Method involves obtention of the resulting asymmetric vertical driving force, the components of which are simultaneously generated by means of n elementary vibration exciters of directional action at multiple ratio in the form of natural sequence of numbers from 1 to n of angular rotation velocities of shafts of elementary vibration exciters to the angular velocity of the 1-st shaft at the reduction of static torques of their unbalances with increase of angular velocities. Generating mode of the driving force components is implemented according to the law of its change, defined by relationship which expansion in a Fourier series contains harmonics determining the driving force components and providing the defined coefficient of its asymmetry as the ratio of sizes of maximum modules of pressed force to the minimum lift force at acceptable amount of elementary vibration exciters. Vibration exciter implementing the method has a body in which there are parallel horizontal shafts with unbalances with formation of two vertical rows of n pairs. Shafts in ranks are kinematically related by gear drive of external gearing with gearing ratio specified in the method. Transfer is associated with asynchronous motor with frequency converter, disposed inside the body. Body ends have threaded seats for bolts of removable drive cap. Lift U- shaped frame with gripping element under the hook of elevating crane is connected by means of coaxial hinges with side parts of the body and in one of extreme positions it is fixed with screws. Geometrical axis of hinges extends preferably through the centre of mass C of the rotating fixed part of vibration exciter. |
Energy-saving balanced vibration motor Invention is related to electric engineering and may be applied widely for vibrating mixers in machinery and reactors in the petrochemical, chemical, microbiological, food processing and other industries. A vibration motor consists of a base plate, annular electromagnets, which armatures are coupled to operating rods and resilient members. One vibration motor is installed at the base plate on the case cover, where the resilient member with the armature is fixed, while the electromagnet stator is installed on top of the case flange. Coils of one electromagnet are supplied through a semiconductor by one current half-period while coils of the other electromagnet are supplied through another semiconductor by the other current half-period. |
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Method of starting vibro machine with two autosynchronous unbalance vibration exciters Invention relates to mining. Autosynchronous unbalance vibration exciters are mounted on smoothly damped veering body. Proposed method consists in starting the motors in turn. Note here that, first, one motor is started to start the second motors after the former runs at steady state above resonance mode of revolution. After stable above resonance mode of unbalance vibration exciters, said second motor is switched off with second motor running for vibratory support of rotation. |
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Single-shaft planetary directed vibration actuator Invention relates to vibrators, particularly, to actuators of directed vibrations. Proposed device is composed of planetary gear vibration exciter. It comprises housing and set including crown gear, spider and pinion with inertial element (unbalance) secured thereat as well as rollers and races in mutual contact. Note here that said set can turn relative to housing and about the axis aligned with that of said crown gear and race related therewith with the help of turn drive and be locked in said housing by means of retainer. To change the direction of vibrations, it is necessary to turn said set through required angle by means of turn drive after set retainer is released. Note here that in case turn drive and retainer are equipped with drives then direction of vibrations can be selected tat operating device. To change the shape of vibrations, it is necessary to replace said set with different one with required relationship of diameters of gears, rollers and races. |
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This invention relates to a chipping mechanism, which develops reciprocal oscillations without reactive forces. The proposed chipping mechanism for development of periodical reciprocal oscillating forces and/or torques, without external reaction, comprises a weight designed for forward and backward acceleration linearly and/or in angular direction, at the same time there are the following four phases of operation within one time period: - during the phase 1 the weight receives acceleration forwarded "to the left", moving "to the left"; - during the phase 2 the weight receives acceleration forwarded "to the right", moving "to the left"; - during the phase 3 the weight receives acceleration forwarded "to the right". moving "to the right"; - during the phase 4 the weight receives acceleration forwarded "to the left", moving "to the right"; - a driving source for giving acceleration to the weight, forwarded "to the left", and a driving source for giving acceleration to the weight, forwarded "to the right", at the same time during one time period, at least one of driving sources is disconnected from the weight, or is not applied to the weight, or does not accelerate weight on two phases, and within one period each of driving sources is permanently connected to the weight, or applied to the weight, or accelerates the weight, at least on two phases; and a system made as capable of connecting at least one driving source to the weight and disconnecting at least one driving source from the weight; at the same time the chipping mechanism is made as capable of further storing and repeatedly using energy in the following manner: - kinetic energy of the weight applied on the phase 1 is at least partially restored and accumulated on the phase 2; and - kinetic energy of the weight applied on the phase 3 is at least partially restored and accumulated on the phase 4. |
