic standoff device is arranged at bottom end of said flow string for it to get into open well of multihole horizontal well. Besides, this device is equipped with squeezing plug to slide over flow string, driven by fluid overpressure to destruct blown valves for opening of holes in flow string and locking by lock ring in said string under said holes. Logging instrument is lowered into flow string by stiff cable against the stop to squeezing plug. |
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Procedure for survey of multi-hole horizontal well Invention suggests procedure for survey of the multi-hole horizontal well that includes stages of bottomhole apparatus running-in to the well, performance of hydrodynamic research and removal of a geophysical tool from the multi-hole horizontal well. At that, before bottomhole apparatus running-in, at the head of the multi-hole horizontal well a hydraulic whipstock with drill out breakable cap, metering orifice and fixing breaking pin is installed at the lower end of the pipe string. The pipe string with the hydraulic whipstock is run in with simultaneous washing up to space of the surveyed side-tracking. Herewith in process of running-in the pipe string is equipped with kick-off valves. Then excess hydraulic pressure is created in the pipe string and the string is run in into the surveyed offshoot and excess pressure in the pipe string is increased till the breaking pin is destructed and the breakable cap is disconnected from the hydraulic whipstock. Then at the well head the bottomhole apparatus is connected to a rigid cable and the apparatus is run in into the pipe string until it leaves the string and appears in the offshoot. Thereafter fluid influx is stimulated from the stratum by gas injection to tubing-casing annulus through kick-off valves and hydrodynamic research is carried out in the surveyed offshoot by the bottomhole apparatus pushing up to the bottomhole. After hydrodynamic research the rigid cable with bottomhole apparatus from the pipe string and the pipe string with hydraulic whipstock are removed in sequence. |
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Method for determination of residual gas content in fluid Invention refers to oil producing industry. The method includes procedures for measurement of initial gas content in the fluid and of the volume of gas released from the fluid. At that initial gas content in the fluid is determined for each group of oil producing wells operated in the common pipeline. Remaining gas content in the pipeline liquid is determined after gas extraction from skim pile according to the following formula: G = ∑ i = 1 n ( G i ⋅ Q i ) − Q g ∑ i = 1 n Q i , where Gi is initial gas content in the fluid in the i well; Qi - liquid rate for the i well; n is a number of wells in the group operated in the common pipeline; Qg is volume of gas released from the pipeline liquid in skim pile per a time unit. |
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Device consists of a vertical cylindrical vessel, input and output liquid lines made in the form of siphon pipe, a gas line, gas-phase pressure and temperature gauges, a computing element. Volume displacement metre and a stop valve are installed in the common line, one by another, before the line entry into the collecting reservoir, at that the gas line and the output liquid line connected by downward siphon pipe are communicated with hydraulic lock. Pressure and temperature gauges are installed in the gas line; the stop valve, the volume displacement metre and the computing element are interconnected through a pulse distributer for measurement of the working medium. The stop valve is a bypass valve of step-by-step action with magnetic locking, discharge and control of positions - open and closed. |
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Method for determining behind-casing flows As per the proposed method a well is equipped with a pipe string with a swab. The string bottom is arranged below perforated interval of a productive formation. The well is equipped with a bottomhole thermometer on a cable in annular space. The swab is lifted via the pipe string and at the same time, the bottomhole thermometer in a recording mode is lifted via the annular space on the cable. During the swab lifting there is the change of liquid flow direction in the well from direction from the productive formation in an upward direction of the well at oil production, for direction from the productive formation in a downward direction to the pipe string column. Operations are repeated; thermograms are recorded at the changed direction of well fluid flow; thermograms are analysed and compared to the thermogram of the killed well. On thermograms at the changed direction of well fluid flow there indicated is rise of temperature at the investigated interval. It is assumed that behind-the-casing flows are available in a downward direction from overlying to underlying formations. A conclusion is made on flow of the fluid from the overlying formation in the direction of behind-the-casing flows to the perforated interval. |
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Thermal log system for well integrity study Invention pertains to hydrology, drilling and operation of wells and it can be used for geophysical study of well integrity. Technical result is achieved due to the fact that conventional thermal log system is equipped with thermal anemometer joined with thermal system into united scheme. |