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Liquid from a discharge manifold (5) is divided into two flows - main and additional ones. The value of flow rate in the main flow is maintained as more or equal to the value of the flow rate of the additional flow. The main flow is swirled with the help of swirling channels (3) in a flow chamber (2) with an outlet nozzle (4). A part of the main flow is released via a nozzle (4), and the other part is sent to an axial channel (8) made in the central body (7). The outlet (10) of the channel (8) is closed with an elastic partition (11). From the discharge manifold (5) via a distribution channel (13) the liquid is sent into an additional manifold (12). The manifold (12) is connected with a nozzle (4) via a gap (6) and with a channel (8) via a partition (11), with the help of which they provide for separation and elastic interaction of flows from the manifold (12) and the channel (8). As a result of which in the additional flow at first pressure growth is delayed, and then additional pulse action is provided due to forces of elasticity, with the help of which the main swirled flow in the chamber (2) is damaged, and short-term, pulse increase of liquid flow via the nozzle (4) is ensured. |
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Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer Present invention relates to a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer, a system for generating or detecting ultrasonic waves and a method of making the transducer. The disclosed group of inventions includes a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer, a system for generating or detecting ultrasonic waves having the transducer, and methods of making the transducer. The capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer has a silicon substrate, a cavity, a first electrode situated between the silicon substrate and the cavity, wherein the first electrode is situated below the cavity, a membrane situated above the cavity and opposite the first electrode, a second electrode situated inside or near the membrane, wherein voltage can be applied across the first electrode and the second electrode, and a first insulating layer between the first electrode and the second electrode, said first insulating layer containing a dielectric. The system for generating or detecting ultrasonic waves has a transducer according to the present invention. Described is a method of making a transducer according to the present invention, wherein the transducer is made using a CMOS manufacturing process, and the transducer can be made by a post-process in a CMOS process. |
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Method and system for unbalanced mass return in vibrator Invention relates o vibrators and method related therewith and consisting in automatic extension and return of unbalanced mass used to create vibration relative to motor housing subject to current operating conditions of vibrator system. Claimed set of inventions covers communication device including vibrator 108 and method of creating vibrations in device including motor, shaft and unbalanced mass. Note here that vibrator motor comprises shaft (112) engaged with motor (110) to excite vibrations in communication device 500. Shaft (112) includes guide way to define path with first component displacing in circle about shaft (112) and second component displacing along shaft (112). Shaft (112) is driven by motor (110). Unbalanced mass (114) displaces along the guide way when the motor (110) is activated and returns owing to displacing force of tensioner (212), wheh the motor (110) is deactivated. |
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Device for physicochemical treatment of fluids Invention relates to generators of acoustic vibrations in fluid flows and may be used for intensification of physicomechanical, hydromechanical and heat-and-mass exchange processes in systems "liquid-liquid" and "solid-liquid". Rotor-type apparatus comprises casing with intake and discharge branch pipes to accommodate rotor and stator with channels in cylinder lateral walls arranged concentrically, and insonify chamber. Cylindrical resonators connected via inlet channel and located one above the other and opposite rotor channel outlets accommodate reciprocating rod, on the cover side end. Fluid is fed into resonator via inlet channels arranged tangentially to inner surface while fluid outlet channel is arranged radially. Number of channels in rotor in one of the rows is 8-12 times larger than on the other row. Frequency of intrinsic oscillators of resonator equals that of the device generated by maximum number of rotor channels. |
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Method of purifying and disinfecting water Invention can be used for pretreatment of drinking water, for treating recycled, industrial and domestic waste water. The method is realised via treatment in a first settling tank by periodic and successive generation of travelling hydroacoustic waves in the audible and ultrasonic frequency ranges, in a second settling tank - by periodic generation of standing hydroacoustic waves in the audible frequency range, in an acoustic hydrocyclone in a revolving hydraulic stream under excess static pressure, irradiation with intense hydroacoustic waves in the audible frequency range at an automatically tuned frequency corresponding to the resonance frequency molecules of pure water of 12.4 kHz. The acoustic hydrocyclone used is a magnetoacoustic hydrocyclone. Further, the treated water is exposed to a low-frequency electromagnetic field at frequency of 24.8 kHz, which is intensely rotated opposite the movement of the hydrodynamic stream of water and the treated water is also irradiated with UV light. Colloidal particles, heavy metals and oil products are removed by further mixing the treated water with an aluminium oxychloride reagent solution. The wet residue is collected, sorted and dried, and safe and hazardous residues are separately packed for subsequent transportation, treatment and recycling. |