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Method for determination of influx profile and borehole environment parameters in multilay well Well production rate is changed and temperature is measured during certain time period for fluid flowing to the well from each layer; temperature variation value ΔTP is measured for initial stage and steady-state value A of temperature-time logarithmic derivative is calculated for each layer. Specific yield value q for each layer is determined against the specified mathematical expression. Yield Q for each layer of the well is determined and influx profile is defined as totality of yields Q for all layers. |
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Method of defining oil associated gas and water discharge Proposed method comprises filling measuring tank with well product via inlet valve to maximum level With water-oil mix reaching maximum level, tank inlet valve is closed to let free gas to escape from fluid. Water-oil mix discharge is defined by the rate of tank filling the volume of separated fluid. Inlet valve is opened to displace the product from tank into manifold for time interval equal to previous period of tank filling with well product. Gas is gradually derived and forced into manifold by compressor. Gas bleeding is performed via pressure control valve at compressor inlet to atmospheric magnitude. Associated gas discharge is defined by compressor output, time of pressure decrease in calibrated vessel to atmospheric values and volume of vessel filled at the time with gas phase. |
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Method of analysing productivity of inclined well that exposed productive bed Set of inventions can be used in geophysical and hydrodynamic research. It allows estimating the productivity of gas wells exposing the productive isotropic bed at preset zenith angle and optimising their structure. |
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Acoustic method for determination of fluid crossflow point in borehole annulus Acoustic method for determination of fluid crossflow point in borehole annulus involves equal movement of acoustic transducer along the borehole and processing of noise signal received at its output, which is used for depth determination of fluid crossflow point. At that in output noise signal of acoustic transducer frequency-stable discreet component f0 is defined and instant Doppler-beat frequency f(t) is registered as transducer moves along the borehole with equal speed. At the moment when instant Doppler-beat frequency f(t) is equal to discreet component f0, time t0 is recorded and depth h0 for noise source is defined against specified mathematical expression. |
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Thermal method for determination of technical condition of wells Temperature anomalies are registered by thermometer and fluid crossflow by heat loss anemometer from which output signal output signal of thermometer is subtracted. |
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Method of oil and oil gas amount measurement Proposed method comprises feed of extracted product via tuning to well mouth and, further, to gas-fluid separator to device said product in gas and liquid phases. Gas and fluid phases are discharged from gas-fluid separator via gas and fluid lines. Oil gas amount is measured in gas line while fluid amount is measured in fluid line. Gas chemical composition is defined as well as its components mass and/or molar fractions to calculate its molar weight. Cavity formed by casing inner surface and tubing outer surface from well mouth to well fluid dynamic level is used as a gas separator. Portion of gas is accumulated in said cavity to create gas pressure to discharge it via gas pipe into gas line and/or oil-and-gas pipeline. Oil gas amount and/or gas temperature and pressure are measured in gas branch pipe. Residual oil gas amount is measured in fluid line as well dissolved gas amount. |
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Downhole sensor designed to measure parameters of fluid flow contains two identical hollow metal cases open at one side, and their axis of symmetry is in the same line. Open ends of cases are faced to each other and fixed rigidly in electric insulator. In each case there is thermal anemometer. Electric terminals of sensors pass inside cavities of cases and are led to outside through electric insulator. |
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In addition, analysis of isotopic composition of carbon of sum of hydrocarbons C2-C6 is performed and limits of values of isotopic composition of carbon, methane and isotopic composition of carbon of sum of hydrocarbons C2-C6 for reference horizons are determined. Tables and/or graphs represent ranges of values of isotopic composition of gases from reference horizons and gases are represented from inter-string space of wells or drilling fluid; as per the degree of similarity or coincidence of the above ranges of those values (or individual points) there evaluated is nature of investigated inter-string gas shows. |
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Device comprises a body presented in the form of a column with the body diameter to height relation not less than 1/3. A vertical branch pipe for wellstream injection in a body lid is provided with holes in its lower part. A screw cap below the body lid overlaps a vertical branch pipe section below the holes. Fixed blades opposite the holes of the vertical branch pipe are oval-shaped. A gas-vent extends inside the vertical branch pipe underneath the screw cap. A float is found under the screw cap and overlaps an end face of the gas-vent. A branch pipe in the lower part of the body is used to drain fluid and has a mass metre on the end. The section areas of the branch pipe for wellstream injection is related to the number of holes in the lower part of the screw cap as 1:(0.6-1). |