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Method of exciting resonant mechanical vibrations and device to this end Invention relates to vibrators intended for exciting resonant mechanical vibrations to be used in vibratory mills. Proposed method consists in exciting resonant vibrations by intermittent forced variation of inertial parameters of vibratory system composed by working tool hinged to resilient suspension and parametric vibroexciter. It comprises rotor with roller ways solids of revolution fitted therein. Working tool is hinged in two mutually perpendicular directions in two axes to adjust vibratory system by setting stiffness of said suspension and rotor rpm. Additionally, reactive component is introduced to be coupled with main component by resilient system to excite progressive resonant antiphase vibrations of both components to ensure synergic effect of the entire system. Vibratory system is adjusted by setting stiffness of resilient system between both components, rotor angular velocity and rpm, and intrinsic frequency of vibrations of the solids of revolution. Proposed device comprises aforesaid vibratory system with equalised rotor fitted on motor shaft with two open-ended annular support tracks arranged in symmetry about two mutually perpendicular diameter of the rotor. Their centers are shifted from rotor rotational axis for equal distances toward support track provided with identical balances solids of revolution. Rotor is composed of a set of identical discs. Working tool is furnished with, at least, two hollow cylinders arranged thereat in symmetry about rotor rotational axis. |
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Hydroacoustic self-contained wave recorder Wave recorder includes a piezoceramic emitter of sendings of carrier frequency, which are shaped by a heavy-pulse generator built on the basis of two SMD switches of complementary conductivity type and series resonance circuit. Acoustic sendings reflected from surface are received by reversible piezoceramic emitter, converted to digital form and processed by a microprocessor analyser provided with a correlation processing unit. |
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Electrohydraulic vibrator includes a back-and-forth pump, suction and discharge hydraulic lines with valves of direct and return action, which are installed in them, a power hydraulic cylinder and an electromechanical converter. Electromechanical converter includes an electric motor, a multiplier, at the outlet shaft of which an eccentric cam mechanism is fixed, which contacts a plate-type pusher pressed with a return spring installed on a pump stock. |
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Method of combined device to generate pressure oscillation in fluid flow Invention relates to oil production and may be used for increasing reservoir recovery. Method of generating pressure oscillations of fluid flow injected into oil reservoir consists in creating circular jet Helmholtz jet generator to be fed to sharp edges of outlet annular channel and generating pressure oscillations of edge tone frequency. Note here that resonator chamber of said Helmholtz generator increases pressure oscillation amplitude while sleeve arranged coaxially inside outlet channel to make a Galton whistle cavity resonator amplifies pressure oscillations generated by said outlet channel inner edge. Proposed device differs from know designs in that single device with common feed nozzle and outlet annular channel combines two resonators tuned in-phase. |
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Invention relates to vibratory technology and may be used in vibrating machines in mining, construction, and other industries. Proposed invention comprises engaging solid of revolution with counter body by calibration force to roll it over the latter at frequency lower than that of excited vibrations. Note here that said solid of revolution is rolled along unclosed path that features rotary symmetry about axis of symmetry of said path. Note also that oscillation frequency is controlled by relationship while amplitude is controlled by formula where Pax is axial calibration force of engagement between solid of revolution and counter body; ωrot is frequency of rotation of the solid of revolution; m is weight of solid of revolution; 1 is radius of solid of revolution; j is stiffness of the rod of solid of revolution; D is diameter of solid of revolution in area of its engagement with counter body. |
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System can be used to generate and emit high-intensity ultrasonic vibrations. The ultrasonic vibration system, which is meant to transmit into process media high-power ultrasonic vibrations with intensity of 10-30 W/cm, consists of a multi-packet converter, a booster link and an ultrasonic radiator. The ultrasonic multi-packet converter, having a common frequency-reducing emitting piece of a multi-packet piezoelectric transducer made in form of a body of revolution, enables generation of ultrasonic vibrations whose energy is transmitted through the booster link to the ultrasonic radiator, which consists of successively mated half-wave modules with a varying cross-section. Dimensions of each next module are selected based on the condition of ensuring conformity of resonance frequency of the radiator with resonance frequency of the transducer. |