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Device to measure product yield of oil and gas producing wells Device comprises an input pipeline, a separator with a float, mechanically connected with a gate valve, a gas pipeline with an installed gate valve, a high-limit gas counter and a two-way pneumatically controlled valve. The valve is equipped with position fixators and a membrane chamber. The liquid pipeline is equipped with a liquid counter and the same valve. The plus cavity of the valve chamber on the gas pipeline is pneumatically connected with the same pipeline - with its cavity between the gate valve and the valve. Valve position fixators are adjusted so that values of pressure drop, which open and close the valve on the gas pipeline, are less than appropriate values of pressure drop, which open and close the valve on the liquid pipeline. |
Method involves thermometry and gamma logging of a well with recording of a background value of natural radioactivity of rocks and background distribution of temperature along the well shaft, a disturbing action, repeated telemetry and gamma logging with recording of values and data of a flow meter, and comparison of data. Thermometry and gamma logging is performed via inter-tube space of the well; the disturbing action is taken by reduction of liquid level in the well by pumping of inert gas to the inter-tube space at the pressure not exceeding maximum allowable pressure on a production string, with displacement of liquid to a tubing string through valves of a rod well pump and then to a discharge line by excess pressure bleeding-off to atmospheric pressure. At repeated performance of thermometry and gamma logging, a geophysical instrument is lifted by 50-100 m higher than the roof of upper perforation interval at the speed of 180-200 m/h with simultaneous recording of a liquid flow rate with a borehole thermoconductive flow meter, intensity of gamma emission of rocks and temperature; after the above instrument passes the distance of 50-100 m above the roof of upper perforation interval, recording is performed only with a thermometer at the speed of 400-600 m/h; when temperature anomalies are found out, which differ from temperature values at test recording via the well shaft, the data of intervals is specified and detailed by performing complex recording using the borehole thermoconductive flow meter and a mechanical flow meter at the speed of 180-200 m/h with measurement of 30-40 points at the investigated interval; after recording via the whole well shaft is completed, repeated lowering of the instrument, repeated temperature recording is performed; complex recording is performed using the borehole thermoconductive flow meter and the mechanical flow meter with measurement of 30-40 points; after the borehole working face is reached, the geophysical instrument is lifted, during which the same records are taken with a thermometer, the borehole thermoconductive flow meter and the mechanical flow meter as at the repeated lowering operation. |
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Method for determining the flow rate and the density of formation fluid of oil formations consists in shaping of signals when a sensitive element passes through the specified levels in the well. Measurement of time intervals between signals, with further calculation of the flow rate of the formation in relation to distance between specified levels to time interval between the appropriate pulses. Measurement of movement speed of several sensitive elements is performed. Flow rate of each next above-lying oil formation or layer is determined as difference between previous and current measurements. Density of formation fluid is determined as integral density value of the last sensitive element that floated up to the surface and that one that did not float up to the surface. |
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Method for determining relative phase permeabilities of formation Method involves several well hydrodynamic survey (WHS) cycles at early development stage of oil wells at forced creation in the formation of differently directed two-phase filtrations. Representative reference sample collection of wells is determined. WHS surveys are performed in each of the wells, on the basis of which evaluation of current phase permeabilities as to oil ko_rel and water kw_rel, and initial water saturation performed. Values ko_rel, kw_rel and Kw_initial are compared, and relationships of the change between phase permeabilities and water saturation are determined. The corresponding general curves of phase permeabilities as to the unit are calculated. And during the operating period characterised by the change of average water cutting of well production of not less than 30% in comparison to the initial one, current water cutting of well production φw is determined simultaneously with WHS. |
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Recovering method of the working condition of gas-oil production well involves three stages. At the first stage, geophysical measurements of the well parameters are performed, as per which the profile of influx of the investigated section of the well is determined and non-working intervals are identified. At the second stage, flushing of technogenic fluids of the well sections with non-working intervals is performed. At the third stage, check measurements of the well geophysical parameters are performed so that quantitative and qualitative yield characteristics of non-working intervals are determined. Technological complex used for the method's implementation includes two units with a flexible tubing string, one of which includes a geophysical cable for connection and transportation to the well of a geophysical instrument, and the second unit with the flexible tubing string serves for flushing of bottom-hole part of the well. The second unit with the flexible tubing string has the possibility of being connected to the hydraulic diagram of the first unit with the flexible tubing string and to the well flushing equipment. |
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Setup method of oil well cluster, and device for oil collection and transport of oil well cluster Product of each individual oil well of the oil well cluster measured by means of group metering stations complete with a controller is supplied to an oil collecting header with a pump multiphase unit installed on it. At the outlet of the pump multiphase unit complete with an electric motor there performed in a real time mode is continuous monitoring of total product flow rate as per the oil well cluster in units of weight by means of a multiphase flow metre installed on the oil collecting header, between the outlet of the pump multiphase unit with an electric motor and a booster pump station and a controller in addition to it, as per a special programme built into it, there preformed is monitoring of differences of total component flow rates of the oil well cluster as a whole, and as per the deviation of difference beyond the limits of the set point specified in the controller, the operator takes this or that decision. |
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Monitoring method of dynamic fluid level in well for control of submersible electric pump Method involves monitoring of lower and upper dynamic levels for control of a submersible electric pump, which is implemented as per amplitude of total acoustic spectrum consisting of acoustic spectrum generated with the submersible electric pump and acoustic spectrum of perforation holes made in the well, which have passed from the well to the cavity of the tubing with damping at the interval between lower and upper dynamic levels. |
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Method for obtaining three-dimensional distribution of formation permeability Proposed method involves determination based on results of well hydrodynamic investigations, which uncover the formation, which are averaged as per the section of values of current phase permeability, recalculation of current phase permeability to initial permeability as to oil in presence of residual water considering thermobaric conditions in the formation and information on relative phase permeabilities for each investigated well, calculation of non-homogeneous curve of initial permeability as to the section considering the results of geophysical investigations in an open shaft and profiles of influxes of operating phases, correlation of curves and build-up of three-dimensional distribution of permeability. |
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Method for determining filtration properties of jointly operating formations (versions) Method involves determination of integral hydrodynamic characteristics as per drill hole hydrodynamic research (DHR) results, measurement of flow rate and calculation of filtration properties of each formation, and then, depending on well operating conditions, the following actions are taken: according to Version 1, as per DHR curves in an open shaft there evaluated are ratios of porosities and effective thicknesses of formations; based on integral skin factor value determined as per DHR and value α, skin factors and permeability of each formation are calculated. According to Version 2, records of acoustic logging and thermometry are fixed in the well, as per which height and width of formation hydraulic fracturing (FHF) is evaluated and skin factors of each formation are calculated. According to Version 3, when performing DHR, time variation curves of flow rate of each formation and difference of flow rates are recorded; average rate of change of flow rate difference is determined, as per which skin factor and permeability of formations is evaluated. |
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Method for determining filtration parameters of formation Method involves the following sequence of actions: after continuous well operation cycle during at least 30 days, a long-term (at least 3 days) level recovery curve is recorded, as per which current productivity of formations is evaluated; then, on the basis of comparison of current productivity with the initial one, it is determined, how much the skin factor has been changed. Besides, in order to obtain continuous time variation curves of pressure and skin factor, repeated interpretation of pressure and flow rate change curves is performed during the whole time period of observations since the well has been started up. |
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Method of investigation of leaktightness or leakiness of packer system and cement bridge of well Method involves lowering of at least one or several packer systems on tubing string and this system installation in injection or piezometric, or flowing, or gas-lift or pump well either above formation interval and/or between formation intervals, or between formation intervals and leakiness, or above or below intervals of leakiness. Each packer system is equipped with one or two packers and is made with two sets of sealing cups between which pressuring unit is located. Measuring device - self-contained flow-metre or geophysical instrument is lowered to tubing string and is held at depth below and above pressuring unit of packer system. Flow rate of medium - supplied liquid or produced fluid - is measured. If their values exceed allowed limits of measuring device, packer system is considered not tight as medium penetrates through its sealing cups. Otherwise it is considered tight. If packer system is leak-tight, but there is hydrodynamic connection between separated intervals in well, then the reason of hydrodynamic connection is considered leakiness of cement bridge between intervals behind production strings of well. |