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Generator for piezoelectric converter Generator comprises two transformers (11A, 11B), every of which comprises a primary winding (L1) and a secondary winding (L2), and four switches (19A, 19B, 21 A, 21B), driven by a generator of supersonic frequency. Two (21 A, 21B) of four switches connect in turns the secondary winding of each transformer with a piezoelectric load (5). Two other switches (19A, 19B) connect in turns two primary windings with a source of supply (17). At the same time within the first half-cycle called a "positive half-cycle", the primary winding of one of the specified transformers is charged with energy, while the secondary winding of the other transformer releases power to a piezoelectric load. Within the second half-cycle called a "negative half-cycle" the secondary winding of one transformer releases power to a piezoelectric load, while the primary winding of the other transformer is charged with energy. |
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Invention relates to ultrasound hardware, particularly, to device intended for intensification of processes in fluid homogeneous heterogeneous media by ultrasound wideband oscillations of cavitation spectrum and may be used for acceleration of dispersion, homogenisation, extraction, separation, etc. Ultrasound oscillating system incorporates cylindrical shell with stopped end face jointed to the case and furnished with inlet and outlet branch pipes. Shell wall thickness is many times smaller than half the ultrasound oscillation wavelength and is arranged coaxially with ultrasound radiator. Shell is filled with fluid and arranged relative to said radiator so that the distance between radiator surface and shell inner surface makes one fourth of wavelength of ultrasound oscillation in fluid between radiator and shell. Gas-vapor bubbles originate and instantly collapse in fluid between radiator and shell at ultrasound oscillations in "developed cavitation" conditions. Collapsing gas-vapor cavities make the source of wide frequency band. Combination of ultrasound frequency oscillations and wideband oscillations of cavitation origin make the source of wide spectrum oscillations. |
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Acoustic straight-flow gas burner Acoustic straight-flow gas burner includes burner body, natural gas supply branch pipe, combustion air supply branch pipe, central gas nozzle and peripheral air nozzle, internal natural gas supply pipeline, acoustic gas-jet emitter consisting of nozzle, resonator and reflector; at that, internal natural gas supply pipeline has variable cross section, and some part of that pipeline, which has an increased cross section, forms housing of acoustic gas-jet emitter, in which its nozzle, resonator and reflector are arranged; at that, nozzle and resonator of acoustic gas-jet emitter, as well as internal natural gas supply pipeline are arranged coaxially; distance from closed end surface of resonator to exit section of central gas nozzle of burner is 3-5 diameters of exit section of central gas nozzle, and cross-section area between outer diameter of resonator and inner diameter of housing of gas-jet acoustic emitter is equal to cross-section area of internal natural gas supply pipeline. |
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Symmetrical and preferentially deflectable random meshes for ultrasonic therapy Invention refers to medical equipment, namely to ultrasonic transducer for therapeutic applications. A semi-random phased ultrasonic mesh contains a continuous line of at least 32 ultrasonic elements presented in the form of a one-dimensional array or a two-dimensional array. The ultrasonic elements of the mesh are symmetrical in element sizes and/or positions with a half of the mesh is filled with the elements with randomly distributed sizes and specularly reflected for generating another half. |
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Method of grinding by periphery of grinding wheel Grinding is performed upon superposition of oscillation along axis of grinding wheel. Grinding wheel is installed on faceplate between two polyurethane gaskets and two discs rigidly fixed on faceplate, the discs being made of nonferromagnetic material with holes in a circumferential direction. Four permanent magnets with analogous poles oriented inside the guard are fastened on lid and guard of grinding wheel. In discs holes there are permanent magnets fastened with alteration of their poles direction, change of direction of interacting force of discs magnets and magnets of lid with housing upon rotation of grinding wheel is provided. |
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Electromagnetic vibrator of torsional vibrations Vibrator contains the first and the second coaxial multipole magnetic conductors with a gap between their poles. Poles of the first magnetic conductor are provided with exciting coils connected to source of controlled direct-current voltage. Design of the second magnetic conductor provides it rotation by drive motor. In the gap between magnetic conductors with poles there is a cylinder armature with possibility of oscillation about centre is located, on the armature there are its magnetic conductors attached. Armature is attached to vibrating object. |
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Method of protective coat application in hydroacoustic field Invention may be used to increase quality of applying protective, antirust and paint coatings in fluid on steel, concrete or polymer substrate. Proposed method comprises placing substrate and muscle-driven painting unit under water. Said and muscle-driven painting unit comprises acoustic radiator with hydroacoustic shield. Substrate is pre-cleaned of impurities. Substrate surface is subjected to hydroacoustic wave radiation with define acoustic pressure frequency and amplitude. Note here that water is degassed between substrate surface and muscle-driven painting unit working surface and substrate surface is relaxed. Then said and muscle-driven painting unit is sued to apply protective coat. Here, uniform feed of protective composition at pressure is effected on and muscle-driven painting unit working surface. Additional indentation of protective coat into substrate surface is performed at hydroacoustic waves with definite acoustic pressure frequency range. Then, heating and molecular drying at pressure are performed. |