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Method for determining profile of fluid influx of multiformation deposits Method for determining the profile of fluid influx of multiformation deposits in the well involves temperature measurements in the well during the well thermal equilibrium time after the drilling process is completed; determination of temperature of fluids supplied to the well from each productive formation after perforation process is completed at the initial extraction stage. Specific flow rate for each productive formation is determined as per change rate of measured temperatures. |
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Method for determining gas well flow rate providing carry-over of condensed fluid from mine face Method involves well performance under maximum allowable conditions for the purpose of cleaning the mine face from any possible fluid plug; well shutdown and measurement of formation thermobaric parameters; well start-up; measurements of total gas moisture content in vapour and liquid phases on the head and measurements of gas pressure and temperature at the well face at its operation. If actual moisture content on the head of the operating well is less or equal to balanced one under bottom-hole thermobaric conditions, the well flow rate is considered to be insufficient for carry-over of the fluid supplied to the tubing. If actual moisture content at the head of the operating well is more than or equal to balanced one, the well flow rate is considered to be sufficient for carry-over of all the condensed fluid from the mine face. |
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Invention is related to on-line monitoring of water and sand carry-over from a well in automated process control systems (APCS) of oil and gas condensate deposits of the Far North. The above method involves measurement of gas pressure at the well head using APCS means and telemetry in real-time mode. At the same time, gas temperature is monitored on the well head. In parallel with the above real-time measurements, monitoring of actual gas pressure and temperature is performed at the end of gas line, via which gas is supplied to the inlet of complex gas treatment plant, and the well gas flow rate is monitored as well. Using current values of monitored parameters, design gas pressure value at the pipeline end is calculated in real-time mode using APCS means. Then, behaviour of its variation in time is compared to behaviour of variation of actual gas pressure at the end of gas line, and as per the comparison results, the beginning of sand and water carry-over process and the necessity of monitoring its operating mode is estimated. The beginning of sand and water carry-over process from the well is determined as per difference in behaviour of design and actual pressures. |
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Group of inventions refers to method of pressure reduction in the first cavity by arranging the fluid from that cavity (40) with lower pressure, for example from annular space to the well head, to the second cavity (6) with higher pressure, for example to discharge pipe included in underwater system. According to the described method the possibility of movement of fluid available in the first cavity (40) via the first pipeline (39) to intermediate accumulator (30) is provided. Fluid pressure is increased in intermediate accumulator (30) by means of piston barrel (32) and fluid is moved from the above accumulator (30) to the second cavity (6). The invention also describes the device for implementing this method. |
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Method of monitoring oil well crosshole intervals Proposed method comprises generating pressure pulse in disturbing well and recording response in receiving well. Note here that disturbing well represents a weld changed from extraction state into injection state with intensification of formation hydrofractioning capacity. Hydrofracturing is used to generate pressure pulse of magnitude sufficient for creation of piezometric wave with amplitude exceeding noises caused by production wall operation. |
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Acoustic method of detection of fluid behind-casing flows location Acoustic method of detection of fluid behind-casing flows location in well includes lowering and lifting of well noise signal receiver in well. During lifting curves of noise signal intensity changes are recorded, then the signal is processed using secondary equipment. Noise signal well receiver is lifted with constant certain speed V1. The receiver has highly-directional characteristic of direction, orthogonal to well axis. Output signal is processed by extraction from recorded noise signal of characteristics of receiver passing relative to location of fluid behind-the-casing flow for this speed V1. |
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Method for determination of rates of two jointly operated oil formations Method for determination of rates of two jointly operated oil formations includes preliminary oil sampling from each production formation with determination of concentration of stable reference constituent in samples. Then surface sample of oil extracted from two formations is taken. Target values are calculated by material balance of reference constituent. Note that as reference constituent in samples there measured is a concentration of hydrogen sulphide directly in well with the aid of portable analyser. |