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Invention relates to devices to create cavitation oscillations in fluids and may be used in chemical and food industries, etc, for intensification of various physical, chemical and biological processes. Hydrodynamic disperser comprises case with inlet and outlet branch pipes, loading bin, cavitator fitted at case bottom, grate arranged above cavitator and shaped to concaved spherical surface with nozzles located all over its surface. Note here that water is forced into disperser in pulse mode. Besides, said cavitator may be shaped to concaved sphere with nozzles all over its surface while grate arranged above cavitator is shaped to sphere and located to have loaded substance stay at focus of cavitator surface. |
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Invention relates to ultrasound hardware, particularly, ultrasound vibratory systems to be used in development of medical ultrasound hardware. Proposed system represents a solid of revolution and is composed of two metal straps, reflecting and focusing, arranged one after another and two piezoelectric elements arranged between said straps to be acoustically coupled by coupler. Said piezoelectric elements are shaped to discs. Reflecting strap consists of threaded stop with central bore and disc-shape strap. Focusing strap comprises three sections: first, cylindrical section with flange, second, exponential section, and third, outlet cylindrical section with blank threaded hole to lock waveguide tool. Note that aforesaid coupler is made up of barrel with internal thread and two holes, one round hole made at bottom center and rectangular hole made on barrel side surface. Focusing strap first cylindrical section is threaded to flange to support female-swivel nut. |
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Ultrasound plant for water cleaning and decontamination Invention relates to water treatment devices and may be used in water treatment in the field and as army individual water treatment set. Proposed plant comprises active oscillator built around two elements of micrologic K176"Л"A7. Note here that frequency of signal removed from output DA 1.2 (K176"Л"A7) to come to emitter follower input that doubles as a signal amplifier is adjusted by varistor R1 (22 kOhm) in frequency range of 25-55 kHz. |
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Method and device to generate pressure oscillations in fluid flow Inventions relates to oil production and may be used for increasing recoverable oil. Set of inventions comprises hydro mechanical generator of fluid pressure oscillations in fluid flows by hydro mechanical method. Said method consists in feeding fluid via revolving shaft orifices into fixed sleeve channel. To provide for intermittent fluid flow, axes of channels are aligned while shutting off fluid flow in sleeve channel at preset frequency f is effected by intermittent shifting of shaft channels relative to sleeve channels by revolving shaft at speed ω = f/2n where n is the number of channels in rotating shaft. |
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Invention relates to vibrating appliances and may be used in vibrating units that require sine shape of exciting force. Unbalance vibration exciter comprises cylindrical housing to accommodate drive shaft with cantilever unbalance, and spring. One end of said spring is secured to unbalance point that makes its center of gravity while another end is secured on housing, above unbalance axle. It includes also a guide element made up of a barrel with its bottom secured to housing. Distance from axis of rotation to guide element equals that from said axis to center of gravity of unbalance. Note that spring is arranged inside guide element. Coefficient of spring stiffness is selected proceeding from the condition whereat unbalance static moment and moment the spring acts on unbalance. |
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Device for ultrasonic three-dimensional visualisation and therapy Invention relates to methods and devices for three-dimensional visualisation and therapy. Device contains two-dimensional ultrasonic visualising matrix of converter elements, which has transmitter and receiver of image signals, set of two-dimensional ultrasonic therapeutic matrixes of converter elements, each matrix having transmitter of therapeutic signal. Set of two-dimensional ultrasonic therapeutic matrixes is located in two-dimensional circular space between two concentric circumferences, and their elements are round in shape and are arbitrary distributed throughout therapeutic matrix. Two-dimensional visualising matrix is located inside two-dimensional space of internal circumference from two concentric circumferences, set of two-dimensional matrixes containing different two-dimensional therapeutic matrixes located around visualising matrix on circle. Device also contains controller, made with possibility to control image transmitter and receiver in order to ensure three-dimensional volume images, and simultaneous independent regulation of each of the set of therapeutic transmitters for supply of therapy into volume. Method of delivering ultrasonic therapy into biological tissue in three-dimensional moving or stationary space volume is realised with application of claimed device. |
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Apparatus for exciting ultrasonic waves Invention relates to ultrasonic equipment and can be used for ultrasonic treatment of materials. The apparatus has electromagnetic eddy current inductors (1) connected through thyristor switches (2) with an electrodischarge current source. The electrodischarge current source has a step-up transformer (3), a rectifier (4) and a storage capacitor (5). Control electrodes of the thyristor switches (2) are connected to a commutator switch (6) which is connected to an electric pulse generator (7). |