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Method for determination of gas flow rate and gas factor of wells product Method for determination of gas flow rate and gas factor of product of wells operating under intake pressure below saturation pressure includes measurement of annular pressure and dynamic level of fluid in annular space, oil density under standard conditions, temperature and gas solubility factor with correcting factor, determination of gas factor of oil supplied from tubing string. After that well flow rate is measured as per fluid, also water content, change of annular pressure and dynamic level upon closed annular valve and time of measurement are measured. In addition gain of gas factor and gas flow rate is determined as per annular space. |
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Method for determination of gas flow rate and gas factor Method for determination of gas flow rate and gas factor of product of well operating under intake pressure below saturation pressure includes measurement of annular pressure and dynamic level of fluid in annular space, oil density under standard conditions, temperature and gas solubility factor with correcting factor. Well flow rate is measured as per fluid, also water content, change of annular pressure and dynamic level upon closed annular valve and time of measurement are measured. Gas flow rate and gas factor are determined as per change of gas volume in annular space considering condition of equality of saturation pressure all over the level of pump suction. At that gas flow rate and searched value of gas factor are determined as per presented mathematical expressions. |
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Method for defining well characteristics, formation bottom-hole zone Method for defining well characteristics, formation bottom-hole zone includes reagent pumping via tubing with closed tubular annulus, measurement of reagent flow rate at the well mouth and pumping pressure in bottom-hole zone. Measurement data is calculated for bottom-hole conditions. Accumulated flow rate and labour input per reagent flow unit in well bottom-hole zone is determined. These indices are used for definition of current formation conductivity change. Before reagent pumping fresh water is pumped into formation via tubing till well-head pressure reaches Phead=10 MPa with measurement of this pressure change in time and volume of pumped water. Their analysis is used to define initial conductivity of formation bottom-hole zone. After that there performed is an operation of bottom-hole treatment by reagent that is gassy fluid with water solution surfactant ML-81B or water solution of hydrochloric acid HCl. After that fresh water is pumped into formation similarly to the initial operation and final conductivity of formation bottom-hole zone is determined. After comparison of initial and final conductivity of bottom-hole zone there defined is a change of formation bottom-hole zone conductivities. If bottom-hole zone conductivity decreased or its increase is less than 10%, then additional treatment of bottom-hole zone is carried out by this or other reagent. |
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Method for development of water-flooded oil formation at last stage Method for development of water-flooded oil formation at last stage includes oil extraction through production wells and water pumping through injection wells in cycling mode. Note that at the last stage of development there defined is a character of distributing current oil reserves by mapping current oil saturated thicknesses and/or this current oil saturation coefficient. The zones with different concentration of current oil reserves are determined, formation areas for treating the reserves localised in them are marked, activities on levelling the formation filtration properties in wells are carried out. At the area with residual oil those production and injection wells are determined that are located by units in line system. Injection wells are grouped by lines. Note that drainage zones of each injection well in line should not overlap the bottom-holes of the nearest production wells. First the displacement agent is pumped into odd lines of injection wells till oil output through filter-separator at least in one production well does not decrease by 20% from initial value of oil output. After that filtering direction is changed by pumping of displacement agent into even lines of injection wells till oil output through filter-separator at least in one production well does not decrease by 30% from initial value of oil output. |
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Method of determination of fluid-movement profile and parameters of near-wellbore After long-term operation of well with constant production rate, well production rate is changed and pressure in bottom hole in well is measured before and after change of production rate. Well fluid temperature is measured near upper boundary of the lowest productive formation and below and above other productive formations. Diagram of dependence on temperature time measured above the lowest formation is constructed as well as diagram of dependence of derivative of this temperature by time logarithm on time. According to diagram of dependence of derivative of temperature by time logarithm on time, moment of time when derivative of temperature reaches constant value is determined, and according to diagram of dependence on temperature time measured above the lowest formation, change of temperature of well fluid to this moment of time is determined; based on the values obtained skin factor of the lowest formation is calculated. Using iteration procedure concerning temperatures measured below and above other productive formations, relative production rates and temperature of fluids moving to well from above formations are determined in succession, skin factors of above formations are calculated. |