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Invention relates to ultrasonic devices and can be used in a medical therapeutic or diagnostic system. Disclosed is an ultrasonic device, having an ultrasonic waveguide, an ultrasonic transducer lying at one end of said ultrasonic waveguide and an ultrasonic receiver lying on the other end of said ultrasonic waveguide for receiving said ultrasonic wave. The ultrasonic waveguide has at least one electroconductive section having a first acoustic impedance Z1 and at least one electrically insulating section having a second acoustic impedance Z2. The electroconductive section is acoustically coupled with the electrically insulating section. The electroconductive and electrically insulating sections are assembled alternately. |
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Proposed vibrator serves to intensify various technological processes. Proposed vibrator with drive motor differs from known designs in that it consists of car with four wheels and made up of two parallel rectangular base plates jointed together by four posts, and stationary sprocket fitted at top base plate center and provided with center hole. Said top base plate hole makes holes of said sprocket and said base plate be aligned. It has also reduction gear fitted inside aforesaid car and comprising moving sprocket engaged with said fixed one to make their planes mutually perpendicular. Reduction gear moving sprocket is engaged via shafts and helical gearing with weight on lever. Drive motor housing is rigidly fixed on top base plate while motor moving section is rigidly fixed with reduction gear. Reduction gear rotational axis is out-of-parallel with that of weight of reduction gear with lever. |
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Invention relates to cutting of hard-to-process metals and may be used in finish diamond-abrasive machining, for example, honing of bores. Diamond abrasive tool is driven into swinging motion and reciprocation. Sleeve-like workpiece is clamped by pneumatic diaphragm-type appliance furnished with rubber collar with ribbed inner surface. Additionally, workpiece is driven into low-frequency axial vibrations by hydraulic cylinder with cup-like piston. Aforesaid diaphragm-type appliance is secured on piston face. Helical compression spring is fitted on said piston to return it into extreme bottom position. Piston is driven into initial position by pulsed feed of oil from hydraulic generator communicated via oil lines with hydraulic cylinder. |
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Invention relates to cutting of hard-to-process metals and may be used in finish diamond-abrasive machining, for example, honing of bores. Pneumatic diaphragm-type appliance is arranged atop proposed device to clamp sleeve-like workpiece provided with rubber collar with ribbed inner surface. Hydraulic cylinder with cup-like piston is arranged at device bottom. Aforesaid diaphragm-type appliance is secured on piston face. Helical compression spring is fitted on said piston to return it into extreme bottom position. Piston is driven into initial position by pulsed feed of oil from hydraulic generator communicated via oil lines with hydraulic cylinder. |
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Invention relates to machine building, particularly, to machining of hard-to-machine metals and alloys. Method comprises continuous application of low-frequency and amplitude torsional oscillations to machined billet, said frequency and amplitude matching with grain sizes of diamond abrasive tool. Device is used with its case top provided with washer made from antifriction material that doubles as antifriction bearing and rectangular plate is arranged to support workpiece. Bracket is arranged on bottom face of said plate and rigidly connected with waveguide incorporated with mechanism of impulse-oscillatory loading of billets made up of hydraulic pulse generator. Hammer of the latter is arranged to act on waveguide to generate the plate crosswise oscillations. To orient motion in horizontal plane, helical compression spring of pulse loading mechanism is used to return plate with workpiece, bracket and waveguide after hammer impact into initial position. |
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Device for vibration needle hobbing Invention relates to machine building and may be used for deflashing, chamfering and planar machining at milling, multiposition and hybrid machine tools. Proposed device comprises case with its bottom to be secured to machine table and its top to support billets to be machined. Round plate is fitted on said washer by flexible and rigid rings and provided with dead hole to receive rotor journal to run in bearing. Said journal is offset relative to main journals. The latter run in bearings of rotary air engine rotor. Stator is arranged at case center and provided with chamber to feed compressed air acting on rotor vanes. |
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Method of vibration needle hobbing Invention relates to machine building and may be used for deflashing, chamfering and planar machining at milling, multiposition and hybrid machine tools. Proposed method comprises revolving needle cutter and feeding workpiece in lengthwise and crosswise directions per every double stroke of machine tool table. Workpiece is additionally subjected to torsional vibrations by device with its case top provided with washer made from antifriction material that doubles as antifriction bearing. Round plate is fitted on said washer by flexible and rigid rings and provided with dead hole to receive rotor journal to run in bearing. Said journal is offset relative to main journals. The latter run in bearings of rotary air engine rotor. Stator is arranged at case center and provided with chamber to feed compressed air acting on rotor vanes. |
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Ultrasonic piezoceramic transducer Invention relates to ultrasonic equipment and specifically to piezoceramic transducers, and can be used in designing novel acoustic systems as well as in existing equipment based on piezoceramic transducers. The ultrasonic piezoceramic transducer has a pack of piezoceramic plates with a metallic insert in between and tied up by a connecting piece between frequency-reducing pads. The total length of the transducer is equal to the wavelength of the rated frequency of ultrasonic oscillations and the maximum diameter of the metallic insert must not be greater than a third of the wavelength of its operating frequency. The metallic insert is made from high-density material, based on the condition of its maximum wave resistance, and the frequency-reducing pads are made from material with minimum possible density, therefore having low wave resistance. |
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Apparatus for producing active effect on secure water body intruders Invention relates to hydroacoustics and can be used in systems for producing active effect on intruders of secure water bodies and surface facilities.The technical result is achieved due to that in said device, having a surface module with an electric power source, a cable line, a connecting device, an underwater module having a linear part in form of an electrodynamic inductor with a radiating disc inside a sealed housing, a pulse-generating unit with a charger, an energy accumulator and a discharge current switch, wherein the pulse-generating unit is located inside the sealed housing of the underwater module with an accumulator, connected to the charger in form of series-connected discharge current switch, voltage converter, high-voltage step-up transformer and rectifier, wherein the surface module is fitted with an accumulator charger, charge and discharge current switch control units, connected through a cable line, respectively, to the accumulator, charge current switch and discharge current switch, wherein the connecting device is in form of a sealed cable connector. |
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In loud-speaker system, drive and method of loud-speaker driving loud-speaker element is used which is connected by metal piece with memory device; it is made as portable electronic device and there is power supply unit that supplies power to metal piece with memory device. Metal piece with memory device can apply force to loud-speaker element when power is supplied to metal piece with memory device. |
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Impulse-oscillatory device for flat grinding Invention relates to machine building, particularly, to machining of hard-to-machine metals and alloys. Proposed device comprises case with its bottom to be secured to machine table and its top to support billets to be machined. Electromagnetic rectangular plate is flexible arranged on strips from antifriction material atop said case to support billets. Bracket is arranged on bottom face of said plate and rigidly connected with waveguide incorporated with mechanism of impulse-oscillatory loading of billets made up of hydraulic pulse generator. Hammer of the latter is arranged to act on waveguide to generate the plate crosswise oscillations. Guide plates with adjusting screws are used to orient plate in horizontal direction. Mechanism of pulse-oscillatory loading is provided with screw coil compression spring to return plate with billets, bracket and wave guide into initial position. |
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Ultrasonic piezoceramic transducer Invention relates to ultrasonic hardware and may be used for intensification of processes in fluids in machine building, electronic engineering, instrument making, nuclear engineering, etc. Proposed transducer comprises case with radiating membrane fitted in casing through hole, one transmitter with its waveguide welded to said casing to dampen bending vibrations. Note here that transmitter and waveguide are made from titanium for use in aggressive media. In case several transmitters are fitted in casing, the distance between them is selected equal to, preferably, one third of ultrasonic vibration wavelength. |
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Method to increase velocity of thrown body in process of firing Method is based on reduction of friction forces during movement of a thrown body in a barrel. During firing, a pulse of acoustic oscillations of high capacity is sent to a barrel in direction of a vector of a maximum component of thrown body movement velocity, with duration T determined from the following ratio: T>L/V+dT, where L - barrel length; V - averaged muzzle velocity of a thrown body; dT - time to anticipate feeding a pulse, action of which stops after a body flies out of a barrel. |
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Test method and bench of hydromechanical generator of pressure oscillations in fluid flow Test method of operability of hydromechanical generators and bench for objective evaluation of wave action of pressure oscillations on oil displacement from productive formation model is described. Method consists in pumping of the whole volume of displacement fluid through the main line of the bench, in which there installed in series is oscillation generator with electric drive, productive formation model with oil content and graduated measuring cylinder for collection of additional amount of displaced oil. Method allows carrying out the tests of flow-through hydrodynamic generators of pressure oscillations in fluid flow, and interruption of fluid pumping through generator shall be performed by means of electric drive. The new feature is pumping of the whole volume of displacement fluid through the interrupting generator assembly. The bench includes the following: forced fluid supply system, main line with pressure sensors and pressure pulsations; pressure oscillation generator and model of productive formation, which represents hollow cylinder filled with porous medium containing residual oil; in the main line of the bench there installed in series is pressure oscillation generator and formation model, and pressure oscillation generator has electric drive which is connected through reduction gear to the shank of rotating shaft; at that, formation model is installed horizontally. |