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Method of monitoring of flooding area expansion during flooding of underground formations Method of monitoring of flooding area expansion during flooding through underground formation includes the following stages: determination of physical properties of the formation, pumping of flood agent to the formation through at least one injection well, thus inducing movement of oil-in-place towards at least one production well. At that flood agent is highly dispersed gas-liquid mixture, size of its gas bubbles are not more than average diameter of oil-bearing formation pores. After flooding the same physical properties of the formation on the same area are determined. Expansion of flooding area is monitored by recording changes in physical properties of the formation resulted in the flooding area expansion. |
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Method for determining well operating parameters to gas-collecting system Method involves measurement of gas flow using flow metre and measurement of content of liquid and solid impurities in gas well product using separator. According to the invention, gas flow is disconnected from gas-collecting system and is connected to flare line, end of the line is provided with portable flow metre and separator. After that wellhead pressure is set using adjustable choke being a part of well Xmas tree, wellhead pressure is the same as upon well operation to gas-collecting system. Gas flow is measured for a certain period of time. Then gas flow is back to gas collecting system. After that quality of liquid and mechanical impurities accumulated in separator during measurement is measured and content of liquid and solid impurities in gas flow is calculated by formulas. |
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Development method of non-homogeneous oil deposit at late stage of development Development method of non-homogeneous oil deposit involves drilling of production and injection wells, flooding of formation from injection wells and oil extraction to the surface via production wells. Geological structure is checked, various structural zones of deposit are determined as per results of drilling and simulation. Additional new shafts of production wells are drilled based on the zones determined. Deposit is divided in zones concerning levels of its roof location. At that additional wells are drilled as vertical shafts in zones of maximum pitch of roof, the shafts are used for production. Wells of old pattern located in these zones are used as certain production and injection wells. Besides before start of extraction in additional and certain production wells, hydrostatic level of liquid column measured from deposit roof in these wells and level of oil-water contact (OWC) are determined. At that production is performed below OWC level; upon production hydrodynamic layer in additional wells is maintained in lower third part of hydrostatic level and in certain wells - in the middle third part. |
Method for control of flooding area of oil formations Method for control of flooding area of oil formations includes oil extraction through production wells and pumping of margins of working agent and silicate in water phase with varying concentration of components trough injection wells. At that watering out of produced oil, capacity of injection wells, allowable pumping pressure and minimal pumping pressure are additionally checked. Pumping is started from injection wells of high capacity, connected hydrodynamicly to highly watered out production wells. At least one injection well is stopped till formation pressure is decreased by 6-24% from formation pressure in area of injection well. Pumping of working agent is started from composition of high-viscosity in quantity not less than 0.5 m3 per 1 m of productive formation with high capacity under pumping pressure exceeding minimal pumping pressure not more than by 20%, at which well accepts. Then margins of water solution of alkaline silicate and polymer are pumped in succession or jointly. Solution of alkaline silicate is used in quantity 0.1-15.0 wt %, and polymer is used in quantity 0.001-3.0 wt %, the other part of solution is water. |
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Device for fluid control that circulates through well Device for consumption control of fluid circulating through the well that contains estuarine detachable pipe branch with adapter and drain pipe includes fluid consumption control means. Note that fluid consumption control means is made in a form of flow-metre, installed at well output and connected between adapter of estuarine detachable pipe branch and drain pipe of the well. The length of flow-metre is L0, it is equipped with input area of LIN length and output area of LOUT length that together with flow-metre form measuring assembly. Note that LIN length is selected not less than 3.2 of L0, LOUT length is selected not less than 2L0, and measuring assembly is located at an angle (20÷70)° to horizontal axis of drain pipe. |
Another patent 2528491.
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