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Mode of excitation of resonant mechanical oscillations Invention refers to vibration equipment and can be used to excite mechanic oscillations at the resonant frequencies. It is proposed to ensure elastic mounting of masses in two orthogonally related directions along ox, oy axis, to adjust oscillating system setting effective own frequencies of, correspondingly, rolling bodies and masses and effective resonant angular spin rate of rotors (calculation formula provided). The invention also considers the cases of progressive oscillation masses excitement along the elliptic trajectory and along circular lines. |
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Invention relates to cutting of hard-to-process metals and may be used in finish diamond-abrasive machining, for example, honing of bores. Proposed device comprises body and hone holders accommodating diamond external abrasive hones. Sleeve-like body is rigidly fixed on spindle mandrel and provided with bored cylindrical holes arranged along its periphery to accommodate reciprocating plungers. Every plunger is equipped with pivot arranged at its center to support rocker with coil compression springs to create radial operating pressure of hone holder on machined surface. Plungers with rockers and bar holders are subjected to lengthwise vibrations by compressed air feed through manifold and channel in pulley hub into cylinder head section. There are orifices provided to release compressed air into atmosphere and compression spring is arranged at cylinder bottom. Plunger goes down unless cylinder cross section is aligned with said orifice and is forced up by compressed spring. Plunger vibration frequency is controlled by pulley rpm. |
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Invention relates to cutting of hard-to-process metals and may be used in finish diamond-abrasive machining, for example, honing of bores. Honing is performed by device comprising body and diamond abrasive hones that reciprocate and rotate. Sleeve-like body is rigidly fixed on spindle mandrel and provided with bored cylindrical holes along its periphery. Said holes accommodate plungers to reciprocate therein. Every plunger is equipped with pivot arranged at its center to support rocker with coil compression springs to create radial operating pressure of hone holder on machined surface. Plungers with rockers and bar holders are subjected to lengthwise vibrations by compressed air feed through manifold and channel in pulley hub into cylinder head section. Plunger goes down unless cylinder cross section is aligned with said orifice and is forced up by compressed spring. Plunger vibration frequency is controlled by pulley rpm. |
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Proposed vibrator is used with vibration screens or other appliances exploiting linear, circular or elliptic motions for screening, classifying, transfer, etc. Proposed vibrator comprises bearing housing attached to device sidewall to house two bearings fitted in symmetry with central line (CL), shaft running in said bearings and having inner extension and outer extension extending beyond said housing. First and second counterweight are fitted on aforesaid shaft inner and outer extensions. Said counterweight have first and second different eccentric masses M1, M2, first and second radial overhangs R1, R2, first and second distances L1, L2 from housing CL. Aforesaid bearing housings feature the sixes that said counterweights create equal loads on bearings and equalised bending moments on the device sidewall. Third counterweight is secured to second counterweight to be selectively detached therefrom and has third eccentric mass M3 supported level with housing CL to allow appropriate change of total eccentric mass of vibrator (V) without varying equilibrium of load distribution on bearings. |
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Pneumatic generator of oscillations in honing Invention relates to cutting of hard-to-process metals and may be used in finish diamond-abrasive machining, for example, honing of bores. Pneumatic generator comprises case rigidly fixed on spindle and diamond-abrasive bar holders arranged outside. Said case has holes bored in lengthwise direction along its periphery to accommodate spring-loaded plungers reciprocating therein. Every plunger has a hinge at its center with rocker supporting helical coil compression springs on its ends to load bar holder to machined surface. Plungers with rockers and bar holders are subjected to lengthwise vibrations by compressed air feed through manifold and channel in pulley hub into cylinder head section. There is a bore to release compressed air into atmosphere in plunger down travel. Also, plunger vibration frequency may be adjusted by pulley rpm. |
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Device for creation of pulse mode of loading actuating elements of process machines Device for creation of pulse mode of loading actuating elements of process machines consists of case 1, of piston 2 with rod 3 and of generator of vibrations connected with cover 5. The generator of vibrations is installed in cartridge 8 coaxial to piston 2 and rod 3. The generator of vibrations is connected to membrane 9 rigidly set between cartridge 8 and cover 5. |
Another patent 2513467.
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